" seemed ten- brutal to go on ow ut we Fantd 33 A Lonel ecturer eee & Togent luo Society, Gi M . He is thus quoted in The Mechanic and World "of Laboder_ of death, 3 ar that even birds' were liable to fall dead.' "All es {deas are now known to be the of the truth. It was true that ters were so permeated with alt po animal or vegetable life could flour- B ER hi bn fish, crabs, an ogy neo B larve SA ea cu be hat eons tah in the sea. A bottle of water taken from the same spot immediately afterward was proved to contain no less than ' 88.8 per cent. of solids, In one of the Jericho hotels, before the there was a decla intly sf ed. the same year by over*a dozen tourists that they saw fish actively swimming at the same spot; At' many spots slong the shore there are cases in which acres of reeds and many trees flourished, and at such spots animal life and bird life was abundant." regal ian Parsnips do well on land that last oduced "potatoes, celery or Peon] potal x Jew fou vii Shed. Ta gid FRE the fo himself. {use of the hip "There were Justy ki Killed 'snd forty- 'eight wounded the first year. I don't know the number now." ay there ever be another Passion ) Sry AE tell ec Tea (ts viayers aid hn ae al. The town no a 4 - The Soldier's Father. I'm feelings pretty 'much alone , sin 16 boys are gone. me the hired man To run the farm #s beat we can. It's hard, and work is moving slow-- But when their duty calls, they go. 80.1, like old man Zebedee, | Beside the Lake of Galilee, Saidy. I'll stay o Here and mend the nets, And keep the tight old Dark a-swim; ye behind your cares and ELIE inerent. the) of hit rest, the larger part a the bollding bein, oa at the present time used for m od poses, Doctar a the ars ie him th Honor whi gives the names ore hd a in Ne a lains orial Roll on which are pig the namés of rie fiw graduates and seven under- uates who have paid the supreme ce of self-sacrificing service. The ble! t in Baderghet of the ownders; re and Ax out! were re. dhioe of his the Resu ving His Grace offered | 7 intercession for 'the College and its Staff, its students and og aduates. He was accompanied bE e Arch- bishop of Algoma, the B shop of' Tots onto, the Mayor of the city, A deacon Coty, a number Tr clerical and la: got The new College flag was flown in honor of his visit, . British Treasury Receives Gift. ' An envelope containing $500 recent- ly was found in a letter box in Liver- pool, says a London correspondent, The packet was addressed "For the Treasury." - One Juxury that is actually an eco- nomy is-Sal Tea. It yields ma: more cups than ordinary tea and," sides, | a8 Saale delicious ator *\.. A New Kind/of Foghorn. The new "fisherman knight," Sir Thomas Robinson, tells an amusing story, according to an English week- ly, about an incident that happened across. the Atlantic. ee "A short time after leaving port the ie. on which he was traveling ran #0 dense a fog that it was impos- than a re- After he had En _the first signal, he heard a foghorn in reply y ahead. ike oetly we a collision he iirhed the "ship a point and then Once more the reply came, "Beororol? directly ahead, as before, "It was very strange; I could not make it out," said Sr iThomas in tell-| ing the tale. "Neither could the cap: tain, He tried again; still the same 'B-0-050!' right shad The Saptaln } , as for me, shake to was flabbergasted 1was giving myself a mental pull myself together, when the look- out man forward called out: "It's only the old cow, sir? cow kept on 'the: forecastle for the during one 'of his many Journeys "And so, in truth, it was--the milch beautifer Simple and attractive is this little model.. McCall Pattern No. 8068, Child's Dress, In 6 izes, 2 to 10 years, Price, 16 cents. Most attractive is this dress made of a combination of materials. Mc- Call Pattern No, 7988, Ladies' Waist. & ' | our' fingers frozen. LIFT vor GORNS OFF WITH FINGERS 3 $ et Ir How to 3 loosen a tender corn or {callus so It lifts out without pain, "Let folks step" on' Your 16t 'Here: "| after; wear shoes.a. size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. He says that a few drops of a drug called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly . re- lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug dries at once énd simply shrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating the surrounding tissue. A 'small bottle of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove every 'hard or soft corn or callus from one's foot, If 'your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get a small boftle of freezone for you from his | wholesale drug house. Am Qa Mixed Them Up. The squad of recruits was parti- cularly dense, and the sergeant got more and more exasperated. One man appeared quite incapable of; telling his right hand from his left, Sald the sergeant at last: "Now, yer bloomin'/idiot, hold yer hands in front of yer. Twist thenr one over the other, Stop! Now tell me which is yer left hand and which is yer right." The rectuit looked blankly at - 'his hands for a moment. 