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Port Perry Star, 29 Mar 1916, p. 7

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tilt - 58 ESIFEES Hon my : id $28 i EFEE y | beginning of the George Paish, the well-known finan- cial authority in a lecture recently on war finance before the Royal Statis- tical Society, London, and the total has now reached £8,000,000,000. The nation, said the speaker, has nearly succeeded in maintaining its productive power, despite the with- drawal of approximately 4,000,000 men from its industries. It had call- ed in half a billion pounds of its from abroad since the open- ing of hostilities, nearly all of this '{ however, having been used to make fresh loans to foreign countries and colonies. 'If allowance were made for the in- >| crease in the country's gold stocks, | Sir George declared, the nation would be found to have succeeded in meeting virtually the whole of its war expenditures out of its income, without needing to 'draw upon its accumulative capital 'to an extent worth mentioning. Official galcula- tions of the new taxation imposed up to the present time amounted to £197,631,000, and Sir George estimat- ed the taxation in the coming year would reach nearly £450,000,000. On the whole, the speaker said the burden of taxation was light con- sidering the circumstances, and com- with the burden the country bore during the Napoleonic wars. The national debt before the war was £707,000,000. It would be £2,400,- "| 000,000 by the end of this March, Sir George added, and if the war con- tinued another year it would not be far short of £4,000,000,000. Ly ecm Wf eee 'BABY'S OWN TABLETS GOOD AS GUARANTEED Mrs. L. Isbell, Kingston, Ont., writes: "I am using Baby's Own Tab- lets and find them as good as adver- tised. They are certainly a wonder ful remedy for little ones." Mrs. Is- bell's testimony is like that of thous- "ands of other mothers. Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets she will use nothing else for her little '| ones. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ii SP ommend GIRL DRUGS GERMAN TROOPS. -- |p | Grape Nuts? Twenty Captured in & Russian Farm- a house, : Among a party of Letts who have succeeded in escaping from a village in Courland, Russia, now occupied by the Germans, is a girl of 17, who has been awarded for 4 great deed of bra- ; small German detatchment a d on to a farm owned by this with lather. Sentries were left out- "while very by the Czar with the St. George's' eros 0 1S, x a A 5 a 'watch on a hill quite the rest. entered the. prepared to have a good 4 to an army clothing depot. FINDS IN DODD'S KIDNEY EY PILLS A CURE FOR HIS REEUMATISM. mn | States Out of His Own Experience That Dodd's Kidney Pills Are a Sure Relief From Pain. Greenfield, Queen's Co., N.S., March 27th, (Special).-- "To anyone whosuf- fers from rheumatism I say: "Take {Dodd's Kidney Pills. They will be sure to give you a release from pain This is the message of Cornelius | Hirtle, a well known farmer living near here. Mr. Hirtle suffered from rheumatism for four years and found a cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. 4] was in bad shape for four years," Mr. Hirtle says in giving his experi- ence. "My back and hips troubled me so much that I was not able to do much without suffering. I also had stiffness in the joints, my muscles cramped and I felt heavy and sleepy after meals. I had a bitter taste in my mouth, especially in the morn~ ing. My appetite was fitful and I was often dizzy. «] suffered from shortness of breath, I was often dizzy and I was depressed and low spirited. #1 took six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they did me so much good that I am recommending them -to all my friends. They are better than any doctor." . Every one of Mr. Hirtle's symptoms was a symptom of kidney disease. