I) 'Copyright Houghton Mifflin Company by special arrangement with Thos. Allen ' Toronto CHAPTER IV.--(Cont'd.) "If he'd just do something so that I could smash him!" Jerry oft * thought while he marched and coun- termarched with his company in the Y. M. C. A. Hall; and the desire made him shout out his orders with an ex- traordinary ferocity. Roger Trask, the drillmaster, colonel of the third militia regiment, watched him and thought, "There's a fellow that would make a good soldier--a good officer." Tras a special interest in Jerry, a special feeling for him, It had been Jerry who had induced Trask to undertake the training of this com- any; one evening in the preceding eptember, at the invitation of the superintendetnt of the local branch of | the Y.M.C.A., the officer had .given a talk on the discipline and service of the militia. He often recalled his sat-| fsfaction when after the talk a stal-| wart, eager-faced, blue-eyed young man came up to him and said, "That's fine, what you've been telling us. And it would be the making of a lot of us! if you'd only come out now and then | and give us some real lessons about drilling and soldiering." The com-| pany which at first had numbered only about thirty men had doubled in size. | It was still a varied assortment of old' firearms that the privates Trask had wanted them to dispense with weapons, but Jerry had plead- ed so hard for them that he had con- ceded the point. Jerry's feeling for Trask was noth- ing less than heroworship, qualified only by the secret sense of kinship that 'humble appreciation claims. Trask was exactly' the kind of man that Jerry aspired to be--straight, vigorous, commanding, yet genial, too, with a geniality that never com- Jlomised his dignity; contemplating im Jerry felt in himself all sorts of similar potentialities, and at the same time more than ever despaired of out- growing his coltishness, - A circumstance chronicled on the first page of the Daily Press, the fav- orite newspaper of the workingman, confirmed and emphasized Jerry's secret sense of kinship with the drill- master. The engagement of Colonel Roger Trask and Miss Claire Des- mond 'was announced in an article richly biographical and illustrated by photagraphs of the pair. Miss Des- mond was not only very beautiful, as 3Dpeareq from her picture; she was eo daughter of Benjamin Desmond; and locally that name was as signific- ant as that of Vanderbilt or Astor. It was not long after this that the figure of Benjamin Desmond began to loom portentiously alive to persons for whom his existence had hitherto been as mythical as that of Croesus. For the rumor that had been disturbing the community there proved to have been a solid foundation; one morning early in January the announcement was made that the banking house of Desmond and Company had purchased the Purroy Steel Works. Grim speculation at the Works, foreboding and panic in the homes of of the workmen, followed promptly upon this disclosure. That evening, on going home, Jerry found his moth- er in a completely pessimistic yet de- spairingly resourceful frame o: wing. She was waiting for him in the hall; she clung ro him and he felt the trembling of her arms, the nervous "clutch of her fingers. "Now don't you feel blue and cast down in your mind, Jerry," she en- treated him. "It's just when you least expect it of them that things have a way of coming out all right in the end. [I've been thinking what a blessing it is that I have my health and strength, If things come to the worst, we -can maybe sell or rent the house, and we've still got your fath- er's life insurance money. Then in the city I can find washing to do, and that will keep us till you get a new job, Of course if we cant sell or rent the house and there's the mort- gage to pay and you don't get some- thing to do right off well, then I sup- pose we'll lose pretty much everything we own. At least we can keep body and soul together through my wash- ; Come to Toronto TO DO xa Your Buying - p 3 vy Pm d En afdon to hs and §; | BT ind ass ie rsh on until you run down," said Jerry. "Alter bore; 5 ing; 'it's a mercy I learned to wash i when I was young, and that I've wel n | kept my health and strength." "It's a mercy to you to let you run fine sight you'd be, taking in washing and the like of that, and a fine sight me for letting you. Sit you down, you excited old , and get posses- sion of your five senses; And now mind what I'm telling you. Divil a doubt but I could get a better job any day if I chose to quit the Steel Works and into the city. doubt now, I'm telling you." "Oh, Jerry, is that the truth? In- deed, if it is, you're taking a great load off my shoulders." A "Of course it's the truth. A at strong lad like myself! In