is Kyle left on Monday for N with Mrs Morren.' bungalow, op Simcoe St. North, awa, front Mr. Robt. McLaughlin 5 Pen of Hi sey her sister Mrs G Jackson, » Rev. and in Brooklin, '© Mrand Mrs Wm Biokle returned on Tuesday after spen a pleasant] Solider with friends in lea . Mt. and Mrs. S. Jefirey are home fiom théir trip to Chicago and the est. - : Col. H. Bruce Weds ", A cable from London says: The wedding of Col. Herbert Bruce of oronto, and Angela, . daughter of Henry B. Hall, of Upminister, Essex, erly of Cornwall, England, manu- urer, at St. Margaret's, West- ister, was exceedingly quiet. © No Invitations were issued. The bride ravelling dress and was given by her father. fone e was afignds pd by her sister. "The Colonel was unattended. Archdeacon Carnegie Officiated. Lord Beaverbrook has '#ent his country house at Cheerkley, Swirey, for the honeymoon. Colonel Brace and bis bride will sail for Can- adn at the end'of February, his. work '8 consulting physician in the Bntish Army being ended. yr ER W.C.T.U. The regular meeting of the Union held at the home of 'Mrs. C. J. was well attended. . , In the re- of the work of the Willard Home . was stated by Mrs Pearse that about $9000 had been raised from Surprise Soap wrappers. This money is used to pay women to.'meet the trains at the depot, and render any needed as- is and counsel to women and gin who are travelling. Judgi pom incidents reported, there is n of this work. Miss Horton read a 1éport. of Temperance Convention held. a3 Columbus, Ohio; and the members found the report filled with inspiration and food for thought. Mrs Farmer read extracts from Mrs Stev- ="gns annual message. Mrs Emmerson sang a beautiful solo. $11 was con- tributed to the funds of the Dominion Alliance. Mrs. Grace" Farmer, Press Supt. Library Meeting The postponed annual meeting of the Public Library will be held on Friday evening in the reading room at 7.80 o'clock. The directors and sub- scribers are urged to be present as the annual report must be sent in to, the Government within a few days. - Keeping Up the Interest The young people thought they had done well hy attracting such a good crowd to their Bingville Council, but that was evidently only a beginning. The Evening in Japan proved to be a very pleasant affair. The decora- tions and the costumes were pretty, and each number on the varied pro- gramme was received with pleasure. Tbe committee did excellent work in preparing for this evening's enter- toinment, and feel amply rewarded by Mr. H. G. Hutcheson has bought | 'Mrs. Bell spent Monday |S 11 wing. 7 EL a i a date | os friendly game of hockey.: On Friday the Public. School the Junior High School played close game . Score 2:1 in favor the High School. 1 : Line-up: la . High School -- Jackson, goal; Har ris, point; Reynolds, cover point, Cawker, centre; Gerow, r w; Honey, Public School--Raines, goal; In| gram, point; M , cover point; Anderson, centre; McKee, r w; Sarvis, left wing. . Cawker and Gerow scored for High School; ' Anderson for Public School: George Bowerman, referee. 2) Next game, Friday, February 7th . Card of Thanks making "this County Council Continued from back page should be five per cent of the money expended 1918. by them during the year In the discussion of the report ¥ the ed them during their recent illness. Found Port Peary. expenses. ---------------- Town: Council Mrand Mrs D W Ferguson wish to express their sincere gratitude to the many friends who so kindly assist- A Fountain Pen, on Queen Street, Owner can have same by calling at Star Office and paying The Regular meeting of the coun- cil for February was held in the Council Chamber at 7.830 p.m. on 3rd February, 1919. All members present with Reeve question was brought up as to making grants to Societies that 'have discon- tinued work. Mr Downey who was in charge of the report: said that he felt sure that no society that had dis- | continued work, would ask for the :| grant. A deputation consisting of Mr Wil- 1s and Mr Goodfellow, and represent ing the Whitby Board of Trade, appeared before the Council asking that the monument, to be erected in memory of the fallen Ontario County Soldiets, be placed at Whitby, which is the County seat and therefore I proper place to erect a County monu- ment. Two representatives of the Salvat- ion-Army--Col. Hargraves and Capt. Currie--appeared the Council the}: Stonehouse in the chair. T J Widden presented the auditor's report of the Municipal Finances for the year 1918, The same was ac- cepted and referred to the Finance it work intludes: and asked for a grant for their work. In speaking of the need for this grant was stated that their program of 1 Hostels where returned soldiers copies be printed. his services and an order granted him for $25.00 for his work. The following accounts were order- ed paid: Gourley, Winter & Leeming tuning piano, $2.50, Farmers' Mill- ing Co, coke 7.00. © Bell Telephone Co, 80c. - Wm Kennedy attending to weigh scales $84.00. Carried. Moved that Mr Ed Letcher be en- gaged as weighmaster for one month at the rate of $225. per year. The By Law was put through to purchase the present Treasurer's office at $400. Read and Carned. Mr Jas Swan moved that the elect- ric light system close each night at 11.15 except Saturday night. No seconder. Messrs Davey and Ward were ap- pointed to wait on Mr Ford re his request for raise in salary. Messrs Stonehouse and Goode were appointed to fix the stock yards at the weigh scales. A request from the Fire Chief for two more lenghts of fire hose was handed to the Fire Committee to re port next meeting. Council adjourned the success attained, and by the large attendance. The proceeds amounted to $26.35. Next Monday evening a Valentine JOHN BELDON LUNDY 'L.D:S., D.D.S, DENTAL SURGEON. Party will be given, and judging by | Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. the outline programme we have seen. this entertainment will keep up the standard already set. Don't miss it. Admission, adults 10c, children 5c. Pte. Bert MoGregor geons and University of, Toronto. Successor to Dr. R. L. Graham. Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Bell Phone, office 68, ring 2; residence ring 3 Office over Byer's Drug Store, Port P erry. Home Again It is'good to see Bert. McGregor's smiling face again, after being absent for.a couple of years. He came in on Thursday evening, and looks well, Housekeeper Wanted Apply to John Irvin, Port Perry. having almost entirely recovered from _ his wounds. Jas. MoKee Buys the boi Bivery Bates Mr. Jas. McKee bas bought the fiom Cawker Bros. Mr " Cawker will continue to look sin i } ~ Just Arrived One car Scranton Pea Coal at $10.50 One car Scranton Stove Coal, $12.00 FARMERS' UNION MILLING Co Elias White Dead Much regret is expressed because of the death of Mr Elias White at his h- | home in the Township of Cavan, on * | Saturday evening last. He had only been ill for a couple of weeks. : Mr. White was well known in. Port Perry, having lived here for a number |. d- [of years.He was employedin Carnegie . | Bros." Hardware Committee and if approved that 100 That Mr Widden be thanked for may secure for 80c per day three meals and a night's lodging; If the soldier has no money, no charge is made. 2 Receiving homes and maternity hospitals, for'the soldiers wives who are daily arriving in Canada. 3 Placing soldiers in positions where they can earn their living. This work 18 being carried on all through the countfy by men who are not overpaid and who have given many evidences of self-sacrifice and bravery--Many Salvationists who served in France were decorated for valor The request of the deputation was referred to the Finance Committee. . A delegation from Uxbridge con- sisting of Mr T C Nicholls, Rev. Mr: Moore and Mr. Gregg, asked that the County monument be placed at .Ux- bridge as that town is centrally lo- cated and was considered the head- quarters of the 116th Bn., besides being the home of the late command- ing officer, Col. Sam. Sharpe, Mr. Samuel Farmer of Port Perry, asked that he be appointed County Historian, without salary, so that he might have an official standing when undertaking the work of collecting in- formation - regarding the part Ontario County played in the war. He stated that he would endeavor to collect: 1 The names and rank all Ontario County men who were in khaki during the recent war. 2 The names of those who were wounded. 3 The names of the men who were decorated and for what reason. 4 The names of those who were killed 1n action or who died while in the service and a short obituary of each. The matter was referred to -the Memorial Committee. The railway committee brought in the following report: "That your Committee be authorized to co-operate with the various muni- cipalities interesed in the completion of the Toronto Eastern Railway, in whatever course is deemed advisable to promote that undertaking. Also that a memorial be_ prepared by the County Clerk addressed to the Hon. J. D. Reid, Minister of Rail- ways and to the President of the Can-. adian National Railway System approving of the purchase of the oronto and Eastern Railway by the Dominion Government, pi 'urging the immediate completion of same." | Stook up with good Coal | . Largestocks of D. L. & W. first} ; cas Seam Coal -- Pea $10.50;] | Case is simple end be had in either Powerful moter, large speed regulator, tome control stop device. All lated. it. win : , §olden Bios 16%, x 10% at base. Cloned sound chamber, tapering tons arm, best Columbia reproducer, graduating exposed parts heavily nickel- Record cabinet has capacity for $0 records. : Fine chance to own a good Grafon- leaves, start and vy TRAIT SETS ola easily---Don't let it pass by unhesded. % The report was amended to allow for emergencies such as snow block- ades, washouts, etr.: but it could casily be seen that the Councillors did not intend to allow either the Road Superintendent or the Advisory Committee to spend any large sums of money without laying their esfi- mates before the Council. It was also quite apparent that 'there would have to be a more equal distribution of money for County Roads in the various municipalities than was made Tist year. £5 a Mi. Mason pointed out that while $11,640.31 had been levied in South rio, and $14,776.67 had been a there; in North Ontario .the expenditure had beeh. double what had been levied--$7,821.37 levied, and $15,837.59 spent. He proposed | . that the County be divided as for{ electoral ridings and that the monies assessed in each riding for County roads be spent within the riding. This motion when put before the Council was lost. Mr Mason's further suggestion that two road making outfits--one in North Ontario be put int@ operation --was received more favorably, and will probably be considered when the estimates are being made. The sum of $90 was granted to the County newspapers in order that they mnght employ a reporter to give an account of the County Council pro- ceedings. The Finance Committee recom- mended the payment of $6000 to the Canadian Navy League. They also asked the Patriotic grant be continued for the months ef January, February, and March, which means that our assessment for this purpose will be about one-quarter: of what it was last year. 4 ; The total expense on' County Roads last year was $38,525.95. and of this the Government-will pay approximatly $11,958. i : : The Adyisory Committee re County Roads consists of the following gen- Take Care of Your Telephone! M q A telephone instrument has more than a hundred parts and is built like a watch. Rough usage impairs its efficiency. : ANY repairs to telephones are made necessary by careless handling, q Help us to conserve the supply of telephone 'material and skilled labor by always hand- ling your telephone carefully to avoid costly breakages and repairs, The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada * a ------------------------ - : SORT a er 3 tlemen: * Mr W G Scott, Pickering. Mr F L Mason, Oshawa Ms Geo Will, Thorah 1t is worthy of note that the Com- mittee on Education in presenting its "We are pleased to note a interest in Consolidated Schools." was also stated that they were pleased to note an upward. tendency in teach- ing T it, Stove, and Furnace $12.00.] =