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Port Perry Star, 29 Mar 1916, p. 2

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of view. For fluence had enabled him. to comm cate with Steve through the med a a v " of the "grapevine" telegraph th: t 4 vie Te T EA or : oe constitutes a connecting Hak, beryess | and learn how. delicious good téa can be. State your choice. rll a BE AeaTNihon or Groen: "With the sample we wil send y00 88 | oa interes illustrated Ceylon and its wonderful |the gardens. : about ET - ADDRESS: --SALADA, 34 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 3 was wily and evasive, Life p sométimes were pardoned, an the missing heiress' would pr most valuable asset. Steve had con- trived to keep informed respecting Hf "his putative daughter's whereabouts [I and 'condition, but he was not taking Lao into his confidence, even though the latter was holding out the tempt- gout & numbers ab mee! 2 ing hint of a possible jail delivery. e are dissolved on the slightest | So Lao was merely fed with facts: * pretext, and all the names of persons i that stopped just short of enabling || {lt | taking in the meeting taken| him positively to identify Marian. If : 3 : i | down. reo ad CR he could learn certainly about the - . ; "On the lat, T Author of "The Silver Blade," "The Paternoster Ruby," "The Time Lock," ete. i By CHARLES EDMONDS WALK ---- CHAPTER XXIX. (Cont'd). [flight from China, and remove all The previous night, it was Strang's [others that were being carelessly firm belief, Loa had meant to tell|left to the disposition of chance. But Lois the whole story, as far as pos-| Peter B. Ferris 'was dead, and what sible explain his reasons for wanting had become of the ring? Occurred the tattoo-mark obliterated, and thus|then Charley Yen's "death, and the try to win her consent to its removal, trail was indicated to him, though But to secure the requisite privacy for a time he hestitated to approach without exciting her alarm and sus-| Me, and did not do so until obliged picion had been mext to impossible to. Events in which he was secretly until circumstances played directly 8 principal participant were rapidly into his hands. - He was provided with drawing to a head in China and he the opportunity of talking to 'Lois was all at once forced to act quickly. under the best conditions, and fur-| Straightway, however, he was op- thermore, unsuspected by her, of us-|posed by another serious disadvant- ing his disappearance as a decoy to|age: radical difference of race made get me in his power with the ring|it very difficult for him to recover and the reliquary. The hour had|the boxes and the ring without (in struck when he must have them, and | his estimation) involving the likely extreme measures had to be resorted hazard of betraying tHeir significance. to. He would not have harmed Lois,{So he went about trying to gather Strang averred; he might have|them in after his own peculiar me- brought about my murder without thods. a scruple, if 1 had refused to give up| It must not be lost sight of that the ring and reliquary. for more than twenty years Strang However, his program was inter-|and Lao Wing Fu, deceived and mis- rupted, as we know, by Struber hav-|guided by what they believed to be ing met and followed Farlin and me.|the true state of affairs, entertained Tao-fuism had been spreading not|a hostile and suspicious attitude to- alone among the Pacific Coast and|ward each other. With true Orient- other Chinese colonies of America,|al patience and impassivity, Lao but with changing conditions, it was|bided his time, believing the oppor- once more coming into its own in{tunity to get even would, sooner or China. Lao's rank made it imper-|later present itself; but the fact that ative that he recover the symbol of |the diamond never appeared between his authority, which my father had|the time of its Joss and the meeting seized ' at the time of the other's|between Lao and Strang at Johore A = MARMALADE! It's the season for Bitter Oranges and Grape Fruit. Make your Marmalade with St. Lawrence Granulated Pure Cane Sugar. Being absolutely pure it assures best possible results and removes-all risk of fermentation. F Upon, request we send excellent orange and grape fruit marmalade recipes and 30 marmalade labels for home use--Address ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES LIMITED, MONTREAL. cosutmn tr Does Pain Interfere? / There is a remedy. ; 9 {med and unharmed. : He crawled out of the cave, and a * tattoo-mark--But how was a China man to go about that? Steve tried to make Lao believe that Lois was in reality his daughter; and when _ Strang, after the November meeting, wrote Hardwick ing was followed immediately on Lao's return to Los Angeles by an- other from him, to the effect that Lois's presence might be part of a all sorts of dire calamities to Kenton- Hardwick, Meyer Hardwick was thrown into a panic which was openly