"Voile is easily' ost ult fabric 'for summer wash ~. dresses. \. Every .indication: points to a heavy sale of this "material, we have several dif- ferent weaves. There is the ain voile at 85¢ yd., then we ave rice voile at 50¢ yd. with. crepe finish. - his is made up "sometime in combinations with 'knop voile which has a small crossbar pattern, and'sells for + b0c yard, , New Shipment of ~~ Whitewear In a naw shipment of whitewear which came to hand Monday are a number of néw styles in white' dresses. Orie dress is made of A La Grace Corsets a varied selection of ~ sty showing the new grey and wh Stripes and plaids. Sheer white muslin in fancy stitch made up in one piece style, open- ing down tront. Waist is trimm- ed with two rows of cluny inser- Every well dressed woman understands the importance of a good fitting corset. It makes or mars the appearance of a tion. Skirt has plain yoke fin- ished to bottom full. Lili Price $3.75 Lae Another very, stylish model is made up ts $1 g 'in one piece style of fine white voile, dress > closes down front, has low turndown collar and cuffs of corded voile. The. waist is trimmed at each side with cluster of tucks and embroidered motif. Skirt has a plain stylish costume. We have carried the A la Grace corsets exclusively for years and they have given perfect safisfaction 25 different models to choose from. They are made in light or heavy weight coutil in style to suit every figure, Prices $1.00 to $3.00 HRT " 5 5 ~ Thisdine of shirts represent the . Style first idea.. "The patterns Hig re miler = The , best yoke hemstitched at bottom, with bottom Fi Ines, out the clo part of skirt gathered in with fullness, * not so geod. Sizes : : ~ « _ Price $4.25 for 15 Days, Saturday, May 5, ending Saturday, May 3 . There is one thing sure, it will be many moons before the same values mn fabrics will be offered to you again; and bear in mind these lines are not made for Sale purposes, - but are selected from our new [Spring stock, and have our full standard of quality in every garment EE endo by Te I Regular 'NOW Regular NOW | Men's Blue Serge Suits, $10.00 --$ 7.48 Men'sWorsted Pants + $§ 4.00 -- 2.98 Men's Blue Serge Suits, 1200 -- 8.48 Men's Fc'y Negligee Shirts .75 -- 48 2 ue Serge Suits, 18.00 -- 12.48 Men's Fc'y Negligee Shirts 1.00 -- 69 = Blue Serge Suits, 20.00 -- 14.98 Men's Underwear S038 Men's-FancyWorst'd Suits 15.00 -- 11.98 Men's Underwear 1.00 -- . .69 'weed Suits | 00 -- 7.48 Men's Fancy Ties 75 43 Spring Suits 18.00 -- 12.98 Men's Colored Handkerchiefs 07 erge Suits 7.00 -- 498 Men's Linen Handkerchiefs 04 e800 -- 438 Men's Black Socks dr 8 Serge Pants -- 1.58 Men's Black Cashmere Socks 23 eed Pants 1.% - 1.28 Men's Ties, regular 35c. and 50c for 23c. ed. Pants, regular $2.50, for $1.98 Men's Suspenders, reg. 50c, for 25c - and. Shoes and Raincoats at Similar Prices ill be taken back, and atest Style and. Strictly ., $st-Class = .' > = Se