r sale in contravention of this Act, contained in any vehicle on a pub- ighway or elsewhere, or is con: cealed upon the land of any person, ay enter and search such vehicle,and y enter upon and search such land 1 seize and remove any liquor found re and the vessels in which the ne is kept; or if he finds either upon the public highway or elsewhere , trunk, box, valise, bag, or other eptacle whatever, which : ins liquor for salé in contraven: of this Act, he may forthwith seize and foots the Saume gether with the package of packages in 'which such liquor is contained whether in the custody of or under control of any person or not 9 Eds. VII, ¢ 82, s 8¢; 1 Géo. V, c 64, (8) Where liquor has been seized unders subsection 1 or subsection 2 the person seizing the same shall give formation Sides oath before a jus- e of the peace, who shall thereupon 'his summons directed to' the 1, cotisighee or 'dwher of thie" 8: quo knows, calling on hi . 'pear at a time pep aly | 70 Any person who contravenes ,any other provision of this Act, in respect of which contravention no {other punishment is_ prescribed, shall r the first offence incur a penalty of ot less than $20 nor more than $50, des costs; and in default of pay- 'thereof he shall be "imprisoned the common. gaol of the the com county in which the offence was committed for a not exceeding one {land may be kept at hard - ||| discretion of the convicting magis- one month, te; and for the second offence on conviction thereof, such person shall street, or in any public: place soldiers, and twisted the barrels into | incur a penalty of not less than $40 nor more than $60, besides costs, and in default of payment thereof he shall | | be imprisoned in the county gaol in which the offence was committed, for od not exceeding two months, at bard labor in the i - convicting . magis- e third or any subse- convicti convictions in pursuance of this Act, | | whether issued in default of distress | | for a'penalty or otherwise, the terms ; ler such warrants .0. 1897, ¢. 245, 5. 87. x 9] , 82, $13, labor. in the i | Peterboro recently, summons, and show. cause why liquor should not be Sespioped. otherwise dealt with. as: provi in; ) If it appears to the justice that th liquor or any part thereof was "consigned to some person ina fictitious name or was shipped as other goods, or was covered and concealed in such manner as would probably render covery. of the nature of the contents of the vessel, cask, or package, in which the same was contained, more difficult, it shall be pnma facie evi- dence that the liquor was intended to sold or kept for sale in contraven- tion of this Act. 9 Edw. VII, ¢ 82 832. i ' Persons found intoxicated 141 © Where in' a municipality in which a Local Option By-Law is in force; 2 person is found on any intoxicated condition' owing = to the drinking ol liquor, he shall be guilty ofan offence "against this Act, and upon any prose- cution for such offence he shall be "compellable to state the person from whom and the place in which he ob- , tained such 'liquor, and in case of his refusal to do so he shall be. im: in 'an of; prisoned for a period not exceeding three 'months or "until he discloses such 'information. 2 Geo. V, c. 55, s 13 4 Whitby District Methodist Ministers The Stationing Comniittee 'of the {Bay of Quinte Conference held at made the follow- 'ing-appointments to the various pas {torates throughout the District for the ensuing church year: ; Whitby. . Alfred H., Foster ** Port Perry. - WP Rogers, B.A. | Brooklifi. HW Foley, B.A, B.D. Myrtle and Columbus. - Nickle. George +. Mus-Bac, in the Conservatory of | was lying near kicked him, so that he: u Manager. EeT'D 'B 1878 paid half yearly, Co PORT PERRY BRANC -- bringing confusion into the ranks of| Pure fruit flavors exclusively are the Battalions that were taking part 'used in the fillings for LiccErrs CuocoLaTes which are sold and uaranteed by all Rexall Drug Stores. --A J Davis in the march ° It is estimated that fully three hun- © dred men were knocked down by the lightning, some fifty men were injur- Dr. Archer has purchased a new ed, and one man--Cresser of 169th' Ford Car from W. U. & H. Carnegie. Battalion -- was killed. a ] ightning plays some wonderfull Ye : eu oh Wher Crameielr, Punished for U phold- struck, he was wearing