manifested by, the blunt dismissal of the innocent and unsuspecting girl. So many important eventualities were set in motion by Strang's and Lao's meeting in November, event- ualities which, in working to an in- evitable end disrupted the even tenor of our lives, Lois's and mine, that it was a pity the meeting could not have happened years before. As another instance, when the two became réa- sonably certain that Steve had taken the diamond to California along with little Marian, Lao immediately re- solved upon starting the conspiracy which was soon to effect the bandit's escape: .a degenerate and irrespons- ible Steve Willets at liberty to pur- sue his erratic inclinations, would in time expose what a Steve Willets confined . could so easily keep con- cealed. After which Steve could be removed without jeopardy. Then, too, Strang was in posses- sion of facts that Lao Wing Fu did not have. If Steve had -stolen ; the diamond, the fact that it had not since reappeared argued that he had hidden it; if so, where? James Strang thought he knew. He became active at once. First of all, Hardwick was privately and guardedly warned by letter against Lois. There was the old underground traffic in opium upon which their fortunes had been built, respecting which nobody was better informed than Steve Willets, And Strang was unsparing of the cables, Within a week or two he had gathered together him to be cautious 'about Lois: (of of 'mervous_strain that whom Strang at the time could know e nothing definite), and when his warn-: blackmailing "scheme that threatened manager. "la little while he formed a pretty ac- upon their own affairs, they were col- liding with him at every turn, press- ing against him at every halt, so that}. ere detained he expressed it, "in the right fram Is' mind to take it out on someone. The ransacked room afforded the last straw; but his aches and bruises re- stricted the taking-out process to an vpbraiding of Corrigan, the Alone at last in the new room fo which he had been transferred, he began fully to realize the seriousness of the situation confronting him. In curate conception of the true state of affairs: Steve had escaped from prison; he knew Chinese nature, their genius for concealment, for acting secretly in the dark( and he knew it would be hopeless to appeal to the police with the fantastic story he would have to offer to account for his fears. It was too late to find me at my office, and he dreaded going abroad with the diamond in his pos- session, He could not even open his door without seeing a Chinaman some- where in the hall; the reflection that they were hotel servants did not in the least restore his peace of mind. It was now clear that Steve meant to have the diamond at any cost, and that he had at his beck and call any number of dangerous allies against whom a solitary stand would be hope- less. Out of the predicament grew the idea of mailing the diamond to me and accompanying it with a let- ter of explanation, which he would follow 'in person as soon as it was possible for him to do 80. How he was assaulted and dragged into an alley when he went forth "to hunt a letter-box; how he succeeded in dropping'into it the parcel but not the letter, which was taken from him; how his assailants were finally rout- ed, and himself, now seriously in- jured, crawled into a cab and was driven to the only haven he could think of--Meyer Harwick's residence -- must all be passed over. For days a mass of information which made him more than suspect Lois's real identity. and led him to extend to the United States an #lready projected trip to England. He brought with him: the ivory box in his possession, because it bore in its pattern the dis- tinctive symbol of death, a mark that would establish the girl's identity be- yond peradventure. ; He had informed himself about my- self, too. He arrived at Los Angeles on the day he notified Lois of, de- termined to lose not a minute's time in 'recovering the diamond and pre- senting himself with it and the ivory box at my office. by He secured a room at the Republic, on an impulse registered his true name, then boarded a -car for San Pedro. Among the hills on the old home place was a certain ravine; in that ravine wag a cave which, in the old days, had been known only to his brother and himself; in one of the cave's rough walls was a small corn- cealed niche that had becn the hiding place of plundered treasure many a time during the period of their youth- ful maraudings. While pondering over the matter of the missing dia- curred 'to James Strang. He went straight to it, thrust a hand into the recess and drew out a small package in oiled silk. Now, towever, the fabric ; i \ 1i + but in- IN was rotting and falling way; but in I ETE a Astoricn, a0? | it looks to a man up a tree as if he' guessed right." Hi ed for side it reposed the diamond, undim- 1d hiding-place had re-| Out! Si : mond this old hiding-place tad. 