" Clearaiice of old Styles of Women's Winter Coats $2.00 = "This isa splendid line to make over into children's coats. They are made of splendid material--all wool tweeds and cheviots in Brown, Green, : a. etc.' They sold regularly at from $8.00 to $12.00. The cloth alone ~ would cost t today between $20 00 and $16.00. Sale price $2.00 36 inches wide, i a nice: e range. of new. lads, in Hh Fer yard isd I Wool Sutin, mesh exclusive suit e weave, 54 inches wide. Colors ar Riss Brows. ; Chamoisette Gloves fo, $1.00 per pair Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves made of high grade \pttoms material, heavily fleeced Colors Black, White, Grey and natural. x Per pair $1.00 : Young Men's Winter Overcoats $20.00 We have naw received a complete e material is 'an all wool , Russian Green, Navy. Per yard $3.25 Raa mo wy * Regular $4. 60 for $3.40 "$3.00 rgd We have a number of short ends of 4 yard wide Linoleum. Lengths are from 1% to 3% yards. __ The regular selling price of this width is $4.60. Sale orice 85¢ oq. yard hu 5 A splendid wearing glove made of best quality Cape Kid, A Canadian made glove, perfect fitting, and endian finished. Colors Oyster, White, Champagne,' Grey, Castorand Black, shipment of our winter ceats and are One particularly good lineds made up fin showing sume splendid values. the new belted buckle. indistinct plaid. 34 to 37. style with large The material is grey with paermenma Young men's sizes, Price $20.00 Butterick Quarterly Autumn Number 25¢ FE. W. TcINTYRE October Delineator 18¢ copy ENORMORS DEMAND FOR GRADUATES OF JHE POPULAR W. J. COOK Real Estate of all Kinds FARMS A SPECIALTY 100 'nares Tot. Tho Ragan he % to hobo stone cellar, cement Dower well at door; ges] SpE Sala from Ee §0.00 4 weak to $150 a month, W.J. E LIOTT PRINQIPAL Hebi Ld - SAUR-ON __ HOW MUCH AHE YOUR "EYES WORTH ? Don't take chances when you can get my services of over 20 years experience F. E. LUKE, 55a 167 YONGE ST., TORONTO Opposite Simpson's Yi 1 44 x 70, cement floors; water in stable, windmil coment slo. alo pring on Division' Courts Sittings sension. g county OF ONTATIO -- 1918 ; oR ET ote 2 '--Clerk, Miss E nel 47 mi! tion, on good rond, 3 'acres orchard, goo good grain Whi 4, 5h: - Nov 5, Dec 3 | ma, some fall grain sown, os plaren I before the at of March spring pos- L Mucdouell be y < : : Mart Apr Ee or a 3 Nov 6, 1919. it Prince Alber, Station, on a as, 80, stahles, ort P Ya mile to church and Jat Prince Albe re Eagy 0 MORTON M. GIBSON ONTARIO and DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER land surveyor, of Port Perry.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. "Phone 231 Farms for Rent "Three farms of 100, 150 and 200 acres respectively to rent. All south and close to Oshawa. First-class soil Possession to plow after present crop, full resession April 1, 1918. Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa, Ontario. Morley REAL ESTATE AGENT Properties For Sale FARMS 200 acres, adjoining the town of Port Perry. first-class brick house, fnrnace, all kinds of fut, several acres bush, nice ring creek, hip-roof bam, Stone mbling. Ho considered one of th bey farms in the township of Reach, on be bought at a price and very reasonable terms if | sssured at once. j. 50 acrea, in the town of Oshawa, almost new al Bo house, Hydro light, furnace, hip-roof bam, stone stables, hen age 6 acres d in its prime, land in first condition, good terms. 200 acres in the Township ef Cartwright, fair building: 20 acres good beech and le bush, Clase to market. $3500. Easy nh Act quick. PORT PERRY IN Brick Bows and lot, a snap for cash. Brick house and 3 acres of good Jand, eap otel can be bought at a es: bam and twelve acres, all kinds of (Successor to the late W. E, Yarnold, Ont}. and buildings, good state of cultivation ! Campbell, CHURCHES AND FRATERNAL SOCIETIES " METHODIST Rev. Wesley Elliott, Pastor Sunday Services 11.00 a.m. and /.00 p.m. Afternoon, Sunday School and Bible Class. All Welcome. PRESBYTERIAN Rev. W. H. Black, Pastor Sunday Services 11.00*a.m. and 7.00 p.m BAPTISY Rev. J. Ford, Pastor. Anglican Service every Sunday morning S.O.E. B.S. meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at the Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry Visiting brethren made welcome. A. B. Cawker, W.P. AAs Notice to Creditors Of Jane Helson, late of the Village of Greenbank, jn the Township of Reach, in the County 'of Ontario, Widow, deceased. : Pursuant to Section 56," Chapter 121, of the Revised Statutes of On- tari, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named HIN We are selling the Hinman Milk- ing Machine. Itis a solution of the scarcity of labor on the dairy farm. They are guaranteed to give satisfaction and will not injure any cow. Needless re Of time and energy can be avoided by the use of our Classified Want Ads. Time and energy represent good dollars in thisage. Do not ex haust them in an aimless search for good help. - Use our Want Ads. and Ve i a the help will come to you. We also sell the Hoag Coal Oil Engine Copyrighied HOT by BW WeOurdy "A Sensation," Starts and runs Jane Helson, who died on or about the eighth day of August, required on or before the 80th day of November, A. D. 1918, to send by post prepaid or deliver to 'William Phoenix, ofaid Village of Greenbank Ontario, Executor of the last Will and Testament of the deceased, their christian. and surnames, addresses and' "desciiptions, together with full S [pafticulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. | And notice is farther given that | after such mentioned date, - the said Executor will proceed to distribute assets of the said estate among ; persats entitled thereto having regal } only to the claims of which notice shall, at time of distribution, have or i that he will not be hable SE 3s Of any part oct or persons of whose 918. i hd L. EBBELS, ", Solicitor for Executor. 'house and lot in Greenband ig t oo the estate of the late Apply to William 1918, are a on Coal Oil, winter © and summer. It has no coils, no wires, no bat. teries,no spark plugs, no magnets, no carburator. Half a gallon of coal oil will run it and do the same work as a gallon of gasoline in any Standard Gasoline Engine. They will not burn gasoline. Investigate these two machines. It will pay you. R. W. Walker & Sons Port Perry R. R. No. 4 Sell Phone 53 r 1-4 W. H. Doubt Merchant Tailor and Lot For Sale Greenbank executor of the Qs Fall and Winter Suitings This is the time to order your Fall Suit. We are showin a splendld line of suitings in handsome patterns and color- ings... : You have a wide range to pick. from and the price is as low as we can possibly make it. . . SUITS 'We carry a full line of ordered suits, : See our lines of Blue and 'Black uaranteed Ask for prices read) -to-wear