% J Copyright Houghton Mifiin Company and possibly you will not detect this imitation until the ot reveals it. Demand always the genuine 'Salada' in the sealed aluminum pack and gee that you got It, if you want that unique flavour esh, clean leaves properly prepared and packed. -- CHAPTER X.---(Cont'd.) ¢ Jerry made no reply He turned and descended the steps pe Mrs. Scanlan closed the door with a 'rium- phant slam. ' ren 4 After climbing to his seat in the cart Jerry sat listless and held the reing in a listless hand. That promis- ing future of which he had been so Sheerfully prattling was extinguish- ed; the city that he had thought of as lowing with opportu lay now be- ore him dark and hostile, and he felt robbed of the courage to attack. How could Nora have done it? he asked, and his imagination Hupplied the ans- wer. - She done in order to escape poverty and want. Well, per- haps she would be happy. t was late in the afternoon when, having unloaded his cart and put up his horse, he arrived at his Aunt Bridget's; he knew from the first glance at his mother and his aunt that there had been a passage at arms. Mrs. Donohue had gathered HOW KEEP BABY WELL IN SUMMER. The Chinese show their progressive | tor turned accusingly to the mother spirit by paying their physicians as|and said: long as they are in health and ceasing| "I am sorry, but you are to blame to pay them as soon as they become | for this." ill. This is not such a bad idea, after| Do as the doctor tells you. You all, for prevention of disease is much|pay him to know. If you have not the two little girls into one arm and more important than curing it. confidence that he does know, call Peter a Se other; the children The mother of the young child Some one else who merits your con- were ul, her eyes were snapping, dreads the Tontod mT. know- fidence. : auf Mee, Murphy Wore the sa sfied ing that this is a trying period. A | Be sure that any food supplies are an a Without flinehin fo few simple rules persistently follow-|fresh and pure. Gruel used as Bora duty. She was _ ed will do much to keep baby well. Siluent should be made sesh avery gracious in biddi v Give plenty of cool, boiled, drinking | JY 8nd kept on ice. Milk should gucete;'s spirit of foreboding seemed water. This shoud be offered at least! not be allowed 30 stand: about in 2 to accompany her wishes or their once every hour when baby is awake. | doorway or a kitchen, but placed in welfare. Mrs. Donohue's expression Be regular with the morning bath. If cold storage at once. Lt nor + : tles and nipples are washed and scald- joyed was not effusive. th bee Lat E% 8 30912 od ekeen sings. Theow away an y ¢ food left over from a feeding. She and Jerry walked to their now too warmly. Avoid draffs, sudden , : i changes of temperature and chills by eT nem 30 it | behind. folly in taking she said to Jerry in an indignant un- farewell to her See that bot- of appreciation for the hospitality en- Do lodgings, the three children following "She upbraided me with my em to live with us," doing." " Jerry ah to. the eyes ite fife J ashed 3 do x : wrath in silence, and thereafter when . $ i with- i nce fon nied er reason - ing approached his ungracious neigh- bor, for as it ed on that same day, when he had returned discourag- ed from the search for work and was sitting weary and with vacant mind in his mothe 's room, he heard the trampling of children the "We're not Paddies!" Jerry heard Peter cry; and then the voice of Kate, more al out: "Well, what if we are » "My mother won't let me n ared the 1 voice xi 1 M th it's triumphantly. "My mother says a shame Catholic Paddies should live in this house." ba "We're not Catholic Paddies." "Your folks are." vo "Well, I'd rather be a Paddy then -what you are." Se mother sayst they're all liars and they burn in hell fire." "Don't you dare say such things!" "Who'll stop me?" It was Peter that replied: "Jerry's going to be a policeman and he'll ar- rest you." y An uncantrollable cackle of laugh- fr attested the amusement of the rmstro] rogeny. "Policeman no- thing. "Hehe just a loafer, my moth- er says." "He is not--and when he's a police- man he'll arrest you," Peter scream- ed; and little Betty n to ery, "Come, Peter, dont speak to them having a light wrap or jacket which : ! ; th may be put on if the weather changes I pavayihe cleansing of She oe Stomes Ofer wise necessary. bo it yourself. Turn the nipples' ee that baby's bowels are in good wrong side out. If the holes in the condition. It is very important that' nipples become so large that the milk, dertone. again. the road; Jerry? never come." "And them right there to hear it, I'll never go near the woman Why were you so long upon I thought you'd any more," said Kate. 