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Port Perry Star, 31 Jan 1918, p. 7

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ot pre Hie i i Files? i FE i : g ' t," was . "The k be too busy Sttand to the Ril» About eight o'clock, whep the Brit- ish guns opened for a preliminary bombardment, the Hun batteries stop- & g 7 2 and backache about two years I read in Dodd's Almanac how many sufferers had benefited by using 's Kidney Pills. 4 "I decided to send for two boxes. fore 1 had finished taking them 1 "It gives: me great pleasure to say a few words for Dodd's Kidney Pills." All over the island you find people who tell of benéfits received from Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are recog: | nized as the standard remedy for kid- ----p ey ~~ MONEY ORDERS Buy your out of town supplies with ' Dominion Express Money Orders. Five- dollars costs three cents, It matters not what money crops constantly. They will keep nitrogen and humus in the soil, kéep the soil mellow and friablé and open the sub- soil to other roots. which is lower silo, says a bulletin ment of Agriculture, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. In cold weather clothes pins are apt to freeze to the clothes and cause a tear when removed. This can be avoid- ed by first soaking the pins in salt and water, : Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows When you put a porridge saucepan, soak always fill it with water. The prevalent guess is that next year is not going to be as good as the | average for crops. All the more rea- son to do your best work. ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, d nal, cured ped and the engineer took himself up fils. Acting i on the hill. He looked about him until I a Ane, on u, *iey weary, then lay in a shell hole organs. The result is that they do | to to sleep. 'Early in the morning the big . their full work of straining all the im- guns stopped firing suddenly." He purities, all the seeds of disease, out | awoke. Half asleep he tried to dis- of the blood. That is why Dodd's | cern what was happening. He climbed | Kidney Pills are recognized as a tonic, | Hi BELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER H is® EE Br 8 _ sufferers will benefit by her experi- : ng to a fellow clerk, she said had been cured of this y Dr. Willams' Pink Pills, not feeling very hopeful I boxes home that evening and y wife to try them. By the y were used they had done | uch good that she required no to continue the treatment, taking six or seven boxes completely cured. As I have s was about a year ago, and she had no return of the trouble | ce. I feel very grateful for the im- menses. good or Vee: Pink my A splendid idea is this for an over- have done my wife, and I hepe other 4ress, to be worn over a waist. The Shree piece skirt is in-round oF instep ence, McCall Pattern No, 7617, You can get these pills through any : Ladies' Overdress. In b sizes, 34 to dealer In medicine, or by a at 50 42 bust. Price, 20 cents. ceirts a box or six boxes for $2.60 from _ These patterns may 'be obtained Phe Dr. Willams' Medicine Co, : from your local McCall dealer, or from Brockville, Ont. the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, 58 f Bit By o A s 8 B th 41 gd out. of his shell hole and stood looking at the ridge. ) Suddenly there went up, one after the other, a. nimber of enormous, sheets of earth, smoke and flames, which rose slowly until each formed al huge mushroom. Avparently they were a mile high to him. 'Then he was knocked head over! heels by the shock of the explosion. He was stunned for the moment, but soon realized his position and roused him-; self. To him it sounded ' as though! every British gun on the British front was firing as fast as it could. Exactly one hour and a half after- ward he was on the ridge, following the infantry and carrying on his work. | He afterward learned that so well had the aerial photographers detected the German batteries that eighty per cent of them were put out of action ten minutes after the explosion occurred on the ridge. - . ----anp CARE OF INSANE SOLDIERS. i tobacco, fish, tr ee W¥ Ten Thousand Substitutes. Ten thousand substitute food a ticles have been introduced into Ger- | meny since the war, according to al statement made in the Berlin news- papers Ky Professor Juckenack, a prominent German ' food expert, He mentions as the most striking ex- amples of successful substitution the, following: Artificial butter; eggs, wu: | lad oil, honey, milk, coffee, tea, sugar, sausage, cheese' and caviar. Some of the substitutes are directly harmful but others are so good that they will outlive the war and become regular articles of cop) sumption, he asserts. | - The publisher of the best Farmer's | paper in the Maritime Prqvinces in writing to us states: "I would say that T do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of DQ OOOO OO OOOO ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT! No foolishness! LIft your corns and calluses off with fingers --It's Ilke magic! 