4 "Pm blowed if 1 Kkriow," "he "said; "you; have 'gone and mixed 'em up." Minar's Dintment 4 Oures ,Dandruf. A Schoolboy's Idea. "A schoolboys. composition: "Winter is 'the coldest season of the eyar; be-| 18 cause it comes mostly in winter, In} some place, in auntie's podes, it comes in summer; then it is not so worse. wish. winter came ' in summer here, then we could go' skating barefooted and make' snowballs without getting When it snows in summer théy call it rain" Minard's Lintment for sale everywhere. Produce is the Call. "Whosoever makes two ears of corn or two blades of grass to grow where In 8 sizes, 84 to 48 bust. No. 7969, Ladies' Two or Three-Piece Skirt. In| 7 sizes, 27 to 84 waist. = Price, 20, cents each. These patterns may be obtained 8 from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St. Toronto, Dept. W. re pea : I Know. I know whence you came By love's own art: Your home was the peace Of a wild rose-heart, 1 know why you smile: The sunshine lay On your wild rose-home For a long spring 'day. * I know why your voice Is sweet and high: + A'thrush sang each eve The wild rose nigh. I know why yeur cheeks Are rosy fair: A petal of pink Is blooming" there. "f know: that your hands So "hold & A love'that will live . When years are old! ++", --Arthur Wallace Peach. LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN. Make this beauty y Totion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands. At the cost of a small jar of ordin- ary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener "and. com exion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle con- taining three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes freckles, sallowness and tan and the {deal skin. Softener, whitener ang woh red hands, : Sri ft Ll ood bread pudding ls made with] brs, ---- brown only one grew before, deserves better of mankind, and does mare essential seryice to his eduntry than the whole ii of politicians' put together." -- LIQUIDS ¢ and PASTES "BLACK. WHITE.TAN, DARK BROWN OR OX BLOOD SHOES. PRESERVE the LEATHER How to Care Biliousness Doctors wam Saint remedies Sontaining, ® rugs Fhe Extract of Roots, ooh os as Mother Seigel's no dope or gredientsy it cures Mtrong ingre Bota anese and constipation. Can be had at any drug store." Get the genuine. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. ~~ 3 Theresia a big market for maple * gat and maple syrup in Canada, United States and in England. 'Farm. ers who can't find local markets should: write to 2 Montreal or Toronto: Midacts Lintment Gures Burss. Bia © The Ideal eal Husband. Every woman wants her husband to be four things--her lover, her com- rade, her child, nd | her master. ¥ 1 W Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, I had my leg badly hurt, the pain way very- severe and a oe rveling came above the knee. Ie +§6- Would - be seriou: rub Ea MINARD'S LI MENT, which sto the pain and reduced the swelling very quickly. | cannot speak too Highly of MINARD'S LINIMENT. be ,AMOS T. SMITH. Port Hood Island. in Hos Feed Owing to the shortage of grains and ensilage, hog feed is scarce in Canada, and American corn is slow in getting here. Grow plenty of ensilage corn your own hog f MONEY ORDERS. Dominfon Express Money Orders. Five Dollars costs thr three cents. A rank: growth of of weeds becomes an asset which ploughed under before they make seed. For 20 years: Hendrick's - Comet Maigrietos have been'firing big and. small engines. |: Write for, sartioulars Magnsto # leotrio Co. Promptly relists rheumatism, Juinbago, neuralgin; sprains, lame back, toothache and sll similar. troubles." Hirst's stope: the pain! Sold for 40 years. Should be in every household. All dealers, or write us. HIRST REMEDY COMPANY, Hains. dingy s Family Salve, (30). HIRST'S Pectoral Syre Horehound and Blecampane, tase) BOTTLE Overcome the worst enemies. of leather--water and dirt-- by using. 7, EUREKA HARNESS OIL "Lengthens leather life" Softens old harness, leaves it pliable and water fproot, pre- vents cracking and breaking of stitches, doubles the life of new harness. MICA AXLE GREASE "Use half as much as any oll Gives. the effect of roller bearings. The mica flakes work into the pores and crevices of the axle and the holds them there. Mica rease prevents hot boxes, locked wheels and screeching axles, Saves wear and tear on horses, harness wagons. " Best thing on Wheels." St gigs oe IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED yourself this skiffiuer and make sure] TT : A "Sia X 1 ¥ lr oe em Yet in an t minded way Put four lumps in his 'tea. I ane, ent sew in Stance Chafee. SHE ticulars. © pany, Monts real. | "EEK. xX NEWS] ER IN we gps of (on iia, "belng w wrod iy Box 3 Princ Toronto. Watket. & Limit WEE Ontario: TE A 11 CAN, in: rn] ine external. Cares out pain by 'our home. fore, 00 irr Pr. Selman Mpa Med Bays: and Gils Pay' 3 your -out-of-townsaccounts by (- On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment on énd of the finger. Wash off the Qintment dnfive ines with Cuticy ral When you wake up with neck or sore muscles, strains Hs; te n's t. sit quickly penetrates t fo heed -- Tbpita removes i Cleaner Peal rom mussy re or in ments. It does not stain the skin 'or clog the pores. Always have a bottle handy for rheumatic aches, neu soreness, bruises and lame back. n fact, all { all external pain. us ised bottles at your eri. 5c, 50 a $1.00. Linimenl KILLS PAIN Sloasirlfes not increased 26c 500 5c 500 8( "| THS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION B hking! Lydia E.Pinkham's A Compound, One | of Sgstakle Co of SuchCases. Black River Falls, Wis. -- 'As Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoupd operation Lb pi u and a e todo ork. I Be be den 1 iu Wantad me to have _ de hurt me ad Jovy ould] be