ybody who has available land is ultivating. t this summer, and women Yead Rréctical clothes for this purpose. lain waist of strong. material with s short khaki skirt with bloomers and detachable leggings is a very practical costume, as the illustration shows, The skirt is cut in four gores, and the short length is 82 inches. McCall Pattern No, 7073 Ladies' Waist; in 7 sizes; 34 to 46 bust; and No. "7011, Ladies' Sports Skirt, "with or without bloomers; in 7 sizes; 22 to 34 waist. Price, 15 cents each. These pattenrs. may be obtained from your local MoCall dealer or from The McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. His Own Shame. Robert's mother's admonishing to her small son generally ended with the words: "I'd be ashamed of, you if you did so and so," and the word . ashamed, therefore, was constantly .in his ears." 4 'to him: > One day, after he had eaten up his little sister's candy, his Mother said ert, did you eat Dorothy" s when I told you not to?" Yes, ma'am," said Robert in a tone of, triumph, "and I'm jest as ashamed of myself as I can be, so you~needn't be ashamed of me at alll" J 7 Sapcleons Egyptisn campaign, and p Native of Tropleal Bri Are Finely| : pon, Occasion. , The Dreseed 1 of the Ama- | zon Valley, in the wild and densely | intr bullet fired from at we gun. As it is, however, the resistance of our atmosphere so materially reduces the rate at which the raindrops fall that they are harmless; though were it or the hindrance they encounter oot 1 the air each drop would fall with a velocity great enough to pene- trate the full length of a grown man's body. Le AY AFTER DOGTORS FAILED A Well Known Resident of Port Hawkesbury is Restored to Health and Strength. Ore of the best known men in the town of Port Hawkesbury, N.S., is Mr. Willlam Duff, He has been a member of the municipal council for 16 years, chairman of the school board, and held other responsible positions. Mr, Duff's words, therefore, can be taken as com- ing from a man who has the esteem and respect of his fellow townsmen. He makes no'secret of the fact that he believes Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills saved. his life, and that they restored him to good health, after several medical men had failed to cure him. Mr. Duff tells ot his illness and cure as follows: "About four years ago I was attacked with la grippe, which left me in a con- dition difficult to describe. 1 was at- tacked with general weakness, and a constant dull pain in the stomach. I became so weak that I could not walk a hundred yards without sitting down to rest.' The food I ate continually soured on my stomach. My nerves were all gone, and palpitation of the heart and a fluttering sensation all through my chest, especially at night, was almost unbeagable. 1 was finally compelled to go to bed, and called in a doctor, who sald my heart was affect ed, and treated me for that trouble, After three months attendance, and feeling no better, T called in another. doctor. His treatment also failed to' help me, and I tried a third doctor. This one sald there was nothing wrong with my heart, that the trouble was due to my stomach. After treating me for a time he advised that I go to the hospital at Halifax. On & previous oc- casfon when I had an attack of rheu- matism I had been cured by Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills, and I decided that rather than go to a hospital I would again try this medicine. I got a supply of the pills and began taking them. In a few weeks I could feel my strength returnipg, my stomach was give me less trouble, the palpitation of the heart disappeared, and after a further use of the pills I felt as well as ever I did in my life. I can truly say ot I feel more thankful than words n express for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me." "You can get these pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.60, from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. $ RRL SY MIRAGES BOTHER TROOPS. Mystery of the Desert Interferes With " Army Movements. ~ "Operations had to be temporarily suspended owing to a mirage)" says an official communication from the Diala fxont, describing a minor strate- gic movement there. It is a reminder that, despite modern war inventions, there is at' least one front where world-old conditions still play a dom- !l inating part. Thirst, heat and mirage dre among the most important factors to be considered in Far Eastern cam- paigning, just as they were twenty eenturies and more ago. Although the why and wherefore of the mirage is better understood now than then, the British troops in Sinal Hand Mesopotami have frequently been o held up and mystified by the vision of lakes and trees, just as were the sol- diers of Joshua or Alexander, . On the occasion referred to in the oor es. sabi preven o ! 