half an hour I could land any job that I wanted. Divil a doubt now." "It does me good to hear you say it. But I wish you wouldn't say that word 'divil,' Jerry dear. Your fath- er never used it." "All right, mother. I'll do my best. And now don't be pulling that long face any more; it don't look right o you. Your face ought to be bro and good-natured like a Dutchman's." She smiled doubtfully. "Have you honest the heart to be joking with me, (3 Divil a " "Yes, and the heart to be eatfhg a fine supper, if there's such a thing to be had in this house--" ~ "Well, there is then." And she bustl- ed away, and presently Jerry from his room upstairs heard her singing to KITCHEN EFFICIENCY. y The busy woman of to-day realizes what efficiency in the kitchen means to her further ability to easily supply to her family nutritious food without waste of time and strength. The problem of obtaining help brings to the housewife a thought of the time, strength and energy required to keep the household at par. So that to equip the kitchen with modern tools and to replace the furnishings of the household laboratory in an attrac- tive manner is no longer a fad, but a dire necessity. Cleanliness is an absolute essential that is based upon fundamental prinei- ples. The kitchen should be compact in its arrangements, so that no motion may be lost. Unless one can afford a tiled kitchen, a durable wash paint is the most economical. While the cost- liest kitchen is not necessarily the best, intelligent and careful planning will count quite as much as money. Color schemes 'can easily be follow- ed. But for general utility a Colonial buff is the best color with which to paint the walls. Thé window trim- mings may be ivory and white. A good quality of linoleum for covering the floor will be found satisfactory. A kitchen cabinet, a fireless cooker and a good range, a refrigerator and a table with a sanitary porcelain top would complete the large furniture needéd in the kitchen. Have the man of the house build and attach to the kitchen table a frame that will act as a rack, above the table, to hold dippers, strainers and other utensils that are necessary. A drawer in this table to hold the knives, measuring spoons, etc., will make for time saving and efficiency. A careful selection of pots and pans is vitally necessary, and right" here I wish to tell the housewife my pot and pan story. Sixty-five out of every hundred per- sons suffer from some form of in- testinal indigestion. That is due to the manner in which the fool is cooked or to the utensil itself. How many women are there who, in cooking food in an enamel saucepan, stir the food while cooking and then tap the spoon on the edge of the pan. Ah! I see you smile, for you all recognize the old trick. Now, do you know that often To Have Clean Windows. i thin polish windows brilliantly with the least possible work. I can clean them £ 7 1 i '2 Se saw that what he must soon say provoke . His instincts in mother were fatally accurate, there was no way of avoiding this, disaster. -- CHAPTER V. It was a sunny morning in early, March; the wind blew softly from the south, and people opened doors and windows to welcome Bpring Jerry 'Donohue, starting to his work four, minutes ahead of his schedule, strolled i and swyng his dinner pail blithely. It was just a morning to assure one Hat al ones double and ap: rehlen sions n vaporings as tenu as the smoke that floated and drifted! and broke to let the sun shine through. So long a time had passed since the absorption of the Purroy Works by the American Foundries Company, with no foreshadowing of any change in policy, that anxiety was giving place to confidence - throughout the own. And Jerryls sanguine temper was invigorated by more. than fresh sweet air of the morning. The night before he had found Nora in her most responsive, confiding, affection- ate Cr Never had she been so completely, so assuredly the girl that he loved--with her hand pressing his arm, her slender self drawing close to him, her eyes upturned to his, her if laugh trilling a pleased respo to I of admiration, to the sud- you chip the enamel off the saucepan, Sometimes into tie food, and you have to pick it out; then again, oftener you fail to see the damage you have done until, when washing the pots and pans, you find a spot where you have chipped off the enamel. Now, if you have a broken spot in the bottom of your saucepan and you are stirring the food that is cooking in this pot, sing a metal spoon to stir with, you are grating off the glass coating on the enamel saucepan into your food. Think about this, and then use wood: en spoons for stirring all foods while cooking in all sawcepans. These wooden spoons need not be costly, and any handy man