tily trimmed ry ace, Lo or em- | broidered designs. All sizes." Price to clear, g8c. SOILED WHITE UNDERSKIRTS. 79c¢. White Underskirts slightly soiled, strong white cotton, with pretty lace trimmed flounce, Only two or three left. Regular price $1.00. © Sale price 7gc. 5 Ar skirt for summer wear to use with " dy blouses, etc. Regular price $3. 75 LADIES' WASH SUITS Price to Clear, $ I 50 : Regular $5.00, $7.00 and $9.00 $1.00 We have 7 wash suits in stock made of repp and Indian Head, in plain tailored or fancy braided styles. Some are prettily trimmed with collars and cuffs of contrast ing material. These suits represent the last of several different lines selling at $5.00 $7. oo and $9.00. ~. Our Clearing Price is $1.00 iN special | piice we are offering during II our Summer Sale only. It'sa pure Eng. | lish cotton, absolute without filling. 28 : Regular Toc. value. : A HOLD-UP There are many ways of holding people up. One is to ask:exorbitant prices for inferior goods. Many opticians have no established prices for their glasses. They are 'good judges of human nature, and make the price as high as the customer will stand," We do not permit such methods; © We do not believe in deceiving the public. With us the price is the same to every customer--the lowest consistent with quality. If this method appeals to you, we shall be Pleased to have you call on us. J]. D. Robertson (Successor to W, H. McCaw) : Jeweler and Stationer : Port Perry