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Port Perry Star, 15 Nov 1916, p. 8

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| Novemiberf Hiss' Fot Goal | gon br vers During this month' shedollowing poe re govern Nut Coal yal Stove and Fg Coal Pea Coal 'SPOT CASH PRICES Orchard the Coal Man | iy To $8. 65."*$ Morley Campbell REAL CB AGENT Fire, Life and Aécident Insurance List your Properties with me. = For Sale Extra value in a'9 aére chicken. farm. Stock can be bought,' Also 7 acre market garden complete, all kinds berries and fryit trees. MONEY TO LOAN on farm property--first mortgage. Apply to Morley Campbell, PortPerry i h- 3 Prince Albert Mr George Shell and family left their own home here last week and moved to Port Perry for the winter as he has been empolyed in the mill there. Mr John Holman has been home resting for a few weeks after having an operation for appendecitis at the Cobalt Hospital. Mr and Mrs H E Briggs have left the village: for the winter and will make their home with George Barker a few miles west of West Hill Post Office in Scarboro Township. Our friend Mr Fred Williams has been laid up during the last two weeks from a sprained ankle, but is better now so as to hobble around. Blackstock BORN---To Mr and Mrs Richard Hooper, on Friday, November 10, 1916. a daughter. Mr Harry Davidson, Toronto, has been visiting his brother, Mr Thomas Davi ison. Mr \ivin Woods who recently came home f-om the Northwest to attend his m thers funeral, 1s remaining with his far + or for a little while. Mrs James Devitt, who is 78 years old, fellas she was going to bed and broke her thigh and wrist. As Mrs Devitt is in a serious condition, fur- ther particulars of the accident are not available at present. We are pleased to welcome Mrs Totten and her daughter to our vil- lage. 'We trust our pastor protem and his family will feel as much at home as our 'good wishes would make them The Epworth League recently held their Rally Day Services under the able leadership of Miss Olga Fergu- son. The service was pleasing and effective and the members who took part did well, We are glad to be able to report that Mr Pengelly, of Caesarea, is now recovering after an operation for ap- pendicitis. It is said that the attack did not come on until about seven in the evening, and by daylight the next morning the operation was performed by a surgeon brought down from To- ronto. Modern medical skill and rapid transportation are great helps in saving human life. It is expected that Mr W H Parr will move to Port Perry in the near future. Manchester PORT PERRY SRaNCH Cc F. 'Worrell and Seagrave. The Institute at Manchester will be held on Tuesday, i Nov 21st, and the one at Seagrave | will be held on Wednesday, Novem- | ber 22. These Institutes are for S.5. teachers and officers and workers. | Four delegates are requested to be present from all Sunday Schools. Delegates are expected to attend the afternoou session, and everybody will be welcome in the evening. The speakers will be Mrs George Jackson, Mrs N J] White, Rev H W Foley, Rev W P Rogers, Rev A H Foster, who will discuss practical Sunday School subjects. | Mrand Mrs J T Dobson motored post haste to Alliston on Tuesday of this week, on receipt of the news ol the. arrival of a granddaughter there. Congratulations. | Epworth League Convention The Whitby District Epworth League Convention will be held in Brooklin Methodist church on Tues- Mr Harold 'Thompson and. sister, Irene, are visiting friends at Queens- ville. Mr and Mrs Geo Stone have re- turned home after a. three months stay at Peterboro. | Mrs Parkin and Mrs Bryant have gone to Toronto for the winter. The auxiliary of the W,M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs Charles Lamb on Friday, November 17, at 3 o'clock. We hasten to correct the error in dates of the Itstitutes at Manchester day afternoon and evening, December 5. Among the speakers will be Rev S T Bartlett, Superinsendent of Young People's Work in the Metho- dist Church. Wilson Re-Elected Reports on Tuesday night of last week had Hughes elected as President of the United States with a substantial majority. Later advices, however, showed that Wilson was re-elected by a safe margin. greatest coolness and precision. i was the only man to reach the enemy From a Former Pinedale Boy In the London Gazette of Sept. 23, , some interesting particulars of the ! granting of the D.C.M. to six Cana- dians were announced. Among the names we find that of C N Reynolds, of Stavely, Alberta (a former Pinedale boy). follows: "Pte. C N Reynolds, (Royal Cans dians) led a bombing party after being The announcement reads as wounded, and continued to press for- ward and throw bombs with the He parapet, where he fought alone with a revolver and bombs, and although he j received a wound, was, with consider- ! ble difficulty, able to extricate him- self and return to the French lines. Pte. Reynolds has been to the front since the above incident. In leading a bombing party of fifteen men who were caught in the Garman wire en- tanglements, and received fifteen wounds in addition to what he had previously sustained." An officer who witnessed the inci- dent, says he 'never saw a braver bunch of boys.' Pte. Reynolds is at present in a hospital in Manchester, England. He is a former Pinedale boy, and is a nephew of Mrs Albert Orchard, and Mr S Reynolds, of Seagrave. something useful and something that will last forever. Just ARRIVE) p; Women' s Patent and Ki ~ cutsy the correct style e for smart dressed Tages, The always reliable Classic boots for wire and best or everyday style. Fresh Fall Bulbs for winter or spring Rowering Hyacinth, tH Tulips, Daffodils, and Chinese Lillies MUSIC! 9 We are now in position to take orders for musical instruments of all kinds--Sheet Music, Songs, Disc Records. Your orders will be given prompt attention, small or large, as the case may be- « Buy that clock you require Now before there is another advance in price. Every clock we sell is guaranteed. We have a few at the following prices: Kitchen Clocks $3.75 and $4.00 'Mantle Clocks $9.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 to $3.00 4 Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed if you leave your watch to be repaired by [.:R. BENTLEY JEWELLER and Experienced WATGCHMAKER (Next door to Byer's Drugstore) Chas Hardy; and the $128.90 chiefly on roads meets again Dec. 5. 'Cartwright Council At the regular meeting of Cartwright Council accounts to the amount of $463,90 were passed, including $200 to the British Red Cross Society, $100 on teacher's salary, S.S. No. 9; $35 Gy The population of Oshawa increased by 600 during the past for medical and hospital service for The total assessment is $4,089,107. CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT DISNEY BROS' BIG FURNITURE STORE We have our store well filled with suitable gifts for the Christmas tide. Why not get your friend you many suggestions. - Come here. before you buy and let us show One Suggestion R= er Se 4 For A Friend With a Home of Her Own Centre Tables $2.00 to $8.00 Pictures For Young Ladies "This geavine A \ id Gy y ROY XY VYYYY MWY) \ IRAE 4] No 32 nay finished inside LIF, $15.00 No 30 $15.00 each No 381 "No nicer gift from family to Mother and Father than 2 these handsome Reed Chairs, No 30 and 31. Finished in dull brown, and upholstered in verdure tapestry. of Ch: holstered all t $12.00 to fe, hs on LY L kinds of

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