Pills are sold by most dealers, not be ¢ persuaded to take "some- thing just the same." If you can't get the genuine Pills from your deal-| they will be sent you by mail, post paid, 'at 50 cents a or six hoxes for $2.50 by writing. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ° CET FROM WRITING TO WAR. - No profession in Great Britain has ed more patriotically to the ns than that of Journalion, ork ] hye Te aad hun: of others who are rendering service in directions other colors, no fewer than ewspaper men and Wwomea are 'on ac- ive ig 4 woman heny with "the Red; {Cross. Elf this total 1,400 editors and res; porters volunteered. in the United Kingdom, the other 65 being from ~ the colonies. The overseas contin- gent comes from all parts of the 'world--Australia, Canada, = Ceylon, - China, East Africa, India, New Zea- land, South Africa and the Straits 'Settlements. vei So far bb newspapermen-soldiers oe have killed in battle, 71 have been ~ wounded, and 11 are reported miss- ~ ing. = Ten have been mentioned in despatches or have received high de- "coration for gallantry and distin | guished conduct in the field. Since the invasion of Belgium brought ruin torthe newspaper staffs of that kingdom their British col- "leagues at home and abroad have con- tributed generously to a fund for their imi il, _ WISE HOSTESS. on Her Guests: to Postum. ee great coffee drinkers .were ld school friend and her two hters. i taking. medicine. » (Both tea and coffee are injurious to-many persons, use they contain the subtle, pois- onous drug, caffeine.) "I determined give them, Postum instead of cof- ¢ when they. visited me, so without anything to them about it, I pot. of Postum 'the' e first 'The order. recites of a homes | Free from the foeman's "tread. His heart again essays to throb And slightly moves his head. He saw, once more, the Gulf-girs Tele, And fair Acadia land; New- Brunswick's wild and wooded 'slopes 5 St. Lawrence flowing grand, A tear burst from the sleeper's lids, And fell into the sand. Again he scaled Columbia's range, Felt soft Alberta's. rains, Saw boundless swell Saskatch'wan's fields A And Manitoba's plains. A pulse of deathless freedom shoots Along the dreamer's veins, A golden light broke through his dreams Full o'er Ontario wide; Once more, he saw 'his native home, His early joy and pride, And mother, there in happy toil, The cottage door beside, 'He did not feel the shrapnel's sting, Nor: the damp of departed day; For deuth ad illumined the Land of And: - ifotess body lay A shattered shrine, from Which his soul Had 'scaped and flown away. Adapted --E. T. Slemon Ottawa, March 16, 1916. rere WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS Baby's Own Tablets are guaranteed by a Government analyst to be absolu- tely safe and free from injurious drugs, Once a mother has used them she would not use anything else for her littlé ones. Concerning them Mrs. George Taillon, Noelville, Ont., writes: --*"Pleage send me two more boxes of Baby's Own Tablets for I have found them so good for my baby, I would not; be without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine: Co., Brockville, Ont, a MUNITION WORKERS WARNED. Young 'Germans Threatened Who Squander Their Earnings. Compulsory saving has been intro- duced on a small seale in. 'ab east one district of Germany, This is revealed in an order issued by the military commander of the district of Cassel, famed as an early schooling place of Emperor. William. The order is aimed at the extrava- gance of young men and boys who are 1 | earning high wages in war industries. t young men in receipt of swollen war earnings have in many cases been leading profligate lives and 'sometimes negleeting _ to ald, us mh ps " Ci on? 'winds: | Organ-Grinders, BL ELLs SUFFERING. WOMEN TO USE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. -- Mra, F. 3 Sarlis; Who Suffered With Backache, Says That the Results She Got From Dodd's Kidney Pills Were Wonderful. E Stewart Valley, Sask.,, April 8rd. (Special) --Mrs. F. J. Garlis, wife of an estimable resident of this place, is enthusiastic in her praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills, "Dodd's Kidney Pills have helped me wonderfully," Mrs. Garlis says in an interview. "A year ago I was so 'bad with my back I could hardly move. I took four boxes of Dodd's = Kidney Pills and they helped me more than I can tell you." Mrs. Garlis is now able to attend to her household duties as well as nurse her fine big baby boy and she feels that she cannot recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills too highly, Backache is the bane of the average woman's life. - Tt is accompanied by a weakness and lassitude that makes life a burden. But thousands of wo- men all over Canada are telling their suffering sisters 'that relief and cure is to be found in Dodd's Kidney Pills. They cure the kidneys and nine-tenths of women's: ills come from diseased or disordered kidneys. FAMILIAR FACES GONE. "Coster and Shoe- blacks of London. It is tradition itself which has been most hardly hit by. the war. Where are the traditions of London, the traditional institutions of = her | streets and taverns, writes a London correspondent? "All, all are gone, the old familiar faces !"