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Port Perry Star, 12 Dec 1918, p. 6

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H Majesty Calls on Wonien of ! Empire to Work For Good: of Country. A despatch from Ottawa says:--- The "following messages" from her Majesty, the Queen to the'women of the Empire has been received by His | Excellency the Governor-General: "YA few months age, at, the height | af - our atixiety and. wtrain, T sent 87 message in the name of the women of our lands to our hn fighting for, "ug 'across the seas, ow, in an of - thankfulness and hope; like to give a messagé to the women of fhe Empire. During the war they havg, been given the high privilege! of service; they have risen to the | great. opporfunity, and have proved: their courage, steadfastness and abil- ity. I have been allowed to watch and appreciate their work in many parts of the country( and my heart is full of admiration and gratijude for what I have seen. "1 earnestly frust that 'though the' 1hrill and glamor of war is over, the | Bpirit of self-sacrifice and helpfulness | which it has kindled will not wane in| the coming days. A new era is dawn- ing upon the world, bringing with it many difficulties, fresh responsibil- ities and serious problems to be faced. Parliament has secured for the whole country greater opportunities of more thorough ar | varied education, but it will ¢ ond upon the parents whether th.:e opportunitics are used to the full, "We all rejoice that plans are afoot for bringing to an end the existence of such bad afd crowded housing as on home life almost impossible. To-day niote than: ever 'the Empire needs her daughters, for, in the larg- er world of publis "and industrial work, women are daily taking a more important place, "As we have been united in-all our work, whether of head or hands, in'a veal sisterhood of suffering end ser- #ice during the war, let us go on working together with the same unity of purpose for the resettlement and | reconstruction of our country: "(Signed) Mary R." epee soma RUSSIA TURNS BACK: 1,500,000 PRISONERS A despatch from 5 Tondon says--The Russian Government has refused to admit 1,500,000 Russian soldiers who have been prisoners in Germany and "has turned them Back to the frontier; according to a Berlin despatch to the Express under date of Monday. The incident is serious for Germany be- cause of tha hecessity of feeding these men. It 'ia 'reported that: 'the Russian : prisoners LA) FL ships . Dew ussia, which the B Beit. ish Red Cross had obtained from the Germans for. the' purpose of housing British prisoners. AGREEMENT IS EXPECTED "ON TWO. MAIN QUESTIONS i. desptich from London says-- ' questions, understood to be en- 'the minds of the Premiers | allysave the recom of the seaj : i 'they expect ta arrive.at an : presentation at Ver | Goma y, and Italy's Slam on the Adri. | THR the new Jugo-Slay | 300! ch- an nd mding" A position' without rite 1s "terrl- Diversity lof: Rass: Will be: Pre-| sent at Versailles' Conference, A despatch from Paris says Translators in 28 languages, inelud, 'ing' 'Chiresé; Arabic," Turkish, Some not even 'so well: known, Kot L been" ealled' for by William W, Harts, wh the equipment of the: ae Tega "The nul indlentive the diversity fiices and countries. hefors the Paace Brig. -General |' irecting |' ce caties or other relations, The full list of languages cofo- prises French, Itailan, Greek, Japa- nese, Spanish, Montenegrin, Nor- wegian, Bulgarian, German, 4 Hun- garian, Turkish, Chinese, Portuguese, Polish," Swedish, Persian, Russian, Serbian, Armenian, Czech, Rumanian, Danish and Arable. "Phis, with | English, makes the quota 24. The knowledge of the languages poesessed. by translators = must . be corhipiéte in order to get the precise meaning of treaties. smd documents, and not the ordinary speaking knowl- edge. The first effort will be directed at obtaining translators from among college men or army men, and should these be lacking others from various civilian occupations will be taken. el eimmireret Crown Prince Renounces Succession te. German Throne A despatch from Paris says-- Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm has nounced 'hig right to the German throne. A despateh received in Basle from the semi-official Wolff Bureau quotes Crown Prince in renouncing the ion e as having said: "I renounce formally and definitely all rights to the cfown of Prussia and the imperial crown which would haye fallen to me by the renunciation of the Emperor-King or for other reasons. "Given by my authority and signed by my hand. Done. at Wieringen, De- cember 1, 1918; «(Signed) n min enmrn Mre siett. "FREDERICE WILHELM," PEACE CONGRESS TO 0 DECIDE WHO GETS BAY AND BATUM A despatch from om London says--An official statement on the occupation of Turkish 'territory im Transcaucasia, | 'be a gross injustice to 'our issued to-day, says: "Entry of allied troops into Baku, Batum and other places in Transcaucasia does not im- ply any. intention of permanent oc- cupation, The objects and measures which have been: necessitated by the Turkish attitutlé in Transcaucasia are solely to enforce the terms 'of the armistice with Turkey and to facili- tate the mainténance of order in these regions, the timate status of which must be reserved for decision by the Peace Conference." : GERMANY HANDS TO AL 300, 900,000 FR, FRANCS ING SA Sh despatth from om Paris' says--The have begun restitutions. delivered to the allies Francs gold, which came No * The ee- Sm. 