1s «But look here. What I was gong|- | that before the Tao-fus were the most which once had been tightly wrapped! active figures he was confined to his room, fretting over the gem's fate. The letter, of course, had been taken to Steve, and Steve would know where the diamond had been sent, whether or not it reach- ed its destination." Therefore Hard- wick's machine was pressed into serv- joe and a guard of private detectives followed 'me until Strang was satis- fied that. I was no longer in danger from the Hop Sings and his desperate brother. By means of the personal jlar method of trying to entrap me into a betrayal of having the diamond in my possession. And at last, when he was well enough treat and pay me the long deferred call, Struber had found him. Strang a brief digession. «Was Lao far-seeing, dog? His success made him head o' the tong. An' then the time came when 'he had to he left: behind everything he owned except the clothes he was wearing at the time. It looked like total fail ure gosh! just see how things ve worked to say was this: It wasn't long after in the government. Many ©' the leaders Jost their heads 'in more ways than one, but Lao saved n a condition| thé afternoon-until late in left him, as inh 'they should tell he cautioned me against Steve's sim-|. he had about made up his mind that| to leave his re-|' turned aside to indulge inj: or a Jucky}. skip so sudden that} an' complete disaster; but; by |: the police in Stuttgart was the arrest of four Social Demoerats. The police handled them in a most brutal way.| Two boys who witnessed the arrest of the affair and denoure Tt often happens that their tion. Their anxious parents are never warned and no excuse is ever given to them, The children are being terrorized in thousands of ways. "Frequent also are domiciliary searches. A whole row of houses was 'examined because a rumor had spread that a leaflet was being distributed protesting against a winter campaign, "Nob less severe is the censorship in Rhineland. There is serious unrest amongst the miners in consequence of the prohibition by the Government of all discussions concerning the pre- gent state of affairs in Germany. In this way the authorities hope to pre- vend an outburst of discontent. "In Socialist papers the word 'capitalism' is invariably cut out by the censor. "In all big stations and tramway termini there are many police and detectives. "Often trains are stopped and the passengers searched, but not from fear of spies. It is even probable that the police keep a descriptive list of all Socialists suspected of peace propaganda, as many members of the Socialist party have noticed them- selves being photographed 'in "the streets. «Jt is known that all the 'corre- spondence of suspected Socialists is opened by the authorities. Lately the police are even overhearing all con- vergations on the telephone and us- ing this means to ascertain the opin- jons of different members of the So- cial Democratic party." o'clock in| "the even- | n are suddenly don way home, detained without | | food 'or drink until late at. night; and BE Li then liberated without any explanai|- Money in Sorting Potatoes. There is money to be made by the sorting of potatoes. Consumers, large and small, do not like mixed lots They, want them unifornt in size and 'qual-' ity. Consequently potatoes are us- ually sorted before being put on the market and the price which is paid the potato-grower is the price of sorted potatoes, less the cost of sort- ing. Therefore, the potato grower] who ships unsorted potatoes really has to pay the charge of sorting. The shipper of unsorted potatoes) also, has to pay another charge, and that is the freight on the culls which: are later taken out of his shipme . The shipper of unsorted potatoes, therefore, is simply wasting money. It pays to sort because it gives one. the top market prices and because it saves freight on. culls, be added because the culls could bel kept on the farm and made of in' rations for live stocks. Saints. ak i" WWhen is a partnership like a pen? When there is nota split in it." The difference between stealing' and embezzling depends altogether; on the size of the pile that the thiefy gets away with. ~ Hot Biscuits. Sauces t. He wor Of course, *'Crown Brand' is your favorite Table Syrup. Of course, you enjoy its delicious, appetizing flavor with Bread, Pancakes and But what about 'Crown Brand' in the kitchen? Do you use EDWARDSBURG for Gingerbread, Cookies, © >t all kinds of Pu Do yott always use it for Ci it in all these ways. Brand" Corn Syrup handy, convenient, econo- - mical, dependable, good. ; "LILY WHITE" is it what its name implies--a clear * 'corn syrup--more de! that is equally good for the tab © ASK YOUR GROCER-I! ¢ Canada Starch andy-makingt . You'll find *'Crown icatein flavor than 'Crown Brand", table and for cand making. and, it might * nd mat

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