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Port Perry Star, 11 Jul 1918, p. 3

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In the Balance. "~_ | What can we do To match those men who stand today --a wall of pulsing blood; of fear less een the savage lust of brutes unleashed and MA All that we hold dear? ; Sa | What can we do? fA A 1 : rs 2 ) € : ER wl is : i then 'nstruct | How can we help - > 5 o To match these men who severed ties yy : A & : Jovsible. of home and outstretched arms-- y es - | More ib / ? 5 ; A ) treasures of the years of peace-- pg Fees -§ tat 3 h 4300 Sen and bravely placed their gift of 8 ea ~ 4 5 4 on. TUATION BRISTLES priceless youth between a race mad an - ric i Y fA ad ad C1] HAA § O kK | | | nr er 3 = 3 if Somehow. How can we help? * 3 : ie ; oa Pg E y Somehow I never thought that you : R43 Rc 7, E] Buring | at " t One, SOYA i "would go, What can we give (SLUT Core aig he |despatch from ta til the] ~~ He Not even when red war swept|TO match those men who gave and : : : po ' jonitora, with the | United States enered the war the dif- | through the land; Jove ond idly Eave Um at (TE To : : ! gh - did not im- ; T somehow thought, because I loved length they offered up their lives TES foals may be given So FRESE IG | Dros thomedives 50 ationty on tho you so I a Er a bus Ye 1 bevy r pal; developed ; th : owing to & That you would'stay.' I" did mot no more to give. And this they ' Work should be left for the the "increase. in Sposite for "tha. { PAUIS mind as they do ow, av & : did for us and horses. The proper development of twelve months 'period would have |the that, even if other European understand the foal depend been close to 36, oo. be the |v0UTGes OF supply dried up, here Was That something stronger than my All that we hold dear. Re petits very largely on the > H Bake ng the past few | still something to be had from the love could come, What can we glvel that, very precaution should Be -- - i regarded as the best | United States. ; To draw you, half reluctant, from oe ike with Sts organisa; When the United States finally my heart; ON SE KLE REmoven Hat the foul Js Dob Allowed $0 abel In different parts | ranked herself on the side of the alles : I never thought the call of fife and at all overheated. ~The total dase ts have increased |the question gradually drose how Nor ; drum oa inard's Tk 0 28 675, F5500 8 nd With 380.148 |Way, dependent as she is on her im- Would rend our cloak of happiness pd -- Sie rn aL oxen TR say " yeni y jount |Dports for the most important gr apart! Y h The poorest fish alive are the sel- % uld assets amount to $11,073,182. |ties, would manage to get on. in the fish. ~ Hol f Dominion Notes amount tao ¥ % And yet you went. . . . And I--| Squeeze the juice of two lemons ine to $3:185.010, Canadian municipal [long run under these aitered condi : I did not weep; to a bottle containing three ounces of TOR BALE tions. + : : ount to $3.727= 7 I smiled instead and brushed the orchard white, shake well, and you ERKLY NEWSPAPER FOR SALD ng n 'compared with $1,214,450 last -- bio fhvions that, u arrangement tears aside. | have a quarter pint of the best freckle VV EBELY NEWS, Owner gol E Buccess of the theft cam- |yo ine question a delegation to Wash.| Girlishly simple is this attractive| And yet, when night time comes, I' &nd tan lotion, and complexion beaut!- | Frapes. _ Will'seil 31.000. Wort EE BE J Se hinted der th toad dant MECll Pater No. cant stoop ae | Rar, at vers vey sma on Sutil rsa _ dspopita, these now standin wit ersip of Professor Nansen. The pinch] 8432, Misses' Dress. In 4 sizes, 14| But silent lie, while longing fights| Your grocer has the lemons and any | WxrErT EQUIPPED NEWSFAPER I deposits not "interes of the rationing system has now be-|to 20 years. .. Brice, 20 cents. with pride-- drug store: or teflet counter will sup. Ontario. Insurance oacried $1.00 Win not . Rg interest now stand at §4.143,264 Up frots $8,006. You are my man, the foe you fight PIy three ounces of orchard white for o"37 4 Too ick sale. », |8un to make itself felt, and stricter | y : y B12 Tow cents. Massage this sweetly Wnson A Cor. Ltd Ra tes, rules are officially announced. Nor: