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Port Perry Star, 6 Mar 1919, p. 1

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_ the County town. strong claims to the monument, Uxbridge being very insistent . * Y Bo ready or all emergencies by having a good Ris Hot Water Bottle ; fore We We have 1 Soe pont 0 Hirces © from the factory. ~~ Other Comforts for the Sick -.. Fountain Syringes, Clenical Therometers, Medicine Glasses, Bulb Syringes, Air "Cushions. Infant Syringes. 'Bandages, - Combination Syringes, Ice Bags, Absorbent Cotton- ~~ Medicine Dropper. ORVAL BYER, FIRE: INSURANCE STOCK INSURAMCE, MOTOR INSURANCE, LIFE INSURANCE, Accident Insurance, Plate Glass Insurance "HAROLD W. EMMERSON - PORT PERRY, ONT. . Phone 151 ' SE e Service of a Clock The one thing that distinguishes the true Clock ° is its truthfulness of performance. The "Service" its movement renders. Gilbert Mantle Clocks have attained that pasion in the clock world that assures 'Service', We have a nice line of Gilbert Clocks "and other nakes and will be pleased to show you our lines when in need of a good time piece. JAMES McKEE JEWELLER * : STATIONER ASHE * towns where they go to market. ~ We salve eon on band a full asiortment of : hes tock - Specific, . Poultry Specific, ode, Try some and of the Soprionty of these goods, JUST RECEIVED A large consignment of dishes, direct from "the manufacturer. Prices are Hig Call and -- " == ba SINGLE COPIES Bo, = = No. 10 gS a :; § Ontario. Cpunty. soldiers. of erecting such a mem- > the members of the greement. upon the form original idea to put up a monument at Whitby, rs ye- and Oshawa 3 Nun: that the proper place for the | al would be at the centre of the County. Evidently none of these pro mous support of all the Councillo At this juncture, Reeve Stonelouse, of Port. Perry, has made a sane proposal, which should prove a happy solution of problem. "Briefly itis this--that the Cou1ty be divided into several distiicts, each of which would include a market town. For instance, Port Perry, Reach, Scugog might for m one district, Oshawa and East Whitby a second, Whitby and Whitby township a third, Pickering and Pickering township a fourth, Uxbridge, Uxbridge and Sgott townships a fifth, Can- nington and BrockTownship a sixth, Beaverton and Thorah a seventh, and Rama, Mara and Lo ford the eighth. To each of these districts the County Council could make a grant, to be supplemented by volulitary contributions by the ratepayers. With the money thusigathered monuments could be erected in each of the towns inthe districts nemed. This outline gives a fair idea of Mr. Stonehouse's propo- sal, which of course would be subject to any necessary modi- fication. The outstanding features would remain. however: 1 That there be a number of snonuments erected within the County. 2 That they be placed at cally accessible points. 3 That the rural and other municipalities have their sol- diers fittingly honoured in the home distriets. Doubtless a very fine memorial could be erected at some point in the County, if the whole County appropriation were to be expended on a single monument. But when all was done such a memorial would largely fail in the purpose for which it was erected, because a large proportion of the people of the County would seldom 'or ever see the it. It would make no difference at what point the monument was placed, the result would be the same. "= Tee memorials should be pl frequently see them. They sh the bravery of Ontario County's soldier sons. Each trip to town should bring to the mind of the person taking the trip the fact that we owe much to the soldiers of our locality. In addition to this fact the rural municipalities would be better represented by having the monuments placed in the Each person in the County should be made to feel that he as an actual interest iu this memorial to the soldiers; and this cannot well be accomplished by the erection of any single monument. ls will receive the unani- d at points where all" ¢an THE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT Mr.D,J. Kean, a civil engineer of Toronto, was appointed Road Superintendent for Ontario County at a salary of $1400, onejnundred dollars additional being allowed for expenses. Mr. Kean will be required to live at Whitby and will have an office in the County buildings. In the election of this official, Mr. Mowbray received ten votes, but the opposition to him proved too strong, and he will be able to return to his farm, where he will be free from the troubles that have harrassed him during the past year. Mr. Kean has undertaken a big task, as the County has séme two hundred and fifty miles of road under its supervis- ion, and he is entirely new to the county and will find much to learn. We trust that the new aorangements may work out satisfactorily to the County. > COUNTY ROADS There is a tendency on the part of the County Council to put back some of the County roads on to the municipalities in which they are placed, it being felt that they had "bitten off more than they could chew." This is a move in the right direction if carried out properly, At present there are many stretches of road which are being neglected by the County and the. various municipalities in which the roads are situated. It is not sufficient that the County should be responsible for damages in cases of accident due to defective roads. Preven- tion is better than cure--good roads are cheaper than accidents and inability-to use the roads. The levy for County roads this year will be one and one : half mills on the dollar, which will give the sum of $38.000.00. Last year $38,525.86 was spent om the County system and of this amount $11, 968. 