'Paddies! Paddies! Irish Paddies!" |rose the taunting chorus, and it was still sounding when Kate, flushed and with eyes blazing, pushed her brother Twisted and torn with shot and shell! 'and patterned' with marks of i pride, 3 She summoned her strength for a last on the tide; - she went her destined way, And sank to rest in her ocean grave, crowned with the salt sea spray. Her hulk is sleeping where the]. far tides sweep And swirl by an alien shore, But her spirit calls across the keep Evermore." ee A tena. Ordered His Own Death. Some British engineers, says M. Andre Tudesq, in the Paris Journal, were surprised by an advance guard of shock troops when blowing up the last of the canal bridges at Merville, The captain in command of the sap- pers leaped upon the grenades piled the enemy at bay, but his men, seeing that to fire the pile would kill their officer, hesitatd. "Fire, boys," shout: ed the captain, without turning his head, and he died there with the Ger mans, . ----r ns Europe's loss in meat animals since the beginning of the war is estimated No fury of fire could stay her course; deep, "Here for Freedom my tryst I in the middle of the bridge and kept | long call and staggered away |. at equal to one-half the total holdings | in like animals in the United States. "Was I long?" said Jerry. "So long I was sure something had | ppened to you. Did anything get roke ?" "Nothing of value. Only my heart." Jerry looked at his mother with a see humorous grin. the little one have at least one com- flows too rapidly, either throw the! plete movement every day. If there nipple away or close up the opening! is any sign of digestive disturbance, ! with a red-ho* needle and make a new, ha feed more lightly than usual and try! one. . b to discover just what article of diet is | Avoid excitement for children, es- to blame. Perhaps the milk is not pecially in warm weather, and modified right or the feed in'the Pas- that their naps are regular and ade- | "Now what's your nonsense?" ! a Suree Is Shoss snd She Sous are being quate. Do not wean baby during the ha that wag it. Hy heart got fem; just let them alone--that's ed on ensilage. is makes a gassy, f J rize the broke soon after I started, and ad | Pes! AN 3 indigestible milk. Possibly the food he ya umet . "unless to drive slow. to keep. the pieces to-. X But you didn't hear what they said, is too rich or not nourishing enough, 'you are absolutely certain as to its ether. . That's why I was late." ye 1 did. Thebest to t or something is being given unsuited purity and freshness. Know for a! what are 'you talking eo Te lik th t is ss dup to the child's age. certainty where baby's milk comes > With iy . If dysentery attacks the baby, with- { from--whether the barn or stable is Kate was reluctant to abandon her hold milk. Feed upon rice or barley clean and the condition under which it design of revenge. "I'd hayé slapped water and whey. Give a dose of castor is milked, bottled and delivered. If them, I'd have pulled their hair, if oil to clear away the offending ma-!you cannot make this investigation Betty hadn't » got frightened and terial and summor a physician at once. ! personally, an inquiry to the proper sperted to ery. whte le ry There is little use calling him unless | authorities should bring you the. ne- aly lslivered & whe levture on the you follow his advice to the letter. | cossary information. The milk of dint ge "ve BE Lr it One mother whose child had an at- | Jersey cows is likely to be overrich hx the time when I get to be a tack of diarrhea realized the danger and to need more dilution than usual. cop," he said. "And a cop's family of this disease and summoned a physi-| Use a glass graduate with the has to be just as dignified as he is. cian. He forbade the giving of any | ounces marked on the side in prepar- You just remember that when kids milk until his return twenty-four ing artificial food. Do not depend give you' r sass; just walk away hours later. The baby began | upon guesswork. See that baby's with your nése in the air." and sister into the room. She