0-0-0 Oe Oot © =O Om OOO Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or 0-- "any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be | lifted right out with the fingers if you apply upon the corn a few drops of | freezone, says a4 Cincinnati authority. | For little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store. which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries the moment | it is applled and does not even irri tate the surrounding skin while ap- plying it or afterwards. This announcement many of our readers, will interest If your drug: WwW and job printing plant In Eastern Ontario. Insurance carried $1,600. Will go for $1.200 on quick sale, Box 69, Wilson Publishing Co. Ltd, Toronto, Doctors Recommend 'Bon-Opto for the Eyes | Physicians and eve specialists pre- scribe Bon-Opto as u safe home remedy in the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen eyesight. Sold under money refund guaranty by all druggists. i | | | | | J | Rr) time lke MINARD'S LINIMENT. It Bist hasn't any freezone tell him to | -- - 3 has been an unfailing remedy in our Purely get a small bottle for you from | hh household ever since I can remember, his wholesale drug house. . . e and has outlived dozens of would-be k : | ables Wi ao Mental Cases to be Maintained by Do- minion Government. Provincial institutions will be en- 3 pene Dept. W. lly FIRST BRITISH BARRAGE, tpn Effect of a Concentrated Effort on The THER 5 HARD ON LITTLE ONES 'WINTER WES the Part of the Artillery. The Bochelbatteries were celebrat- ' ing the new year----in fact they were a little previous, because «it was but "noon of December 31, and the year was ' 1916--at Ypres, : a Ever since daylight the Canadians had been having a beastly time of it. The Boche five-point-nines had been coming sover with unceasing regular- ity and the British artillery was re- plying with a feeble fire. They claim- ed shortage of ammunition and in. re- ply to the repeated calls from the in-| fantry for shells they would sing out --*"You've 'ad your allowance." «The Canadians got pretty mad at his continued shelling, and a friend asked a gunner whether they couldn't de something to distract the Boches' re. "this is Fritz's last day. Wait till to * night!" . : _He waited--this friend. Exactly at » stroke of midnight pandemonium e loose. It sounded as though.all ress trains in' the world were g overhead. And well it should, ty 12-inch howitzers had been 7 rolled into position during, the day and were at that moment flinging half- projectiles onto the German batter The British bombardment went on for twenty-four hours; and for three weeks ard there was not a soli- tary heavy German shell fired on that : "That's all right,'t was the answer; | | she had her doubts as to how he would be able - | from his notebook, to the admiration *|'and astonishment gf his landlady, who had never heard of shorthand, and Our Canadian 'winters are extremely hard on the health of little ones, The weather Is often so severe that the mother cannot take the little one out for an airing. The consequence is that baby is confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms; takes colds and be- comes cross and peevish. Baby's Own Tablets 'should be given to keep the liftle one. healthy. They regulate "the stomach and bowels and prevent or cure colds. The Tablet are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, rt re prt. REPORTING THE SERMON, Opinion of a Highland Hostess Re- garding Her Lodger's Shorthand. A kilted regiment, while on the march in a part of Scotland, halted for a Sunday of rest at a remote village in the Highlands, and some of the | braw laddies were billeted on the in- habitants. % 'One old lady had to find lodging for two of the soldiers, Sandy and Tam, and she was delighted to know they were going to the kirk in the evening. She herself was unable to go, and her pleasure increased when one of her guests, who happened to be an ac- complished writer of shorthand, pro- mised to tell her everything that the minister said in his serfion--although to remember it all. ~The two "kilties" came back from church, and Sandy read the sermon could Bot: puaferstand how anyone could writ 8 fast as "the minister When Sandy had finished and {he nS on her unexpectedly, found her big awkward volume on her knee, 3% heated, excited, and evidently very trusted with the care of the members of the C.E.F. returned to Canada suf- fering from insanity, but the Domin- ion Government will pay for their maintenance. This decision was reached in the conference of the Mili- tary Hospitals Commission, the Board of Pension Commissioners and the re- presentatives of ' the provincial gov- ernments held in the M.H.C. head- quarters Tuesday. Heretofore the Military Hospitals Commission and the Board of Pension Commissioners have paid a flat rate in hospitals for the"insane for the 350 'men suffering in varying degrees from competitors and imitators." | | | i Less Sugar for Candy. Preliminary steps have