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Port Perry Star, 28 Apr 1915, p. 7

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ess in a o '800d ald tase. A Ly ih ther' iniment can' do the work | 1 So that 'huming phone kly, can penetrate so deeply, |: wires fastened tos Bouse will be les-( can bring ease and comfort to the | (YANGER, TUMORS LUMPS. {Shires tn samen cy adorn. the | variably soc" "0 Nervine In| oft 'Wires in cement cyl the In: } -does. wt ul ces of which are softer than| Backache isn't the only malady -- ha of = : i Dorviline 1a Sulsk to out. For lum- 9 & test the strength of newly in-|bago or sciatica you would go far to g : |ve 'automobile' inner, | At was find relief so speedy as Nerviline d xf used. to tow a street car a trac- [ glves. For chronic rheumatism. there |. ol' | Je tion engine in 4 California city and it|are pain-destroying properties in Ner-|- ] .| withstood a strain -esimated at seven |viline that give it first rank. The way he ih tons, £¥ 0g it limbers up a stiff joint and takes Economy of fuel consumption in [soreness out of strained or rheumatic steamships often requires the mixing | mugcles is simply a wonder, of two or more kinds of coal, and an| If you have an ache or a pain any- Englishman has invented a coaling where, if you have a sore back, a stiff barge that mixes goal as it delivers it | neck, a stiff Joint, a strainéd muscle-- into a bunker. 2 RE If you have lumbago, congested chest hag ; i "| An eastern raflrcad has built a ma-|or sore throat, just try Nerviline. i Ron eRe oo i i ir | chine operated by compressed air that| Rub it on plentifully--it won't bHs- ess of the Soldiers concen- rh ; t| loads two cars at once with steel rails | ter, it can't do anything but cure you (trated along ithe frontier fo . it Ei {or unloads them and places the rafls| quickly: The large b0c. family size action is so great that their officers): cat bu : pap ready for laying at a rate of four a|bottle is the most economical, of 'ate compelled to hold them ¢ y.| med: at 1 ? min 5 : : course, but you can, from any dealer, "lin ho for fear of disturbingly Wi:0 8 ed| The Russian government has been |also get the 26c. small size of Nervi- order. mcidente | Treurbin8l this by euring purities | COLVinCed by a mumber of Swiss eri. line, the king of all Dainrelieving re. | bord, -dneidents. 2 lt eyes strain : ampurities | gineers that it is perfectly feasible to | medtes, badly run |' In view of the extensive prepara- ub of the blood: That means plire | hore a sixteen-mile tunnel through, || tions which have been made the | blood and new health all ¢ er the the Caucasus Mountains to' join festion a kod hiner enter body. : LA : Caspian. seas. She--I gave Rover one of my le' the war. Men in' a position' ta| A SQUARE DEAL. : doughnuts to-day, and what do you ym- | Speak with authority say 'that a 3 ---- : SICKLY CHILDREN ET suppose he did with it? : fiajority of ths people prefer 'and| In any organization so large as PROMPILY CURED e--l don't know. Did he eat it? e i A Base Libel. ¥ P00 ; Government still hopes to ob-| that of the C.P.R:, where under She--No! Really? And: yet they Bold by oD medicine dealers or by| tain - territorial concessions. from | normal conditions over 100,000 em- Baby's Own Tablets are an ideal |™ dogs have no reasoning powers. * fail 8t 50 cents u box or six boxeq| Austria without a rupture of triend- Bloyees re 2 {ie papell, one medicine. for little omes. They Jarrah trees in the Australian Just a Scratch ! as ions. reat blem is that of keepi t for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams ly relations. ' : gre FH redo ok done regulate the bowels wand stomach forests grow to a height of 120 feet ; | UT it needs looking after. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. : FETA mic, part of a living organization | 20d Promptly cure constipation, | po i trees to 200 feet, Carbolated "Vaseline" will phat er Mere D f th N 0 ] Cl 3 y ) and not of a Swng Taal indigestion, cold and simple fevers, help it to heal quickly and prevent FLIERS. Nor MEANT For wax. Death Nearly Claimed and hot 8 here macht wid p= {xpel worms, cure colic, and give "sek of infection. First id rea. Nod us Ba rm Te we ; 4 ing. Just 'as e soldier: of Na ¥. appiness, n- ment wit! Zeppelin Did Not Originally Intend |. Lad 3 avery cerning them Mrs. Fred VanGor- Ces '- Them for Fighting, Ki New Brunswick " ly peleon ed 5 fod Barshal's der, Dunaville, Ont, writes: "I CARBOLATED = geet, Seve years ago, the. first Was Restored to Her Anxious: Fam-| office boy in the Company must feel have used Baby's Sun Tablets for . . DE ae a Ears Wien: Hows. Had ees Loe so Sore pany ii pio | mY four dhlldven and fd they alt Soil aseline feet, William II. saluted thie inven- a Doe. TER merely earn his dollar a day till| "Ve, Bive pe Ph: | I was very sick with Quinsy and "tor "with the words: ~, ~~. . | St John, N.B, Dee, 16thi--At ond ension day. One system intro-| .n° Tablets are sold by medicine | thought I. would sirmrgioi ins and Avacths : halite th J: of the| time it feared that Mrs. J. Grant, » RD By lies 'with | déalers or by mail at 25 cents a ADS LINIMENT aud I} cured me Made in Canada .. of 8 White St. would succumb to the | Suced ST Bag. pom once .| box' from The Dr. Williams' Medi- |** °"¢ $f hover without. it now. "i ot. eiletivo-aiiischic devoted deadly ravages of advanced kidney | this in 1 pro 2 ng cine Co., Brockville, Ont, . MBG. C. D, PRINCE, 5 is a iis tive Repti trouble, "My: attacks of back. | ly efficient. Each superintendent > Nauwigewauk, Oct, 21st, ressing for cuts, rules, boils, o ache and kidney trouble began years, or foreman or héad of a depart- --- . and skin irritations of Si Winde, ho. | 280: - For Bix years that dull. gnawing ment makes. two reports & year on Some System, : pe ihe Aoncon (ind wy palit has been present. When I ex-| his staff. Bright.men are thue ear- : think of h » erted myself it was terribly intensified. | marked for special promotion. 1f| Rankin--What do you think o AVOID SUBSTITUTES. tna on Vue It T caught cold the. pain was unen- any man is criticized the re] ig| the plan of giving cabaret patrons CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO., durable. I used most everything, but shown to him and initialed gh little hammers with which to pound - . Consolidated. For wie at ll Chemists ani Rothing gave that certain gratetul re:| jefe It gous" 16. Wannipos.. Ho 9B iho tables for applause] ~~. | =: "i An Reonomy. or etbulla vit -| Hef | ime. from Dr. Hamilton's | °° nd ¥ ha yle--1It is an extremely ingeni-| | _ - sai | Pills poh sndrgko'ana. Buernut, In ote fi Juare deal, and st h has 'ous method of turning a knock into No money, fo trunks," said the CHESEBROUGH MFG CoO. stead. "bh eng. i A £ Js A a ein ' 2 : 2 irate landlord. 'If you don't pay Consolidated) © . 'today 'I am strong, enjoy splendid [80 that mo such criticism can be [a boost. our board bill, we hold your 1880 CHABOT AVE. MONTREAL appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper-| made twice. Then n there are ' ks till do? . : led into + i : ' bs runks till you do. | ties have been instilled into my blood | in ndent scouts, looking for the : Granulated Eyelids, |" wd : Dedbroke. | Tm tehes, so as to observe.the mover _oheeks are rosy. with: color, and I| bright men, the tidy station agent, | ore Eyes inflimed by ex Ly did me sd eth of Contributory Negligence. ments of fleets or hostile armies; thank that day that I heard of 80 grand | the courteous trainman, the man | sureto Sus, Dustand Wind on these thi mi . | Mrs' Phatpurrs--Perey Bargoolt "but not for active participation ina medicine as Dre Hamilton's Pills." | cool io an emergency, the inventive uickly relieved by Murine | storage on these By-by. old man ps | marfied? Taken in by a designing SESrations. of war." id aciuaint 3 oman should hee hisse pills} mechanic, the stenographer whol e JeRenedy No Sus : til next season. By-by, old man parlor maid] How shooking | X Count Zeppelin is an old acquain- because good health. pays, | agp ' flice . 