'treasury.' French Re ur a rich rks Quentin, Del ats, SR + 1247 'of These 'Sent to With Their Crews eath: | Them, ' A despatch from London During the 'war 2475 British ships were . sunk. with their crews benes them, and 8,147 vessels were" Sunk and their crews hour, ! Gonference, 'either through participa- |g 1 should' tion in "the: war' or -by< reason of betes td ap-dddress in. supp the wothen of the rors 'memorial to: British aihant sed | men, Fishing vessels to: the num | ber 'of 670 had been lost during the' period of hostilities, and the mer- chant marine' service = had sulfofed casualties exceeding 15,000 men," Sir Bric added: » Bot BREFISH WARSHIP SUNK BYeMINE Struck a Mine in in Baltio--Eleven| of Crew Perish. A despatch ffom London says-- Eleven men are missing as a result of the British warship Cassandra com- ing in. contact with a -mine ~in' the Baltic: Sea last Wednesday night, 8é- cording to an official. communication Jssued 'by the Admiralty. 'Torpedo- 'boat destroyers rescued the remain: der of the erewy The text of the: Ad- miralty statement says: - ! despatch "from . single raom of a convent at Ekaterin- ee for weeks before the murder, under guard of Bolshevik soldiers who { insulted them" shamefully. The valet said on July 17 all thé] members of the family were taken to the. cellar of the convent and placed against the/'wall and shot one 'after | 3 other. According to the story the derers granted the last .roquest of he former Emperor 'Nicholas that, his wife, whe re in, should dle: in his arms.' According to the valet, the Grand Duchess Tatiana was only wounded by the shots of the vifiemen and was i killed by blows from their rifle butts. All the bodies were burned in the out- skirts' of Ekaterinburg. J a , WHAT CANADA HAS DONE | Her Contribution in the' Struggle Tor : Freedom, Justice and Tanada "has contributed over : 000 "men to the War, have been, sin Fe "The British warship Cassandra y 'gtriick a' mine in the Baltic just be- Sore iguighy Wednesday, and sank at 1 'am. Thursday. Eleven mén are} missing. Presumably they were -kilss led' by the explosion. "THe remainder of the officers and crew were saved by our destroyers." GERMANY'S COLONIE WANTS BR. ISH RULE Pe A despatch from. London says-- Natives of Gerihany's colonies want to come under British rule, said Wal- ter Hume Long, Sec. of State for the Colonies, speaking at Westaiingter on Thursday night. Se "Quy representatives at the Peace | Conference should see that the cage £5: ogr retention of those colonies is i put. forward in full strewgth. It will great: Do- rainions to tell them that Soe éolo- nies, which, in a large meast hey. conquered by their blood. a alor, are to pass under the control of any- body Eelong! \- . SH DELEGATES AT WILHELMSHAVEN atch from m London says--The ittleship« Hercules, with a} patel from Copenhagen. 3 _ Jahde Bay gs the port of 'the Gerd man aval station-at Wilhelmshaven re i Phret Simne Longer. Enjoy oy Tgtmunity ws of A despatch from om Berlin says--- 'but the Empire to which they ander Hig command of 'Sip One hundred an or fo -- syching towards the Rhine. Canada has 'established a fleet. of | patrol vessels, and an aircraft branch is under construction. A 'large part. of the finanéial resources of Canada required for war have been raised in the Dominion, the voluntary contri- | bution forthe war amounting to near 4 ay a hundred million dollars, = The nt need of ships brought the| den opment in building, and 20 ships are now being constructed, with a | total 'tonnage launched this year of #4 450,000 dead-weight 'capacity. ble. «Two thousand = nurges have | goue overseas, and 80,000 women em- ployed in munitions. Sixty million' of to shells 'and 18,000 tons" of component {pepe 10 Boh at oka Domaless se. rolls 35 ; parts and 100,000,000 poands of high Conseription" in rons SE 2% May 'be Abalished iy Congr A despatch from Diindes ays The British representatives at bis Pedce Conference: will demand eral and absolute. abolition of scription. throughout Europe. ie A rim Home At Last. 'To an open house 'in Home shall men com Fe. : Priming Govemment @ has formally} privilege heretofor Arthur new-laid, Canadian war work lias been not- Tes j pri 4 RE Ontario oats," white, 76 to 78¢; No. 3, wh 168 74 | wl T7¢; according to freights side; Ontario wheat+No; 1 Winter, ' 1 22+ No, 2; Ei "3 de. $9.07 tc a . 18 Aq - No, 2 Spring, 2. 08 to : Spring, $2.03 to $2 10, Joinis, Accor pa RRL i to $1. 05, aceording_t to Seeigh its out side. Buckihost-Na. 2 5 $14 e--No, : anitoba' 2 nom: yond quality, $11.85, Toronto. Oni flour-- eg old tario r Shop, i. .26, . bush, Mo i ntreal and oronto, prompt shipment. 3 pad Car os: felivered is Ban hn, Sa, V5 pt on 06 id $21.00 per ton, tra ck rath oronse. $10, 00 bo 3, 50, uk To! Tonto x t : bs, $5 or Hine ggs--No. selected, storage, 70 to ih guna (bh se--New, larg vias 2155 21 fwing, 27 %0 2 27 to 27%c; Hohey--Choice;-16- 0%, $4.50 Eon anos on 0% itaote Bytop--n b-gal. tins, 98. 25: Pravisions-- Wholesale 03 spring ork; $47. Hea eats---Out. o of pickle, 1 1c a than smoked, | Smoked Meuts_Rolls, 58 to 88; aa » Sokal ham ns, 51 to 52% ity k C3 £00! el A! +-DAacKSs, 2 (oH backs, boneless, 50 Loreen, an. 17 ho 0 2 he Forei : 'here at ger Wilson and ons on confer: the elections" in Great. not permit them to 'remain n ghts. | The. first; ee "framing of the p of peace with the repre the enemy: powers who oil ent. to the ace "Congr yet EE announced, stood they will be th the Goverfiment, and member. The British del Premiér Lloyd George, ister Balfour, Claneser rs ghequst. Andre Nicoll Ba: 0 War Cabinet, nla pant an de jarrelled . Meats--Pickled pork, |.

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