These suftsare not this seasons styles and the cloth' could; not be bought o-day for double re 'price we ask for the iad suit. * Most of the suits are cut full and allow of sufficient alterations to bring them up-to-date in style. Colors Black; Navy, Green, Brows, Bran, etc. Regular prices " = $2000. - Sale Price Ladies Winter Ladies' Corsets ~~ Combinations 08¢ ~ Soc Just a few suits of this line left. Made of fine yarn in ribbed weave. eid Cs R 1 1 1.50. sell this corset in ia or dove at 50c, Ra Vane $ Butterick Quarterly ; Spring. Number 2% : Price to clear 986, =F, W. McINTYRE © Women's Black and Navy Kersey Coats $6.95 The coats advertised are mostly Black and Navy. The material is Kersey cloth and are made up in plain staple tailored styles. The cloths are all wool and colors are per- fectly fast and will make over to advantage. $10.00 to $15.00. Brushed Wool Scarfs $1.50 These scarfs were one of ular novelties of the season. ground with black, navy. purple bars across ends. price $2.00. Sale Price $1.50 Regular Prices Sale price $6.95 Men's Heavy Wool the pop- Fawn green or Regular Underwear, 79c Men's heavy ribbed wool underwear in' cream, also some spring needle rib with a few plain weave in natural color. $1.00 and $1.25, Regular Sale price each 79¢ February Delineator 15¢ copy this trade mark e the one sure guide to "The One Gino ? Instrument." This trade mark is on every : genuine Colunbia Grafonola. and | Columbia Record. ' Asi to W. barn 40 x 60, stone stable, drive house, 12 ! acres orchard, land rolling. 150 acres near Ashburn, 7 roomed house, large bam, stone stabling, drive house, clay land, spring creek, always con- side: farm AR, adjoining the village of Prince 83, join or garden voll me roomed allo good fam house, silo, 7 ouse, stone cellar with cement | ame, he of repair. ¥2 mile to station, side- valk to High School at Port Aerry. es, lot 10, concession 9, te Van sills to Raglan, % to tn ouse, 8 rooms, stone cellar, cement cistern inside, well at door, hig roof or astern large straw barn, stone stable with cement 4 floor, silo, hen house, imple. ment shed 20 A x J0, pig op under drive house, rchard, small fruit, 10 acres of hardwood i Soy the buildings are in repair, good wheat A very otirabie h home. Easy terms. Fall or Spring possession. 100" acres, lot 36.5 con 2. Reach township, 2 miles south of Prince Albert. 7 roomed frame house, stone cellar, hip roof barn 36 x 80, steel roof, stone stable, cement floor, silo, hen house and pig pen, 14x drive ' shed, 18 x 30, buildings and fences in best » land tile drained, and in best of 100 actes Jo Jor 8, con 4, Reach, on Rural Mail, 14 suile to P School, 42 to Port P H School, 7 % mile to church, sandy clay lc 70 acres cultivated, level, Sacres second growth cedar, fences in , fire wood, good ro repair, Yolk SpFing creek, orchard, house, barn 30. x 54, drive house 20 x 32, hen house and pig pen, Fall 200 acres, lot 5, con 8, Clark, Durham County, 42 miles from Starkville, | mile to slay loam, 115 acres cultivated, 7 acres orchard, 10 roomed me house, | barn 44 x 70, cement floors; water in stable, ' Yindmil, cement silo, fall or spring pos- . Cook, R.R. No 2, Port or Bell P one 107122, or indepen. dent Phone 4 Fire I Insurance | Co. of Canada ESTABLISHED 1859 of - 046, ™ ,000.00 "INSU RANCES : EE Morley Campbell REAL ESTATE AGENT Properties For Sale FARMS Lot 18, con. 10, Reach, 60 acres clay loam, good buildings, Al mineral spring on place. Lot 22, con. Reach, 200 acres good land, 10 oa. J house, Al bam, pig pen, strawbarn, hen house, 12 acres orchard just coming into bearing, running water, 15 acres Lots 11 and 12, on Simcoe South, 2 mile south of Raglan, 100 acres, 11 roomed brick gottage. good t stonestable with cement oor, lar, pen with cement x, flour. large pi g wate. Lot 3, con. 11, Scugog, comprised of 200 acres more less, known as "Seven Mile Island"'a summer resort with good motor road right to the buildings which consist of new frame house with 17 rooms, also good log house with 6 rooms, large summer kitchen, all in ih $ repair, out buildings, barn 70 x 20, stabling underneath, 5 acres young orchard, also old orchard, all kinds small fruits, well fenced, good water, ex- gellent fishing. Snap if taken atonce, good term 100. acres, lot 19, con 2, Brock, farm of W A Hall, good 8 roomed house with cement cellar, hard and soft water, summer kitchen ice house, barn 50x75 on 9 foot stone wall, cement floors; water in stable and pig pens, stone pig pen 24 x45 with driving house above, good hen house, well fenced, plenty of all kinds of fruit, termes reasonable, - Ill health reason for selling. IN PORT PERRY Brick house and lot, a snap for cash. Brick house and 3 acres of good land, fruit, a wonderful chance to buy a cheap ome. Commodious fame conveniences good lo t, Charles Hotel -- be bought at a ao House; barn and twelve acres, all kinds of fruit, 7 roomed house. House, barn and 12 acres land, all kinds of fruit, 7 roomed house. IN PRINCE ALBERT Sick house and an acre of choice garden house, modem Large frame house in first-class repair good stable, all kinds of fruit. Commodious frame house, 3 acres fond, beautiful shade trees, fruit, good stable. NESTLETON New brick house, shade frees, stable 'a desirable home. Country Store and a nine room iodo frame frame dwelive. Jituste asta sctes of ston, use wales al Kinds of chore also post office in. connection with 'bought at a sacrifice. money for a live. man, steady 'spare time. Your choice; selling our guaranteed Nursery Stock. i re, Your mone Sh tation back of our trees. | - w : ci W.-H. Doubt Merchant Tailor OVERCOATS Before buying see our peices on an up-to-date ine of new, nifty, ready- to-wear Overcoats at from $15.00 to $20.00 They are beauties We also carry our usual good line of goods for made-to-measure ~ Over- coats. Fit guaranteed. SUITS We carry a full line of ordered suits, See our lines of Blue and Black Serges, guaranteed fast dyes. Ask for prices on our ready-to-wear suits. RRR - PHONE 72 For Choice BEEF, PORK, LAMB and VEAL CAWKER BROS. BUTCHERS A full line of Smoked Meats and Lard always on hand Highest Cash : price paid for Hides and Skins Ww. I. Cook - Real Estate A large list of farms for sale in Ontario County. Some city property for exchange or sale, also Western land. ~My list includes some rare bargains. Wiite or phone me before bugie Communicate with WJ Cook, X. No 2, Port Perry; or Bell Phone : or £22, or Independent Phone