59 was paid by the Provincial Govern- . ment. - «An additional youd grader and two steam rollers have been added to the Coun equipment. There are three grades of Government aided roads: County Provincial t roads, and the: Provincial Highway d bea constant reminder of <- Sa THE ETT oe OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO { Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- wst'p 1073 €S8t at current rate, PORT PER R RY BRANCH JAMES WARD EALER IN PIANOS, ORGANS and GRAMAPHONES ALSO SECOND-HAND ORGANS PIANOS TUNED MAY 13 and SEPTEMBER 16 Bell Phone 94 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Mr, Richardson, of Pickering, put through a resolution which would revolutionize the good roads situation. The res- olution asks,the Dominion Government to grant a subsidy te roads throughout the Province. This resolution is receiving hearty support from Victoria, York, Lincoln, Halton; Elgin, Lambton, Stormont and Glengarry. It is believed that the Dominion Government will consider the request favourably. Where Towns Stand re Good Roads Urban municipalities have done much to promote good roads, but cannot directly obtain the Provincial subsidy, But there is a method, as is indicated in the following resolution: Moved by Mr. Stonehouse, seconded by Mr. Mix, "That the following resolution be passed: That whereas certain ur- ban municipalties in the County of Ontario are desirous of placing a portion of their municipal funds in the hands of the County orgamzation | to 0 be expended on the County roads "running through such mcnicipalities, thereby drawing the Legal Provincial subsidy upon Ss expenditure! anu, Whereas the 'Highway Improvement Act empowers' County Councils to = assess and collect such monies from urban municipalities and expend the same within the boundaries and upon the County roads of the several municipalities from which such monies are received: Therefore, be it resolved that this Council authorize and empower the proper authorities to levy a rate upon such mun- icipalities sufficient to raise thc amount stated and required by each urban municipality needing such aid.--Carried. In addition to this, one-half mill of the general assess- ment of one and one half mills, will be returned to the urban municipalities to be spent upon County roads within their boundaries. Put Train No. 379 Back Again Mr. Stonehouse and Mr. Hood put through a resolution at the County Council demanding that the G. T. R. replace train No. 379 running from Whitby to Manilla Junction. The res- lution was passed on the gronnd that the removal of the train had been a serious inconvenience to shippers and the travel ling public' especially to High School students and others who wish to make the round trip within reasonable hours on the same day. To Make a Record of Ontario County's Part in the War Mr. S. Farmer: editor of the Port Perry Star, has been com- missioned by the County Council to obtain a record of Ontaric County's war effort. We ask the co-operation of all who are able to supply information regarding Ontario County soldiers as we are anxious that the record shall be both accurate and complete. Local Patriotic Societies, Women's Institutes, and others who have been looking after the soldiers, make their records as complete as possible. Much will depend upon the assistance which the local people will give. Wo shall be need to secure the following information regarding each soldier from Ontario County: Name in full, and post office address. Occupation. Name and address of parents or parent (if any). To what battalion was he attached? Rank? Date of enlistment. Did he go overseas? Was he decorated for bravery or special service? Was he wounded? Did he die? Was he killed in @etion? If dead, date of death and a short obituary will beneeded A brief summary of the work of the several paliotie 0r- ganizations should be given. Manchester Correspondence: The Ladies' Aid met at the home pt Mrs. Bunney, on Wednesday afternoon. Srustees of & § Nog , Manchester have purchased the hohe Educational Dept. from Mr. W. D.. i ire by th ved home from the Weston Th rted that his arrived hon was not improving as we wo Toke. i Wn to report the ill Wes of 8 Thompson, Dut 4 or a 8] recov 3 e De ad re pth 33 Mr. J. al is in the-house or a A Mrs. $. tt. i . Howsam is s i ah bed xigh the Farmers Mec R R. and re

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