Having bought the entire stock and store 3 fixtures of the Fred. R. J. McKague Estate, Greenbank, we are putting on.a ten days' sale " This is not an ordinary SO-CALLED Sale, but a chante for you to buy Drygoods, Groceries, Wall Paper, Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers, all at cost price. WE GIVE YOU OUR WORD THAT THIS (5S NO CATCH SALE Everything Must be sold in ten days Doors open on Thursday, F eb. 28, at 9 am, sharp | LOOK! Look over this list and see what you need in these lines. All at greatly reduced prices. BUT BE SURE TO BUY AT QNCE. We have only a limited quantity of these goods, and its a case of-- "First come, first served." Clover Leaf Dishes . Ribbons Men's Shirts, Collars; Ties, Braces and Belts. Ladies' and Children's Hose Tinware, Graniteware, Snaps, Rings, Files, Hinges, etc. Baking Powder, Baking Soda Corn Flakes, Starch, Spices .# Drugs A + Stock Food, Pratt' S, Inteiniational Store Fixtures for Sale SPECIALS 850 Yards of Shaker at 16¢ to 20c peryard, sold as high as 26c. =~, Nunsveilings 85c yard x i Wrapperettes 35¢ yard Cretonne 20c Apron Gingham 15¢ yd : - Canton Flannel 123§c yard Towelling 16¢ to 25¢ a, sold as high as 36c Cottonade 36c yd Bleached Cotton 14c yard Prints, 500 yards at. 16¢ yd, splendid buying : 50 pairs of leather mitts at real bargain prices 50 men's caps all special prices. 50 pairs of overalls, $1.66 per pair Ladies' and children's cotton hose prices and don't delay. Lanterns 99¢ Nails 5 Ibs for 25¢ Axle grease, Black Beauty, 26c. tin. ik 'Lantern glasses 3 for2b¢. © oe Lamp Glasses, 3 for 2c. See our Special in broonis--60c and 50c. Star Ammonia, 3 packets for 26c. Luundry Soap, 4 bars for 25c. 125 bottles of extracts, 4 bottles for 26¢. Cooking Syrup 6c per Ib. ~ EZE Washing Powder 0c. Stove polish bc tin, | Diamond. Dyes 5c pkg. ed Ture Pepper, special 0c: 1b: er 30c..1b Mustard 4 20c Ib. bs Cheese 25¢ 1b. ob Bats 10¢ each. Sherwin-Williams Paints, os quart. Toh : 90¢ to $1.00. Dr. Hess' Panacea 2bc¢ p 500 rolls ot Wallpaper a Tumip § Seed, Jumbo, and K Watch for the Lh ~ Sale. It begins on 'Monday March 4th 500 rolls, including a very » fine line of borders GOOD PAINT 65¢ quart BOOTS, SHOES, and a