Buy your r Coal Now Lets us fill your bin for wittér, W. our Coal to be nothing but D. L. & ton Coal, he Sndud 3 Anthracite' Mr. S. Graham is our loca] agent and samples of our mppuments may Me. Tov To diff spent Dominion fx be seen at onr premises, Perry St, Day with friends at a. : Port Perry. Prices and styles will : be shown on application to Mr. . Graham at the Post Office, 'Mr, and Mrs. H: L. Gilson of Toronto, spent the week ond at Mr. ROSE & CcO The Fair A. Gillson's. { Mrs. Di Kennedy of Lindsa Galvanized Pails and Tubs : Fens ig Pan on 7 We cannot -buy these goods to-day at the prices out stock is marked at on account of the ; big advance in the price of spelter of which Miss , Vida Moase hd galvanized goods aré made. In a short . time : you will pay doub fe a : Jos you will pay dou le or more.--Moral 3) pls > Ty he a of BUY NOW AT THE OLD PRICES Pleasant Point ast week | | Rose & Co ~~ The Fair on Ghar} in Toronto this week. Newmarket o on Sunday, Mrs, Helen Moage of is visiting her son Me C. visited friends'in Markham last » We Mrs, Rodman of Newinarket, visiting her daughter Mis. King: Mrs, Edward "Bradburn of Jan ville spent the. holiday at Mr, § Western's, 5 Made in Canada "Mr, and Mrs. Jobn Clark, Sal . Pike spent Sunday'at Mr. Aaron Gillso A Magnificent New List of foe Hane = Columbia Patriotic Records|..; |: Rev, Mrs kaso L. Beaton, W. MeCally, of W Only 85¢ Each or Font -- ag og Pleass Two Selections on each Record : Ym Come and hear them. They are simply mag- ; Manchester pe nificient. Every one recorded in England. | Thi Womat's 'Missionary 'Soc of Manchester are having a s THEY WILL PLAY 'ON YOUR MACHINE service on Sunday evening. Jub 1 Hear Violet Loraine sing the roising song [at 7.80. Miss: Morton, Evangelidh| "Three Cheers for Little Belgium." {from Toronto, will give an address Gi] 5 2 ; |The Four Commandments of Three Cheer tor Lite Belgium - P39 ; Come On. You Boys/of of London Town Fe Our 'Empire. Part 1 Our Empire. Part 2 British Boy Bugle Calls, Part 1