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Port Perry Star, 24 May 1916, p. 7

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SRLS SLAC Roa ORR them. : The result--After the first * ago and I owe it to Dr. Williams' Pink i War Has Wrought Great Changes in | to who attacked a Zeppelin ab a height 1 consulted a doctor, and he told me a rest and a change of air, just 'the thing I was unable in the circum- stances to take. I had a particularly bad spell on the day my daughter re- turned from college, and she insisted that I should take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was decidedly skeptical, but she got some and to please her I took box I was_compelled to admit that I really did feel better. After the sec- ond box I ungrudgingly admitted that they were doing me good, and after the sixth box I felt free from every ache and pain and in gratitude I be- gan to praise the pills to others. I am feeling as fit as I did twenty years Pills." : You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or: by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Onb. aia : PEOPLE MORE POLITE NOW. Men and Women. | 3 War has brought about an increase of politeness between men and women in tee anys observers of life in Paris.' : : : It has introduced an entirely new policy in the relations of the sexes. The most cross-grained wife almost has ceased to eompldin, the most grumbling husband 'is mute. "On both sides there are polite advances, an air of kindness and mutual~understand- ing which each one very loyally is trying to create. x : This desire of social domity is not introduced by the wife and the hus- band into the home alone, but is shown in almost all their acts, towards in- Periors and equals as well.- All those who come in contact with the public professionally, says a writ- er in the Paris Temps, "will admit that we have grown more polite since ar. Persons to-day are ashamed tle displays of impatience or of deceptions which would have them howl twenty months ago. about to make a scene for the t trivial motive, the most violent roman becomes suddenly calm, realiz- ing that anger has been mobilized like everything else and it must not be wasted." / : 1 He who has health 5 has hope, And he who has hope has everything." (Arabian Proverb) 'Sound health is largely a natter of proper food-- ich must include certain from '| worms and regulate the stomach and | spinner in many parts of the 'on 'a Sunday. If your Hout. Brandon, RFC. DAME . BELANGER TALKS OF of 9,000 feet. Photo was taken mic DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. mediately after he landed from the - attack, : Tells How They Cured Her Rheuma- tism and Made Her so Well She Could Work Without Fatigue. gerous Conditions St. Amateur, Gloucester Co, N.B,, ' gy 2 May 22nd (Special.) .--Cured of rheu- Canada continues her enormous fire i ony from which she has been a losses, notwithstanding the efforts of severe sufferer, Dame Pierre Belan- a rests to reduce this ral ger, well gown. and highly y sespecied . resources. During March Ther hat Dodd's approximately $1,406,500 worth of Kidney Pills have made her well. created resources was consumed. The "I consider Dodd's Kidney Pills one nine wate Laban Ri I ate ve es, es, pipes langer states. ism Shimueys, defective wiring, dropped | and the ey i my fits caused me gars and cigarettes, dren: a great 1 suffering. with matches, were responsible for a) 5 took six boxes of Dodd's Kidney share of the Joss, : toi Pills, and they made 8 well. My e use es urnaces ins are all gone, a can now heating will soon be discontinued. | work without being fatigued, I will nn : ouse. : stove pipes should be thoroughly: 'Dodd's Kidney Pills cure rheuma- Slewned. Siavepijes fod sorrolled tfsm because it is caused by sick kid- placed. "Too much care cannot Be aa i the rs = BO yt JF in Tg 0 a x { . yo stroys L2 life npanst os. Tol Bealithy aud Fis ati hy rk . in e uric acid out of the Fear 12 versons at hele lives on it and there 2 san be pA Sheuma. nada by fire. care only tism. ¢ i s always is required to prevent this loss, and it make the Kidneys ik They re BE a to ren ene oy Jaa that Hed foniity by Smaortiy J on. to appreciate this Sondition and give Pare hii ah more attention to fire prevention, The Reason Why. ere had been a Wi forlorn STRONGLY RECOMMENDS _ | penance about Mary Ann of late, and BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Pokerhose fancied she knew the ¥ in? - | reason why: * At least, if she didn't, Mrs. Alonzo Tower, Johnson's Mills,' she. meant to. "Mary," she said, N.B., 'writes: "I can strongly recom- "what has become of that nice young mend Baby's Own Tablets to all moth- butcher who used to come round, and ers whose little omes are suffering 'was so attentive toward you?" Mary congtipation as I have proved produced a pocket-handkerchief. "He them an ®xcellent medicine for this got married," she wailed. "And trouble." Baby's Own Tablets not since he got married he don't come only cure constipation, but they make round any more." « "Married!" ex- teething easy; break up colds, expel claithed: Mrs. Pokernose. "But I al- ways thought he would marry you?" bowels. They are sold by medicine en" answered Mary, bursting into dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box uncontrollable sobs, "he did." from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,| : Brockville, Ont. Ask for Minard's and take no other -- palin CANADA'S FIRE WASTE. Spring Is the Time to Remedy Dan- 4 ml pines LUCKY AND UNLUCKY THINGS.