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Port Perry Star, 8 Aug 1918, p. 2

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Mr and Mrs New York is Jaton W visiting Mr. Jard's son who is about to leave for | Overseas. Mr. James Mowrith, a irons, AEA TER Allin. \ Mrs. J. S. Hoduian, of paltale. is visiting at Mr. Wm Davey's: Among those "from * Toronto who Spent the ™ end i in town were; mpson, Mr. John H. Blake, 'Mr. Harry " . Jas. Davey, Ms. Archie Brg os : Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Mr. Art Bondof Toros, spent the week end Mr. Robt Hamilton, of Oshawa, rspent the week end with Mr Winnett Nesbitt, who "is hol idaying at his 5 F home here. Mf and Mrs Brown and son New- ton, Ses Chant spent the week end with, Mrs Chas Parish. Mr Westcott and children, and Miss "Wickett, of Toronto, were the guests of Miss Penhall over the week end. Ms Dr Méllow and child of Ux- ide, are visiting her parents, Mr and H Carmichael. Mrs. W. M; O'Beirne, of Stratford, has returned home after visiting - Rey. WP: Brown and Mrs. Brown. Bowling The following; is 'the standing of the Singles Competition on the Local Bowling 'Green ':to date. The best game of the series: was played between James -MecHoull and John Leask, which was a tie at the end of the 21st end=<14 all. -In the éxtra'end played to'decide the tie, McHoull won out ty ohe shot--15-14. - Geo Rose and § Jeffrey. also played a very good gamé and were tieon the 20th end. Rose was lying 'shot with a kitty- toucher when Jeffrey took him out with a wick shot and lay two. First Round Jas. McHoull John Leask Wm. Graham David Carnegie. James Swan Geo Gerow Jas Lucas S. Jeffrey Geo Rose Robt. Murray Dr S J Mellow _ F. W. McIntyre T. W. McLean .... a Fred Taggart........ rears athin Second Round H Carmichael Jas McHoull ,, Wm Graham .. S Jefirey wr W H Harris ,, F W Mclntyre T W McLean Jas Lucas ..........; Six Byes jos Carnegie H Letcher H J White Rev Joh J F McCHntock Third Round F W Mcintyre Jas Carnegie Rev John Ford .... * Fourth Round i Jas Carnegie ......loerie HT White,.........oe yl "In the Central League of Bowling Clubs Uxbridge has won the cup donated by Messrs Jas Carnegie and A C McKenzie, with 11 wins an 5 losses, scoring 22 points. Port Perry 'was second with 10 wins and 6 losses - scoring 20 points. It is proposed to have a one day. tournament at Port | | | prise, meeting at her home, and giving | not bet a miscellaneous shower. iti: token | $ Upper School Examination Passed in Part I, © gh BT Tim Mild rod Ba Sh Work) Cea} M. Taner io E Watson Second Class Certificate ' | Melva H Switzer, Melbourne F. White The Prizes offered by the Board of : | Education at the recent High School Entrance Examination have been awarded as follows, on condition that the winners attend Port Perry High | School for the whole of the school | year 1918-1919: ° Port i A Public School--First T. Cawker (MrT W | McLean, Teacher) All Other Schools--Second Pri = Alymer Tennyson {(S. S. No. 8 R Miss K. A. Paton, Teacher.) : Third Prize--Ellen M. Wilkinson, (S.S. No. 17, 'Redch, 'Miss Winnie Elliott, Tedcher.) ---- Passed With Honours We are pleased to learn: that 'Miss ination'in Theory of Music, Tnterme- diate Form, with honours, The examination was held at ithe Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Prince Albert Next Sunday afternoon, August 11, Rev. 1. 'Snell, 'a former pastor, will speak at a special service of the Sune day School. - He will also preach in the eveing, and music 'will be rendered by Utica' Methodist choir. © Girl Wanted For housework. Apply to Mrs. L. Bandel, at home of Mrs. D. Steele, Port Perry, Ontario. Died WaiTLock--On Sunday, August 4th, 1918, at her late residence, 28 Oak St., Toronto, Mary Metherall Whit- lock, in her 91st year, widow of the late Rev. Jesse Whitlock and mother of Frank and Silas, Mrs, Fred Fairweather, Mrs. Richard Ashton and Mrs. Geo. Glaspel. Interment took place at Prince Al- bert, on Tuesday, August 6th. Fitchett-Montgomery At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Montgomery, Blackstock, a very pretty but quiet wedding took place at two o'clock Wednesday, July 3lst, when their only daughter Amy Ethel, was united in the holy bonds of mat- trimony to Mr. Ralph A. Fitehett, of Manchester, Ontario. The bride was unattended "and enrered the drawing roem leaning on the arm of her father, while Miss Greta LeBarr of Peterboro rendered Mendelssohn's Wedding March. The bride looked very