did not see Jerry, seated near the window. "You just wait there," she said, "till I finish off those two limbs--" "Oh, Kate," said Jerry, and she turned startled and stood motionless. "I wouldn't pay any attention to to say good-bye to Nora. . But she was out with: her husband--Charley Corcoran. They were married last night. So I just sort of jogged into town after that." "Oh, Jerry!" His mother looked up at him with love and sympathy, and ihe kmew that she wanted to press his hand. "She wasnt worthy of you, Jerry; I--I hate her." "Don't do that, mother." He turn- ed and said briskly to the children following behind, "You're going to like living in here. School's just round the corner, and you'll make a lot of friends, and sometimes in our show marked improvement when man- | clothing, and especially the napkins, In the evenings Jerry became a fre- aged according to his directions. The! are carefully rinsed free of all soap, lot of ] Best's momting the mother felt so sorry | or chafing will result. Do not use Dullding you can go up and play om or the little one because he could only | napkins the second time without vis} grateful " ; have barley water that she ventiired washing. Air and sun bedding and |, Joie smiled 3 heful, eter vill to give him half a bottle of milk. The, clothing. Do not let a littls child| Peter agreed that he would like it; o child was not restless without it, but lie with its clothing wet. This is|and little Betty declared that she she was sure he must need it. The likely to cause irritation and encour-! would like it too. : child took the milk with apparent sat- | ages the habit of bed wetting. "And it's the snug little place that, isfaction, however, and the mother| Be regular with a child in all its| youll have to live in" said Jerry.) was sure she had done the right thing. habits. Do not offer attention or| Kind of like a dollhouse, tts 80 Half an hour later the whole family | continual amusement if the little one | "UE: : | was thrown into sudden consternation | can be contented without them. Re- CH APTER XI by the distressing sight of the child) member that flies and insects are a : in a terrible convulsion. Fortunately | menace, as they carry dangerous dis-| Jerry did not allow many days to go the doctor lived near, and his prompt | ease germs from place to place. Sim-|Dby Without jsecking an Jtaryiew with answer to the call saved the day.|ple, soft, fresh clothing makes baby his friend Roger . He found When the little one had been taken much more comfertable than fussy| that Trask hed been, inindful ot his out of its bath of warm water and its | garments, stiffly starched or soiled De that a Shained Se the stomach emptied of the mass cf curds ones. Avoid the possible contagion police force might need in order to! which had caused the trouble, the doc-' of crowds. prepare himself. Trask in fact ac- ae companied him to the offices of the Civil Service CommisBion and saw him enrolled as an applicant, "And now," Trask said, "all you can' do is to wait your turn and meanwhile' make yourself fit." "I've got to do more than that" Yuenses of the XM oA Building; ere he prepared se! or the civil vie examination by exercis- ing in the gymnasium and by joini the class of candidates that recei instruction twice a week from va lecturers. He learned to know difference between a mittimus and a subpoena; he bacame able to tell what a felony is and why it is worse than a misdemeanor; he learned that a simple assault is not assault and bat- tery, and that perjury is not sub- ornation of perjury. He learned when a patrolman may arrest and when he may not, when he needs a warrant and when he doesn't--and after he had learned these and many other puzzling, necessary facts, he found that there were still many more that he must be prepared to know. The more nearly he became qualified for membership in the police force, the higher rose his respect for those who already wore the uniform; he had never before realized what a fund of | knowledge it was for the ordinary patrolman v.: "Pm almost a lawyer already," he said to said Jefry. "Ive got to find a job.| Busy Miother Tter Sbout 4 month of You Jon know 'of one, do you, Mr. belong to one of 'the learned profes- + sions No, Trask could not help him there. 