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Port Perry Star, 5 Sep 1918, p. 3

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be cushioned with enough fat and flesh TRE aA Ing of something" to which the animal 3 ~ Is not accustomed. - Changes in feeds 5 ~ "bloom." definitely concerning the feeds that tion where they had never been clip- ~~" 'conformation are desired and in the + _flesh is at - % thing will throw the mechanism out "well as a long period of extensive _ say that al balanced ration should be bE ae 901 Seth tam } be a the first place, certain rin of next place, this conformation must to re the animal around and well kept appearance. =~ When an animal is in good condition for showing, it has' the showmen know as a N "After a while this bloom leaves and the animal does not show with the same vigor that was evident before.' The "bloom" is quite largely depend-! ent upon the method and period of! feeding. It is customary to start to fit ani-' mals for the show two op three menths in advance of the opening date. In some cases, however, a splendid finish can be put on by a' short-period of intensive feeding as; | feeding. In feeding the show ani- mal one must be constantly on the; lookout to see that no changes .are "made abruptly. - The- health condic; tion of an animal rapidly gaining in a delicate balance and no- f order so quicklyias a generous feed- and inereases in. the amount of the eed should come Bg this can be accomplished' there is but _ little reason to be afraid that.the ani mal will go.off feed. : This year nothing much can be said 'should' be given because of the fact that we are using so many sub- stitutes, It will perhaps suffice to TTESSREES | polished and for this purpose, a piec do not easily wear off '| quite so harsh. Sick substitution is a thing to} be av J ; Vile the cattle are on the 'train or ifi the show barns, they will egt very little anyhow unless they have been there a great many times Ran them the same they had been accustomed to receiving. prong and it explains why some cattle ap- pear 80 much out of sorts after the showing season is over. ° The reduc- tions in feed should be about as grad- ual as the increases were. f : Exterior Appearances In show , it is an occurrence to have relatively poor animals placed at the head of the list while those much superior are placed farther down. This is explained by the simple fact that many of these _ ttle are trained "to put the best foot forward," as is proper. It is| Lesson X. Conquering Evil--1. Kings not only Necediary to have a well fed | 21. 1-29; Matt. 10, 34-38; 1 animal with good individuality, but he' ; should also know how to perform in| Cor, 16. 13, . Golden Text, the. ghow ring so that the finest points | Eph. 5. 11. may be brought out. One of the first! 1 Kings 21, 11-20 requirements is' to keep the animal| = Verse 11. Ti clean. To. this end liberal bedding did, . . a skid is essential. Then cattle should have, ten in the letters--Jezebel is famed as their 'tails! washed out and loosely; one of the most unscrupulous and braided each night. The next morn-! Wicked women in history, spurring on 3 her husband to a hellish deed t: ne $hese braids may Je Sindovie and, gratify his covetous spirit. | The eld . i ers and nobles of the city were merely ed more as an accessory to the fowl's; give the tail a showy appearance. The tools in her hands. oF : ire-1| J A i i, 2 f { bill of fare than an essential require- tail should by. a pred 712, They proclaimed a fast--Not' ment. This notion "" There is a good deal of variation in proceed with charges against Naboth, Ho practice of clipping show animals. | i to show, t the SY was finder | ur exhibit lip ti { eondemnatio cause of guilt and | Many exhibitors clip threo or four SLT some kind of penance Fasia 30 much rom the standpoint of Wi | EO A larketed or otherwise] were proclaimed to. show humiliation | tions, because in this respect they are; pt rom the 'flies and the hot: after defeat or in case of threatened | Pary below grain, rather because of | Ta bo vated 1 ii. T hava teen animals Eo gud | thelr medicinal and hygiene valve, 8, | 20. ' --In &| Greens act as a tonic. ey to however, appear in just as fine gondj- conspicuous place here 3 proceed the system, counteract the evils of the, ped, but it is necessary to take some most publicity, more concentrated foods and agit 38 Fpecial care in having the animal pro-| 13: Ourried him forth out of the their assimilation. Besides, they to! ted from the' sum and flies. "Fly city and stoned him to death with furnish some nutrients, especially the dope" is pretty likely to Yinke the stonuss-Gapital puishent vas exe mineral elements; also they contri A {cuted outside the city, as also in the bute water. . halk Soazee Aud bristly ad for this tase of Stephen (Acts 7. 