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Port Perry Star, 21 Mar 1918, p. 7

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sework { 8 I felt so miserable that life held . little enjoyment. I was adviged 3 try Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills, which did, nd the result wad ply mar- hy and' can' best fed up by saying that they made me feel like 2 new. woman, and fully restored my health. I would advise every woman and girl who has poor-blood, or is run down in health to give these wonder- pills a T am ever es x sn thatthe blood is Dr. Williams' Pink Bi, a make the speedy improve: ; in the appetite, health ane You' can get these pills any n@dicine dealer or by _mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for "$2.50 from The Dr. Willfains* Medicine Cb, Brockville, Ont. : rte lemme . OLD QUESTION REVIVED. g Would i it 1 Take a Stone to & Fall to Centre of Earth? 7 Studying' 'the 'velocity of shell§ and bullets fired in the war led Maurice ~ Bauger,« French geometer, to fuirn to "the old question of the, time it would] take a stone' to fall w the centre of the 'earth.' His conclusion, was that it would take about 20 minutes 34 sec: ons.. _Gassendi, whe gave the subject much thought in the last century, made the time 20 minutes even. Mer- venne on the other hand - contended _that 6 hours would be required. Sauger says that as the stone ap- pt the centre of the earth it - would be drawn downward by the core e earth and upward by the shell which it had already penetrated. The rate at which the density of the earth varies increases as we penetrate to greater depths is unknown. Sau- . ger's formula is based upon consider- | 'ations of the moment of inertia of the as calculated from the pre- session of the equinoxes, which agree with observations on the Jensiy of the earth conducted in mine s If" a shaft were driven right through the stone would appear = ntipodes after 38 minutes. : 'and then return to its pra "point, at Which it would make its Ppearance at the end of 1 hour 17 . should oe be illegal to cut down any now no i tree. .. Our forefathers 0 her sugar, and we ¥e1aay well is best king now . 7s "| reptitiously ,| went home" one, | & man thay the "bat" was a on Ale ey sur- | Temoved from my -mo- ther's best hat | by my father and | itrung | hen an iron 'wire. in such a Signi vibration made ' the father enjoyed the is A more than my mo- '1 did. He spent a whole dag." working out that sche €. He. Wag | se man I ty sstone unturn<| wen ier to do anything. I and told him that in a drug store had offered to give me a white od e in" exchange for a penny with two, heads onit. I was too young to know that one head only is allotted fo every penny in this world. But father lisferied very grave- ly 'and said that he had no doubt that Lwe could produce the two-headed pen- ny without trouble. Then he filed So the- "tail" side of two pennies ntil hé had worn 'dway exactly. al of ever knew. ed opceé he two halves together'sp skilfully that they made what sgemied to be a whole penny with 'two "heads. The drug- store 'man. 'was dumfounded wheh I produced it--but I did not white poodle. Our great recreation was going: to' a bookstore, Father and I would visit a eértain stord at certain timeg;~buy from one to thirty books and order them gent home. Then he would con- duct me to the middle of the street and say, "Now let's run home," , Imagin& a man in a frock coat, with 4 silk hat jammed down over his ears, i each. The .next step was to solder the | get the |" her husband and fo y. husband suffered from attacks lumbago," she states, "and the doc- did-him no good, .but I can truth- i since using Dodd's Kid- he is entirély free from umbago. 4 "I myself took six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills 3 $54. 810 am just likeVa new have gained 10 lbs. sinee-| my friends compli a how wall 1 look. i Eg "I have recommended Dodd's Kid- | 'ney Pills to some of my lady friends who doi complaining of not feeling like myself, speak Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kid neys." Cured kidneys make pure blood. That {8 why Dodd's Kidney Pills. are the best tonic. 5 * "The rat carries "bubonic plague yd many of our readers. If your drug- st hasn't any froezone tell him to surely gét a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. en te iia | * Seeds of pansy, verbena, salvia, pe- | tunia, stock, sweet alyssum, minulus, -maurandia, sensitive plant, delphi- nium; authirrhirum and diautBus may be sown in'pots or boxes for summer flowering. Bg oom Eyelids, ust EyeComtor Tages 'As the season advances plas, Py many other diseases fatal to man and | has no doubt 'been', responsible for more untimely deaths among human beige than, all Wars of history. ER . - 5 A Minard's Liniment Ooghimiton, Have used MINARPD'S LINIMENT. | bor for' Croup; found. nothing equal to it; sure cure. CHAS. BE. SHARP.