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Port Perry Star, 22 Mar 1916, p. 3

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constipation because he| claimed: o | Strong and healthy and thus put them |. FISH SHORTAGE, IN BRITAIN The Average Price is More than 'Doubled + During the past year, Canadian fish: ing interests have taken steps to re- ve the shortage in Great Britain's {fish supply arising from the restriction ? imposed by the war on fishing opera- tions in the North Sea, The serious character of the shortage is indicated in a recent United States consular re- port dealing with "the "yield of the | Scotch fisheries in 1916. In part. the réport states: -- The total quantity of fish other than shellfish landed in Scotland in 2 1916 was 2,207,818 cw. (of 112 pounds) ze § Jalved at $ava.5s0, or an average of pres .34 per cwt.,, as compared with §,. Pleasant' Home, Man. March 20th, 1 926,241 cwt., $14,476,848, and $2.09 in (Special,)--Mr. 'Max Hanjook, a well- 1914, and 7,267, 328 cwt., $18,168,320, know resident of this place, who,!8nd $2.50 in 1913. The shortage iu after an extended period of ill-health the catch as compared with 1914 thus is feeling strong and hearty again, | dmounted to 67 per cent, and in the isd g broadcast the good news corresponding value to 31 per cent. that Seading nd a new 1 of youth | Suie the average price was . more y than doubled. in Dodd's Kidney Pills. The greatly reduced landings of "I tried all kinds of other pills, but herrings were mainly respcnsible for they didn't help me very much," Mr, } the decreased herrings Forchantios 61 Hanjook says, "But Dodd's Kidney per cent of the total catch in 1913 Pills have made me feel like a differ-! 8nd 63 per cent. in 1914, and only 80 ent man. 1 feel like a young fellow | Der cent. of the markedly diminished again. I want everybody fo know total last year. The actual figures for that Dodd's Kid Pills have done: herrings are 4,449,321 cwt. in 1913, . 4,383,236 owt. In 1914; 699,380 cwt. in for me everything | that has m1 1916, with the corresponding values or. : $10,160,050, $6,616,419 and $2,138,175, Dodd's: Kidney Pills make men and | . 'The total quantity of whitefish, ex- spread good health all over the body. pelagic fish, landed during the year! Dodd's Kidney Pills' act directly on Sa 101 SWE 2 Sraiust 2,436,017 e ws. Th cwt, in an ,180, 2452 cwt. in he lidney cy make the kidneys yo .. "yc" value. was $7714108 an in. condition to 'strain all impurities, | Fo: $7819030 and $7,945,386. all the seeds of disease; oub «of theif: + « x = ®| women feel young again because they | eluding herrings, mackerel, and other! 0 blood. The cleansed blood circulating | Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. all through the body gives new strength and energy everywhere, Taking no Chances, That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills are| ,Sduee--Can you tell me where popular 'all over Canada. Codger hangs out? I haven't seen : ; % a him for several days. FRIGHTENED HEROES. ae on earth wants to see quee--Not me. I just wanted to Wa -- S Some Brave Men Who Are Extremely | know what places to dodge. Nervous. A well-known big game hunter, who has bagged six tigers, several lions, and not a few rhinos, besides such| 3 small fry as leopards and buffaloes,| 1 have handled MINARD'S LINI- can't bear the scuttle of a mouse. He | MENT during the past year. It is is as nervous as if he wore petticoats. | Always the first Liniment asked for The squeak of mice behind the wain- | here, and unquestionably the best scot gives him a nervous tremor, and | seller of all the different kinds of | if he sees a mouse run across the Liniment I handle. s| floor he nearly has a. fit. NEIL FERGUSON. Curious, isn't it? « : An old Anglo-Indian, who had boss- ed hill-tribes, repelled attacks on his cantonment, nipped revolts in the 'bud; and done scores of other brave things, looks under his pillow every | Delighted She Called. night of his life--for snakes! i = Jessie, aged 12, was alone in the' He simply can't help it. He has house when a visitor called to see got to look, or spend a sleepless her mother. She smiled hospitably night. . Yet he lives in a suburb of as she held the door wide open. "Oh, London, where snakes are not by any Mrs. Johnson," she said brightly, means common! g | "mother will be so pleased! She hoped A distinguished public servant who you'd come this afternoon!" "Is that has a medal for life-saving at sea-- | 80, dear?" asked Mrs. Johnson, much having jumped after a suicide in mid- | delighted. "Then your mother is at "Atlantic--keeps a rope ladder under home?" "Oh; no," answered Jessie, his bed. | just as brightly; "she's gone out shop- He has a horror of facing a burn- | ping, and won't be home till late to- g Staircase, so, wherever he travels night!" 3 --and he goes to many spas and hy- | dros since his retirement--he carries | Minard's Linimeit Ours Dandruit his ladder in a special bag. rm o Descending on the Son. > A benevolent-looking old gentleman was walking along the street when he upon an irate parent lecturing his offspring. "Now, you young rascal," said the angry father, "cut off home, and before you go to bed to-night I'll give you a good whipping." The old gentleman mildly remonstrated. "My dear sir, perhaps I have no right to interfere, but remember the wise old saying--'Let not the sun go down up-' on your wrath." "Don't you trouble yourself about that," was the reply. "1 won't do anything of that sort. Oh, ] What I'm going to do is to let wrath descend upon the son." | | 7AM-BUK | fo i roy Hacai=No. olen | Teuto! ; > En.