i 3 my foe, | WOMEN FIRST TO GREET KING. |wegian trade and industry are handi- And yet--I never thought that you fragrant iy Joon, ne oe Joe, aks MISCELLANEOUS & . eT -- _lcapped for want of regular supplies, : would gol freckles and blemishes disappear and ILL PURCHASE ALTERNATING "War Workers OCongratulated Their |the coast traffic is disorganized and vee Pp Current Motors for Cash. Milton Majesties on Silver Wedding Norwegian resources In general are : Western Crop Conditions. [ now Cleat: Joi 44 ale the skin be- and Frénties, Traders Bank Building, 3 Anniversary, -| diminishing * at an alarming rate. k A need of rain over considerable | "OM: nl iam 8 AT ode. ANCER, TUMORS, LUNPS BTC n A -- NCE. " " 0 . . Three thousand women engaged in | Travelers fresh from Germany are sections of the grain growing areas in Valuable Australlan Wood. internal and external, cured with 'war work, ta 2 x surprised at Norway® scanty rations 3 Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta out pain by our home treatment. Write Orit, representing tventy-two or | Figured blackwood is mentioned by |us before too late, Dr. Bellman Medical ganizations, presented King George |Of bread, "Which they say are even ; is indicated in the weekly crop report! & Y | &o.. Limited, Collingwood: Oot and Q M ith smaller than they are there.- \ \ of Canadian Northern Agents to the ® consular report as perhaps the most mee ------ "87 June Tian ey i Imports a National Necessity. general offices of the company. There beautiful of Australia's many orna- PEMALE HELP WANTED . are, however, a large number of agents Mental hardwoods. The "fiddleback" Ing congratulations upon the silver! It is a matter of the highest impor who report that as yet the drought "Rd "mottled" grains are most sought, En WANTED wedding anniversary of the royal! tan ure at the / ; 'couple, which was ey lohratod on July : hoa ont i many im- % had not affected any damage, and that Re gin o oak! olang wp Bot vr Bo ur porated. on July Sarl aiiotelthe {The supply of food: 9 rain would entirely relieve the situa- | et at Sy e Ror Ame ay suny fuler had received such a deputation |stuffs and raw materials needed by Cle \e\ thon. Moreover, advices received [hers e. bel e oh owayet, . 18 44 1 4) 0 G IR L S of women. There were no précedents, | thé population has, from a statistical Show that rain has alrendy.falien ver, [Tent, being a righ golden brown. The \ _ therefore, to serve as a guide for mar- | point of view, been much misunder- a considerable section. julie] Gliocts ite Ubialned by Sombl- to work in knittin ills. All shalling the parade and for the recep- | stood abroad. Owing to the fact that The presence of cut-worms is re. | Ing the figure with the plain black Kinds of Ring - 5 ton. | several countries' from which; in time ported in a small section to the north | W00d. . i gs operations on Underwear _ Among the organizations represent- ' of peace, Norway was drawing rather on both sides of the border of Mani- MONE RDE ang asery. Good Wages paid ed were"those of the nurses, the muni- | heavy imports, have y virtually toba and Saskatchewan, the damage Lh Mi iy 9 DE RS, on I while learning. Write or 'phone Hon workers, the workers on farms | closed--for example, a"and Prus- however appearing to be but slight, Partai, i Bi Boke Sr Bnd those more wgctively connected- sia as cereal exporting countries-- - J with the tion in the field. An|Norway has been bound to draw more ~ To Kill Potato Bugs. Sosts three vents, ; Address was made by Mrs. F. H. Dur- \heavily on America and other oversea The potato bugs should be poisoned The Real Proof. j_ernarnd m, chief woman inspector in the countries. ae before they get-too much of a start. # From idle bragging stay aloof; Limited oT Rinistry. of Labor. King George re-| This fact has been overlooked and Paris green used at the rate of one- You'll find that this is true (with an address to w A ed 1 : » rg the women. |too willingly it has been believed in half pound to fifty gallons of water is Your work i taken ea. the poo! PARIS, ONTARIO T i Risin Seige: . the Allled countries that the Frostés . satisfactory. If a pound or two of are touc! y the thought that (part