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Port Perry Star, 21 Nov 1918, p. 3

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A Gilt enbuian has boldly fad his belief thatthe famous has Sate] a complete revolution in"social life in the rural " But do no give all hs credit the Glltte Saety Resor: : 'Smooth chins assuredly-do prompt correctness in other things, but it hardly seems po that the smarifiess of the social gathering in present-day farm homes is to a ra2otr-even the best sazor in the world You #0 call. at 'a-friend's house, and enter a softly- lighted roomTo find well _ women and keen looking, clean shaven men. How glad you are that you camesprepared to hold your own in any company. And how satislying it is to now that if guests drop in on you unexpectedly, the daily few minutes with your | e finds you READY to receive them. * One thing is certain--a. Gillette Safety Razor should be part of the equip. : Went ofgvery man of today. ' Gilte Ste ave sld by Jules, Dreagite ana ¢ 'Hardware Dealers. everywhere at five dollars.' : Se Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited, "offen and Factory: 85-73 St Alexander St.,- Montreal, other out, become morose snd in quit speaking to one another atioty except on business. - It is a' curious freak of human psychology. On this account the keepers. of such lighthoyses and their ' helpers are Shanied as often as possible. It is really necessary. There were five at- tempts at suitide in one lighthouse within a dozen years. $ ~ Tt is said. that no person is of as not to show some aberration. after. being re the lighthouses. fs, which stand out ocean | many nifles from nearest 8 deep info the reef-carol, nd some of them rise 125. feet above it 8 8 over 'the i ORIGIN OF DRUGS Strange Forms in Which Well-Known Medicines Reach the Market. hd form the collection which fills the drawers, bottles and jars df even . {the imost. unpretentious, - druggist's F shop, tax is levied upon almost every country in 'the world. 'North, south, east and west, our drugs come. to us, Land 'they reach our shores in such © patrange forms. that not one person Jin & thousand, them in the rough at the docks, : in any of the great. wholesale stores, would be able even to guess at the names and na- tures of half of them. *. Who, for example, would a great pile of dry, thin twigs, neatly tied into small bundles, with sarsa- parilla, the 'great 'blood: purifier? These twigs are the creeping roots and rootlets of a prickly shrub that grows in Jamaica, and they are worth 10 to 50 cents a pound. ' "Somewhat similar in appearance is ipecacuanha, which also comes to us in dry twigs, .being part of the trall- ing root of a plant found in the damp forests of Brazil: These roots receive no preparation, save drying, before they are shipped off to Europe via Montevideo. They are packed in large sacks, and the workmen who open the bales > must beware of breathing the pungent, irritating dust given off, which is productive of un- pleasant results if incautiously in- haled. Castor oil, too, is hard to recognize in the pretty littlé brown beans, spot- ted with black, and with polished skins that arrive in bags from India. They. look far too" attractive to sug- igest the much-hated dose of our early days, loes, the base of many nauseous oh form as a solid mass, resembling browh sealing-wax, packed in heavy woodén boxes, from which it is chip- ped out with a chisel and hammer, It 1s of different qualities and prices, according to whether it comes from Arabia, Socotra, or the West Indies, and may fetch any sum from $6.25 to $45.00 a-cwt. Aloes is the juice of the big fleshy leaves of the plant of that name. This juice is pressed or evaporated from the leaves, and poured into chests "or kegs in a semi- fluid state, hardening presently into a solid block.' Not infrequently, it is encl in 'the, dried skins of mon- keys, and in .this strange form is brought to market. In spite of its name, an idle rumor is always a very busy thing. The advantage of keeping one breed of poultry is that the poultry- man can market a uniform product in eggs and stock. medicines, may be seen in its crude |' ) They soothe away their BOTTOWS © And hush their frightened an, 'And wipe the tears of a Forever from their eyes. | They hehe th them to the Great White Where eh one finds its place. And every baby angel / Beholds its Father's face. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--Last winter I recelyed great benefit from the use of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT In a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently proved if to be very effective in cases of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. HUTCHINSON. An Unexpected Answer. % lady from the city said to a farmer. after church: "Wasn't it awful, the way the dea- con snored all through Service?" "It certainly was, ma'am," said the farmer warmly. "It kept all the rest of us awake." nn Minard's Lintment Oures Garget in Cows There is nothing that fits into the regular farm 'crops and live stock better than a well-managed flock of poultry. r shoes neat SHOE POLISHES oa: WHITE, TAN, DARK BROWN OX-BLOOD. SHOES the LEATHER | KNOCKS 0UT PAIN THE FIRST ROUND Comforting relief from pain- makes Sloan's the World's Liniment This famous reliever lof rheumatic es, sorengs, stiffness, painful sprains, neu! ralgic pains, and most CANAD TORONTO (WAT YRNE Fol; CT Ra v aa Apples cut in irregular pieces will cook more quickly in a ple than if sliced. They do not pack so closely, po that hot air comes in. contac with the fruit more easily, and cook ing is facilitated. --ht Minard"s Liniment Cures Diphtheria TTT WANTED ENERAL BLACKSMI' REIL Bros., Bothwell, ont. . D ANTED: -- AT ONCRE, BY. PRO- gressive Concern in the Peninsula, the Garden Bpot vO Boilermakers, Helpers and Handy Steady employ ment, Enginesring e Works of nada, Lim Catharines, Ont. ies ts | om ALE EQUIPPED NEW job printing sartied } iy "Hox , 1nd. BA BKLY NEWBPAP ER FOR SAL! Wi wn sol T1000 W ord ht He amount. bliehing Co., Lieto; Tor Pion MISCELLANEOUN AN! TUMORS, LUM re, and 'ex! a SS aca, a ck Relief A id Headache Ahoadache is frequently caused by bad! ale hears and a fronare hectbed om the blood which in turn irritates the nerves and causes ful » ham, ete, 18 30 drape of r Selgel" 8 correct faulty digestion tion and afford relief other, external tyinges that suffers from, efjoys its great sales because 'it. practically mever fails to bring speedy, comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes tle to peneirate without rubbing and duce results, Clean, refreshing. M ee jn Canada. At all drug stores. large bottle means economy. SI eC Liniment ills Pain *80c,, 60c., $1.20: emollient tend to prevent little skin troubles becoming serious |} ie uel for every-day toilet pure

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