| In speaking of the girl to whom he was engaged, Longsight re- dealings ; ferred to her as his i n "You mean fiancee, I suppose? It pronounced fee-ann-say.' "I don't care how it is pronounced; this girl is my financee., She is . Flaxseed has been known through-! worth $25.000." out historic time to possess wonderful food and medicinal properties. The Ro- mans fed ft to slaves to keep them in| Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere condition and health, The civilized pal- | = ate has generally rebelled at its linseed! SEED POTATORS odor and taste. It has remained for a EED POTATOES, IRISH COB- physician to discover a method of driv- oa Sue pe RG or ing oxygen out of the linseed oil by ram electricity changing the ofl into a resin, | Suotations. mW. b.waon, Brampton. odorless and 'tasteless as starch, yet POR EXCHANGE leaving food and medicinal properties | m------------------eeeeees unchanged. This is now used In Dr. AIR SILVER BLACK hss BRED Jackson's Roman Meal, claimed to be| Bros., Bothwell, Ont. the most nourishing food sold and a; positive relief to dyspeptic and consti-| NURSERY STOCK pated. Most grocers sell it. IGH-CLASS NURSERY STOCK -- Made by Roman Meal Company, : Buy And save middlemans profits; write for catalogue. minion Nurseries Toronto, Canada. (Smith, Reed & Co.) St. Catharines, Ont, Ss = ai Modern Life. AGENTS WANTED "" 3 i ---------- -------------- Wife, the baby is restless and S253 --5r"SouNG MAN TO COL won't go to sleep. ect in their locality. Dominion "What can I do?" Works, Toronto. * J "Well, you might put a lullaby on WANTED : the graphophone." 1 AGS--WILL PAY CASH FOR OAT, flour and sugar bags. Write offer. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. Ira Evans, Ft. Willlam, Ont, Fortune knocks but once at every NEWSPAPERS FOR SALR. man's door, but misfortune usually ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB erawls in at the open window. P Offices for sale In good Ontario towns. The most useful and interestivg of all businesses. Full information on licati t /ilson Publishing m- DIRK"S RED MITE KILLER CaS Went Adelaide Street, Toronto. > "5 One application KILLS | rm se----------r---- Ede 011° Mites and preven HELP WANTED their re-appearance urs | eee. 3 ing the season. Kee WwW ANTED GIRLS FOR KNITTING jowis' Tree from and Finishing Departments; bright and clean. Keeps good wages. Apply Kingston Holsery lard, pastry and sweets (Uo, Ltd. Kingston, Ont. free from ants. Bedbugs will give no trouble where used. Write to- | day for special trial price. Booklet free. MISCTLLANEOUS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NY ANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write WwW | us bef too late. Dr, Bellman Medical HA K BICYCLES i Co. Yamited, CONTE WOId. Ont. ee -------------------------------------------------------- Marshall & Marshall, Niagara Falls, Ont. Distributors for Canada. { { i to-date High Grade | Bie yolehtted ith Ru - - nels Dy care or Hercule BOOK ON " nbs, fae chable Thre, high grade quip. DOG DISEASES ment, including Mud- $22.50 inrds, Pump, & Tools And How to Feed To FREE 1916 Catalogue, Mailed free to any address by 60 ages of Bicycles, Sundries America's he Author al epaty Mattal. You cas Pioneer Wloleaate Peles. Dog Remedies | 118 West 31st Street, Rew York T.W.BOYD &SON, | 27 Notre Dame St. West, Montreal, THE FARM! BE Loe CANADA'S an GREATEST TAP, ins your ordes tor, "Q * it 's Tres Muskrat Handler oie Catalogue It 4 Bos Bus. NO. Clover (Fancy)§16.18 iz the iq Srm of No: A Re 13.00 HIRAM JOHNSON \ No, 1 Timothy i Limited, 410 St. Paul Allow 30c for 0 A ht in On- St. W., Montreal. We Pay rllway Le e15.00 Ship all your furs there and obtain full value. i | AFGCECREDRE TRADE MARK REG.U Ladies Waterproof €E8 Eat Fo Eo, Fo co.aT and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts; Bruises, Boot Chafes. $4.25 is SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND SERMICIOE - Does not blister or remove the a THon bre pala, il hairand horse can be worked, Pleasant to use. Black and Blue. $2.00a bottle, delivered. Describe your case Styles Raglan, or set ' for special instructions and Book 5 M free. in sleeve with belt.) § J RBINE, JR.. aatieeptic liniment for mankind, re- We sell direct from ? ; duces Strains, Painful, Knotted, Swollen Veins. Concene manufacturer to con- 4 trated--only 8 few drops required atan application. Price sumer No agits, no | $1 per bottle at dealers or delivered. a a mel, Fou | W.F_ YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, don't like the garment : . send it back and get i Absorbine and Absorbise, Jr. are made Io Canela your money. All garments guar- Men's . ADORRS, Tape ples of Cloth The Manchester Water- proof and Clothinx Co. ; MONTREAL, QUE. P.O. Box 1744, or 319 James St., i D Y. Co der BERM UDA : Voear od Tor The Ideal Winter Resort On your harness when you figure vour profits for the Beautiful Drives, Saddle Riding. ° year? Ordinarily that's a Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing big item but you can make and Sea Huthing.. Present Gar- it negligible by using ~~ * em li d EUREKA Princess Hote! | & Harness on : ¥ 7 A . J Ke nS hi leath: § nd : EMBER to M ' prosciins ® racking. 3 adds -- £8 yvars to harness life. © © Declers Everywhere

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