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Port Perry Star, 5 Dec 1918, p. 4

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le. George White has become the Be. Geo the Post Office, We are ad to that George is receiving is appointment. The right principle is being followed. On Tuesday, morning Mr Morley Campbell's son, Corp, Fred Campbell arrived on the 9.15 train and was heartily greeted by a- number of our citizens [tis expected that Corp. A, W. Allin will become caretaker of the High and Public Schools upon his return to civilian life, On Tuesday evening, Earl Sarvis, of the Second Tank Battalion, and Pte. Jack Collacutt arrived 1p town . on their return from overseas. = We welcome them back home, Mrs John Powers leaves this week for Rochester to spend the winter with || her son, Mr and Mrs George Jackson have received word that their son, Flight Lieut E Jackson, will spend the wint- er in Italy, The Anglican Bazaar This Bazaar, which has become was well attended Wednesday evening of last week. The saie was very satis- y the returned men. >. tt * This entertainment 'will bes worthy) {of a good attendance; 0: 2 \| Christmas proved very interesting. took part in the discussion that fol- wi lowed, and a committee was 'appoint: | & * a pleasing feature of our town life, {ed to sccure literature and get the |} women reading along some of the prescribed educational lines. collection wi s to be used for AR : Tell your friends not fo miss {ing Caps, Lambert." DIED November = bth, 1918, Tuesday, Tomatoes for Christmas. It is not too early to order your Tomatoes. ~ We cannot guarantee to fill orders after Dec. 20, WM. ETTEY, Prince Albert -- ks Royal Theatre "The Chaperon" is the title of the picture that is to be shown at the Royal Theatre this week. = This play fs as good if nol better than last week There will also-be a comedy "Allad- din Up-to-date". Regular prices. - W.C. T. U. The W. C. T. U. meeting held at the home of Mrs. W. Doubt was well attended . A program piepared by Mrs Ada Courtice, of Toronto, on "Citizenship and Educational work" A oumber factory and the total proceeds were [Selections by Miss Walker and Miss about $130. which made the ladies feel that their effort had beer worth while. Miller were much appréciated. December meeting of the Union has' been withdrawn -and A short program was rendered by | meeting will be held at the home of |. The the January the folioOing persons: Mrs Roberts, | Mrs. C. J. Pearse. Mrs Ryan, Miss Cook, Miss Lois + Londy and Rev Mr Stent. +. It was a pleasant surprice to dis: - "cover the fine quality of Mr Stents "voice. Wood Lots For Sale A number of choice wood lots for | sale at lots 14 and 15, con ¥, Reach. The Parish' Hall is. proving an|Ab. Wallace, Bell Phone 108 r 2-2. ideal spot for church 'entertainments and the Anglican young people are _ to be congratulated op the fine work they are doy ; Next Monday evening Capt Lam- hett of Whitby Convalescént Home w Dec 5-6 " Auction Sale : On Wednesday, December 11, an auction sale of cows, young cattle and il something of life at the Front | sheep, will be held at North Myrtle |" As the speaker is an excellent" enter- | Stock Yards, C. P. R., the property vainer and the proceeds go for 'com- [of H A Jifkins. = See bills, Sale at forts for returned soldiers, 'the hall [one o'clock." W B Powell, Auctioneer should be erowded. Methodist Church ~ "OpSunday evening next a service will be held in memory of Lieut A B Doubt and Sgt. Gordon Hood, = The fraternal societies, of which-they were members, are asked to attend in a body. Rev. Mr, Elliott, will conduct the service. Town Counci "The Council met on Monday. after- . moon With all members present. The following accounts were passed Bell Telephone, $18.46 PR i ith, watt. $13.30. itt Ford, work, $2 25. Cawker Bros, $1.76) ~M. Brown, nursing Wm. Gal+ $34.00. .C. Browne, 75c. i Bros, $7.00 'Firemen's Salaries, $215.00 . Carnegie Bros., supplies, $14.07" J. E. McClintock; supplies, $1.07 - Sarvis Bros, suwplies, $4.23 Port Perry Star, printing, $69.66 The Reeve was instructed to take 'upithe matter of lighting the local R; station, and see that the ng is improved, At present the | is bad, and much increases danger of accidents. ri Mr Jos. Stone had his. business tax giemitted under the 'exemption law of 'Presbyterian Church Anniversary Large and appreciative audiences greeted Rev, Capt. Dodds, of Sonya, at the Sunday Services. Many kindly comments have been heard. regarding | the excellence of the addresses which be delivered." The music was of a high order and well rendered. - On Monday evening the Town Hall was well filled to hear Rev. Mr Pat: terson. discuss the Destiny of the British. Empire along Anglo-Israel lines.. x Dr Patterson is a pleasing speaker, no 'matter whether you agree, with 'his arguments or are opposed to them. He beld the attention of his audience thought as well as being entertaining: in flashes of wit. His eloquent 'tri- Empite found most hearty response.' rief program was rendered by the Port Perry Quartette, Miss Ger- trude Elliott, Miss Florence Walker, and Capt Dodds. ia ¥ + ak ceived " pos hear- MipGLEY--At Stoughton, Sask. on Ernest R.- Midgley, in his 81st year |® The i throughout, 'and provided food for} butes to the greatness of the British{ Reception Committee | , On Friday evening in the "Armot ies a meeting has been called by the, Reeve, for the formation of a" perma- |: nent reception committee, to see returning soldiers Pr y Port Perry FOR SALE Yellow Globe Danvers Onions and Al Onions for Sale LI bushel. Jonas:Smith, Prince Albert, 10 Jason Stone, Port Perry, Ontario. Ont., Bell Phone 117 cr 1h. dod Fr =n =| FOR SALE | 4+ Uprigbt-Piano, good as new, beauti- Christmas Entertainnent The Methodist Sunday School ex, biy it, 1 also have an Edison phono- | entertainmeny on Friday: evening, ing t sell a me ¥nd i ing town, must sell Burton, Port Perry. Yellow Globe Dativers and Red if Red Wetherfield Onions at $1.00 bus. Wethersfield ;Onions, good Yuality, f- Chantenay Carrots, (the best) at 50c/ Will sell at $1.26 per bushel. { Apply ful ease; all latest' improvements." a Come and see it. "At.a price you will | pect to hold 'their annual Christmas graph, only used a short time. Leavy: - 1 Apply E. C. = will hold this Columbia Records for Ee How about some _® them from 90c. to $3.50 ach. rh y Sellers to chooge es from, and the best| demonstrating' par-| derintown, = | With a Victrola you can hear at will the | music you like best. The world's great-" est artists, famous bands, or any music you want to hear. it. aa coin Ar A VICTROLA = | This dandy Victrola, similar to cut, for only $42.00. Com*" plete -- with 12 selection "ree. ! % a ~~ We have a good br J selection of the best |

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