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Port Perry Star, 28 Jun 1916, p. 4

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he will lecture on Sunday School : Management. He will be absent two Sundays, leaving next Monday. \. | Same fifty students tried the High" School Entrance Examinations last week at Port Perry High School. Corp: Clifford Jackson left for To- ronto this Wednesday morning to take ional Huadcartess.. We wish him success. 'Dr. and Mrs. Totten are attending the wedding, of Mrs. Totten's cousin in Toronto. ' Mrs. Levi Parish is now prepared to resume her nursing. Apply to Port Bro. W. E. Tummonds, Bro,-Wm.-Murra Eres Rév. wor. Xo | ig M. Campbell. D. Bro, G. R. Davey, S. 8. Bro. M, Beare, J. S. | Bro. F. W. Meclntyre, 1. G. a first-class N.C.0. course at Divis- Bro. W, F. Bobson, Tyler Bro. Jno. W. rome, Secretary Bro. W: H. McCaw, Treasurer, V. W. Bro. A. J. Days, D. of C. Representatives to Grand Lodge W. Bro, Letcher, W. Bro. Bea'ty | Baldness 1s caused by a 'microbe. which destroys the hair root and closes the pores. The Rexall "93" Hair Tonic arrests this process: So'd RJ. HAR ", Prince / Albert Perry Post Office, -or residence on at all Rexall Drug Stores, 50c¢ and call at Bigelow St. y Mrs. Dr. Mellow, and son Ross, of Uxbridge, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Carmichael. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WANTED---Good wages offered. Apply to Mrs. Jas. McBrien, Prince Albert, Ont, Leonard J. Henry left on Monday morning for Oshawa, where he has taken a position on the office staff of Fittings Limited. : Miss Estelle Bull has returned to Bloomield for the two summer months, where she will take charge of the choir and organ. = Miss Bull will return to Port Perry on September 1st fo resume her class. Mrs. Windsor and Mrs. Deverall, of Toronto, are spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Wm. Davey. Rexall Orderlies are most pleasant and sure remedy for constipation Sold only by Rexall Drug Stores, 15c and 25c boxes. --A. J. Davis Mrs Munro of l'oronto is: visiting her sister, Miss McEachern. Mr. Evans, of Port Hope, has been engaged by the Council as electrician in place of Mr John Tinsley, who has enlisted with the 182nd Bn. Mrs A Mills is visiting her mother, Mr Jas Rodman. Mrs. George Oke, of Toronto, is wisiting her brother, Mr W H Letcher Rev. W | West has returned home after attehding the sessions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Churchi at Winnipeg. . Mr. Morley Campbell was out in Haliburton district on a business trip | last week. "To those interested in flowers, es- pecially roses, the grounds of Mr Fred Kent's home will be open on' Saturday "July 1st, from 2 to 5 p.m: High School Promotions "The following are promoted to Form "II with honours:--Elda Christie, Aleta Ferguson, John Harris, Douglas Lucas, Olive Wallace, Elsie West. The following are promoted to - Form II unconditionally: Cora Bow- -erman, Olive Brandon, Venora Hy- "land, Ethelwyn Switzer. The following are promoted toForm '1J, conditionally, and will be required _ 'to take Form I examinations in the subjects named in brackets. Howard Butt (Latin), Gerald Fin- Bay (Latin and French), Greta Foster History and Science), Hildred Patton Arithmetic). The following will be promoted 'when they present certificates of 'hav- ig completed three months farm and hand in all exhibits not al- ready submitted; they will also take I examinations in the subjects t Gilson (Geography), Edward : ansell Sleep, Arther ; SE 2 00 bottles. A. J. Davis Manchester Quite a number of our 'boys have been home from Niagara Camp for a few days. Miss Agnes Boys has gone to spend the summer months at Port Severn. Mrs. J. Johnson spent the week = with friends in Pickcnog. v. J. W. Totten, of this circuit Phi his farewell sermon to his ends on Scugog Island last Sunday. ™ Mr. and Mrs. F. McKenzie of Co- lumbus, spent Sunday with Mr. Ralph Fitchett. A fery quiet wedding took place in our village last Wednesday, when Miss Mabel Lambe was united in marriage to Mr. T. Smith of Cadmus. . Only the near relatives of the bride and groem were * present. the evening train for Toronto. Our best wishes go with them. Garden Party at Seagrave on July 5, 'on the church lawn. served from 5 to 8 p.m. Come and enjoy yourself at a thoroughly good evening. 