_ tweeds. - Choice of raglan set in or drop sleeve. The colors are: : Belgium blue, Tipperary . green, tan, and navy and white check. These coats sold at from $8.00 to $10.00 Price to clear $5.00 HINGS FOR THE HOE | i WHITE HONEYCOMB SPREADS CUSHION COVERS COMPLETE ATTING, 26 YARD Many different desigus in Japanese matting in Price 2c | Size 76 inches x 96 inches Ee Whie Honeycomb. Bed spreads, specially imported i extra size, pretty conventional patterns hemmed ends Price $1.50 _ PRINTED MADRAS MUSLIN, 15 YD. Cushion covers made up ready to put form in, Size 18 x 22 inches, material is cretonne in an assorted floral designs with fringed ends. Each 35¢ 25< CUSHION TOPS FOR 19: Cushion Tops made of heavy felt, 18 inches - Madras Curtain Muslin, 36 inches: wide, plain _ ¢ream centre with printed border in floral or scroll . patterns. Per yard 15¢ BUNGALOW NET We carry a big stock of of ~fancy curtain nets and laces, in white, cream, and ecru, width-36 to 45 in. plain; or scolloped edge. Per yd 1c, 25c, 36c, 50c, and 65c. square with water and cave scenes painted on, Colors: Brown, Blpe, Red. Regular 25¢. Sale price I9¢ FANCY CHINTZ DRESSER SCARF Dresser scarfs with centre of fancy chintz cre- tonnes, border to match with deep lace edge. Size 18 x 48 inches. Colors pink or sky. Price 65¢ FILLET DRESSER SCARFS, 75c Dresser Scarfs with centre of white Fillet Jace, woven in dainty medallion patterns and bor- dered with heavy cluny lace. Size 18 % 45 in, Price 75¢ | or red mixtures. 36 inches. wide. Per yard 25¢ 11 ? rr ps | FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, $1.65 p || Flannelette Blankets, double bed size, made of best i _ quality flanneleite in white or grey. Red or blue ! borders oJ Per pair $1.65 || FANGY CHINTZ COMFORTERS, $1.50 1 set comboriers with - cover of fancy red chintz, | pefect fast colors with Gling of sélect. cotton, well | awited Size5x6feet Price $1.50 _ LACE CURTAINS Our Spring showing of lace curtains contains some new designs at extraordinary value. Our main busi- * mess is done in curtains from $1.00 pr. to $2.00 pr. k and we have some pretty patterns at these prices. . McINTYRE fn || GRAND OPENING SALE | CLOSES MONDAY, MAY 10 COME EARLY and GET THE LOW PRICED GOODS MEN! Look at these Money Saving Prices: Regular NOW Men's Blue Serge Suits, $10.00 --$ 6.98 Men's Blue Serge Suits, 12 00 8.48 Men's Blue Serge Suits, 18.00 -- 12.48 Men's Blue Serge Suits, 20.00 -- 14.98 Men's FancyWorst'd Suits 15.00 -- 10.98 Men's Tweed Suits 12.00 7.48 |. Men's Fancy Spring Suits 18.00 -- 12.98 'Boys' Blue Serge Suits ~~ 7.00 -- , 4,98 | Boys' Tweed Suits 6.00 -- 438 . Men's Blue Serge Pants = 2.50 -- 1.58 - Men's Tweed Pants 175 ~ 1.28 NOW 2.48 48 .69 38 69 43 07 Regular Men'sWorsted Pants $ 3.50 Men's Fc'y Negligee Shirts .75 Men's Ec'y Negligee Shirts 1.00 Men's Underwear 50 Men's Underwear ~ 1,00 Men's Fancy Ties 15 Men's Colored Handkerchiefs Men's Linen Handkerchiefs 04 Men's Black Socks a1 Men's Black Cashmere Socks 19 Men's Ties, regular 25¢. and 35¢ for 19c. Sa Men's and Boy's Boots and Shoes at Reduced Prices 1 Goods are not Satisfactory, they will be taken back, and Money Refunded Latest Style and Strictly Firgt-Class and Give You More r Your Money DON'T DELAY