| But He Gets it. They Are Applied to Every Possible_fees from his patients." Event in Life. ; "You don't say sp. «He settles with the heirs. "Lucky". and unlucky". have come, emery to be applied to gathering blossoms,' , . to horseshoes, to the color of hair, to' Fly P olson ®] » Kills More Children your mariner, of "saying things"--in Than All Other Poisons Combined For Safety's Sake,Use » N a word, to every possible event in life.' It is unlucky to "have a dead blos- som"; it is unlucky to go out with your "shoelaces untied"--the latter we | naturally believe; it is unlucky to, bring "hawthorn-blossoms within the | house"; it is < "lucky to. hear the: is there within your home, cricket" The latter is, of course, sup-|'| anywhere within baby's! che posed bo bring luck into the house. 8, _saucer o aivenie Sone ery nck it fo ind spdes on | Tabet ean J le 0.3 your clothes; it is called a money- During 1915, 26 ¢ fy m Feather-beds should not be: widely apart you will be you have a mole on made of whole wheat and malted barley, s s all rich nourishment of: have money by hand, a mole "Dr. Blank frequently accepts no} Made in Canada. DUG UP CITY 7,000 YEARS OLD. Many Valuable Finds in Ancient City in Egypt. : + Dr. Clarence 8. Fisher, director of the Eckley B. Coxe, Jr., expedition to Egypt, has just sent in his report to Philadelphia of the winter's operations at Denderah, where he has been dig- ging since last November, as it was high water in the Nile. Dr. Fisher confined his work to ex- cavating in the cemeteries adjacent to the ancient city, with the result that he got many archaelogical specimens, ral g from the second dynasty to | the owner of the dog, "to kill a de- He milk ran my impossible to dig at Memphis during :° the Byzantine Empire, or from about 5500 B.C. to 500 A.D. There are few could be obtained in'a single spot. | Denderah is one of the most ancient | of the world's cities, its origin being lost in myth. It became the seab of the worship of Hathor (Venus), the cow-headed goddess much revered by Egyptians. Traces of the earliest civilization were found in the graves. The most remarkable find was = necklace with several cornelian beads inscribed with the cartouche of Sesos- tris. These are the first inscribed beads ever found in Egypt. Sesostris, | so far as the name goes, is mythical, but he is identified with a Pharoah of the twelfth dynasty (about 3500 B.C., according to Petrie). This king | is said to have conquered the whole world. The necklace was found on a ma- ture woman, who may have been a daughter of the great king or one of his favorites. It consists of several] strands and is a beautiful piece of; work. As the Egyptian Government claims half of all discoveries and has | first choice, Dr. Fisher expected to| Jose it, but the authorities were so impressed with the thoroughness of | Dr, Fisher's work that they divided the necklace, giving the University Museum, the larger half. The authorities were also liberal in allowing the museum to retain the bulk of the discoveries, but retained al remarkable" lapus lazuli cluding a battleaxe; snd 500 pieces of | pottery, statuettes, necklaces, bronze | mirrors and notable stelae from the' tombs of noted men in many ages. These stelae are of great importance as bearing on history. They were placed in the interior of the tombs and contained carved illustrations from the life 'of the dead, with hiero- glyphic inscriptions telling of their, deeds. | In the earliest graves--about 7,000 years old--children were found buried beside a cow or calf, evidently to nourish the dead. One infant was found in a large jar along with a dog. ramp in The Richest Country. Australia's population is only 4,- 951,073. Yet it has £87,918,204 ind savings bank deposits and £174,979,- | 836 deposited in banks of issue." Tt is, ! it is claimed, the richest country per head on the earth. i Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd.. Gents,--I have used your Minard's ider it the places in the world where such results ferent ideas from the farmer as to frog with golden eyes, some bronze pieces, in- | Fa RATES | Liniment in my family and also in my | § | stables for years and darkly, "this gentleman complains | that you have killed his dog." ~~ | ae animal that would harm no one "Not much defenseless about him," chimed in the private, heatedly. "He bit pret Seely, into fy leg, so° I 'bayonet into him." 5&0 nsense!" answered the 'owner angrily, [ JJ Why did you not defend the butt of your rifle?" Bi didn't he bite me with his A: a. Opposed to Home Work, = Public school teachers in New South Wales are. asking that written home work be abolished in all pri schools. They