'Born To Mr and Mrs M Maude, R. R. No.2, Seagrave; on June 18, 1916, a son Destroyed by Lightning Mr. Wm. Tummonds' barn just at the outskirts of the town on the 6th Concession was destroyed by lightning on Tuesday morning. The builhing 'They left on Strawherries and cream will be! : Thursday, July "Sth. Ht * AUTO pains ' Apply to William McClintock, Phone 63 r 11, or at Beare Bros' Garage, Port Perry, Ont. 22 tf * Everything in Real Estate -1 have a number of first class farms in Whitby and Pickering' townshipsto' sell. If yon want a farm, I can please you. Communicate with W. J..Cook, R.R. No 2, Port Perry, or Bell, Pho ne 107 r 2 2, ot Independent Phone 4 406 Good 16 for Sale view of the lake. © For particulars ap- ply at the Star Office. Coming F. E. Luke, Opt. D., Toronto's able Optician, 163-167 Yonge St., can sult about your eyes at A. J. Davis' Drug S For 19 years coming to Port Perry. Difieuitn cases invited. For Sale -- Rods, (the kind recommhnded by the 0. A. & Guelph.) Apply to Frank | Shepherd, Port Perry P herl-2 was splendidly equipped for dairying purposes. Fortunately there was no, ropes, etc. One of the worst features of the loss was the destruction of a large quantity of straw, which Mr. Tummonds had hoped fo use for feed next winter. This loss will be felt more keenly because Mr Tummonds has been unable to sow a very large acreage of crop owing to wet weather. i " Mr and Mrs Bert Spence motored from Michigan' to visit Mr "William Spence Mr Clark, piano toner, will be in Port Perry on Monday and Tuesday of next week Persons wishing to 'have their pianos tuned, please com- municate with Messrs Pearse & Ward The staff and students of Port Perry High School presented Miss Coad with an address, and a beautiful neck- lace, as tokens of their esteem. Mr Mclotyre was in Fergus on Tuesday, attending the funeral of his uncle, Mr Wm Ross. who was town clerk of Fergus for-fifty years, T. W. Totten, Pastor Oliver Goldsmith wrote a beautiful poem in which these lines occur-- "And as abird each fond endearment Aries: Ae To Spt its new-fledged offspring to 'the stock in it, and very little machinery 10c per. ent, --a fanning mill, and hayfork, with | He ied each ar, oved each ul dela: repro y A limited quantity of buttermilk | for sale at the Port Perry Creamery, AGENTS -- Big OPPORTUNITY, me a commerci pay. you whilé learning. Sell our fast selling line of goods, Easy and clean work. - We show you how to make $25 a week to start. High class goods to handle. ~ Write for Splendid building lot for sale. Fine] - rore,- Port Perry, on 3 80 strans Copper Cable Lightning |' Buttermilk For Sale| al traveller. | __ BIG PAY. Handle our goods. We: I | I | ! | | Cawker Brothers Butchers" £ . For Price and Quality Still the Best CAWKER BROS _ PHONE 72 - PORT PERRY. ont) Peny, successor to Harry Davidson, _|1s prepared to do all kinds of carting, Spamming, ans: excavating, ete. at _- SHUR-ON particulars. And be quick, if you | want this chance in your-own nzighborhood. | The Armstrong; Dewart & Bailey Co. Ltd, Dept| M.O.--Toronto, Canada. E. LUKE, Be Now located in Rooms 2 and 3, sgrave Bldg, opposite Simpson' TOMATOES on your tomato plants. kept a lot in good shape at the green- house on Bigelow Street. They have been carefully selected and are just about ready to bloom. You will be sure to get good value for your money if you will visit The Greenhouse on Bigelow St. Perhaps the weather has been hard} We have Cod Oil Highest grade of American Coal When you § pan empty, call Bell} Telephone N 0.8 ee s ir tt ee JOHN BELDON | LUNDY > FS NEN NIN ININ NINN FN / AY CARTAGE--J. R. Hillis, Port | --18¢ * 168 YONGE ST, ToRONTO fi REPAIRS Beare Bros. have leased be. 'repair end of their garage to Mr J. N.. HOGG, an expert mechanic, who is prepared to do all kinds-of 3 auto repairing. Work guarantes. Oxogen Carbon removed. Oxo : ing process Storage batteries F1estorad, and Steam Vili Don't fo top that Jamieson sells the |

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