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Port Perry Star, 6 Mar 1919, p. 4

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Mellow, in Uxbridge. * Mr Morley Campbell is going fest on business for 'two orl weeks. Any real estate matters will receive prompt at- tention upon his return, ~~ Mr Gordon McLean has pur- chaséd the billiard and tobacco ; in Ux e, of Mr obt Fowler. We wish Mr Me- Lean success in his new venture Miss Purcell is returning to Port Perry after spending some 'months in the West. Mr Albert Roberts is able to he out again after his recent ness. Mr and Mrs E C Burton left on Tuesday for Medicine Hat. Mr. Wm. Smith, M.P., for ~ South Ontario, was first elected to Parliament in 1887, being the second oldest member in the House. Mr, Jas. Hortop was called to Georgetown owing tothe serious illness of his mother. Mrs Kyle has returned home after her visit to New York. Mr N Byers has sold his house to Mr Edwin Hartry. MOCK TRIAL In this trial the church was the prisoner, and was charged with neglect of duty. There was sometning for al- .-most everybody to learn in -the picturesque presentation of the missionary problem. The wealth of information regarding the growth of Christianity, and the immense amount of work yet to be done proved a revelation to all. The administration of the oath to the foreign witnesses proved to be a very interesting ceremony, The jury found the prisoner "Not Guilty." The receipts were $25.40. MINSTREL SHOW Everything you hear these days is about the minstrel show to be put on by the young folks in the town hall next Monday evening. The young fellows are talking to their best girls in a rich negro dialect; brand new, laugh producing, sidetsplitting jokes are being prepared; peg- leg. cake-walk, knock-knee, and hoe-down dances are being prac- tised; the popular songs of to- day here have a plantation at- mosphere. The stage is set, the ers are learning their lines, on Monday next the song be-- The lime-kiln club in gorgeouse style am comin' out to-night. And all for 10e¢, and 5¢ for the . pla an will 4 'Real Estate Agents McCaw Block Phone 152 COMING--Dr, F. E. Luke, 167 'Yonge Street, Toronto's leading optician, can be consulted about Jour eyes for glasses at A, J. avis' drugstore, Port Perry, on Thursday seeing Kim. : mn Big Minstral Show in the Town Hall, Port Perry, March lo, by the Young Peoples So- ciety. atisfaction guar- WANTED A girl or woman with good ex- perience un general housework. ages $25.00 per month, Mrs. Chas. Bailes, 215 Simcoe Street, North, Oshawa. Phone 184 Scugog You remember the good old times we used to have -- They are coming again. Come and enjoy them at the CENTRE CHURCH, on Tuesday evening, MARCH 11th, at 8 o'clock. Solos, Duetts, Quartettes, oruses, Recitations, Tableaux, by the old timers. Admission; Adults 25¢. Child- _|ren 15e. Concert The W.M.S. of the Methodist Church, Port Perry, will hold an entertainment in the church on Friday evening, March 7th: The following first-class talent has been secured from Whitby Ladies College; Miss Lois Lock- wood, eloeutionist; Miss Vivian Alleott, soloist; Miss E. R. Ems- ley, A.T.C.M., accompanist and organ soloist, assisted by. the Port Perry Male Quartette. Adults 25¢ Children 15¢ W.C. TU. The meeting of the Union held at the home of Mrs Farmer on Wednesday last, was well' at- tended. An unusual interest was aroused by the contest for new' members, which was or- ganized the month before and closed with this meeting. The result of the contest was fifty- two members. Mrs Swan's side being victorious. Mrs Jackson's side will put up the treat, which will take the form of a social afternoon the next regular meet- ing which is the last Wednesday in March. TO AUTOISTS I wish to thank the public for their continued patronage of my blacksmith business during the past seventeen years and to so- licit a continuance of the same. arch 13. Don't miss| = HAROLD W. EMMERSON Are you living on a fixed income? Come to the country town where interest on your money and taxes amount to less than $15. a month for rent. Large cottage in the village of Port Perry, with modem plumbing and electric light, p but no furnace, barn and garden with fruit trees and berry bushes, good condition. $1750. EYE ol \ Apple orchard, about 14 ara tree planted six years 200 Duchess now beating nce win, and Spy; in village ort Perry; can bought with or withoul héuse, with modern equtpitient. Price and ron reasonable, 4 Standard Bank. Canada The Forty Fourth Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of The Stand- ard Bank was held at the Head Office. 