+ Tartan plaids for girl's dresses, cotton and wool mix- "ture, 3b inches wide" in navy, ) green and red plalds. Per yard 35¢ . ie grounds with Shepherds inches wide. Colors are Plaids Fen Per yard 15c 30cC go Ladies' ne Be on wool mixture. The pattern * Fledee tic Hose is a medium sized shepherd check, 86 inches wide. 20C pair Per yard 50c : : Women's Heavy Cotton. Hose, seamless, made ela Ee ino ols of this corse; Cone with fleeced lining. Black only. Sizes 8% w 10. All Wool 4 -and see them or write or phone for our "Nemec Corset : h : Per pair 29c Cashmere Butterick Pattern Booklet" and we will mail it at bnce. : He PR Pros $2. 50 © $5.00 Hr ; - 75€C yard This is particularly good value as it is real old French 2 Women' S z 4 \ : made stock. It is all wool and to.day is worth $1.25: a Men's S ; Cashmere Hose yard, Width 44 nepes Per yard 76c Cashmere Socks 50c pair Black Duchess Satin, $2.00 yard shih '5 0 Cc pai ro i Women's plait cashmere stock- Black Duchess Satin made from pure silk yarn with ings with seamless feet. They are JE rich lustrous finish and beautifully dyed. 36 inches wide. : a is very speci] ae or all woven of a soft yarn and give splendid : woo mere socks. Make with seam- . Triangl : y i eo ci re Cony an. Tilangl make. Comes in Colored Duchess Satin, $1.50 yard "in White, xo d, Natural aud 'Black. «black only. Sizes 8} to 10 i Grey and navy are the only two shades left in this ar Per pair 50c Per pair 50c beautiful silk. Made ot pure silk yarn, beautiful lustre and soft clinging finish. Per yard $1.50 ie nes FEF W MCINTYRE ua Special News for |gmith & smith|W. H. Doubt Port Perry i EnoweeRs Merchant Tailor POULTRY os "Simo 0vERCOATS ~~| Before buying see our 'Must be Secured Farms for Rent prices on ioe up-to-date 1 need ten tons of poultry and must Three farms of 100, 150 and 200 line of new, nifty, ready- have the fowl--price is not the ques- acres respectively to rent. "All south| to-wear Overcoats at from tion--[ MUST have the poultry. jand close to Oshawa. First-class soil $15.00 to $20.00 oi 'and buildings, good state of cultivation They. are b i Did you call up Possession to plow after [zen ero, y-are beauties full possession April 1, 1918. Apply| We also carry our usual . Moses Turner to G. D. Conant, Oshawa, Ontario. good line wy goods for to see what he is giving for made-to-measure Over- POULTRY? JOHN BELDON LUNDY coats. Fit guaranteed. He pays the biggest cash price offered on the market to-day, and you DENTS DDS. IN. SUIT S will do well to call him at Bell Phone A Graduate of College of Dental Sur. ; 14, before selling. Don't lose money | iversity of Toronto. We carry a full line of by felling elsewhere. ofc ourt? yh pin. Evasion ordered suits. See our lines of Blue and Sacks Wanted Bef Phone, afce 8 ring Js rsnce rine 3 Black Serges, guaranteed 25,000 bran and shorts sacks and bags fast dyes. GERTRUDE ELLIOTT | Ask for, prices on our C HEN gon urs Ford you'can do away with many articles > ob A. T. C. . A ---------- Alea source Of of continuous expense to the man who still = Teacher of Piano and Theory k a horse, For jstance, not only your driving-horse SHUR-ON : Ready to receive pupils on , but the singe harness, b lahkets, whips, currycombs, HOW MUCH ARE YOUR and after September 27th. PHONE 72 -S0 forks, feed-bins, " EYES WORTH? Apply at the Methodist Passonage, " or ; Dow't take what vou an Queen St, Port Perry, or Phone For Choice u have a ohn] dignified, roomy oom Eas rom : I He ry le narow, | experieice J. A. MURRAY BEEF, PORK, LAMB re ma v and w nn oo F E. LUKE Retractiog * DENTIST ' ' : a 3 day, and.it req fg. oo ; 167 YONGE ST., TORONTO QR! Office above Rose & Co. and VEAL i Opes Simpson's hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 ------------ CAWKER BROS. BUTCHERS Watch Repai iring A full line of Smoked Meats and Lard always on hand ock Repairin All Watch and i p g Highest Cash price paid entrusted to us wil receive promp for Hides and Skins #5 and gpert attention. Ww arry a ood line of 'Registered S.capryasg Abani Cattle Jewelry, Watches, - Clocks, FOR SALE--2 bulls, ages 24 and: % months, well grown and thick low 'Silverware, "Glassware, : type. Inspection invited. Apply to Frank Johnson, Manchester, Bell Stationery, School Suppl ies Phone 58r 2. Ve have some beautiful goods, suitable for Birthday, Wedding, or Easter Gifts., Spirella Corsets