his cap which ing the Law bears. his regimental number just Toronto Globe above the peak. That regimental : i number was plainly rm ve on', Excessive official al takes strange his forehead: Another man was © A Getactive employed bythe standing by a tree when the storm iene Board has been fined $30 f>r broke. He was knocked unconscious >=." drunk, or too sucessfully sim 1- : o sce Ming drunkeness, in Cannington a what injuries he had sustained a pho-| PIACt under local option. Liquor de- tograph of the tree was found on his OTC Hike dramatic and. lierary body. Another man had one of his must take chances with Shei ; own character. It is only by breaking the: lew that the liquor detective cam convict others. That is a difficaby at present inseparable from his sér- vice. He must be exposed to the worst forms of temptation and muss had to have some sitches put jn. FIO Nes he tects 1 He canuc above "his 'éye 'and "on his arm, A: scllers or buyers if they aré break. story became current that Ransome: ' 5 the law, Sach an attitude would had died from the effects of his injur- put Jay eas on their guard. : He ies. Mr. Linke kindly telephoned to i 3 Seuuine patron of the Niagara Camp, and was assured that i ps - Sprang. ash: none of the 116th had been seriously an attions; 'esip oe X um a injured except a soldier from Toronto i 8 am -- nm. i te named Noon, who is completely blind 10 Zive cv -- in' court would bes It would be difficult to picture the 1 him atoice and Naps: ex confusion caused by the storm. !, to the danger of PoE ps wom Frightened horses were running in all He must drink ug it emi directions. The lightnipg, which ont hg enor seemed to come down as a ball of fire, . . x . tore the rifles from the hands of the h IS Passing strange that, with this necessity continually apparent, the 'law has not been drafted to make provisions for it. The detective is in A number of the 116th boys were the same position as. any other law breaker, ly by I home on pass on" Sunday, and were! Beaker, and only by neglect of the able to give quite a description of jlegal duty of the Crown ~can he their adventures. escape prosecation. It would bea ooo simple matter to authorize the Pro- gh ng : vincial Secretary to issue permits to T ig etalk of the: 116th Bn certain persons nominated by the going to the Camp at Simcoe Plains in a couple of weeks, buf others 4 fo pute and. oii maintain that the Battalion remains { sume lixuor in local option municipal- at Niagara. . puttees ripped open and his boot torn' off. - or Ate Pte. Ransome Bell was rendered uncdnscious, and just as he was re-| gaining eonsciousness, a horse which all sorts of contortions. 000 ities and to purchase from unlicensed vendors elsewhere. It is enough that the detective . who aids in upholding the law should be continualy exposed to moral danger. and temptations A § @¥ | without having. him threatened with of tl Methodist A ae x a he hole he Mo br prosecution for violating the law be is lightning, and burned about twenty | helping to enforce. Under the best feet of the framework. A call was possible conditions the work is neither sent to the Bowmanville Fire Brigade pleasant nor agreeable, and it should for assistants, but they were unable to' + be made 'more distaseful by the reach there, owing to two bridges lust menace of impeding pr don west of the village being washed away. Finally. through the efforts of the Direction for Kaitting Socks Mewcastle bucket brigade the blaze was extinguished. The damage is{ Directions from Red Cross Society for the use of cotton in the knitting estimated ®t about $1,000. of soldiers' socks: Sonya +. "Official instructions for knitting Mrs. (Rev. T. Dodds 'of Sonya, 'socks in mixed cotton warp and who has been spending some weeks' woollen yarn: in Toronto, 'returned. home this; "Materials required; No. 13 needle week having successfully completed a 4- ply Scotch Fingering (grey),about vocal 'course under. A. T. Cringan,' four ounces; four-cighths grey cotton | warp, 8 ply; cast on 64 stitches( cotton , warp). "Rib for one mch (two and two, if possible). : knit woollen -------- 4 $- Struck by Lightning During the severe storm on Friday Music. Mrs. Dodds intended to ac- npany her husband, who is Chaplain 56th Bn, when they seas, but will now md a ad Jamon 1%