of these imports were destin . h x lime is added it will prevent any leaf * the first expression. of loyalty and de-| for Germany, Norhas it been realized ape cape 2 ihe [hing this Teor, 3: burning that might a occur. A Lins votion on the. occasion of our silver either by the authorities or the general Toric ' Ca I 1, arn Now 21,1 5 rsenate of lead is a good poison and | Minard's Cures Wedding should: come from this re-! public of the Allied countries that the Ladi 8 rope. The size. No..B415, | iis on the leaves for a long time. New Air Raid Alarms presentative body of women who, by | economic expansion of Norway during | 6 si es we or Thre Piace Skirt. In It does not burn the leaves. Of the For th burbi : i their services, have assisted the State | the last few years has necessitated a mig h waist, rice, 20 dry use one and a half pounds to fifty | el Ro Jur a new Psion of aif fn the full mobilization of its man- larger supply of raw materials. These . : | gallons of water, and of the paste 1 ns i oe Ns sup. power. ir The vast majority of Norwegians ex- patterns may be obtained ;3 oo pounds. plement the sirens and the firemen's "In our visits to various centres we pect nothing from Germany. Her dis. | from your local McCall dealer, or signals, says a Paris despatch. The | have had opportunities of seeing and graceful submarine war, which during from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St, Bow device We Hie use of a. sore of | 3 Don't Suffer Pain appreciating the great part which all the last year has inflicted upon us a Toronto, Dept. W. Tooket; > Sh, wien, lighted, produces H Buy Hirst's "the women of our land are taking in loss of 435 vessels and 700 lives, --liia BN ipivetons: Sno.aalt leaves tho | TL LL iI0Y HOSE oer 8 the brauches of war service, and [speaks volumes. It also is a public | oo mot | nat the dootor cation "8 vorr bug | DIRE In the ate, or oerente | IR en om tee and , Hal simitar palatal & ¢ : adniraiion at hel achievements, an seam Ce |} YES LPT a conn | sprained ankle, and (old me | must not | Tests showed the noise was distinc. | [Jind id' Tit vein" | admiration which we believe to be ON the other hand, ft is no use to | OFF WITHOUT PAIN Falk <8 3 Tov ihfce Yeahs. a = Hye, thal x sould Be Jewry at not a | i HIRST REMEDY COMPANY : shared b: e whole . 4 4 an n six J H Hamilton, Cansas history vy He wae a en le, deny Gat Norway is largely depend. Lincinnatl man tells how to dry days I was out to work again. I think confused with the noise of the anti-| Hd ns's Family salve, (S00), - ter will be more remarkable than that | time Norwegians feel entitled to say | up a corn or callus so it lifts it the best Linjment made. ainoralt guns, 15 UNSTS$ Pretotad S1rap ofHorv. relating to this service. The range that in view of the services rendered | off with fingers. ARCHIE E. LAUNDRY. ing } I and extent of the women's participa- to England and her allies through the | |» ° Edmonton. pe The shortest answer is doing it. tion in this service has been rendered courage and intrepidity of , the Nor | : _- only at the cost of much self-sacrifice | wegian = seamen and the ' energetic | YOU corn-pestered men and women and endurance. straightforwardness of the shipowners Need suffer no longer. Wear the DOCTOR URGED "I trust this proceasion to-day will they have a reasonable claim upon Shoes that nearly killed you before, bring home to those who have not yet | their gratitude. says this Cincinnati authority, be- Horse Sense. \ AN 0 PER ATION Of things that you can do. . In the mines of Hainault horses that realized it the country's need of their cause a few drops of freezone applied help. Sure in the hope that your la- Thinks England Ungrateful. directly on a tender, aching corn or i travel back and forth over a certain n may have their reward in|, NOrweglans regret that this fact is | eallus, stops soreness at once and soon | road exactly thirty times each day go --irm-- ypc far less understood in England than the corn or hardened callus loosens so | to the stables of their own accord af- Instead I took Lydia E. Pink- ¢ is WD os mah 1 ought to be, and express the opinion jt can be lifted off, root aud all, with- | ter