15 King Street West, on Wednes- day, the 20th inst. A large number of-Shareholders was present. The chair 'was occupied by the President, Mr, Wellifigton Francis, KR.C, and Mr. E. A. Bog, Chief Inspector, acted as Secretary to the Meeting and read the following reporti-- In presenting the Forty fourth Annual Report and Statement of the affairs of the Bank for the year ending 31st January. 1919, your Directors have pleasure in stating that the results for that period have been satistactory, - The Net Farnings amount to $697.443.71, after provision has been made for bad and doubttul debts, interest on deposits, rebate on current bills under discount, Provincial taxes, and cost of management. This amount, added to the balance of Profit and Loss Account, $175,215.82, brought forward trom last year together with $46,710 for premium on new stock issued. makes the sum of..........0i000us ceveses.. $919,369.53 This has been appropriated as follows: Four quarterly div:derds -t the rate of 13% per annum...... Contributed to Officers' Pension Fund Contributed to Patriotic and Kindred Funds.... War Tax on Bank Note Circulation to 31st Dec., 1918 Premium on new stock . Reduction ot Bank Premises Account... ....o. ese . Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward........ ° k $919,369.53 Cowan, who had been closely associated with this Bank for the Bast forty-three years, sceupying the position ot Vice President from 1875 to 1883, and resident from 1883 to 1918. . The valuable services rendered by Mr, Cowan during that time have materially contributed to the growth and development of the Bank. The vz-angy caused by Mr -Cowan's death has been filled by the election ct Mr Wellington Francis, K:C., who has been a Directot of the Bank since 1902, hold #4 the office of Vice-President since 1913, Mr. Herbert Langlois has been elected Vice-President. of. our late President, Mr. William F. Bindloss, Alta.; Bon Accord, Alta; Coaldale, Alta; Parkland, Alta.; Raymond, Alta.; Stirling, Alta. (sub. to New Dayton); Wayne, Alta.; Paynton, Sask. (sub, to Maidstone); Gray, Sask. (sub, to Regina); Ashern, Man, (sub. to Eriksdale); Eriksdale, Man.; and Goodwood, Ont. (sub. to Stouffville). The Branch at Paisley, Ont., wag closed. The usual inspection of the Head Office and Branches has been made, and the duties of the staff have been faithfully and efficiently performed. Tl: regular audit of the Bank's affairs has been made by Mr. G. } Clarkson, C/A.. and his report is appended herewith. Mr. Clarkson's name will be again submitted at the Annual Meeting for re-appointment as Auditor for the ensuing year 2 fy aL cr op © m t'r.is |Union Milling Co. Patronize - Real Estate a 'buildings in. |to attend. |W. E. TUMMONDS, Sec'y | Your Directors record with deep regret the death, in October last, 4 fashioned way rather blustery. the semi-monthl ment of the church. order of the evening. During the year Branches and Sub Branches have been opened at mission. All are welcome. whose 44th Annual Statement increased profits were earned 'sale att Dl oF the Farmer's your own concern Come prepared to put in| your orders ido) fence, spray material, binder twine and seed corn. - On Friday afternoon, Mar, 7, there will be a meeting at Brooklin to federate the Farmers Clubs of this local plo see, 11 CARTAGE and DRA The undersigned is all kinds of carting, dray wi Wing of Gardens etc. For f ILLIAM CAMPBELL = PORT : on ity. All membersare urged Auction Sale As Mr Lingle has been trans- ferred to British Columbia Mrs Lingle will sell off her farm stock and implements by auction at her premises, lot 19, con 11, Reach, on Saturday, March 15. Geo Jackson, Auctioneer. v7 Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto » as superior courses, qui; and teachers It makes good every ci d ds the confidence ol the. Every promptly secured yment, ind the arly Full are olen times for ing positions therefore NOW 1 time to commence a. course year. Catalogue Fee. Wed. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL Corner ong and Charles Sires ---------- Man Wanted at once. Good wages pai practical farm hand. Appl C Coulter, Port Perry. LINDSAY LAND SURVEYORS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS Phoncs--Day 40" Night 242 =... ONTARIO Smith & Smith Myrtle Married at the parsonage on Wednesday, Feprual 26, 1919, by Rev Geo Nickle, Mr Bert Duff eldest son of Mr Thos Duff, to Miss Alma Taylor, of Chalk Lake March came in in the good old On Monday night, March 10th community in the base- Games, music and refreshments are the No ad- social will be hel Standard Bank of Canada: The Standard Bank of Canada, appears herewith, shows that for the year ending