- Hawkshaw, N.B.;: Sept. 1st, 1905, A hardwood wedge in an ax-helve | will not stay half so long as one made of 'pine. The softer wood when well driven in grips the 'hardwood and sticks like a dog to a root._ the house or under glass require more water. Doctors Recommend Bon-Opto for the Eyes 424 jana and eye spec sts pre; Sofibe Opto as a- safe h o 'rérmed the treat IR troubles and Fefund ngthen Ft RE old under Inoney, 4 guaranty by all druggists.' Heart Trouble ' Faplty digestion ovanes 'the the generation ims which Say ih the pross down on the heart and interfere iE J | Mtnara's Liniment for sale everywhere. {ary hosp ; as give much of their time to war i ut en ar t number: of home women activitios. Olen 2 Never 'subject Plain plants in the House or conservatory to strong drafts of air. "0TTO HIGEL " PIANO - ACTION THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS' me or Choke-down, can' | reduced with, § 3 | J FERLEELY =) also other Bunchesog Sw: lings. no hair gone, het oe nomical--only afew lication. '$2 | i ¢ BSOR RBINE, JR. i * Imiment fot mankind, reduces Cysts; Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and: Ulcers, .$1and $3 a bottle af dealers or delivered. Book *Evidence'" free. W. F. YOUNG, P. 0. F., 518 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can ~_absorbine abd ADSorbife, Ir ire, made 1g Canaan Write to-day forour big FREE CATALOGUE showing our full lines of Bicycles for Men sud Women, Boys and Girls. MOTOR CYOLES Soros ATTAOHMENTS Tires, Counter Brakes, Whee a Inher Tubm, borer hy a Tg RA your supplies from us at wholesale prices. T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame Street West, Montreal ' Bouton Before rrr a SS snap fasteners on it through a wring- er snap the fasteners shut. 3 FOR SALE EEKLY ¥ NEWSPAPER IN ness, WW of owner Chpinge. or & market, Hr i = anh. Limited, Toronto. oar an BLL EQUIPPED and job printi carr! uick 10. Insurance 0. Ltd, i 1,200 on MISCELLANEOUS 'blishin ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS internal and external, cured on vfs doo by our home treatmen | IEREES TTCHY PRES' b ed AY : on Yi, Badly adly Disfigureds" Used 2 Boxes Ointment and 3 Cak Cakes Soaps ef Had a bad Itchy lot of pimpiés 2 » face which made it badly disfigur They were inflamed and came toa | 'and 1 could'tear my skin as soon as little "heat came near them. . 1 coul bard Sleep. hen 1 saw Cuticura Soap sn Ointment advertised 1 sent for A sathple which did so much good tha bought more, and I used two boxes Cuticurs Qintment and three cak Cuticura Soap when I was heal i Hy Miss Bertha Nilsson, Stodies m 8 ave a good somplealor kel it BH you bate Aids Joup dell y 3 Cucars Of inuint occas a Dept EH hey "Sold gverywh at a great rate through the st 'Brooklyn with a small boy at his heels. But that was always the conclusion of our book-buying dein childhood "constipation as will Baby's thorough laxative; are pleasant to take; do not gripe and never fail to regulate the "stomach and bowels. Concerning them ee Adolphe Noel, Petite Lameque, , says: --"Baby's Own Tablets are Hew remedy for constipation I know of and I would strongly recommend them to all mothers of little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents & box from 'the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ep : ~ Try Maple Sugar. "Not many years ago cane sugar soared to a price of fifteen cents a pound and relief was obtained by the manufacture of maple sugar. Your Pandmother used it fo sweeten, her |® tea and to make her pies and cookies. Try it now, when cane sugar is so scarce and is needed so badly France and "Italy and 'and Great Britain. Minard's Timiment Melleves Weuralate. en, Fighting Basement Fires. , ges 'originating' in. basements business buildings constitute one of the mst poten uae of 'fire loss expense for the installation Ey pemae 'supplies is involved . the "cost reasonable. A dry sprinkler equipment for basements kee of - distributing pipes with qo rinkle ads as in the ordi A but with,the supp ia wal heads are EEE s firemen attach : al, supply io) GONSTIPATED CHILDREN . "Nothing, will so '30 "quickly remove | Own Tablets. They are a mild but | by Throat bad in Canadian cities. It is difficult tothe 1 Tach, tation, THE ORIGIN AND DANGER Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Head Noises, Catarrh of the Stomach, (which is often mistaken for Indigestion), Catarrh of the Bowels; Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Smell, Phlegm dropping in the back part of the Throat, or if you have a Cough You-sHouLp NOT FAIL TO READ EVERY WORD O F THIS ARTICLE What Parmint, the Wonderful English Formula, Has Done for Others, It Will Do For You CATARRH, A LOATHSOME AND be INSIDIOUS DISEASE Catarh ds a very common name for ery, common disease, so common that Siont le So t realize how fearful fark @l Ldn sting It is. A cold inthe ng, spitting, blowing hlej ropping in the oath; S inesa of Hind, b humour=stitle i8 the way it starts does it end? oF rsauently in TY of th mach, Catarrh of the Somats: Bro: , and often 8 slight or total deafnes§ results. + HOW. CATARRH STARTS, > Cataren usually begins with a cold in e hi The Catarrh germs "breat ed in through, the mouth Lor nostrils ha ttled y ed | ing you awake feell | there is a bad thhte In suffers | ase, nition. 