58). Accord- | The best grasses to sow for permans on anima wri tended yo hibitie > ig ines bd ie They ent poultry pastures are. blue grass, A ats should be kept, Were, perhaps © death with hil. The? | red top, low, Dutch or white clover. e a 015 5100 ep BA tai yn] Other seeds, such as ped clover, timo- o coud Figily elaim the inheritance of | thy, slsike and alfalfa, make very| os : _. the vineyard. s may have been; ' e d { or Bas or Seip Boel i ay y er according to a rimitive fe that the | good hay, but they are not durable better than the steel, since the steel Pe ment eluded. lz a mars enough for poultry. yr are iia usually has some ragged edges that 15. Take possession of the vineyard | Swiss chard and lettuce are useful oF is the glass =a Jontiscated property, It has fox feeding baby chicks in the early not been unusual to confiscate to t a] rive. They should be cut into to him than lifé he can come to no terms with whomsoever opposes him. This involves an inevitable separation | from all opposition, just as. loyalty to, one's country means the utter giving of oneself even unto death and no parléy with traitors. 1 Cor. 16. 13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, ! quit you like men, be strong--This is an appeal to the Corinthians, a church | plucked from the inexpressible corrup-| tion of a notoriously wicked city in| which were all the refinements of un-| Fodliness peculiar to that age. It is! i INTERNATIONAL LESSON i SEPTEMBER 8 Fy | kewise an appeal to every one who, names the name of Christ to hold fast to the ideals of life and character set forth by Jésus. Pours succulence, are just as important as ains, meals and animal foods. Not race" the property, of trutors and{ Font Sengthe and fed in small quanti ties to keep them fresh. rejoice in his blood-bespattered pos- A session. { Onion tops and sliced onions are 17. The word of Jehovah came to both excellent for chicks. If you| Elijak the Tishbite--We first hear of have a'brood which is inclined to mope| Elijah in 1 Kings 17. He bursts upon', around out of sorts, so to speak, and us unheralded and flashes like a -me-" little "pep" into teor across thé sky of Israel, a flam- As pant le A mL wi . pe = "| ing messenger for Jehovah, overcom- ee J y hick in bo! .|ing the false prophets and denounc- In short order the chicks will be; ing the iniquitous deeds of Ahab and tussling and tugging at the slices of Jezebel. | onion as though they were bugs or 19, Hast thou killed and also taken worms. cf BH) ssion? . . dogs shall lick{' Beets--mangel wurzéls--is the best thy blood--Blood for blood is the law all round vegetable for poultry. They . | of the Levitical code. The same ided gare easy to grow, and keep well for runs , throtgh the Greek, tragedies. winter feeding. From twenty to ii Seed hood. sure to be recom: twenty-five pounds per day per hun-| dred hens is about the correct ration. 90.° Hast thou found me, O mine, 4 os Vengeance comes up at last Shredding the beets by means of a root cutter. is the best way to feed, Fooling The Teacher. The meanest teacher. in our town, Or any town about, ¢ Once kept our 'pitcher, Dannie Brown, When school was letting out, She kept him in to doa sum,-- She said it wasn't hard,-- Although the other nine had come play right in our yard! ? 'e lost the game by, ten to one,-- They were the Silver Sox,-- with the criminal. Ahab had for years seen Elijah on his horizon as a sort them; or they may be cut into large wjeces and spiked on mal's in the poul- of incarnate- conscience appearing at try Touses Suspending the halved beets in a fish net is anotasr way to times to denounce' him for hig many . place this sort of food before the erimes. I have found thee because thou hast sold thyself to do that which fowls. The idea is to keep%¥he beets | from being tracked around in the dirt, is evil--Ahab was not lacking in per- ception of right. He knew what "and litter. In cold weathér the middle of the day is the only time to feed | woman and had ly become a tool in her hands. He had sold his high- ; er seit for the rewards of sins and i crimes. succulent. food, so that it will not, ay Matt. 10. 84-38 gh become unpalatable. {- 84. Not Jeace, but a sword--These = Cabbage is relished by fowls, bi are ro Ll Rm though it should be fed in moderation, at. peace Eh | Y'm 'very sure we should have won With Dannie in the box. She let him out in inning three, / "But then it Was too late; An smiled when she € Jost it impart and objectionable flavor' - nce 8s, _ a : eh tawuamors 8 atiained only through to the eggs. x onism resulting from Sprouted oats make a convenient, co! "of truth with error. The fori of raising green stuff in limited | di of erefore the sword quarters or during the. winter months | of the Prince of Peace. ! when plants canot be grown. outdoors. 