4 He tried to help him; he. made. In. {Te be sontinued.) quiries among his friends who were . employers of labor, but met with no! JULY. gucuragement. , I ines was in 3 (Rondel.) pressed co: , the number . the unemployed as 10. A friendly Znarled vif wiliow dreams one seem to have need of a skilled And screens a limpid pool, ironworker. Jerry, making the' Where fish glide on by school, rounds of blacksmith shops, machine' As one divines from sudden gleams. shops, iron foundries, more and July, in hesitation, seems more disheartened. e became more! A drooping campanule sensitive about going 'hom night (A friendly gnarled old willow dreams T Two Sizes--50c and $1 You are young but once, bug touch you can be youthful always nt It n hes. ! thecomplete ©" you care for your complexion properly. Dailyuse of Ingram's Milkweed Cream prevents oof toilet products at your drugglst's is Ingram's Zodenta for the teeth, 25c, 's Velveola Powder, 5Cc. minorb! : After Meal-Time. Paint or oil the floor if it is hard Prepare your dishes carefully for|and smooth; if it is not, cover it with their cleansing. It pays. The a. linoleum. Small rugs or rubber mats perienced housekeeper, of course, | Placed before the stove, sink and table washes cooking utensils as she| Prevent strain on the muscles and rest goes along so that not many are left |the feet. Painted walls, or those to be taken care of after the meal, | covered with washaMe paper, togeth- These should be piled next to the dish-|er with well painted woodwork, look pan. Greasy pans may be wiped out | and feel cool. al, with soft paper, which then makes| A sink with running water keeps good fuel. All other dishes, plates, [the housewife's temperature down, cups and saucers, and silver should |and so does a fireless cooker. The be put together in neat stacks in the | coal or wood stove should be supple- order in which they are to be washed. Hated by one burning gas or oil. Of Cups should be rinsed and latter type, the blue-flame stove scraped and rinsed before they are|is highly satisfactory. piled together. All bowls and other| A kitchen cabinet is invaluable for utensils, which have held starchy | saving steps and space. No family foods, should be. filled promptly with | within reach of ice should attempt to cold water. Those which have had | get through the summer without a re- with me at : frigerator. Where expense must be is I acpats Tox 3 be Thought] And a limpid pool) ; considered, a well-made ice-chest of confidence in him, and he wondered if Her hesitation gone, she deems good, dimensions is preferable to a!with all his health and strength "Twere time to break a rule; poor refrigerator or one which is t00| there was no work that he might be! _ Within the waters cool small to give good service. permitted to do. He wondered how| Her limbs she laves, her fair hair dy peua Sveu on io Bios evt job be was wil to serve] frien asiod oid wil . | porch so the ousewife may|an appre 3 A gnarled old willow dreams bn ted to spend more time in the | Wherever he a Hod bie was told that And screens a limpid pool! on TROP. OF! Sell off the old hens when they are 0 air, while by using it, much of there was n but that he| oY utter and dirt can be kept out of might Lr month ot 1 Fy in Abr,' space, x ® 1 # laying. The pullets are the . RA best for winter egg prouction, scarcely a man that he passed on the! 'Avoid feeding chick food that has . Never Sanitary etry known wi Susoundings uf fer mo | are conducive ge without been in stock for a long time and is and proper eq; to health at all times, but never more so than during the street Hy envy withoy dhe 4 ought, "I suppose you have a job."| mouldy. urely ; | There was Armstrong, who with: his Jmoyldy ht will 8 pd iy Sams | able rateflong ng ouse and who, as Je eed, came home tips; + 4 blemishes, overcomes pimples and other eruptions. Since 155% ta distinctive therapeutic quality has been giving health totheskinand youthful colortg the complexion. It keepsyouf skin toned up, soft and clean, The refined way to p oiliness and shininess, of ; and forehead induced perspiration, is to apply a A with Eac hase #& package of 38 or Perfume you, without Aft of a world- responsiveness of this famous Instrument - com bine to lift It high above the commonplace. It ls a 0 enduring charm for | : whole + BIE TNR od, oan ps e vt v patriotic pul ose vk Ras ey ture, rng eal " Tw Flas 3 Side ofl she we, $4 a plumbing Lee ventE i to one ; a - wille pet Hin resi a roughly svary apprentic--a est coolly inaclont rejoinder By