--gone either to the front to fight the Germans or to the munition factory to feed the firing line. Thus the steets of the metropolis 'would look strange to the eyes of a rejuvenated Johnson or Lamb. The absence of the organ-grinder, who, Italian or English, has largely de- serted the streets for the trenches, they would naturally not notice. But the organ-grinder is only one of the many more or less picturesque' characters fast disappearing from our public places. Here ig a list of some| E others : Costers, crossing sweepers, shoe-blacks, beggars, match sellers, hawkers of pirated music, coffee-stall|' keepers, apple women, The last-named ladies, it may be noted, have probably found more pro- fitable, if less picturesque, employ- " ment in one of the many man- depleted factories. quent-tonged itinefant toy hawker, of indubtable" Cockney = orgin, whose place is now being taken by swarthy little Japs with soapstone ornaments to sell. Another personality whose loss one bears with more equanimity is that of the charity canvasser--usually a long, lean, cadaverous, and be-spec- mre Me piacled gentleman of clerical collar and SOLDIERS REVIVE MACE. Weapon Popular With Warriors of Old Not Out of Date. English newspapers mention the fact that the mace, so popular with warriors in the days of knighthood; is not out of date in the present struggle. Both the German and the allfed trench warriors are armed with a weapon which can be called nothing but a mace. It #8 a short, heavy club, cov- ered with spikes. The bludgeons are supplied top arties which creep up. on the enemy's trench under cover of darkness. When an attacking party, small in number, enters an enemy's trench the success of their venture depends on thelr ability to avold discovery by others in the same trench' or an ad- joining one. For this reason it is ne- cesgary to kill their opponents silently. The mace or -spiked bludgeon makes this possible. By killing silently the few watchers' in thé trench attacked the enemy can gain a foothold for a larger attacking force. Joon Self-love is the kind that never gets cold feet. | Shaving a Pleasure --Not an Operation. a 35 ne Wondentul, Dow shin; fo fooa win e - chaser, is 0 men wha heavy, wiry Pears prio tender man who has used it for a short time an , "Shaving ed to consider it almost an essary to rub a tew dro o Bai IY Secams arg ber fore Tatheriog o anoy an: easy, quick shave, Tatel Into the g Doras: softens and gi close shave. Pools FiRnL off, off, without pull- pd to tender akin, or moreness after shaving. fe foe a fine feeling of smooth There is no of the skin is .a pleasure | ; untidy cuffs--who once knocked gently but persistently at our doors. ----e Granulated Eyelids, relieved bx Murine URE emedy. . No Smart- 4ing, just Ey art, 50¢ or Botte. TE Saive inTubes 25¢. For Hook of the Eye Free write Murtne Ey pany, Chicago She Was Busy. "lI want to thank you," said the long-winded" orator to the nice old lady who had stayed throughout his entire lecture. "You seemed to ap- preciate my efforts to enlighten this community." "That's all right," she replied, "Most of your audience slipped away but I had brought my knitting along and wasn't wasting the time." Migard's Liniment for sale everywhere All Kings. "The pupils in a school were asked to write original competitions on "Kings." The prize was carried off by. a bright youth, who perpetrated the following: --"The most powerful king on earth is Wor-king; the laziest, Shirk-ing; a very pleasant king, | Smo-king; the wittiest, Jo-king; the leanest,. Thin-king; the . thirstiest, Drin-king; the slyest, Win-king; the most garrulous, Tal-king." I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. = Bay of Islands. J. M, CAMPBELL, I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Springhill, N.S. WM. DANIELS. 1 was cured of Chronic Rheuma- tism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. 