. three splendid nu has heard several good quartettcs in- 'cluding The Sherlock Male Quartette, £5 uisbut the She Whishy Quartet | is. probably is quartette of them ao hn tenor and the 1st two difficult parts to get were Yory effectively taken by Jones and Rowe, SSE W the week i : nts, Be and Mrs Wen Willard. rs Wm Greg of Mount Pleasant ing | her Sxothefs MrT W Mc The io Teacher's In: stitute will meet in Port Perry, on Thursday and Friday, October 10 and 11. An entertainment will be given on Thursday evening by a prominent lecturer assisted by I talent. Net proceeds to be foi Sailors Fund. Persons who can billét delegates will please communicate with Mr McLean Miss Ethelwyn Hutcheson is going to Taronto 'to aviend" St Margaret's College. Miss Lucille Archer intends going to Medical College shortly. Miss Lillian Follick is going to University again this term. Pte. I. R. Bentley has been trans- ferred to Yancouver. Three Big Alsike Crops In discussing crop conditions with Mr James Lucas, he advises that pro- bably the three best yields of the season in alsike are as follows: Wm Avery, Raglan, received off 8 acres, $971.25 A L Orchard, Seagrave, received off 7} acres, $1170. 00 . C L Fralick, Scugog, received, off 5} acres, $1030, e The quality is away above the average, and the yield something pre- viously unheard of. ~ Mr Fralick is to be congratulated, in not only producing the largest crop ever grown 1n this section, but Mr Lucas claims that during his exper- ience of nearly 26 years in the seed business, he never purchased a better sample, Mr Fralick took unusual pains in hand-picking his crop while grow- ing, and for purity it is as perfect as can possibly be grown. This seed will be Held for retail. Church of the Ascension The annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held in the Church of the Ascension on Sunday next, September 22nd, at 11 a.m. The Incumbent, Rev. C. F. Stent, B.A., L.Th., will preacti'on' the sub- jest, "Our Daily Breagd." « There will be a spetial service for the children in the church in the afternoon at 3 o'clock 'Ihe members of the congregation are asked to send in donations of grain, fruit, vegetables, eic. before Saturday afterncon -and to assemble ch Saturday at 2 o'clock for the pur- pos: of decorating the church. Patriotic League Meets At a meeting of the Executive of the Port Perry Patriotic league, on Friday, the 13th inst, the following donations were granted: $300 to the Y. M. C. A. $300 to the Mercantile Marine De- pendents of the Navy League, $100 to Canadian Red Cross $100 to the British Red Cross As there are not funds on hand to meet these subscriptions and a num- ber of those who donated to the Patriotic Fund have not yet made their payments 1t 1s urgently requested that those who are in arrears make their payments at once to the Treas: urer, Mr H J White, at The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Methodist Church On Sunday evening last the con- grecation of the Methodist Church listened to a very pleasing service. The pastor, Mr Elliott, gave the 'third of a series of a talks on "The Woman at. hg, Well" which was much parents at Godrich., appreciated. + The Whitby umbers. 1 term. Mr Richard Yertey and Mrs . Nog 55 ale Quartette sang Port Perry | 'Ws. Muir, of Toronts, s is Chas Lambe, = Miss Hinman, of Calborde; charge of the the school for" th e gle, are visiting with Mrs John Fersey Miss Morton, of Toronto, is calling on friends in the village. a Miss Aletha Barrett is-in Toronto. Mr and Mrs' 'Howard 'Dobson, and Mrs yo motored to Pigton | for the wéek end Mrs S Barrett, spent a few days of last week in Oshawa. A number from heré ase anticipat- ing going to Lindsay: Fair. Mr Ernie Holtby had a bumper crop of barley from a fourteen acre field, realizing. about- one thousand bushels. Mrs. Dr. Weagent, of - Winnipeg, who has been wisiting relatives for the past couple of months, returned to her home last Tuesday. The heavy rains of this week have done considerable damage to gaadens 1n this locality, Raglan We are pleased to report. that Mrs Wm Babcock 1s able to be home again, after her recent operation. Smallicombe & Gilroy, of Columb- us, have been busy decorating the in- terior of Mr Frank Dring's house. "Some. of our fapseeing farmers have received a great many thousands for their pea and clover crops this season They more than' ever realize that it pays to be a tiller of the soil. The recent heavy rains make plow- ing easy. Cartwright The Cartwright Women's Patriotic League of. Blackstock, since being organized have made and shipped to the Canadian Red Cross, 77 King St E, Toronto, the following articles. 