present prices for No 1 D. L. & Ww. Scranton Col: "Th : 0 Standard Anthracite" are: Nut 'Coal At bin "Stove and Egg 2 Peat Cosl, : 7.50 7.25 56: 25 Delivered $8 00 Ta 7.75: 6. mw HERE IS THE SECRET OF THE NEW PERFECTION OVEN A current of fresh hot gir passes continually over and under the food--drying out the steam--pre- venting sogginess. This is an exclusive advantage of New Perfec- tion Ovens. The New Perfection. Oil Cookstove is "already cooking id thousands of ives, * Savin, time, saving labor and saving money. 1, 2, 3 an 4 r sizes at these dealers: A 3 an W. L. Parrish, Port Perry W. U. Carnegie, Port Perry Royalite Coal Oil gives best results, THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES . members, and began x contribuied | in cash and At the School oa was held last week, it 3 year. Remember the Garden Pantyto be +held on the church lawn on July 18 Cartwright The Women's Institute will 'hold their annual meeting at Mr. Henry 2.30 p.m. (instead of Wednesday)Miss Solina, will be the speaker, and a treat is promised to all who attend. will be discussed. Yarn distributed. Patriotic collection taken. : - Victorian Institute West Durham's banner Branch was organized in May, 1915, with" 35 Patriotic work six weeks later. At the end of at Institute year, they reported A or ng $25 to the Red Cross Sock Fund; $10 to the Soldier's Christmas Gift; $5 each to the Belgian and French Reiief; 2214 dozen flannel day shirts, pairs of socks To the Red Cross, 75 1bs oF old linen, 17 flannel bottle covers, and 2 airs of slippers. = To the hospitals x France, 63 qts of icy maple syrup, f:uit and pickles, 100 1 'books and magazines, and- 26 "News from Home" Scrap Books.- They also.en- 136th Bn. to dinner. 12 meetings were held during 'the year with a total attendance' of 658. Collections and personal contributions amounted to $59 :A numberof excellent papers were igiven, and the speakers included-- Chancellor Bowles, Rev Mr Kid Mrs. Parsons, Miss Ethel M Ch man, Nursing Sister Mabel E Brug Miss Lulu Reynolds, Dist. Pres., and Mrs A L Nicholls, Dist. Secy. $ Vacation Goods for the Children Boys and Girls! No more school until fall. Boys Cotton ~JJerseys 25¢c Boys Jerseys made of light cotton jersey cloth with ribbed collar and cuffs. Colors: navy, navy and cardinal, navy and sky, white and cardinal, - Price 25¢ Boys' Khaki . Shirts 75c¢ Boys' Khaki Shirts made of strong medium weight drill material, collar = attathed, double stitched. Will give ex- cellent wear. 'Sandals "The sandal ra summer mps "The "Mary ane' pump in white. nvas is a cool Holidays begin now! Here's a few suggestions to help mothers keep the youngsters suitably clothed and quipped for the summer, Price 5c "- Boys Khaki Bloomers $1. Boys' Khaki Bloomers made of same 'material as shirts, with hip and watch pockets and Joops, "for belt. Lulu Reynolds, District President, of |. Every woman come and bring her i '| knitting. Plans for the years work for the men on active duty, and 440 ter:ained one hundred soldiers of hel . Mountjoy's, on Tuesday, July.4, at! Prica $675. 13 o. b. ahi 5 The output of Chaoriler Cars has reached the Fecord breatn total of nine thousand cars per month, utput for this year is estimated at nine-five Nits compated with less than twenty thousand po duced Jast What + these figures 'mean? Investigate the advantages of the Chevrolet. BEARE BR Dealers, Port Per. Jephone No. 130. * Shoes, Best L