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Port Perry Star, 28 Nov 1918, p. 6

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A Arthur Stangbod Pier 7 | 1) Copyright Houghton Mimin Company by Special arrangement with THO. Allen CHAPTER XXVIIL--(Cont'd.) "Mr. Maguire, I'm sure you wouldn't feel as you do if you knew . more about me--if you knew who I fom. My brother is Dave Scanlan; he's serving a twenty-yéar séntence for murder and- robbery. My hus- band was cruel to me and I left him and my father, half crazed by wha had happened to Dave and me, shot] and killed my husband and himself." "Scanlan!" muttered Maguire, knit- ting his'brows. "Killed a storekeep er--was that it?" "He didn't kill him," declared Nora. "I'm sure he didn't. = There was an- other man with him, a man-named Schlupfe; and Dave made a confessiofr and told how Schiupfe bad arranged the plot to rob, the store, and how Schlupfe had dona. the shooting; but the jury wouldn't 'believe all that Dave said. 1 know he was telling the truth, 'Pave wouldn't--he couldnt commit a murder. If the jury real- ly believed he did it, they'd have found him guilty in the first degrev, for according to the story Dave told there was nothing to excuse the shoot- ing. And the judge would have had him put to death or sentenced to pri- son for life, at least, instead of for twenty youre, But the man that was really guilty had a Congressman to defend him, and he got some wit-! nesses to cast some doubt og Dave's story,--which was a perfectly straigh story just the same,--and so the jury let this man off and put the whol thing on Dave-thouth if they'd had ' gi real convictions, as I've said, they'd fave had the courage of them and brought in a first-degree verdict. Dave' uve felt there was some kind 'of political influence helping the guilty man--getting a Congressman to defend him and all nd T've been trying ever so long to get my courage up so that I could tell you all this, and ask you if you wouldn't look into Dave's case;.and then, when you found how innocent of murder he was, I thought maybe you'd be willing to use your influence dnd get him pardoned." The clothes you wera 80 pro en Se to OAT ¥ Yabrics that are dirty, shabhy or spotted will be restored to. sir former beauty bY I 1 dont know that he ha ing them : AH send CLEANING dome. at Parker 1s properly Send ariicles by Jost or express, We BY | it would: be. 00. thortitying to me HH} Drop us "card Zor our: booklet on ore At 58 PARKER'S. DYE Cleaners and Dyers, " f } 91 Yonge St. { into her appeal. Her yoice, her 5 them. oi uropesn markets many ties of home-made sausages a playéd by the farmers' wives, and' must be real early at the stalls able to obtain even a small am #[¥o quickly are these goods purchas The secret of successful making of ; x2 a these delicacies lies, chiefly in * the Once she hed started on het speech blending, the spices and the od i ; it wasn't -for nothing. that she. easily mike the" sausage thad rehearsed it so" often and' the variety that are sold to-day in [declaration that Maguire ds. market and delicatessen stores. that id her, With oe sonf | For the casing use stout unbleach-| of all the art of which she was capable igyes, her 'very attitude, sat As, tor _sxanple ke'B piece' of Am- with Yer. arms straight. at her sides bleached musli lb i the bench, the most tou even while she spoke, that she was) ch length. is about the right size, making an impression; she could re- : ; : | cognize Fhe: softness: of pity fn Me. HOuEh the width may Je | guire's eyes." She was aware, how-| five to twelye linches, + This last 18] as cooked... ini! the directions' giv impression | very large and: does not make ai| above, together with that she was making---unawiire that! nearly as an attractive' package as the! spoonfuls of "sdlt, two level "table- she had never befome presented to the | five, six, seven 'and eight inch ones,| spoonfuls of dried celery leaves; one man.so completely seductive and 'be-| The head, feet, tail, heart. kidney! level tablespoonful of. poultry, sea- When. bis emo-| 3nq liver may be used for sausages! sonifig, one tablespoonful of red 'pep- per, ohe" teaspoonful of black pep-| Mix thoroughly and then pack know that. in enlisting Maxwell's| The meat must be put through aj Yery tightly into a 'five-inch_ casing. services for Sthlupfe he had remotely | food chopper three" times, using the! Plunge inte boiling water and boil ever, of the truly magical guiling an aspect, tions were e ed, he was but a soft- ngag: | hearted en 'and to See that lovely, and scrapple. { high-toned lady 'in such. distress, and + Mode of Preparation | per. | pulpy - inside, % | "Don't cry,.don't Ny Mus. Corcor- or her an," he besought her, eyes be- Capitol. But you may be sure 'now 1 think of it I heard at the time| just said?" X at "your brother got kind of a raw] "No; what was that, Mr, Ma- eal, . 'But honest to God, I don't' guire?" 4 overnor is of the wrong party and] always sure to get wimt I want Next autumn we'll have an elec-|to give it to me?" 1 can do business with; and if I can--1er, Mr, Maguire:" sure of that, Mri. Corcoran." "Considering all yofi've found out "Thank you, My; Maguire, 1 didn't|about me that you didn't: know bed} realize about the governor; I thought fove." f "billing ° ia, "occasionally 'and 4 } he season- Turn into 'a deep : ¢he went ahead with it almost breath- | ing, and with a little practice you can 'balance of the ingredients ge 'like: 24 thoroughly. . 