'On a similar occa- ago, i pea produced the sion yppeara; of big Turk- ih seinforcamnts which necessitated caution: until their been. estab! ges seriously phan "charac I tom ; terfered i t e to the investigations of & fiche of Sp. | are like the crogs- -examining lawyer. "Ig it true, this awyer asked al ~ geientist "who accompanied | on that they were first: cine dealers or by mall at 25 box from The Dr, Willams' Meds Co., Brockville, ont, Woman, Saviour stung, Not she denied him with wlio, ton- gue; She, while apostles shrank could dan- . gers brave, Last at the cross and arto at the v9: Buton Stannard Barrett. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. Not Fair. A leading milk distributor was talks ing to a reporter about milk prices. "But our adversaries' questions are not fair," he said. "Our adversaries witness, 'that you were the only sober man at the banquet?' "No, of course not,' the witness an- Not fo with traitorous kiss her! swered indignantly. " 'Who was, then ?' said the lawyer." S ore @ ronulated Eyelids, yes in y ex sure to Sun, Dustand Wind Ny relieved by Murine yes: Remedy. NoSmaning, just Comfort. & Your Druggist's 50¢ per why Murine E v SalveinTubes25c. ForbovketiheEreftcuutk Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co Garden Tools. A spade, garden fork, hoe and rake | are absolutely necessary for garden-| ing. A trowel and garden line to make | straight rows with and for transplant- | ing are desirable. Wheel hoes and seed drills are valuable for large gar- dens. MONEY ORDERS. BUY your out of town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five dollars costs three cents. Docking Lambs. When Mr. R. C. Harvey of Leth- bridge is docking his lambs he keeps one blade of a pair of home-made shears heated red hot by a gasoline blow torch. As the lamb is docked this hot blade sears the wound, and there is no loss of blood. rg o - - -- o PG PAINT NOT A BITI_ LIFT YOUR CORNS J OR CALLUSES OFF No humbug! "Apply few drops then just lift them away CLOTHES NOT NEEDED. forested interior of Brazil; wear no clothing extept for ornament. Why should they ? The climate does not de- wand it. Nevertheless, some of them are the| | most beautifully dressed persons in the world--at all events, on festive octa- | Alons, 'when, as we should say, they "doll up." - They wear cloaks, tunics and hats | made wholly of the feathers of trogons and other gorgeous birds; and these ents are supplemented by neck- laces, bracelets and #nklets of polish- "ed teeth and brilliant*beetles' Wings. mi---- This is the time to swat the early fly. i ------eee a . with fingers. ~0----0~--0--0 This new drug is an ether compound discovered by a Cincinnati chemist, It is called freezone, and can now be ob- tained in tiny bottles as here shown at very || little cost from any drug store. Just ask for freezome., Apply a drop or twh directly up- on a tender corn or cal- lus and instantly the poreness disappears. Shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it off, root and all, with the fingers. Not a twinge of pain, soreness or irritation; ill not even the slightest 1 smarting, either when applying freezone or afterwards. This drug doesn't eat up the corn or callus, but shrivels them go they loosen and come right out. It is no humbug! It works like a charm. For a few cents you can get rid of every hard corn, soft corn or corn be tween the toes, as well as painful cal luges on bottom of your feet. It never disappoints and never burns, bites or inflames. If your druggist hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to get a little bottle for you from his wholesale house. Purely Herbal--No poisonsus coloring Antiseptic--Stops blood-poisen Soothing--Ends pain and smarting, ete. Pure--Best for baby's rashes. / Heals all sores. 50¢. box. All Druggists and Stores ICY crus. NEW A a "Clean All" competion For All Boller Feed Waters Spinach For Paper. A French horticulturist, Mons. R. de Noyer, has discovered that spinach stems contain 46 per-cent. of cellulose and make a paper equal to the Japan. ese product. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE Oyclone Bhaking and D Bars for all requirements, -Canadlan Steam Boller Equipment Go., Limitsd Tel. Gerrard 3660 Bt. - WOMAN COULD HARDLY STAND } Restored to Health by Lydia ' E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Fulton, N. Y. -- "Why will wom j of ROPIT .MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario The most useful aia interesting Full information on Wilson Publishing Com- towns. 11 businesses, application to $ pany. 73 Adelalde 8t.. Toronto. ---------- mm AUTOMOBILES POR SALE Q SapLag IN GOOD RUN- 1910 ning, or fon: Has spare rice § fas UDSQN, Li "MODEL, 6 CYLIN- der, 7 Passenger Touring Car. Eleo- ¢ lights and starter. Recently overs hauled and hewly painted. Tires in good shape. Price $1, $1,300. UDSON 1916 MODEL, 6 CYLIN- 7 Passenger Touring Car, with Br " hts and starter. Thoroughly overhauled in our shop and newly paint- ed. Seat covers on all seats and doors. Oversize tires." Price $1, 200. UDSON, MODEL 87, [3 PASSENGER, .. 4 cylinder Touring Car. Eleotrio ts and starter, in ood running order and newly painted. ooks like a new car. Price $650. mm out their money for treatatent ot and | receive no ares dia 'or over a ear I suffered so rom josale weal 1 could hardly and and was! | atraid to go on the ane. Doo- I 4 medid 8 Joss god on peration won ly me, £ Pitkham's ote ne: bus 1 has proved it , I am now perigelly well any kind of Aly '-- Mrs. , care of R. A. Rider, SFuleom, N. Y. NY Wom an who suffers alg "trou es, nervo Bl blues could see he fot. ofl LE ui io 's Ve, e 1H) ehed pam and do no cause, write to aE fond ihe edfcine Co., Tom | for helpful advice given "free. n Lik | running order, at a special price, $350, PAIGE SEDAN: A VERY FINE looking closed car seating five. Klectric lights and starter, also inside dome light. Nearly all the windows open, which gives ample JSntiiation for summer driving. Price UDSON, MODEL 33. "S ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car, in "PASSEN- 00d UDSON 1913 MODEL "64." A HIGH powered, six cylinder, § passenger Touring Car. In good rupning order and looks Ilke new. rice $780. {\ TUDEBACKER, SEVEN PASSEN: h or, 4 cylinder Touring Car, in good running order. Tires in good shape. This car was painted this year and looka very nice. Price $360 ACKSON, b PASBENGER, 4 CYLIN- der Touring Car, Has electric lights and starter, good tires, and is a bargain at the price $300. Rys=eLlL. 3 PASSENGER CABRIO- t. A very handsome closed oar, suitable for a doctor. Price $1,000. We only sell used cars after the pur. chaser has had a demonstration and satisfied himself of the running quali- | ties of the car he is buying. Call at our showroom next time you are = Toronto | and let our salesmen show you any of our used cars and give you a demonstra- tion. THE DOMINION AUTOMOBILE CO. Limited 146-150 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. Minard's L used by Phy Danger to Public Health. The fact that human beings con- tract tuberculosis by the use of milk and dairy products from tubercular cows is now almost undisputed by scientists and physicians who have in- vestigated this question. The danger {s especially acute in young children, who drink a larger proportion of raw milk than adults. A At the Yarmouth Y. M. C. A. Boys' Camp, held at Tusket Falls in August, 1 found MINARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES, General Sec'y. Because quail, prairie chickens, meadow larks and other birds which feed on bugs and insects of many kinds have been swept away by thou- sands, the cotton-growers of the south lose $100,000,000 a year by the depre- dations of the boil weevil, Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. fire prevention. The longest stretch over which com- mercial wireless messages have ever sent extends from Hawali to okio, & distance of 8,855 miles, says Popular Mechanics. "Wireless .com- 'the United States and Japa. Nov. 15, 1916, via this route, when the Prosi- dent' sent greetings to the Japanese School children should be taught munication was established between 1s A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Home. New York.--Dr. Beck, a New York state ist, and Dr. Judkins, a Massa. i physician, were asked to make a fhorongy test fhe popular eye Remed 1 " reports were most intel are: Jopert "When m e wonderful eye rem- odo Jie inclited to be #kepll- i vr a ST Mi] Toure helieve lon on pr plicable. lo. tp Hh the eyes. ty Bon Opto {provghont oe Son tates Lh a nity 1 began y attention 103 ex- {1 ible. There ihe vi th an Jo use it ig [60 suite axed [edical to on of m, ed |nmined, the eyesight more than 50 per cent in one Feels ¢ time, I have also used it with sur- prising effect in cases of work ktrained eyes, pink eye, inflammed lds, catarrhal con- junctivites, smarting, painful, aching, itch- ing eyes, eyes weakened from colds, smoke, gun, dust and wind, watery eyes, blufred vision, and in faet many oth conditions too numerous to describe in this report. A new and startling case hag just some undér my observation, which visided to B: op [4] io, is that of a young girl, 12 years ol prominent eye 8 clasts, after a thorong examination of oung girl, decided i order to save the Be t of he righ ht eye, left eye must be remgbed. afore per: he ting her to be operated on, the young girl's father decided to use Bon Opto. In les§ than three days a marked improyement w 8 notl At the end of a week the infla mation had almost disappeared, and at the end of six weeks the oe as saved. Ju: © means think what the saving of that e; © of lady ninety-three ears old, 6 to that he ¢a this Ntgle girl. Auot her case me with dull visio extreme inflamma- tion of the.lids and the conjunotiva ia | 14 most raw. - After two weeks' use J fo Opto the lids were absolutély normal a) 05d her eyes are as bright as many a gifl sixteen." Dr, Judkins, Massachiuactia ph; an, formerly Chief of Clinics in the TU {gn- cral Hospital, Bosto J y louse Surgeon at t e nd Bar Infirmary of I medi thor for many } L, ha and Portlgnd, Malin "I Baye fonnd oculls yA ate apd Soe ns too rl lassés whil Begl wut as which form t home treatment for pt ¢ This, in my op! 80 at ia oR oe Fliers gf n obt to Im v 111 make th bh Pak of the 00th bru; 3 am Ee qe 4 inspection io ho. published SHEL 20, inp i Bat only 14,016 out of 7 ithe ex- néed to wear glasses now, a marked over the previous re, wilh go okie hot onty toni hed self ut also other physicians with whom I have talked about £ have had many individ- aly glas: lasses for years for Ness, a 8! es! astigma- d other hit h weak © iEhisgn term me rb h them through the adop- ny eye se and ps t conditions | t gh other means, Ia vise hysician to study Bon i to exe eye e thro Et fosal ur method eye St tment 80 le. to co] hi 3 The trea pire, in yin appl cation that it can be used | 8 "t home by anyone. of average jntellig ance. nm own practice 1 have soen it streagthon dcator nib; ain ve it the same carefull fy Opto is hastening the eyeglassicss age bespectacled Boston. Victims of eye stzain and other eye weak- nesses and those who r Elipasel Jal be |¢ lad to know that jgco ording to k qa! there is real Tope and any whose eyes were fail- ve had their eyes restored el ane Stescription and me many Suse wore glasses say away." One mi sa7%, att She was almost bain. Col d not ad at all,' Now I can read eve thing without my Slasses on my eyes pot 'hurt diy more. al ain dreadfu Hm. It a Nie a ho used it says: "The atmosphere seemed Z| len t they Now ih i o> Secl Bg all the | dracle to me" A lady [Sove Hh) Pron with 4 whut glasses but after using ten for 16 days cverything ring of without A Another who ted says: "1 was bothered with eye Ssutal Dr. Beck, The Well Known Eye Specialist and Doctor Judkins, The Medical Author, Publish Astonishing Report on Wonderful Remedy To Strengthen Eyesight Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many Instances DR. JUDKINS caused by overworked, tired eyes which in. uced flerce headaches. I have worn glasses or Several years, both for distance and clogé work and without them I could not regd my own name on an envelope or the typewriting on the machine before me. § cen do both now and have discarded my distance glasses altogether, I can it the fluttering leaves on the trees pio @ street now, which for several jE hei looked like a dim green blur to eo 1 cannot, express my joy at what it has done for me. "It is belleved that thousands who wear | glass can now discard them in a reason- fh me and multitudes more will be able 0 Btrengthen their eyes so as to be spared i outs ad expense of ever getting troubles of many descriptions & i Fhe WO) Sa benefited by the use of json at home. Here is the pre- to any active drug store and oa do Bon orto tablets. Drop one bho ablet in a fourth of a glass of fier ina let it dissolve. With this quid er the eyes two to four times daily pate notice Joust eyes clear up perceptibl High from the start and inflammation au edness will quickly disappear, If your eves Dota you even a little, it 18 your duty ka ste 8 to Save them now before it is any Hopeless) blind might have save dibeir § sight they or thelr NOTE, Anoth He Gs rn artic RH op Is i po nt gent tal met use very success- io my own pra ten on patients Whose eyes stra! rWOorl ? ad cared minent physiclat ho) hom mitted, aid: , th i actus fy per. €ent -f an read even fine print stances or t 1 geod dru Fists. ey algo by G. ug "amblyn Toronto, Br store & Co.