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Port Perry Star, 23 Jan 1919, p. 4

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r. John Rodch ard family have gone to Toronto for- the - winter; but will return in the Spring fo. take: up - Wig'work'as usual. *~ 'Mr. Elmir Thompson and sister Etta, of Markdale, have been visiting with their aunt, Mrs. F, Woodley. | Mrs. Robt. Murray is spending a ffew days in Toronto, and will not be "at home" on Friday of this week. Mr and Mrs S Jeffrey left last week 'for Chicago, Winnipeg and other points, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Payne and little son Joe, spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Robt Town. Miss Kate Allison left on Tuesday morning for Camp Lee after a visit VO 0 wn NW) wm ND = S8888888838888888888 = BN RAN NN - ® 8 NOTICE All parties owing accounts to Mrs Coates must settle same at once, as she requires the money, her health having failed. A safe, Chevrolet Car, and furniture can be bought privately for a few days. Annual Meeting The first annual meeting of the Subscription Ra THE PORT PERP" STAR and Canadian Farm . .........$2.00 Farmers's Advocate. ,.... Globe (daily, R. M. R.) ....$5.00 Globe (Daily)... s Zu iv. 0002. 85,00 Family Hera Weekly Witness. ,..eeureees Evening News........o0...$4.00 Farm & Dairy .ceees. oes. $2.00 Evening Star(rural offices). . $5.00 Mail & Empire (daily) . $5.00 So House and Organ at a Sacrifice. Having sold my brick house I am prepared to sell my frame house. It 1s situated opposite the Catholic church on a nice corner lot, 8 rooms, electric lights, furnace, full size cellar in good condition. The organ is a 6 obtave Bell in gobd condition. A snap for cash. : Apply to E. C. BURTON, «+ $2.06 : nen Weekly Sun..oovoiianes... 82004 © y .00 unfair. Do not interrupt their conver- sation. It is discourteous and 7 1. Answer only your own si = If there is any confusion about _ the rings, rt the fact i ply to the Chief with her parents. Mr. Earl Beare has been ill with - influenza, but is getting better rapidly. 26:tf Port Perry. Wanted Farmers' Union Milling Co. Ltd., was held in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on Thursday, the 16th inst. 9A little girl of 7 years, named Ethel Madison, of Oshawa, was knocked down by a runaway horse in Port Perry, and her arm broken, She was quickly given proper medical assist- ance, New Phone Treasurer's Bell Phoneis No. 211 Cemetery Company The annual meeting of the Pine .:Grove Cemetery Company was held last Monday. 'The affairs of the Com- pany are in a prosperous condition. Mr. Reuben Boud was given a bopus of $100.00 for long and faith- ful service. His son, Arthur Bond, was appointed caretaker, $100.00 was voted to be used for patriotic purposes. Harry Lauder,Comedian To hear him sing his amusing songs and specialties it is not neces- sary to visit the few cities where he for the Victor now offers rec- ords of his best numbers. Here area few ~- . British Bulldogs watching at the 'door There was a large attendance of stockholders, who were greatly pleased at the report of the first year's busi- ness. A good profit was shown and the Directors were able to pay a dividend at the rate of 67, per afinum. The following officers were elected: President--C. A. Honey Vice President--R. M. Holtby Secretary--A. J. Carnegie Directors--Wm Bright, Jas Hor- top, Jas McKee, John Watson, Thos Lamb, Wm Jackson, Geo Smith, Wm Bowles, | W Crozier, Thos Redman. Married At the home of the bride's parents 691 Crawford St., Toronto, on Wed- nesday, January 15, 1919, Florence Velma, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wilson, formerly of Port Perry, to Mr. Albert E. Wilson. W. C. T. U. The next. regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. C. J. Pearse, on Wednesday, January 29, at 3.30 p.m. Renewals of subscriptions for "Tiding" will be in order. One or two energetic men to re- present us as Salesman for our well known nursery Stock on a hberal spare time proposition. An excellent opportunity for farmers' sons, with Apply immediately 1, Fruitland, o 84 winter months. to Cavers Bros, R. R. Ontario. - Utica Mr and Mrs Wm Philp, and Miss Marion, spent Sundoy with relatives in Prince Albert, The death of Mr Jas Johns, Man- chester, came as a great shock to his many friends here. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved ramily. Mr and Mrs E R Gibson and family, with Mr and Mrs Thos Bar- ret, of Manchester, one day last week, We are glad to see Miss Constance Sonley, out again, after a severe at- tack of Influenza and pneumonia. We are sorry to hear that Pte Earl Beare, is ill with pneumonia in St. Andrew's Hospnal, Toronto. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs E A Christie, on Tues- some time on their hand during the| The Bell Teleph Church of the Ascension The Church of the Ascension will hold services in the Parish Hall until further notice. The annual Vestry mééting of the Church of the Ascension, will be held Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the! Parish Hall. : Union Services In the Methodist Church, every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., under the direction of the Preshyterion and Methodist congregations. ~ 8 p.m.-- Union Sunday School All seats free and unappropriated, A cordial invitation to these services| is extended to all. i " | TY A Great Progiaiitme | | The young people of the Presby-! | terian and. Methodist "churches are Jackson's Sale Register : day of last week. Th Jan 20-2 Weullach, a mote with Ténn Wilmot Asling: much enjoyed. 1t's nice to get up in the morning. + "Roamin*in the Gloamin' : The Laddies who Fought and Won Granny's Laddy ¥rom the Nosth, South, Eastand West TENURE iE i ------r-- Hy - .. Hear these and others in: our -Vic- trola Parlor at The Aura Lee Store. DIED Hareer--In Reach Township, on Saturday, January 18, 1919, Wil- liam T. Harper, in his 68th year CANED of the Young and of their untiri urch- and its * affilia tions. The new Pansh Hall #8 a testimonial to Mt Hutch- eson's 'Courage and devotion more else. The remainder + 9nd Vice Prega-- RM. | Sec's-Treas.--E. Hi. "Mr. Wm. Reul was el oT wacovous--33B REBSSEES Sudden Death ' ~~ chester, died very suddenly, on T) day 14th inst, at 2.30 pam from heart failure. He took his bréakfist: at the arcusiamed ¥ ing of his death, and went 'aut. tp do i i but at about fifteen South W emigrated to Canada in the year 1864 with his parents. , year, and then moved to" the "Pdwn- ship of Emily, in the County of Vic- toria, - where his par lived the Te heh Ties 204 in 1902 late Mr James ns, who mag: ried Miss Rol ds he { the Mr. James Johns, who resided in} the Township of R ;in.the Gounty of Ontario, near ie hig of Man} hotjr on the. mara: | on May 18, 1885. ""He| in the Hoaniy of Orbe of aed s Onions for Sale arranging to: present a series of twelve honie talent entertainmentsi--- "Jan. 87-- The Council at Bingville Feb. 8--Japanese Evening _ Feb. 10-"Valentine Party. - 'Feb, 17 -- Debate -- That Trades _ Feb, 24--Chinese Eve Mar, 10--Minstrel Shiow Mar, 17-+St. Patrick's Night, March 24---Evening in India. Mar, 31-Moek Patliament. pr. 14--Box Social. * It is expected that a fee of 10= will ning. | Two Cutters, in good P ir, one used very little. *. Enquire at STAR g 8! 1148 ak 5 Yellow Globe Danvers Onions and Red Wethefields Onions at $1.00 bus. Chantenay Carrots at 50c bushel. Jonas Smith," Prince Albert, Phone Bred Co So. i" SS - pT Fr For Sale Barr Account. Register, 100 account size, alkcompletej-good. as new, marked up. A snap at $50.00. - Apply to D. Corbman, Port Perry. en eB Unions are Beneficial to Society. | charged. for. adults and Bc. for{ pa wr 'Home 'Sold Co mi FARE: &. Nak Hi id . ne FH

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