been taken to curtail the use of cane sugar in the manufacture of candies. Manufac-| turers have been informed of the | necessity for saving such sugar and are now endeavoring to adjust their business to the requirements of the] situation. The money spent for candy in the! United States and Canada in the past! mental ailments. By the new arrange- ment they will pay provincial institu- tions for their maintenance and in ad- ition, Sir James Lougheed on behalf of the gbvernment agreed to pay an extra allowance per capitd, which sum will be directed to the equipment and maintenance of the buildings. - Over 50 per cent. of those now re- ceiving treatment in institutions had been suffering from mental diseases before they enlist and eventually | would have become. public charges in| the ordiriary course of events. ee pens The Limit, - The following amusing story con- 'cerning Madam Sarah Grand, the well- known novelist, was told to me recent- ly by a personal friend of hers. It appears that the gifted author of "The Heavenly Twins" is very absent-| minded. much pit out. "Is anything Ee van." she answers ; yes," answ , desperate- : "Pve'lost my pen, a I want to the matter?" agked the | meat is issued in-rations; What girl or woman hasn't heard of 'should be mixed with orchard white "| strain the lemon juice so no pulp {into the bottle, then this lotfon will re- year. is double the amount of money | needed to keep Belgium supplied with | food for a year. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds. Eto. Weta f Island is a "Warship." The island of Ascension, in the At-| lantic, is the property of the British Admiralty, and is borne on the Navy List as a vessel, being classed as a] | tender to one of His Majesty's ships, of war. The island is governed by a! naval captain, and the men Stationed | there (chiefly -Royal Marines) are subject to the same rules as they would be on board ship. There is ud private property in land, so there are no rents, rates, or taxes. The flocks] and herds are public property, and the so are the vegetables grown on the farm, New York state has passed a law re- iring counties with a population of ,000 or over to erect and maintain tuberculosis hospitals. LEMONS MAKE SKIN : ~ WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR Make this beauty lotion for a few cents and see for yourself. lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes; to whiten the skin and to bring out the roses, the freshness and thé hidden beauty? But n juice 'alone ig acid, therefore irritating, and this way. Strain through a fine cloth 'the juice of two fresh lemons into a 'bottle containing about three ounces 'of orchard white, then shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin | and complexion lotion at abeut the cost. one ueually pays fgr a small jar of ordinary ccld cream. Be sure to y to the face, neck, | hands it should help fo 'gmoothen and beautify ny druggist will "supply three' 5 rd white at very I "1 ELECTRIC The Soul of a Plano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGELY PIANO ACTION The Cause of Burning Skins Sleep And tired mothers rest after giving baby a hot bath with Cuticura Soap followed by a gentle application of Cuticura Ointment. Peace falls on distracted households when Cutis cura enters. Trial free. x Heart Trouble Faulty digestion causes the generation of Ee in the stomach which te and press down on the heart and interfere with its regular action, faintness and pain. 18 to drops of Mother Seigel's Curative § after meals sets t,which allows the heart to beat full and 9 { | 1 i AL *» Rheumatic Aches Drive them ®ut with Sloan's Liniment, the quick-acting, hing li . tp without rubbing and relieves the mussy or cintments; it does not stain the ekin or shy Thepores, Always have a bot! in house fo: the aches and ins of rheumatism, gout, Jum- , strains, sprains, stiff joints all muscle soreness. sige bottles seal druggists, Generous 25¢., 50c. 31 Sto an?s IB hab bnatcsel 29 GPCR DUI Tomm-- Machinery 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 18x42. omp $1,200 cash for Immediate sale. "New Automatic Valve Type. fiywheel, otc. Will en » LTC anNERLTOR, 3 PULLEYS. e size. I troubled with cramps different woman. Com; -- health by this remedy. Write for free and helpful advice to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con= open an reed such letters » for Immediate THOSE AWFUL CRAMPS Suggestions that may save Much Suffering Marysville, Pa.-- "For twelve years suffered "with terrible cramps. would have to stay in bed several da and feel like a I cannot praise ia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com~ i Marysville, Pa. Young women who are troubled with ful or irregular periods, fis or indigestion should ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable have been re- root and herb Only women - -- For Sale lete with supply and exhaust Piping, K.W., 110-120 Voits D.C, sale. 4 ' 12043482812; 12x86--38.

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