5 y , take B t. af 5, five inches wide dnd 'and an £0 end- her hands grasping the elge bf Sfteeh i lone. ; Make a cas wt Pallas: Seusage.Two cloves ol, 4 ! : 0 s by making a felled seam the lic; six medium-si ions, two!D ing supplication. She ¢ tell, | length' of the casing! The" fifteen i A of lean Ee it of ft pork; +, Put through-a food chop- run from! per twieé and then add the oatmeal,| process two and one-half This product | | connived at the causes of that dis- medium fine knife. When ki one and one-half hours Then .pro- | x { | 2 packing : i o pro {tress, made him feel all choky and the preparéd sausages. into' the pre.jceed as given for the final curing. fits ft a 2 Head Cheese Wash thoroughly | vinegar to taste. mm and cleanse one head, removing the ine and then adjust the rub- 3 : : ¥ nd eyes. al | gan to swith in' tears, "I'll do what do all I can. And now, Mrs. Cor- brane and \angue acd VEE Ah re Process I can; sure I.will,~ It seems to me,! coran, do you realize what you've| oo. Cook until t will leave ; 1 Remove the head' and boil the liquid in the kettle until'it now what use I can be now, for the: "Weil; that you have a feeling I'm is reduced to one-half its "former ! ; d I| quantity: Remove the meat from the {he'll net be likely 10 listen to me at suppose now that means you're ready! head and pub into neat pieces, Add 1 to the liquid with juice of two lem the bones. 3 wy : So Seasonings Wash and dry parties {ed muslin. These cases may be throug made in various widths and lengths. coarser i a] securely. v0. level table- | until used a cool, dry place, keep until"wanted. Big Trawler Catches. © : . 4 "@ wo tion, and I'm hoping to get in a man| *I guess you don't want it any 1on@:| grated rind of one lemon, one table: A ate ot tod ae! well; ll do 'what I ean, you may be| "Sure I do, Why not?" 4 Oe Eas, ts one tablespooniful of 'dried parsley :Jeaves, two tablespoonfuls of salt, one lids partially, tighten , then. plaice. in 'a hot water bath and the jars and} Only the lark Where lies" grave; Above his head, allowed bod. © soldier" brav ground 'where sable Canned Tongue.--Wash anid scrape| Who ame at his gountry's ell. the tongtie; and then bil until tender in just sufficient water . to cover. When the tongug is-tender remov! from the liquid and plunge into col water to loosen the skin. = Rem skin and then pack into jars, using th® same seasoning 'as in the pig "Boil down the liquid to one- I'half its former quantity and add the interest in the trawler. which inland- ers hear 'little: abou really one of the in keeping the mar ot wel you could always get what you want-| = "A strange. 'thing it would - be. if {tablespoonful » of. red pepper, = one with fish: od nd matter Who was governor." | that could make any difference. .I'm/|eclove of garlic, minced very fine. Mix "Listen to that now!" Maguire! asking you dps} the same and a little thoroughly and then pour inte an laughed ruefully. "And it's what al more go; Mrs. Corcoran, won't you be good many think too---as if there|my wife?" was ¢ome arrangement by which I) "I never thought to marry again, could always be pulling wires at the Mr. Maguire. irteinly , never -- thought to marry. you. So don't see how I can say all at once." "My sister never thought to marry]: a but" she's: going to do i" {= "Yes, but it's a man she came néar marrying in the first place--one she may always have bad a tender feels |x ing for. And 'Ive somakimes. thought, it 1 ever did marry in, ih might{" be suciracman." $iniR 4 Consternation manifested itself on Maguire's pimp face. wi | "You don't 'mean, Mrs. Corcoran, that there's somebody" you're ir love} = with?" Sar i fi ted ih on no, I wou'dn's say thai. Andl of of me any more. i crossed way goind; arkers, : and DYEING > ? ed, "Oh, I eoudin't say, Mr. Maguire: 1 told you and then he never togk any interest in me afer all" Lge Ve money. || Her failure to yield him immedi- : Yo ately a favorable answer served only a to intensify and inflame his WORKS, LINHTED The intimation that she might' per id BA haps be unattainable made her seem : tenfold more desirable. His pray- {ers were moving in their urgency, al-{ most embarrassing; and yet he did not commit the vulgarity of spread Hing before hier all that he could offer "as a Dbeibe. She was conscious of | { the reticence and respected him for it. He was tryibg to win ber without having recourse to his material a vantages. It was himself, not h he was tl Toronto ental | Steam trawlers a an_innovatio Rep LLL ] Cennngar White oo tarnatives for 8 agar tn North Anis ¥ s in shi ] bee cons Lily White Corn =" Wash, pare, eore, and #live water, ayrup-and cinnamoti.. a we! ad ad owl! OF 1° gre ie CR 0 i cake oF to the mixture YE ; o : Ati Saded 15 the bat 3 a mo : y rk o'er/ his bosom weeps, Yet he 'gave' to the world his all." lid and partially tighten.' for two 'and one-half hours ot water bath. - Remove from ° ath, seal securely and then store in This product will} t 'but which is' ief - instruments. re something of n_ in' Canadidn fisheries. le sweeps, | Concerning the value of Stocks or res in your 04808" sion, write us and we wi you the fullest information avaf "able without charge, Don't run away with the idea that because a stock {8 inactive it is without value. § 'Our up to date information may ave you needless worry and loss. through premature sale. "Give us your confidence and Building

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