6 the and' tter ooz- 7 o pun degaying matter oo oe 3 victims of Fan ph ad | coul - | from the throat and head he: the ay and ne gasses Cue pin Paupies TARRH ----IF, YOU SUFFER FROM--=- That nasal catarrh 1s a Nauseating dais- ease any one knows who has had to sit close to, or talk face to face with a per- son reeking with purulent catarrh. Have you ever had to endure in Lhckening silence the Jawking ang pags! ng of a catarrh victim, or t close to such a person and ol a disgust- ing: phetite-losing., foul odor, which you not explain," and did' not know what it was? That {8 catarrh, and there are many people who have it and don't know. it. \ CATARRH OF THE STOMACH (Often mistaken for Dyspepsia or Ins « digestion) Many cases 6f indigestion and dyspep- sia are simply the result-of catarrh of the throat and stomach. At night as you, lle asleep; the mucus drops Sowh is swal- lowed into the stomach. your mouth, are in a bad humour; you wonder, wi aflsiyou. You have catarrn 'oa i, on i tarrh $ your whole syste an LE reekiog with the die ui 2 | With & Su Seicky iibrine, ly SHE a vile si nce. The rr ucu; Tefuse 8 to be diges: ied and. only of the Atomagh with eat Little by lit wi Gitarrh germs which it has car- rmanently on the mucous os 1 n ; ich lines the stomach. F psia and indiges estign ar cau By a lack of Algestivefiuc re ne have a condition where t s able and randy to has fropned dow! igh 0 poiso e, the mucus do its 3 vou ca hh of the we Belleve'd that fi.) eth 0 faith- of me you length "of ully compeneate ton trae expended. use which, i is 'responsible ogee i 3 eafness cata f Ah! That's the Spot Sloan's Liniment goes right to it. pity Dbin Fhoumetie 2. . ou ud = ak and oooh in Sloan's Li Thousands of the sides of the throat. The germs are quick to take advantage of the oppor- tunity. They invade the Eustachian Tubes. Their presence and Irritation it causes Jroduce more and more mucus. Gradual this fills up the ear tube so that sounds oan only pasa through with difficulty. The atient finds his earing slowly goin hen the tubes are com- Distely filled' total deafness Ina result. leafness from nasal cata affects the middle ear, it prs rid Happs that crackling sounds dre present <4) distress and confuse the patient. Fheas are due to the fact that the mucus which fills the upper part and back of the! throat 1s covering the opening of the | Eustgchian Tubes and the bursting of | bubbles or the movement of mucus | H causes the sounds, which come from the altered resonance of the ear. After a ' _orackling report the head may meem clearer and the hearing better for a time. Later on'in the case there may be crackling sounds when swallowing, | which come from the efforts of a stif- | i | fened muscle, to open the tubes which yield with a jerk. The above $xplanation of a most com- mon cause of deafness should jnake 1 ! clear how absurd and useless it is to tempt té overcome such deafness by ears | drums or devices of a similar sort. | Let it be understood, however, that Parmint is not for ear jrouble other than those caused by catarrh. If your trouble is caused by scarlet fever or any disease apart from catarrh, or if caused by an injury, Parmint is not for ou | | and you should consult your own ily Physician regarding your case. DON'T NEGLECT A COUGH If you have a cold and it has left you with a cough, no matter how slight-- you ous t hot to neglect it, A generally an indication that th hh n i ammation in a danger- be Secured at once. poe are and stay. cough oates a danger' al ceive HUY Ps or: A nto Jou 10 Tor 4 een" sen time, we" will find & et e- m a. rouble by the ue of WHAT 18 PARMINT? - Parmint is an lish Jormula ut on |' en | the marie! agfand of t 10" x0. _ It is a com ot of % te] et Sl in te tr Cefn bro nded 2s ous place, and proper treatment should | } ng tr ft quick ; "Sloan's prices not increased 256 80¢ $l NOW RAISES "600 CHICKENS After Being pe eved 2 of Os rou y Lydia Ok honrs Vegetable arts I~*1 took Lydia E. Pinks ham's Vegetable Compound for an ganic trouble w pulled me down un- ° itil I could not put m, foot td the floor an could scatcely do my work, and as I Hy. on a small farm raise six

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