also ask that no be built on or close to main trafic ar teries; that a domestic science college be established and that all reports con« cerning any teachers be opened for inspection by the teacher concerned. tail?" asked Private Jones, with' spirit. A Reminder. Dealef--"This is the best parrot we have, but I wouldn't sell him without letting you know his one fault; he'll grumble terribly if his food doesn't suit him." Miss Fitz--"I'll take him. It will seem quite like having a man in the house." (I - ga go Oranulated Eyelids, Sore: od insite Hintment Sumber : re TR ER Sn he -iwaon, Brampton. Druggists.or POR SALE, Her Color' Scheme. EGISTERED HOLSTRINS, "Her face is her fortune." a £8 enp eb betate "But you can't draw on that." "Why? She paints on it." quotations. H. W. = ag ue prices. , Que. HELP WANTED. EN HANDY WITH TOOLS FOR steel sash shop. Trussed Concrete Steel Co., Walkerville, Ont. OULDERS -- MEN ACCUSTOMED to general 'work, highest wages The hobo from the ¢ity has dif- pod. Abply to The I Long Manufaoce ANTED, HEADING MATCHERS and jointers, whd understand Now 1 stock. Write or wire Trenton Cooper age Mills, Limited, Trenton, Ont. ere ere -- ANTED, EXPERIENCED WOOD- working Machine Hands for Drum Sander, Trim Saws, and Boring Machine. Also Bench -Hands. Steady work, good wages. Apply Hay & Company, Limite ed, Woodstock, Ont. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALM. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale In good On 0 The most useful and interesting Keep Minard's Liniment in the house Hobo's Idea of Breakfast. working hours. The Country Gentle- man says that a hobo got a job from a farmer in the busy season. He worked till 9.80, then had his supper. At 4 the next morning he was called to get up, He ate a hearty break- fast, then started upstairs again, say- ing: "This is the best place I ~ ever worked-----two suppers in one night and back to bed again." MISCELLANEOUS. ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, t ater) Loe tRoRtmont, Write out pain by our home ent.' [Mus before too late. . Dr, Bel Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. | You will find relief In Zam-Buk ! it eases the burning, sti pain, stops bleeding and bri ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove his? 43 Draggisis and Sioresen For Freezing Ice Cream] you get best results with CRUSHED ROCK SALT A more even freeze. Smoother Ice Cream. Takes one-third less salt and keeps Cream hard twice as long. Write TORONTO SALT WORKS, 60-62 Jarvis St. Toronto, Ont. a oss -- save Money on Koofing Get my prices, direct from mill to you. I have Roofings for every purposs. Samples free. Address YHalliday Co., Ltd., "pier SILVER silver, jewelry, etc., to us to re- fine and get highest cash price. Oanadian Seamless Wire Co, Ltd. REFINE RS, .,198 Clinton 8t.,, Toronto, Ont... & Ploneer Dog Remedies highest in years. Bend your old $6. a year protects your new Ford Touring Car from loss by fire to the extent of $600, includs ing loss from explosion and self: ignition. Covers fire loss while car is in any buflding--or on the road-- lower rates and more liberal terms than any other policy you can prooure. Write for rates on Ford cars up to three years old. Similar rates and conditions are granted to owners of Chev rolet cars. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Matled free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER, ¥. S. 118 West 31st Street, New York HAWK BICYCLES An uptodate H Grade [W) Bicyclehitted with R har New rlure or one} rr Ppa rade chadle es, e ment, {ncluding uds fo i guax s, Pump, & Tools i FREE 1916 Catal and ¥egeir Natal, Sou wi ofesate Prices, on T. W.BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame St. West, Montreal, ALT oN ES -- IT | best medicine obtainable. - Yours truly, ALFRED ROCHAYV, Proprietor ' Roxton 'Pond Hotel and Livery Stables. i : Shocking. . y were engaged to be married, and ca each other by their first es, Tom and Fanny, and he was telling her how he had always liked | the name of Fanny, and how it sound- ed like music in his ear. "I like the name so much," he added as a sort of clincher to the argument, "that | | when my sister Clara asked me to name her pet terrier, I at once called | her Fanny--after you, dearest!" "But 1 don't think that was very nice," said the fair girl, edging away from him. | "How would you like to have a dog named after you?" "Why, that's no- thing," caid Tom airily. as he saw he'd made a mistake, "Half the cats in the country are named after me!" Machinery For Sale Wheelock Engine, 150 f.P.,, 18 x42, with double main driving belt 24 ins. wide, and Dynamo 30K. W. belt driven, All in firs! class condition. Would be sold together or scp.rate- ly ; also a lot of shafting Lat a very great bargain as room is required immedi- | 8 pester vervuner ately. ) | The Imperial il Com 3/ Frank Wilson & Sons!' The burderi of friction: means a shorter life for horse, harness and axles. MICA GREASE kills _friction--makes a | perfect bearing surf : 78 Adelaide Street West, © Toronto.

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