dainty and pleasing in a frock of pale gray Georgette and taffeta with customary veiliand orange blossoms and carrying a large bunch of bridal roses. The ceremony was parforwed by | Rev. Mr. Gomm and witnessed by|. only the immediate friends of the bride and groom. . Friends were pre- sent from Toronto, Oshawa, Lindsay, Peterboro and Calgary. ' During the signing 'of the refister the only brother of the bride, R. J. Morrell Montgomery, L.D.S., D.D.S,, sang "Oh Promise Me," with splendid feeling. A mbit of friends of thé bride and groom motored with them to Burketon, where 'they 100k' 'the * train for a 'short vacation at' !Jackson's Point . and visiting western cities. The bride travelled in a navy blue tailored suit with hat to match. On "the "evening previous to the wedding a large number of girl friends of the bride took her entirely by sur- of their appreciation of her. bride: will be ly missed by all her friends, especially in 'musical circles, and all social and church work. 7g "The gif of the groom to the bridé] ands earl and peridot | pianist, 'a dainty ame- Florence Cook has passed her 'exam: || thyst pin. A large number of beauti-} eo resents carried ~ expression of : pe to, ne mon young. Pry shordy, amongst the teams of CJ ; % | what ne Reh COFALL TERM: , TUESDAY, SEPT. 8 Wii of Calg rE Paterhorg Business College, Limited 1 id. A. ME KONE, . PRINCIPAL ! PLAN AHEAD On Civic Holiday. . the Port Perry Baseball Team won out at a tourna. ment held at Musselman s Lake, They played' Sonos nt Albert, rt, wipuing in 3 score Sl 4-4 and against a pick- ed' team of ca i the score being 13- 51 in favor of Port Perry. From Sig. C. Jackson Somewhere in France, My Dear Mother-- 1 guess another letter from me is overdue. However, more changes and moves have prevented my writing as much as I would have otherwise. This is my new address--Signaller W, C.. Jackson, No. 2,265,367, 3rd Bn. Can. M. Corps, B.E.F., France. You will perhaps wonder what a machine gun battalion is--It is a unit formed and organized similar to an infantry battalion, but consists entire- ly of machine guns and their crews, grouped to form batteries and com- panies, used to support the infantry, help in the barrage, etc. That will probably give you some idea of the outfit I belong to. I am in the signal section. As 1 write this I am on duty. In front of me are several apparatus necessary to keep in touch with the various other sections. One of the articles, and a very .useful one, isa switchboard which I made myself, using material raked up from a nearby railroad. It works fine: better than some that are issued. There are three of us. from ten at night until six, and the other two work the day stretches. Our rations come up and we cook them ourselves, vsing "Tommy Cookers," (solidified alcohol) or if you can find any dry wood we make a good fire. We have two bunks, and as only two of us are off duty 'at 'once 'that works 'alright. Now I must tell you about yester- day, or rather, the day 'before. I was allowed to go down the line for a bath (8 weeks since the last 'one), and 'to get Some clean' clothes. I'knew 'the 116th were around, so I proceeded to pay:them a visit. 'Oscar Stephenson was the first chap I met. Was he surprised? Rather-- and "tickled, too. In less than fo time, I met the whole crowd: I. knew ~+Gordon Hox Stone, Carl of the old 1 Clarence. leave. 1 spent all the afternoon talking and at snaps, Everyone was sur- M Bal of of them b eer, and Ind, Arthur nt aa and for md Mel Te ET One works | gm hs ; OF LR aE OE rl Trew OW > McKinnon were on sick |. Th Ponders Guts: aaa bi SECTALY Tor Un defence of Our Dominion of Canada. powers, and of Our good will and pleasure in that behalf, do hereby proclaim and declare and cause to be published and made mown THAT THE PENALTIES OF THE LAW WILL NOT BE IMPOSED OR Class chy Our Mit ee Act, to 1 tary 1917, and who have disobeyed Our Proclam- ation aforesaid ; or who have received notice from any of Our registrars or deputy registrars to report for duty on a day now HOW past ah have failed s0 to report ; or who, ha ot filed and obtained leave of al RS lev, ve fi report at the expiry of become 'deserters' from Force, PROVIDED THEY REPORT TOR DUTY. BEFO THE TWEN 'FOURTH DAY OF AUGUST 1918. 7 Farm Laborers Wanted for Harvesting in Western Canada "Gong Trip West" --$12 fv WINNIPEG. =~ "Retur Trp East" $18 fram WINNIPEG. Y Lt te EF a i Tot 1 a Ot Se

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