their last trip, and refuse to take , ve allies, are ever striving, I wish that this state of things not only im: | out pain. - {another step. In Montaigne"s Essays _ ham s Vegetable Compound 'you godspeed. In that happy day it (pairs Norwegian friendship for Eng- | A small bottle of freezone costs very | we read that the oxen employed in and Was Cured. will be your proud satisfaction to feel | 20d; but is detrimental to British 11 at hay drug store, but will posi- | the royal gardens of Suse for turning LIQUIDS B commercial interests. tively take off every hard or soft corn the wheels to which the water pails A, p X31 S Baltimore, Md.--" Nearly four years arc = t you have nobly shared in secur- | ha these priceless results." Through their cruel treatment of de- |, aallus. This should be tried, as it | were attached refused to make more or I suffered from organic troubles, ne; fe feniceless Norweglan seamen, the Ger- |i; inoxpensive and is said not to frrl- | than the hundred rounds that consti. TL RR RR TT vousness and h : f AAR aches and every * mans have gradually lost all sympathy * . i in. tuted their dally task. - Keep all gates closed and all gaps|in this country. England's escutcheon late aniys xin any freezone ¥ OR -OX-BLOOD SHOES i : month would have "up. It wil save steps. is untarnished, but Norwegians con- | 1; nim to get a small bottle for you Minard's Lintment Oures Garget tn Cows WINN A11Y| SXIWNN] EATHER ART stay i bey Tost of ert meee mote - sider it their duty to tell her that the ! from his wholesale drug house, It is i iy Foe: ments would relieve treatment to which they have often |e gent and acts like a charm every Cateh Hold of the Golden Bird. i il} me for a time but been subjected by British officials has |; 0 There are two ways of saving mon- gE] my doctor was al- : ---- ey: Some men get hold of the golden | , ll ways urging me to ; Use Your Fresh Veg goose and proceed to pull all her pave an operation. etables. . 7 y sister as! feathers out. 'Then they squeeze her ¥ try Lydia E. Pink : Now is the time to use the fresh so she will never be good for any- . > a PY Adi To rapc- vegetables which the war gardeners thing more. What is left they put [KSIUESRer Ce To) of Compound Sgetab 2 : = . ! 'have been so assiduously striving to|in their socks or hide in a crevice in . | Fae : } cultivate. We must never forget that | the wall. Other men get hold of a RB you get the solid nour- the use of these short-lived greens |golden goose, promptly put some eggs BSO ishment of whole wheat, |||" los m8 "ecraps | results in the liberation of the more | under her, and in a short while there ' ' y REO concentrated and staple foods for are more golden eggs--and so on. ! i ; 'overseas. : Then the surplus is put into thrift feduce S$ Vokiea pleasure. 1 te alluyh Usually there is great waste where | stamps, thus allowing others in need | dia E. Pinkham's Vegotabl what garden truck is concerned. It seems | to supply wants, ; infroma t, Side Bone or poms Hos de ro an ae so abundant that we do not value #| The useful dollar is the one that, vin. No blister, no hair BRITTINGHAM, 609 Calverton Rd., Balti- the dic : continues to serve its owner and his Sut and horse canbe acd, $3.30.2 mote, Md, os fob bw " x » of veg n Coun e ruggists or deliv. c= tural woman the . SY Your 'in and year out. scribe your case for special instruc. | dread the tho tof an oPoration 80 eatless | , an n the » should d. them Minaxd's Liniment Oures Oolds, Bie. | 4 ( ny & ie finimentfor | health by this famous remedy, ing 8 3 man| trai orn | Pinkham table Com] a: Re Eh When a man is eager to show you wollen 'Gi Vein ali i ms oe bee are A hoa iia how to do something, it means that he Heals Cuta. Sores. Ulcers. Alleys pain. Frcs wil Day an ee in advised cat it doesn't know a thing about it himself §'F oie PBF be ras Be. Besnen ents to consider it but wants to experiment. i LF 0 6 S16 Can i. iy, bn fore submitting to such a he 15 Yiont abd interesting horse Book 2 R Free. many women have been restored 5 . i LE EE BE EN EREERENEREERENENENRENEEENEEFEFEEE EEE EEE ES TREY TUCKETTS | - LL B E EE A Fitting "There's a Reason

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