Lh bin, $7.00 Helivered; 5 BO< : Set bie TG, oi kB 1 PeaCpal vo 0006 wo BBO Orchard glararitees every pound of Goal he sells. Ite; "is the best coal on the market, not mi xed 'with "in= - ferior coal---properly screened, i and inspected Orchard the Coal 'Man Mr. S. Graham is our local agent and samples of our monuments may be seen at onr premises, Perry St, Port Perry. Prices and styles will 'be shown on application to Mr. Graham at the Post Office, x Big Sale of Laundry Soap We have received from Armor & Co., Chicago, a sample case of 6 good laundry soaps, and one case Armour's Cleanser All must go this week at prices you cannot afford to miss GET A QUARTER'S WORTH Hammer Soap, 6 bars for 25c. Big Ben (large 12 oz cake) 4 for 25¢. No better soap to be had, try it. The Fair 1 1b. tins Cleanser, 2 for 1bc. Woodchuck Soap, 8 bars for 26¢ Sail Soap, 7 bars for 2c, Rose & Co THREE THINGS MAKE COLUMBIA RECORDS "The most delightful in all the World The Artists Reproductive Qualities AH artists of note seek to have Columbia Records excel for Columbia Records perpetuate clanty, volume: and : 'sweetness gheir fame. of tone, and durabitity of mat- From Grand Opera Stars like eral, Mary Garden 3 and Zenstells to. They Fea made, ing virtuosi as Ysaye-aod, and Pale Casale. From en- if carefully used. .'sextainers like Billy Williams, Listen to a Columbia gad com- originator of ot Tipperary, ak mare it with any Ln Rend, Cunliffe i" 0, e " choice fame. All tar ry per and your y ays weal themselves on Columbia Records. Their Price ni % Columbia Records cost no moe than others. But every. columbia Record is a double-disc and will piay on any machine. You can get them aslow as Bbc or as mu as $7.50. But no matter what you pay, the Columbia 2 Record at that price is better value that any other record. Go, see yahd hear Columbia Grafonolas and Records at a GEO. K, DAVEY, Agents Star Office, | Wilson's. lasting, ; 11.00 am and 1.00 | by Rev. "W.. Eliott, On Monday a tea and given in the churef 3 1 bas again enteredo our midst and taken one of our number in the person of Ardelia Costello, beloved wife of Mr. Edward Moles. Deceased had been sick but a a few P hours, and despite skilful 'medical aid and tender nursing the final call came |» Mrs. Moles bad only in the neighborhood since February, having foved here with ber husband, from the 3rd concession of Reach, during that time she had by ber un assuming sorrowing husband, the age the sisters, brothers and friends the sympathy of the communityis extend: ed. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Toronto, spent the week end at Mr. W. H. Mr. Wilson is soon to leave with the third overseas conting- ent. ! Mr. R. Hortop, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. W. R. Kent was 1n_ Montreal last week with a car of stock. Owing to the ® inclement weather on Sunday, the Evangelistic meetings were not as largely attended a as form- erly. Mrs. Button of Oshawa, has been visiting friends here. 'CARD OF THANKS-Mr. Edward Moles takes this opportunity of thank ing his friends and neighbolirs for their expression of sympathy in 'his bereavement. ho Messrs Bert and Lorne: Duff met with an accident recently that: might have proved fatal, had it not been for timely assistance which was rendered them. As they were driving into the village they met a motor, truck load of household effects, and the horse be: came unmanageable, causing the buggy to turn turtle, the horse running some distance before it was caught. Fortunately the boys escaped with a severe shaking up, but the outfit was badly damaged. £ Prince Albert, i 'Toronto, motored here fast weak, called at the parsonage. ! Cuthbertson and_ fi Ad arrived at their 4 which they. bought from Mr. Campbell. Their. household goods were 'brought from Brantords th Mr. John Jeffrey and family enjoying their new Ford car, Mrs. Totten has been visiting daughter at 'Cannington. : On Thursday, Mr. 'Robt. J. E: Monish, Sec'y of Dr. A C. Crews 288 fara of} al cr the frost will be val le. Bos pared for this service. Rév. J. W. Totten visited his boy: hood home Tottenham last week. A sister there has been quite ill. ; Grand Demonstration The fifth annual celebration of the] King's Birthday, under the auspices 223, will be held in: Port Perry, Thursday, June 8. devoted to patriotic purposes. Motor Cycle Racing, od Canada's fastest professional ian devils. Baseball Tournament Ist Prize $85.00 2nd Prize $15.00 For further list of athletic évents see small bills and posters: Port Perry Citizen's Band © in attendance Grand Concert in the evening when the following Pearl O'Neil, reader and entertainer; Miss Edith: M, Parker, Contralto Soloist; 'Mr. Eddie Pigott; "Singing Comedian and Impersonator, Duncan R. Cowan, Concert Entertainer. Be sure and hear these noted' artists. Admission 50¢, 35¢. Plan at Byers Drugstore. Admission to "grounds, - alk 28¢, children 15c,, grand stand 10¢: W. S. McKinley, Chairman of Com. | W. C. Ingram; Treasurer of Com. are guaranteed to appear at these! lf races. 'Don't raiss seeing these dare: h high class talent will take part, Miss | King Edward Lodge, 1 0 L.oNo ah A percentage of the profits will be|ff! Many years experience enables us to give you expert and un- prejudiced advice Soncerniog your eyes... "FB. LUKE. Bat 70 YONGE ST; a. 1 ya 2 Stns of ™ Division Courts NTY OF ONTARIO =~ 1916 : 1 Whitey caiClerk, Miss EL Sach A Prey rah 2 tole 0% % Nov. 2 Der. 3 van.