Jan. 31,1919. From every angle the t year has been one of exceptional pro- 5 JOHN BELDON LDS DDS." DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. # HOW MUCH ARE YOUR EYES WORTH? Don't take chances when rz can ~ get my services of over experience : F. E. LUKE, &hacues 167 YONGE ST., TORONTO Opposite Simpson's ' I LUNDY geons and University of Toronto. Successor to Dr: R.L. Graham Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings appointment, by. Bell Phone, office 68, ring 2; residence ring 3 Office over Byer's Drug Store, Port Perry. WELLINGTON FRANCIS, TE Pr MORTON M. GIBSON . ONTARIO and DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER (Successor to the late W. E. Yarnold, Ont. WHITBY, ONTARIO; =: Phone 231 Finding that there is need of i President, | gress and expansion, and the a practical mechanic in the re-| Toronto, 31st January, 1919. 2 He following increases over the pre- pair of autos, I have added a nt itinss | vious year's business appears: department for such work to- GENERAL STATEMENT Deposits, now $65,969,558 gether with auto painting. It ist lanuary os ~ Increase $7,888.855 must be Sesknetly understood LIABILITIES . Notes in cire., now $6,697,858 that the general blacksmithing a a Sid dn S680 Increase $1,213,475 will be carried on and additional mn tl Cash on hand, and other Quick help will be secured as the busi- irs 15 Assets, $36,066,337 ness may demand. "61. 3 Increase $3,717,562 Parts carried for popular cars. Total resources now, $83,656,865 Engine fitting and motor repair 22.236, we Increase $9,665,958 000.00 | Securities, Govt., ete. $13,852,464 a specialty. C. SWITZER, 227,326.90 .. Increase $1,208,080 BLACKSMITH AND GARAGEMAN m= | Commercial loans, $45,658,553 ' Port Perry - Ontario Increase $5,693,809 Shoal : Hs by Soar, the Standard nk's statément. show steady FOR SALE CHEAP and solid progress, and this year ms to su 3 only, 6 h p Fairbanks-Morse the statement will increase pub. | - purchaser. All sies of farms, gasolise Engines. As wé need lic confidence in the Bank's sta-| houses and lots, etc, for. sale. the room for our new cars we| bility, and the ability of its| Bell Phone 148r2, Port Perry will sell these engines at cost/. 3 esa van vs un riieat [anagement. This confidence| = A price, i bonds, debentures and Hodks Hot excieding ram is evidenced by the steady in- BEARE BROS. GARAGE Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans in Canada on of deposits , which in ten . bonds, debentures and stocks... 2 * h ray Town Council ; Rl a a ) ELE 1207, to $ from ib Me do ict on, Monday, | Oop Garon Lae me Sept. All members present. Mr Ford was requested to the weighmaster mon -- check the stubs of weigh seal | books at end of each month little fellows. What a rich time there will be. W. P. A. Notes On Thursday, February 27, the W. P. A. packed and shipped two bales containing following articles: : To the Red Cross for refuges- 8 women's skirts, 4 women's gckets, 9 prs women's drawers, 4 prs child's drawers, 4 child's waists, 1 childs skirt, 2 boys' shirts, 6 prs boys' trousers. To Whitby Military Hospital, 32 pairs so 8, 4 pairs bed socks ved from Scugog--39 prs B0CKS. Notes of the Bank in circulation Deposits bearing interest (including int D. not bearing interest J. A. MURRAY DENTIST "Office above Rose & hy hours, 9 a.m. to 6 pm. ' P a George Collins FARMS FOR SALE Good. Properties." Terms to suit Dividend No, 113, payable 1st February, 1919,. Totes Dividends pS lclaimed VEN 'alances due to other Inks IM Canada, iveiavrnreenossasrsasnenis oe I:laoces due to Banks and Baking Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada Acceptances under Letters ot Credit AS wate srennn esesrives sere avaee Capital para up sess sassvaiane h, Re Fond' iii: sanshehenensvss Balance of Prefit and loss Account carried forward, ASSETS fam wg ny on duke 0 saa je) '»! posit 31500,000.00 Deposit : , ¢ N of other Banks 'i sabasssacnnnn ¥ Cheats Op fothier 'Banks aa on $.357.060.90 a Balances. due by Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere me a ate hws. Rd iad Cov ATE sarin Bier Soaps pte 'market value, virsensaney 4520,486.89 Canadiat Municip p 'colonial OE ' 1,227, 161.48 1,148,889.61 272,259.17 op P16 680.84. DIED At Port Perry, on Thursday, . February 27th, 1919, Celia g > widow. of the late W. E.. Yarnold, in her 91st year. plo Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Jacion, - Port Perry, on Monday, Marc 8, 1919, a daughter. Bo Mr and Mrs Milton Prenti Sunday, March 2nd, 1919 a Mr Davey gives notice that he | a h . { e ; 4 posing a tax on dogs. ;

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