86-37. I camig to set a an, 3} vark Chickens oat them greedily. and nea brithohia 5 I how. Moke ther me Hard vegetables, like potatods and ; not "of me--The turnips, should be boiled first or they . Between: truth 2 pe- Will not be eaten in large quantities. 7 fo or antagonism Cook them in their skins and when } "all human rela- soft e them slightly and mix 7 © | with alittle dry mash. Fed warm, t take his "out with the rest! _ wi EN, h : food d - not Svorthy of this is a splendid for cold morn. first place or, $o~the death. for granted, Maid Marion, that be- "| sent is well suppl Ito the European front could be ac Green foods are likely to be regard- | | merely to furnish an opportunity t0| Greenstuffs, sometimes spoken of as| | A" cow's system demands enormous farms 'manner in which a cow is bedded. If s. ; o TE fruits, pumpkins, melons and | ¢ products vailable | all : de PR explosives: (2) for the lub the machinery; (8) for ol wounded soldiers and (4) for ption. The average keeper is not sufficiently ea LER of Maid Marion: But. don't take ity ¢ause the restrictions have been lift ed off the consumption of bacon you are at liberty to use food in the old Pt, free way. The ban has 'been litted | favin€ i A pe fa ) temporarily because Brita at pre: | yg of them, > axl thanks to the efforts of Canadians and! i The' selection of fat:--Make an Americans. Canada alone increased | for' do use he Shap fata of a Is dak of pork by 571 per cent.) ung from suets:. ' Re 20 as a 1t of the restrictions imposed ' . Ns. > 'Grind by the Food Board. = So you can see (2) Rendering fate: (a) : that your volunts * saving. was' very suet. (b) Soak several hours in salts 2 much worth while.» At the game time ed water and strain off the water. (¢) the Allied Food C Nees, meeting Try out in top of double boiler over in London Ili yg week. of water. (d) strain through fine 'wire July, passed a 0 ion to the ef- strainer or cloth. (e) Store in small fect that the most rigid economy and clean vessels a cool place. oi a elimination of waste in the consump- 3) Deodorishig Luts is): rind To tion and handling of all food stuf's,| ...} nound of fat add one half cup of as well as increased production, should | Coo 0 one (0) try out if pion: Bi prod be maintained throughout the Kur-{y o +p * hl 4 double boiler. (A) Allied Countries and in North eat thoroughly. in double hot ef: X a ioAT The resolution stated strain as above. (e) After cooling 3 further that it was only by such gi Lod Suid a) If the fat. economy and elimination of waste thut| 4. tittle clarifyin heat slow- the transportation of the necessary ly. Put in a few oT potatoes men and supplies from North America and brown. Strain and ecole; (6) Care of fats;--(a) Fats should be kept clean and covered in a dark, by complished, and stocks of food stuffs could be built up in North Americal. 1 plage. (hb) Burning of fats as an insurance against the eve? pre-| .po,14 he avoided because an injuri- sent danger of harvest failure and the| oo co bhetance is formed. (¢) The fat possible necessity for large emergency pattie should be kept "covered while drafts to Europe. According to the| tino and while cooling declaration of the Food Controllers, it! pajrymaid:--You will "be glad to is imopssible to administer the food |)... that the Ontario Government! problems on the basis of one year's: prnloyment Bureau has made er- war. Seo we are not yet out of the coments for three weeks' courses wood, by any means. Economy and {; he held at the Ontario Agricultural conservation must be carried on as be-| oi 1jege, Geulph, for all would-be fore and the essentials must still be| daityniaids. This is an innovation saved. | for the fall months, as in other years Anxious Mother:--Are you sure the course was held during the winter you are giving your little seven-year months. It is hoped that a great old hoy enough milk? You must re-' many girls will take advantage of member that it is the perfect food for this. Most of the farmers who want- children and that without plenty of it} ed women to work for them this year they cannofy thrive. Meat does not put a knowledge of milking and but- supply the deficiency where children ter-making as among the chief re- are concerned, for milk supplies the quisites. lime necessary in the bone formation| School Teacher:--With holidays is a mistake,! and there is practically