"Mr James Balfour, Toronto, has been visiting frien"s in town. Mr and Mrs H C. Nasmith have returned from their tsip to New York, "Thelittle daughter of Mr and Mrs. "Murray, at the Club House, fell from a chair, and broke her arm. We are pleased to be able to state that the «child is doing nicely. Mr. Gowans, editor of the Usbridge Journal was in town on Saturday last. 'Special music will be rendered by 'the Methodist choir, assisted by out- side talent, next Sunday evening. Rey. Mr. Rogers will give the third of his series of twenty minute talks on Peter. These talks (five in all) are clear and convincing Gospel messages, each complete in itselt, They are thor- oughly. enjoyed ' by those who are privileged to hear them. The members of the Methodist Choir took a trip last Wednesday « afternoon to Washburn's Island and Caeserea. Rain fell most of the afternoon, but the outing was much enjoyed. Mr and Mrs Robt. Evans, Mr and Mrs Argue, and Miss Wilhemine Evans motored to town from Toronto last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carey, Miss Helen Carey, and Mrs Warren and daughter motored from Toronto, and visited Mr and Mrs John Rolph and. other friends in town for the week end. Mrs. George Jackson and daughter Marguerite, are holidaying with friends at Union Jack Island near Waubau- shene Mr, Bert Coomer has passed his recruiting examination, an Celebration in that town. 00M 1 Port Perry Band went along to give)" the people some music. 000 _ The Bands played mostly patsiotic] pieces at the parades this year. 000 A number of Port Perry people went over to Blackstock to attend the Celebration there. 000 Greenbank Brass Band took partin the Blackstock Celebration. ; They passed through Port Perry on the way town. 000 A mumber of Cartwright people attended the Celebration at Oshawa. 000 There were over twenty-five bands in the Oshawa Parade, and many thousands of people took part in the ceremonies: 000 In the Band contest the award was given to the Port Hope Band, although many favored the Victor Mission Band, and others the Band from Aurora. 000 Oshawa must be a big place judg- ing Ly the estimates as to the length of the walk. It was miles, and miles and miles long--and then some. But the boys stuck to 'the job, and now Oshawa will be getting out a new map with a scale of Orange miles. 000 ; Utica beat the head out of their bass drum, . What do think of that for enthusiasm? 000 There was a competition . between the bagpipes and the fife and drum 'that he will Dental practice in Dr. : ort Perry, - Hah Wie The varions classes of Daal 0 carefully 'performed. Phone ------ Born--To Mr. and Mrs. bi ey, Port Perry, a daughter. Business Change August. Mr. Monet's house, and the lop): will move to town about the beginning of next month. ~ Both 'Mr and Mrs McClintock are well known in this. locality, and their many friends" will be pleased to know that they 'are com- ing to town. We join in wishing them success in their new venture. Mr. T. H. Follick . Again Principal. A special meeting of the Board of Education was held at the Town Hall. on Saturday evening, the following When. Vi members being present: J. McE. Murray (chairman), Rey, John Harris, H. G. Hutcheson, Robt. Murray, Dr Berry, W H McCaw, Dr Mellow, W'S Short, E H Purdy. = The business before the meeting] § was the consideration of applications [© for the position of principal of Port] Perry High School for the term com- mencing in September i There were two applications before and leaves to- bands! "Such a volume of sound,such | the Board,: that of J. J. Bell, Whitby, day (Wednesday) for training at|persistence. The goddess of musicfand T, H - Follick, Athens. When} © Oshawa. Bertisa good loyal Eng-|must have looked on in breathless|the ballot was taken, it was found lishman and we trust he may win success in the defence of his country. Mrs. C. J. Pearse has gone on a visit for a couple of months with friends in Toronto and Cleveland. Miss Pearl McLean; Fort William, is home for her holidays. Mr Ross Hood, Toronto, was home over Sunday. Mr and Mrs James Mowat, Peter- boro, have been visiting friends in Lown. Port Perry Clothing Store is offer- ing first-class Straw Hats for men and boys--at half regular price, now r 78c. Sée them. Mr. Harold Emmerson has returned home after 'holidaying for a 'week at Jackson's Point. Mr Russell Glide, Toronto, has been visiting friends in town. : Mrs Beesley, of Torontu, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs Van «Camp, returned bome last 'Mondey. Mr. Al. Nevison, of Mount Albert' wonder. Tell it not in Sonya. The bagpipes did their best, but even a piper can be overwhelmed sometimes. ? 000 There were 67 Lodges in Oshawa parade, which was two miles long. ooo West York Young Britons took the prize for. the best fife ane drum band 000 , McCormack Lodge, Toronto, took the prize for the best dressed lodge, and Eglinton for the largest lodge. 000 One of the West York Lodges had a splendid banner. It was made 'in Ireland, and is the only one of its kind ih Ontario. It is a beautiful ereotion of pure silk and: gold that cost a thousand doilars or more. 000 that Mr. Follick had been chosen. Mr. Follick was principal of Port Perry High School a 'year ago, and| the man and his work are well known |' by the 'people of this locality. A great many people will welcome his return Our Front Door Port Perry's front door is at thel Lake front, and many of our citizens | | think that if the weeds were removed and worthy of the beautiful town we possess. Strangers passing Sosa on the train would never guess how I : pretty our homes and streets are. A start has been made towards remedying this matter. A substantial] Oshawa real estate islikely all right, but when it turns to dust it creates at, great longing for ibe cream cones. Miss Clara Swift fli in Lake | on Friday Jay 8, \ you may get the "| the from the lake, the entrance to the The regular price of t town could be made more attractive Ha $1.50, and: