n Pens, : : Mucilage, Crayons, Pen 57 Ml | men to work on, and the records will | be of value for universities afd _scien- tific bureaus not only in Canada hr jut the civilized world. The object of the medical examin- ation, primarily, is to inform_those and rs A McLean of Port Perry, on fiable to service if they will be drafted Monday, September 24th, in her 24th {or not, since men found physically' yes | unfit are sure of exemption by the ti Employers Exemption Tribunals. "of the fact that ) : under the gate there.. Apparently the aviator wn largely to practise alight- 'and to make some little adjust- ats to the machinery. He did not stay long but in a few minutes rose into the air, circled around, and came back to wave the people goodbye, and in a few minutes was out of sight e gracefullness and wonderfulness se machines only increases. as more of them. :Itlis with profound regret that we p the death of Miss Mary Eliza- 4 cLean, second daughter of Mr ti. The town has lost a most es- e young lady in the person of ss.McLean. and has hoped against will also be able to calculate "as 0 hope'that her life might be spared. what removals they may expect from He illness has lasted some months, their business houses, factories, etc. a cold having been contracted last country-wide physical examination of which resulted in a deep seated anemia nen between certain ages looms large "of which the patient bould not rid But the scientific importance of the winter while teaching at Fort William, | We will be getting a ular supply of Peaches and other fruits as they ome in season from Grimsby. The s always been No 1. Call w Port Perry sa UR MOTTO "= Ontario a e : i gi : : : bo a «Service and Quality "When you need meat, you need choice _ meat. Do you realize what this means to you? Cail and convince yourself or phone Bell 29. eh EAT MARKET, PORT PERRY "lin the eyes'of a great many medical 'authorities. Remember the big jewelry sale by See their A ] and D Carnegie. an- nouncement on the inside page. No Name Signed Notice of an engagement was sent to the STAR Office for publication, and the necessary fee for the insertion of the notice was also sent But no name was signed, and.upon investigation, it would seem that the writer of the letter was incorregtly informed. The pub- lication of this unsigned item might ve to be: 'expensive, 50 we mus Geclise to Crea the expected sensa | tion « Ifthe writer- we will refund the money What is a Fair Profit? Just now there is a great stir about the big profits ot a cold storage com- pany. Tt is claimed that these profits are abnormal. The company claim, | on the other hand, that their profits are normal. What are fair profits? ~~ Who is conducting business nowa- days with the idea of making his pro- || fits as small as possible? Had the cold storage company been ll | engaged in the production of luxuries, their profits would simply have been looked upon as a sign. of gilt-edged il | business, the people would have shrugged their shoulders, and invest- ll] ors would be trying to buy a block of il | the company's stock. : But the cold storage company is dealing in necessities, and the people are finding it hard and expensive to secure those necessaries, so there had to be a scapegoat, and the cold stor. age company was it. We do not excuse the cold storage company, but cannot fail to remember brought to the Master for condemna- tion. The Master 1nvited those who | were without sin to cast the first stone --and no stones wére cast. ! Every person who grabs the biggest 'possible profit---farmer, wholesaler, of |retailer--is taking advantage of con- The « ; himself rich. aa {he kind. herself. As a scholar, member of the Sun- day 'School, Presbyterian = church, church choif, and in many spheres of social life "May McLean" as she was afféctiouately called, commanded the dwil and esteem of her compan- ons, and her early death 1s a real loss to a large circle of friends. Mr and Mrs Alexander McLean, two sisters, Mrs M Baird, Onllia; Miss Nora McLean at home, and a brother Rev Victor McLean of Thessalon. re ---- -- a . For Sale "Improved quarter section, touching % y Saskatchewan," 80 | acres' cultivated, 40. summerfallowed, $1600 cash. "Apply Miss Hyland, Port Perry, Ontario. Bicycle for Sale : Gentieman's bicycle in good con- dition, brake, kit bay, carrier, cheap for cash, = Apply Star Office. Lost Last'week, a hand flash light; black with nickle trimmings. Finder please leave at Star Office. -- Farmer's Union Milling Company MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS On Wednesday evening of this week a meeting of the shareholders of the Farmers" Union Milling Company, Limited, was held in the Town Hall, Port Perry. Among the - speakers from a distance wete J. J. Morrison, Secretary of the United Farmers of "Ontario; C W Gurney, manager of the United Farmers Co-Operative Co, iLtd; J J Powers, Orono, Director of Deceased is survived by her parents, | FARMERS Advances H. G. HUTCHESON, : Seagrave The Fall Anniversary services of our church will be held on Thanks- | giving Sunday, October 8th. Special services are being arranged for which pill :be 'announced later. A thank offering will be asked for instead of the usual fowl supper. A union of the Seagrave and Bethel Sunday Schools will be held on Sun- day, September 30th, for their rally services. Let everyone come out and help to make this a success. Special collection will be taken for the use of the General Sunday School work. Mr Wm Brown of new Toronto, spent last week with his brother John. Among the week end visitors were: Mr Alex Brown of Bethesda; Mr Wm English, of Manilla; Mr K C Charters of Toronto; Mrs Thos Hattie, Port Hoover; Miss Helen Hawkins, of Toronto. Mrs Ed Frise in the City attending the funeral of her sister, .Miss Blanche Frise has gone to the Western Hospital to train for a nurse. -® Local News Attention Don't forget the annual Bazaar of the Young" People's Soeiety" of the Church of the Ascension, to be held on Hallowe'en night, October 31st. Further particulars later. Coat Lost 4 'Lady's Black Suit Coat lost between Scugog Island and Port Perry, on Saturday afternoon, September 22. Finder please return to STAR Office. Harvest Thanksgiving Services On Sunday last two beautiful ser- vices were performed at the English Church, It was the occasion of the annual Harvest Festival, and the ladies of the congregation had with infinate patience and toil very beauti- fully decorated the church with flowers in profusion, the altar a mass of white asters with a large cross of woven asters in the centre. Leaves with their autumn tints enchanced by the bolder coloring of flowers tastefully interspersed through them, adorned the walls and quite properly, the fruits of the fields indicative of the bounti- ful harvest with which we have beén Farmers Co-Operative Co. Ltd; H B Cowan, editor of the Farm and Dairy: | Mr Thurston, of the Weekly Sun. { Mr C A Heney, who was chairman blessed at this supreme crisis, were displayed in quantity where oppor- tunity afforded. The music was very good, the choir being increases by the incident of the sinner who wus for the evening called upon Mr Alseveral additional voices for the day kind. pehiod. At least three hundred nswer for this farmers should be sharcholders, which t ar of -of course wc O Brien to outline the position of the "It was also the last service but one Company at the present time which before Mr Stent returns to college for he proceeded. to do in a clear cut his final year, an added attention was business like style. | given to both his very thoughtful ser: The facts as Mr O'Brien gave them mons, the one in the morning from are as follows: !the text "Every good tree bringeth "Fhe Company has 121 sharehold- forth good fruit" and in the evening ers who have subscribed for 217 "And he said, "he that showed mercy shares or $11,650. The capital re- unto him," then Jesus said "Go Thou qquited to take over the property and and do likewise." Mr Stent during a these persons and provide working capital is approxi- the. four months here has made a mpany is one of mately § actically unlimited possi- is at present subseribed. $35,000, or $23,000 less than number of friends and given very : effective service. He 1s a young man | The question before the meeting with a pteasant personality, hopeful 1 hat is to Le done inthe matter? oyijook and a message and we hope re are two methods of raising he pray receive the appointment to uired apital, which would be this Parish when ordained. to farmers. are. made: -a special feature by this Bank. are PORT PERRY BRANCH Manager. . A Greenbank | Mr. Frank Ferguson has gone West. for a short trip. Miss Ethel Miller's friends met at her home Thursday evening and gave her a_shower. The funeral service of the late Mr Lee, held in the Presbyterian church was very largely attended. Prince Albert Miss Annie Rawlins has returned home after-making a month's visit to Minden. % Mr Will Patterson, son of Mr and Mrs Geq Patterson, who is a chauffeur in the American militia, made a fare- well visit to his parents, as he ex~ pects to go overseas in a short time. Don't fail to read A J and D Car negie's jewelry ad on the inside of the paper. Our school had a half-holiday to attend Port Perry Fair. Mrs Lillie Mark and children have returned to their home near Duluth, Minnesota. Utica Mr and Mrs J] McClintock motored to Hamilton last Sunday. v- Mrs} Webster-and son Arthur, of Toronto, called on Mrs W_ Tennyson one day last week. Mr Jas Cormack left last Saturday for Toronto, where he has accepted. Learoyd Tennyson who has beem: spending a few weeks with his par- ents returned to Toronto on Tuesday where he will resume his studies at the School of Practical Science. Mr and Mrs George Lyle of Dun- barton, were visiting at Mr Frank Hortop's recently. Mrs John Taylor and family andi Mt Arthur Reynolds, of . Toronto, were guests at Mr George Howsam's one day last week. Edgar Hoggarth of Brooklyn, was visiting his aunt Mrs E Kendall, last Sunday. Miss Daisy Howsam was the guest of Mrs George Howsam over Sunday. Mr and Mrs George Philips and Miss Lizzie Bentley, ol Toronto, mo- tored down and spent Sunday with Mrs James Bentley. No services in the Methodis® church next Sunday owing to speci services in the Presbyterian church. Miss Margaret Johns left on Mom day to attend Normal School ax Peterboro. Prospect Miss Aileen Thompson, was visi ing in Oshawa last week. Pte Albert Blatch of Camp Borden, spent the week end in our vicinity. Miss Mildred Robson of Brougha na spent Sunday with Dr G DD Robson. Mrs Frank Duff and son of To™ ronto are visiting at Mr Somerville's. Read A J and D Carnegie's an- nouncement on the inside page. They are selling jewelry at a257%, discount. ri A is to "receive sub: s from the largest possible ffarme.s. That is the ideal would ensure the practical hundred customers. the co-operative .idea All the Music of all the World = Most of the Fun of Iu Too. | orge R. Davey ~ Local Dealer