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Port Perry Star, 16 Feb 1916, p. 4

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"side, Port Perry winning by 6 and Barton weié the stars a a: CS Geegor ia me ik for Port Perry well supported by 'every member of the team, Roach in goal proved a ©... great barrier to the Whithy boys: v "| The teams were:- EY Whitby Port Perry Goal O'Connor R. Roach . Ri Defence Rice, Switzer - :L. Defence Barton. Deshane "Rover C. Rice Boe Centre Southwell McGregor L. Wing Grey Jackson R. Wing Kesler . Henry "Referee Fred Ward Board of Education The following are the members of the Board of Education for the year 1916: Members whose terms of office had 'not expired--Messts ~D. Archer, J D. Berry. W. H. McCaw, Robt. Mur- ray, W. S. Short, R. U. Irwin. Elected by acclamation--Messrs. E H Purdy, S. J. Mellow, and W. H. Letcher. Appointed by Council-- Messrs. William Graham and Hugh Car- michael. Appointed. by County Council-- Rev. John Harris, At the initial meeting of the Board the following committees were ap- pointed: House and Grounds=--Rev. John Harris (chairman), W. H. McCaw, W H Letcher, Wm Graham. School Management--W 'S Short (chairman), Dr. D Archer, Dr Mellow, Robt. Murray: - Finance--Dr Berry, R U Trwin, Hugh Carmichael. The committees choose their-own chairmen. As only one of the appointed finance commit- tee was present on the évening of the Board meeting, the chairman of that committee was not appointed then. Mr. E. H. Purdy was elected Chairman of the Board of Education. An Evening in Fairyland It is becoming increasingly evident * that the entertainments put on by home talent are among the most at- tractive that are given." A Night in Fairyland, put on by pupils of Miss Bates, assisted by others, gave addi. tional and pleasing evidence of this fact. The whole performance was "most enjoyable in its arrangement and ..rendering. The children entered into the spirit of the entertainment most * heartily, and their dances and chor- . uses were very pretty and effective. * Each of those taking part in the * program was dressed in suitable cos- . tume, and the performers, together with the stage setting, formed. a beau- | tiful picture. * Mr. Stewart Ford derigned the ; "scenery, and it was most creditable -- adwiratly suited to the title Orval Byer. Druggist, Port Perry, Ont. +The. Mikado People who attended the: concerts given by the Choral Union last year and the year before were surprised and delighted at the excellence of the |- performances. That record will be: fully maingained mn the production of the Mikado, From a spectacular point of view the Mikado is more attractive than Pinafore. Japanese costumes . are brilliant and fantastic, glittering with all the splendor of an* Eastern Court. The scenery will transport you to summer land, and for the time you and will revel in the blossom and sunshine of Japan The music is bright and catchy and many of the choruses will linger in your memory as a happy remem- brance. More than that, you will be provided with a program containing these choruses and solos that have pleased thousands of listeners. 'There are no idle moments 1n 'the performance. - Lightning change are the "rule. - For instance: Ko-Ko courts the Katisha wno hates him, turns her hate into love, and is mar- ried to her--all within the lunch hour. One little song does the trick. You ought to hear that song. Fun is the predominating feature of the whole play. You will 'make no mistake in attending this concert if you want an evening's thorough en- joyment. Mr. : John Cowie and family of Gravenhurst, were in town last week. Mrs. Cowie and children may spend some time in town, as Bandmaster Cowie 1s busy securing members for the band of the 122nd Battalion. The following is the list of articles sent from the W P.A., Port Perry, to the Canadian Red Cross Society, in| Toronto, on February Sth: 43 Hospital Shirts 53 Paurs of Socks 2 Mufflers ? 6 Pairs of Wristlets 200 Compresses 2 Dozen Small Pads 500 Mouth wipes proving in health. recovering from thei veoent fines. will forget the howling March winds, | F. AR a Pace ANNOUNCEMENT | W. H. McCaw wishes "to announce that he is in the WALL PAPER . Business in tie. McCaw Building Queen St, Port Perry. A beautiful line of up-to-date designs has been added to q Further announce- ment of special lines will be made later. Ye We are offering special prices on these goods | : PORT PERRY, "oN NT 3 stand - {on farm = property--first cawKiR BROS PHONE 72 2 Morley Lapel REAL Lu AGENT - Fire, Life and Accident Insurance List your. Properties with 0 me. For Sale. * House ae lot: in d location $700. 1... Formand, Son 2s oa his already large stock. pi MONEY TO LOAN martgage. ' Apply.to Morley Campbell, PortPerry, One. School, that has thorough ours, Mr. R. S. Disney bas purchased: Collacutt's store, being the lot and large barn situated between the Collacut store and Dr. Coates prop= erty. on securing this excellent property. The Bishop's Visit pany who bave given it at Sunderland, Cannington, sud. twice in Uxbridge. s Everywhere it has'been a success, and now it is to be brought to Port Perry. * | some time in March, under the aus-| pees of Company A, of the 116th : ot rn Km Mor the property. adjoining Mr. F. Cc We congratulate Mr. Disney. Te is worthy" of note that all the! men who take part in the play. (with Dr. Robert Archer is ia. steadily. im-{o } ; nt whe pd pang © ~ . * a Toronto, Ont. - This tiation has a clean cut record for suc- cessful work. We assist Si stu- | dents to obain employment. you intend getty busines o education, This rollicking farce will be put on a ?lin Port Perry by the Uxbridge com- 'Don't forget at Jamies sells the highest grade of American Coal Oil." When your can = empty call Bell, Nursery Stock. for' 'Spring. I will be pleased to write your order, and. furnish. ou the Stock ag we agree, 4 Sibscription. Rates THE PORT PERRY STAR and : $1.90 li $2.40 © Globe (Weekly, Illustrated) © Globe (daily, R. M. R.) + Globe ( (Daily) .ovineciineis Mail- Ei wei) ads . The 'Apple, Pear, Plum and Cherry will be first class fresh dug and true to label also Ornamental "Trees, shrubs, Vines and. Plants, "Order early. See me. ot , 8 00 Write for prices. SR RRR Se

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