'Albert Co., N.B. = GEO. TINGLEY. Ancient Pies. One day an Irishman, when pasgs- ing through a street in the city, saw in the baker's window the words, "Bx- Seliont pies sold within," and he went and bought one. He tasted it be- a left the shop, and complained to the baker. about its being hard 1 baker: said: «Get x a » pies before you one Great made 1 2 i Then 'one misses the elo- and most Buddhist sites. The relics of Buddha that have ben found there were pro- tected in various ways, generally be ing placed within a covered or cleft bowl upon which the nature of the treasure is described. The workman. ship on these cascs is very fine. There is a vast field of search still untouchd in India, but the skilful and energetic work of the British Archae- logical Society Las already cleared up many uncertainties -and identified 'many of the holy places of Buddhism, 'such as Kusinare, the scene of Bud. dha's death, and Rummin-dei, his birthplace, iy Seg r---- Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. * Both Satisfied. "The best thing that ever happened to me," snéered the young man to his former employer, "was when you fired me. I went out and got a re- gular job." "That's all right," replied the old boss, "I'm glad you're satisfied. Fir- ing you didn't hurt our firm a par- ticle." you put on your: child' 8 -- gets into the system just as surely as food the child eats. Don't let i impure fats and mineral coloring 84 matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood | Zam- Buk is purely herbal. No pois- onous coloring. Use it always. 50c. Box at All Druggisls and Stores, USE ONY ido BUK a Lefore plac- ' Ing your order for ° Seeds, see our 1916 Gold en Jubilee Oatalogue it is free Gov't. Stan. Bus No. 1 Red Clover (Faner)$16] 15 No. 1 Alsyke 3.00 No. 1 Timothy 15.08 Allow 30¢ for each cotton bag We pay ay Iaiiwdy freight in Oa- tario and Quebec over $23.00 THERMOR Remains H Waterless fess 5 Hot Bottle a Lifetime It is made of metal, nickel plated, of a convenient size. Simply boil the "Thermor"" for ten minutes only (no longer) and it stays hot for full twelve hours at an eyen temperature of 126 deg. Recommended physi- cians on account of the steady heat and sanitary metal case. ible a hi Sling 0 scalding no' leaks--no expense and in purchase lasts a lifetime. In sickness such as Neuralgia, La Grippe, Rheumatism, Neu- ritis, Infla n--in fact all . aches and s, the "Thermor" is invaluable. As a bed-warmer | a foot-warmer it has no --- NO] he "Thermor" mea " dcross and is 1%" tl ¥, a Ho ll ame xandes was | important No man or woman of the hum- blest sort can really be strong, pure, and good without the world being helped and comforted by the very ex- istencesof this goodness. iA Minard's Liniment Oures Burns, Eto. SEED POTATOES a. S BED IRISH COB- bles, Carman; Or- POTATOES, Deleware, der at once. Supply limited. Write for quotations, H. W. I' .wson, Brampton. NURSERY STOCIT IGH-CLASS NURSERY STOCK -- buy and save middleman's profits; write for catalogue, Dominion Nurseries (Smith, Reed & Co.) St, Catharines, Ont, HELP WANTED. ANTED GIRLS FOR KNITTING and Finishing Departments; ! good wages. Apply Kingston Holsery Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont. Y Y OOLEN MILL HELP, CARDERS spinners and weavers. We will pay inexperienced help while learning weaving. Good wages paid in all these departments and steady work for months to come.. For further particu- lars, apply to the Slingsby Manufacturs ing Co., Ltd,, Brantford, Ont. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Com- pany, 78 West Adelalde Street, Toronto. MISCTLLANEOUS, YANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, C internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical | Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont, HAWK BICYCLES picyuskedvitultolly ate vive or Here Co ke and Huds, Detas rare Tyres, high ade equips |} ment, including i , Pum ha $22.60 end FREE 1916 Catalogue, i andi of Bileles, Sundrie You ca! Sp vom T. W.BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame 80. West, Montreal, CANADA'S GREATEST Muskrat Handler is the old firm of HIRAM JOHNSON Limited, 410 St. Paul St. W., Montreal. Ship all your furs there and obtain full value, DON'T GUT OUT A Shoe Boil, Cap, Hock or Bursitis FOR ~ Ny aslelad cli] will reduce them ad leave no blemishes. Stops lameness prompdy. Does not blis- ter or remove the hair, and horse can be |; worked. $2abottle delivered. Book 6 M free. ABSORBINE, JR,, for Mnment for Bol Bralses, Sores, , Swe ia dfuggists or delivered. Will tell you more WF. YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bidg., Meare, Can. Absorbine and Absorbine, Jt., are made Ia Canada. ( Herth you write. Keep Your Harness 'Soft Stron, Pliab : 'Good Looking EUREKA HARNESS OIL will do it. 'Keeps new harness new. Makes old harness look like