no" lime in. past and the fall session in full swing meatqand bread, and none at all in it would be well for you to lay your sugar and fats. he average child; plans now for food conservation work needs not less than two big cups of in school this winter. As your chil ~ milk a day while adults should have, dren are so young, it would be advis- halt a pint daily. ith the Shildren able to develop the -pictorial side of s can be given in the form of a food control Get them to desi beverage but it can also be given 88, posters and little rhymes as "the milk soups, puddings, cottage or; French children are doing. Some as- gitum Fheesd or as j saute Jor Jege-/ tonishing samples of their art have . ilk. a nty o O is w "safety first" pugs for children and, one ares from Basis whe he on the farm it should surely be easy have drawn and painted some re- to give them plenty of it. Tt has markable pictures, all calculated to Bean estimated thal, to supply Ppro- | arouse interest in saving or increased in, milk at 16 cents a quart is as| production. Then you might offer cheap as sirloin steak at 35 cents a prizes for the best essays on food pound or eggs at 38 cents a Hosen. control. Indeed, school teachers have Saver:--You are quite right about a remarkably fine opportunity to. do the importance of saving fats. There good work along 'this line. The is a tremendous demand for fats of | juvenile audience is the most recep- all kinds, (1) for the making of high tive in the world. production, and materially enters into the care of the dairy herd, Good ventilation is an essential many times overlooked. A barn steam" ing with body heat and heat from ma- nure not only keeps a cow's vitality at low ebb, but also undermines her & ; - health and power of resistance to dis- ? ease. , Farry Paria cows is largely overlook- . good currying daily stimulates Propér care of dairy cows to many | pi504 circulation tn a cow Tost as sure- persons means simply plenty of feed |v a a bath does a human. It will and a warm bed. These are certain- | yeep her coat in good, clean, healthy ly the most important things to coD-| condition, which in turn will aid in sider, but the man who lets it 80 8. Leeping her body warm. This alone that will find a larger percentage of | competent authorities claim, will ins boarder cows than the man who tries. . eae the yield 10 per cent ! : to improve his conditions at. every| proper care of dairy cows presumer lar quantities, rather than in large doses some days and none at other times. And always feed them in troughs or hoppers to keep them as clean as po3sible. pt - point. mb fe nis | Kind treatment. A harsh-voiced, 8 a xa Rp on She nay Ee 8 club-striking attendant will affect the Be. shape J he og Me the pull yield oot as surely as willy production of each cow and the things, age. peg: ie her system demands, he will find his | om -- feed bill is out of all proportion tol L. the milk produced. I doubt if one om y farmer in a hundred has made a real Os y 5 effort to understand the relation of | " pall 4 the different food elements to milk| The hog is often not near so muck Eroduetion, Sod wath individual nd : to blame for his filthy condition as LL desires. till, this is avery v owner is. He is often. the victim o pbint and ordinarily necessary to suc ! circumstances and his condition is due cess. Here, then, is one instance to his surroundings. It is my opin- where care means considerably more ion that he is not dirty by choice but than merely feed volume. {from necessity. Give him a 'chance Then there is the matter of water. and he will keep clean. On most the pig pen is all in one quantities of water, in winter as well closure and entirely open. In as in summer, and unless this is fur-'a place it is absolutely impossible for nished her in cold weather in palata-'the animals to keep clean. The bed- ble form she will not drink It, and ding is usually put in one corner, bub the yield will drop. Thus, there is it is bound to be trampled under Toof, i Sr he be rp ea T e aid of a eater or not trampled and scatlered, the by watering in stalls by the arinking- | we to the weather makes it sure : wap system, become filthy. To avoid trampling r important thing is the and trampling and acavsering, Fa the pen in two parts | m her stall is not kept clean, if she must ringing door in the partition, PF sleep upon the frozen, manare-coyl-| the bedding in one part and EO twera to 2] aw py 1 dw -% good g wi material extent. | Pat in enough bedding to a bed. In winter $his | thick, so the hog way. Milking and feeding a cow at re- gular intervals is essential to best

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