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. ee fi me RECAPTURE FLOWER MARKET French Horticulturists Raise ' Lilies ** Germans Used to Send. The lily of the valley, first flower of the year and emblem of good for- tune, will soon make its appearance. on the corsage of the midinette, whence, says the Paris Figaro, there ig every likelihood that it will find its way to the coat lapel 'of the sol- dier on leave from the front. This year the. lilies' of 'the valley found in Paris will be truly French. Hitherto--excepting last year, which was one of eclipse--theéy came from Germany, where the horticulturists grew: them in profusion or retarded them according to the condition of the Paris market. French horticulturists neglected this flower almost entirely until the dearth in 1915 showed them how easily they. could capture the market for themselves, > 2 ry His Brief Respite. Wife (icily)--You needn't speak to me for a month!" Husband--"Then you expect lo have finished talking by that time?" Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Stole the Soldiers' Socks. At the Central €riminal Court in London, England, before Judge Ren- toul, Herbert Read, 41, carman, was sentenced to eighteen months' impris- onment with hard labor and John Crack, carman, to six months' im- prisonment in the second division, for stealing and receiving one thousand of conveyance from a railway. station, To whom it may concern: have used MI- self as well QLD HOMES CHANGE HANDS. War Has Forced Thousands in Eng- land to Give Up Estates. | Thousands of stately homes inl England are changing hands, accord- ing to the real estate authorities. The . v old owners have in many instances been forced by increased taxes to seek more moderate places, and' some of the estates are being purchased by persons who have profited by war con- tracts. There' is talk of 'wholesale migra- tion and predictions that country life will undergo a revolution. Many of the estates may even be cut up and parcelled out among disbanded sol- diers. : In discussing the effects of the war on the landed gentry, Francis Hirst, a widely known economist, said that it was only a natural result, and that these people would feel the pinch more than the poorer classes for many years to come. "The mere economic effect of the loss of hundreds of thousands of young men "in the prime of life and vigor, is almost incalculable," said Mr. Hirst. "We may safely assume that by November we had lost through the war about a tenth of all the wealth we possessed before. "The present public expenditure of the Government is believed to be about equal to the whole of the pri- vate incomes of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom put together. mand for it, manufactt the matter greater consideration. sant Srimn i mie bre Growing Old. They had been engaged to be mar- ried fifteen years, and still he had not mustered courage enough to ask her to name the happy day. One evening he called in a peculiar frame of mind, and asked her to sing some- thing tender and touching--some- thing that would "move him." She sat down at the piano and sang, "Darling, I am growing old!" a --oe Yo Pgs Druggists or Murise Eye Remedy Co., Chicago S Footing the Bill. Mr. Newman had just recovered from an operation and was talking to a friend. "The surgeon," he remarked, "said he'd have me on my feet again in three weeks." "Well, he did it didn't he?" asked the friend. "He did, indeed," responded Mr. Newman. "I had to sell my motor car to pay his bill." mm re Minard"s Liniment Ours Dandralt -- The age of reason depends alto- gether on the man; some men never attain it. She--""They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away." He--"Why stop there? An onion a day will keep everybody away." "We are now adding to the na- tional debt every five or six weeks what we added during the three years of the Boer War." rr ----LL A Born Trader. In the canteen of a certain military depot, cracked eggs were sold at a reduced price. An Irish soldier, mar- keting for his mess, entered the can- teen with a basket and said: --"Gim- me two dozen best cracked eggs." "Cracked eggs all done, Pat," replied the orderly. "Sure, an' they're not then," said Pat, giving the egg-crate in the corner a violent knock, "Hand pairs of socks which were in course | {ne some ov thim cracked ones, quick." iY IE aches and pains, the "Thermor" THERMOR - Waterless "ims 2 Hot BottleLssts » Lifetime STAYS ROT 12 HOURS CONTENTS NEVER EXHAUST BOIL 10 NS MINUTES SL Nn ONLY tf rr Ee -- Its made of metal, nickel plated, of a convenient size. Simply boil the. "Thermor" for 'ten minutes only (no longer) and it stays hot for full twelve hours at an even temperature of 