3 Mrs. Stufdrol--Deserves it, I say. : = for Fraiice. On July 20, 1870, {and it's good, vigorous health that ts By the of ® When te chief Jour Dog st's SOc per ode Murine Eye | Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. rs. Stuidrol--Deserves say Hamilton', 25¢. For BeokeftheFyeFreeask at Ought to have looked up her refer- when war was declared, he and [comes to all who use Dr. Ron's 31 for merit ofl fob. for faults. ists or Marius Eye Remedy Co., Chicage | Errand Boy to Emploger--I | ences before he hired hor ; Mandrake 3d, Spiemw P i er. the whale 'sy stem of | the : ' "t | wish tb leave at the end of the Bek up p : Canadian Pacific ideas and suggess| muiara's Liniment T berman's Friend. k?"! Empl -- 'Why do you "Just That. (HAVE MOVIES AY THE FRONT. | ions made by employees are nof' ' ; -- : on to 108s 27 Tha ro en Johnny--What is an expert, pa? py ik 4 . -only welcomed; but 211" Boxing is now one of the sub- | satisfied with your work."" "So I| Pa--A fellow who tells others how -| British Soldiers Enjoy Bath and Tokion, he y & tement of the |iects of physical instruction in the | am," replied the boy, "but I don t.| to do the things he can't do himself, ". Pictures in Rest Periods. Ryo Te atx attached to| State schools of Australia. like doing a horse out of a job. Xevh Minurd's biatmast 15. We house J "The British at the front are[the suggostion before i is con. | smm-------- a -------------- et od "| nearly all devotees of the 'movies' | sidered a committee. "Tf the "| and now they have a picture palace | idea is dopted the record of the | 'of their own. It is:situated in 'the | employee's career is then before the v which is the eyes of the powers that be, and h ua of 'the; Fecoftition ia sure to follow. Thel. | : sion 'and it is ded { Qeedle in the tack is easy ' ; HE NEW PERFECTION A with soldie i e ) , With a magnet, and 1] { the, trenches, Tr © {there are a dozen magnets looking 7 HANI £ : Oil Cookstove, for years > village j¢ a-browery ok for ; iE oP jibe 200,000 enn J; * = 'manufactured in the Uhited {fitted up as a bath house. The a pte ea : Y States, is now made in Canada, thing the 'after issuing from | oo : Gili ST ; : . ; : ae vata and putting on Cure poe 1ON The Perfection Stove Company, C1 fresh clothes Js.%0 Sock to the ple- [0 iN 3 3 ZX Ltd.,'at Sarnia, Ont., is manufac- Bow Hae Jook k Nam Bi ye lo i Ya we ut Suing these Stovel fon disibution i Ab first Slums wore obtained at, puinintNours Is y The Imperial Oil Company, } 2 is and , healing; | Breat expense from Paris and the s SO pei » by ¢ Ltd., throughout"the Dominion. vie operators be- + out. No-remedy 80 i - | Afterward one of ths | Huck, safé and sure ss Putnam's Palo; ; The NEW PERFECTION is cies A Jost. Corn _SXtmator, parr : the best-known and most-liked oil ob Bim and p: te Ea : stove in the world. Over 2,000,000 AN APPRECIABLE SIT de RE. sce mia iA $1 Bow 3, ute vit joniey 51d : Appeal for Maple: 'and Sugar ra . labor for their users and keeping 1 ne rhgfen ig ty. = | gf peste kitchens clean and comfortable. [hae dont an gent mo tv 3. $0 |. The NEW PERFECTION NE / "NOW SERVING 2,000,000 HOMES" - [has se 4 ; o- | H: Grimm,' who i6. well known in NR GE ; brings gas stove conveniences to ~ | the maple' syrup -- for a} : = : 3 the i It lights like donation of syeap and sugar for}. 'BIH Nw cooks like gas. 1, 2, 3, and 4 lett Colonel ~ "burner sizes. Ask your dealer to show you a NEW PERFECTION Oil Cook-~' stove--made at Sarnia, Ont., by Canadian workmen. If he can't supply you, write us direct. ROYALITE OIL GIVES BEST RESULTS THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Se Limited cred BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES =

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