2330 hemmed handkerchiefs 800 wash cloths 385 pyjama suits © 848 Tape sponges 3 297 white cotton hoes 186 poirs pillow 4 215 personal op bags 84 flannelette shirts 144 hotwater bottle covers 82 vermin shirts 50 towells 23 white surgical shirts 12 grey flannel shirts 19 quilts and 500 pairs socks. Mis 8 Jefirey, Secretary Seagrave Mr Jas Fishley is able to be out again, A few days ago while Mr A Tanner and A Godfrey were on their way to Uphill they had occasion to get out of the car to assist getting a team of horses past their car, when one of the team kicked Mr Godfrey so severely that he has been unable to come home at time of writing. " Last week Mrs Moss Mark received word that her brother, Allan' Brown, had been wounded again. This is the fourth time that Allan has been wounded. A letter has been received from Corp Thos Harding, - Somewhere in France, reporting: O K after three years in the trenches. Bettv, have gone on a visit to her Mr W J Brown,' spent a few days this. week" a Fenelon Falls... i ' Miss Schufelt, of Scugog, - visiting Lend. the{ Mrs Hawkins and little daughter, g with Miss. Alexander: over. the week Sr Ea On easy terms, late Brimble' res dence, containing seven rooms, in-!ship of Cartwright, in the Coty of terior in first class condition. be sold very seasonable for quick sale. Apply Mrs E. J. Brimble, 76 Ave, Toronto. Telephone Beach 29 v1 i : i ow he anly Way we can possibly live up to that obligation is by: going with out in order that our soldiers may have. For the "money we waste is' not money at all--it is equipment, clothing, shot and shell that are ur- gently needed in France. By denying ourselves, there- : "fore, we enable Canada to procure to the fullest extent the materials and labor which she and our Allies need for the successful prosecution of . the war. 4 - What happens when we fail | to saver ment in one 'direction and a 'pull on labor by: the people in the opposite: "dirdotiof. ¥ sow i. For the Yale' of your country and the Boys * 'over there," spend cautiously. Kitchener has said, and ask yourself first, "Is this Something: I really need or can 1: do without it i Published under the authority of the Ya Minister of Finance of Canada y For Sale od Will Durham, agent, - --- . gre heifer with pig ri RR No 1, Seagrave gris For Sale "thirty- Col are, ON Or; 7 October 1918, to Strayed nes pisase sotiiy 1y5 oa must o short of [any things to which Cds Hundreds. of 'millions: of country if goods and services dollars. So we must doevery- both goods and labor for the needs them. 2 rasult ia ell cases 13 the same. A pullon labor by the Govern- "priates to his own use that "for our fighting: 'men Jin bitty BP 2 'Notice to Creditors of John Marlow, late: 'of the Town- Pursuant to Sec 38 of Chapter 129, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, notice is hereby gj creditors and others "having be against the estate of John Marlow, late of the Township of Cartwright, , Democrat wagon in good coalition in the County of Durham, agent, and a Jewel paper baler, Star Office; Port Perry. Apply at deceased, who died on or a first day of January A.D., 1918, before. The drat day of at go shore of munitions onl = dollars are of no use to the can be secured only to the extent of eighty millions of thing in our power to release purposes for which Canada ETHER it be food, 'coal, wool, steel, leather, labor or transportation, the Whoever competes with the nation by freely satisfying his own desires, selfishly appro- whichis so urgently required, amar 1 pos ~ Think of what Lord - od "WANTED © for the "Old Reliable" ~ FONTHILL 'NURSERIES ven that al need 1 placing. ~~ +. War gardens call for small iis, early pearing fruit trees, "asparagus, rhubarb plants, The demand for otnamental bout- the +. stock in towns nd lage . * x 0 A Sa oF een RA Tg Thous. nis of Orchard trees "A pair of side curtains "for Fo car, on Wednesday last, in i or around Pott "Fos : Finder Youug men, (free from service). wishing to learn. telephc mechanical" work, should apply H w Like, Port Perry. gag Apply at the = - Queen Sty, Port or