126 deg. Recommended by physi- clans on account of the steady heat and sanitary metal case. No trouble -- no filling -- no danger of scalding the hands-- no leaks--no expense and one purchase lasts a lifetime. In sickness, such as Neuralgia, . La Grippe, Rheumatism, Neu- ritis, Inflammation--in fact all is invaluable. As a bed-warmer 'and a foot-warmer it has no | "The "Thetmor" measures: 83%" across and is 1%" thick, yet it weighs less than a filled 'two quart rubber bottle. EMPIRE BUSINESS COLLEGE 846 Broadview Ave., Toronto, Ont. $35 | & MONTHS ODURSE [nen Day The only College in Canada leaching all Typewriter Keyboards Oa rates are half those prevailing elsewhere Jones--"I believe in early rising, don't you?" Smith--*Well, there's an abstract excellence in early rising; it all depends on what you do after you rise, It would be better for the world if some people never got up." Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Bto. SEED POTATOES POTATOES, IRISH COB- blers, Deleware, , Ors der at once, Supply, limited. rite for quotations. H, W. Dawson, Brampton. AIR SILVER BLACK CROSS BRED foxes, trade for used car. Reid ros., Bothwell, Ont. NURSERY STOOX 1GH-CLABS NURSERY STOCK -- 5 buy and save middleman's profits; write for catalogue, Dominion Nurseries (Smith, Reed & Co.) St, Catharines, Ont, AGENTS WANTED },2RY OR YOUNG MAN TO COL- Ject in their locality. Dominion Works, Toronto. FOR SALE. F% SALE--~COAL OIL AND GASO- line Buckeys Traction Ditching Machine; only did about three months work will sell right, on account of ill- ness. B. Phillips, Chesley Ont. HELP WANTED. Y ANT E D--UPHOLSTERERS, Machine-hands, Cabinet makers and boys, steady work, highest wages. Appix Lippert Furniture Co. Ltd. Ber- n, Ont. U PHOLSTERERS WANTED FOR pad and slip diner work. State experience. Factory running ten-hour day. Owen Sound Chair Co. Ltd, Owen Sound, Ont. T ONCE--BRUSH HANDS WITH furniture experience referred; steady employment. Address The Mea~ ford Mfg. Co., Limited, Meaford, Ont. Lefore plac: ; ing your order for seeds, see our 1916 Gold- en Jubilee Catalogue it is free YJ Gov't. 8 Bus. No. 1 R No. Timothy o Allow 80c for each cotton bag I We pay railway freight in On- Ql tario and Quebec over $325.00 GEO.KEITH 8 SONS Baas SEEDS MeL lang) CANADA'S GREATEST Muskrat Handler is the old firm of HIRAM JOHNSON Limited, 410 St. Paul St. W., Montreal. Ship all your furs there and obtain full value. WANTED We furnish cans, pay express charges and guarantee highest prices CREAM SWEET OR SQUR Write for particulars, PORONTO OREAMERY 00., LIMITED References Any Banker (Dept. W) ---- BERMUDA The Ideal Winter Resort ho N Beautiful Drives, Saddle Riding, * _ Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing and Bea Bathing. Present Gar- . rison of the Ottawa (38th) Regi! © ment, : - fhe price id $4,00 sent Postpaid anywhere and sold under an ab- from the mak- "T i TB WwW ANTED GIRLS FOR KNITTING and Finishing Departments; good wages. Apply Kingston Hoisery Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont. OOLEN MILL HELP, CARDERS spinners and weavers, We will pay inexperienced help while learniag weaving. Good wages paid in all these departments and steady work for months to come. For further particu- lars, apply to the Slingsby Manufacfur- ing Co., Ltd, Brantford, Ont. FOR SALE. AKERY, HIGH CLASS; BESTAB- lished ten years, Sickness forces Bennett, 590 Dundas 1 me to sacrifice, Street, Toronte. V y HITE LEGHORN COCKERELS; Leghorn Rhode Island; Black Minorca. Buttercup hatching eggs. Cecil Meehan, Portneuf Station, Qubeéc. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALA. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale In good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Com-= pany, 78 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. VISCTLLANEOUS. ANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external, cured with out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr, Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont, & America's BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S, 118 West 31st Street, New York : Blockswheels and takes 'profits. - MICA GREASE Kills friction and makes profits. Dealers Everywhere 7, lt or

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