around the house can whitfle a couple of paddles for you from any plece of hardwood, preferably maple or ash, in a very few minutes. Learn to use the fireless cooker for cereals and breakfast foods and also for cooking the cheaper cuts of meat. Meat cooked in the fireless cooker loses proportionately less per pound than meat cooked upon the coal, gas or electric ranges. Use all left-over breakfast cereals in making bread. A word about the refrigerator. Upon this important household uten- sil depends the health of the family. The ice compartment should be suffici- ently large to keep a piece of ice that will keep the food compartments at a temperature of not less than 50 de- grees Fahrenheit constantly. . A thorough cleansing three times a week is an absolute necessity. Remove the drain pipe and flush swab out the trap. This is very important. Do not place the refrigerator in a dark, damp place. Do not permit the drain to be con- nected with the sewer. If the waste pipe is attached have it made so that it may be frequently taken apart and flushed with boiling soda water, Drain the waste water from the re- frigerator into the garden or yard. To make a drain from the icebox, cut & hole in the floor and place a large funnel in the hole, ' Now connect suf- ficient length of pipe used for speak- ing tubes to this hole and drain into the yard or garden. This pipe can easily be taken apart for frequent flushing. £ : dry before you can get over it. The sole objel to this method is in the effect of may be used, but even without gloves Tfind it takes so short a time to clean a number of windows that if one is| careful to wash the hands immediatel: rime gee gan | lemon juice or vinegar and rinse again with clear water, there will be} no unpleasant effect." How to Clarify Fats. 3 Here are three methods of clarify- ing fa wer, De 2 uli . fre strong solution on one's| fingers. A rubber or leather glove| her to despair in a new rel yo Pin dealing wi his Got and the boldness ar's behavior that 1 somehow revealed to her mi 1 scorbutic unattracti est face, and , seemed more and likeable--and Nora, vaguely, emotionally responded to the admiration in his eyes, had more dis- tinctly and concretely felt that, quite apart from any emotional cons n usually welcome while she It ns, she could not do better than marry Jerry Donohue. More than any one else that she could think of, he seemed to her to have a man's full strength, a man's full power to con- fer security. i Jerry, thrilled by her unaccustomed readiness to let the conversation take a practical turn, had spoken with vi or and decision. He had been the| ent, he had waited, but it was time now for a definite understanding. Very well--and the prom) s and explicitness of her answer had left no- thing to be desired; the term at the Conservatory ended on April 9; on the next day she would announce her in- tentions to her family, and within a out thereafter she would im. So it was in a blithe spirit' that Jerry Donohue set forth the next morning to his work. Indeed, his head was so shrouded in the clouds, his nose was so cast upward, happily sniffing the balmy air, that he some distance Your the slope lead- ng to the Works before he perceived the unusual proceedings at the en- trance. of men stood on either side of the mill gates examin- ing large printed that were af- » HAMILTON CANADA Shopkeeper--Now, look here, little girl, I can't spend the whole day showing you penny toys. Do you want the earth with a little red fence round it for a penny? Little Girl--Let me see it if you Course by correspondence. Degree with ong year 4 attetidence or four Summer School Navigation School July and August December to April | 19 GEO. Y. CHOWN, Registrar ) i e-- Leave It to Parker g hil postman and expressman will bring Parker service right to your home. We pay carriage one way. Whatever you 'send--whether it be household draperies or the most delicate fabrics--will be speedily returned to their original freshness. When - you think of : Cleaning or Dyeing- : think of PARKER'S. A most helpful booklet of Buggestions will be "mailed on reguest. Parker's Dye Works, Limited Cleaners and Dyers : 791 YONGE ST. - cr . TORONTO The Paint That | Costs The Least | > IPaint that covers the greatest surface-- e to 100% Pure'. Paint does all three! Pure" Paint covers 900 square feet of surface t takes the BE apply--that wears the all three! Here's Hand-mixed-lead-and-ail, and cheap prepared paints, cover only about 500 square feet. i gid ¢ The t "\ Why Martin-Senour nt ay to apply - 00%, PURE" PAINT ight st cost of painting is for labor. T¢ takes Jess tim -Seno of Boat Paint because its ov oven 4 IN-SENOUR (Made in Canada) hoe, Toa years of protection gnd beauty to In Kg -