LL hn nie * ey } Sealed Packets Only = : A merry scramble with the ehil- ? mo "3 B® drén ensued, and forty minutes later ich reas the family was tucked a in the erly om 5% old seh, and Prince and Kate wers ing the people making the slippery journey to town. came in, 3 gh . first, but: : § 3 er YT Tuts SL iets drs oy ad Emon ] al e time they reached -18 '8 i go as far as y ads agar = Thosiony try er Tu Ce el i. Bromadl Rr wrt 0 Be Choe, Toy we en eri tad hh " : y io > the request of the Admiralty--in fact, "Can't some place to while she rested the feet that had| examination for of the east : dtd 4 the Ao get en ready to drop off the week be-| coast, and a large nu Yosponded [1000S OF this work has: been warm, mother?" begged Bobby. ' : men of this body. Somé, to perfect "There's no place to go but the|for® Tommy Teasdale and Richard and ty themselves, sought instruction. about «© special arrangement with Thos. Alles Saylor built, block houses; Bobby and | sels as re. the Losonte store. We can wait there whileip "0, ooked at pictures fact, jftubmatines at Chathymi hb 10 A = daddy goes to the bank and to the ; Wonderful pictores Gra 20 Admiralty woke to the' CHAPTER XLI--Cont'd. iw magically under his epmi- 40d biscksmith shop." and drew others Jet sigre pond vepen . 1g | BS e more y Mrs. Tompkins thought of a 'dozen i < TYou'se 4a le oA his senses' Joke to other aspects Anne and the yoingsters unloaded, io ovements for the rest-room, and a. ing. oo, of any | the girl; she was good to look st in at the general store and Bert drove Mrs. Earlham read two stories and > ad anf sacrifice. Put yourself in my place, | her absorbed moments and _inspirit-| off to Jook efter his own errands. The! .o5e] a recipe. ually. 'Measuring outwards from ses- Sing moquaiats IT go ot into the world now to!ing When she was aroused, some:|store was crowded with fafmsers, "I like going to town lots better| wards of the Edinburgh lightship, and | 10° Ch, '0 TD a earn & living, in two or three years, |times there was 0] ulness | their wives, children, bundles. 8nd! don't you, 7" taking no account of the waters of the' ed with the places where authorized a provided I show inteHigénce and ca- et ale, og gg Was | tobacco smoke. Bobby end Bertha |p. tha as Anne her and Thane Setwaen Gravesend and thet signaling was to be expected. One of pacity, I ought to be earning a bet, , tation, sometimes rallery; nd rifled their way to the Big red by into 'bed that night. "I'm tired| point. the men covered from 'August | ouridady detectsd twa Sicabed Ber: fer living. On.the other band, a She swift and stove, while Anne waited &F fhe coun-| but 1 don't feel so cross as I used to 4 1914, tb November 11, 1318, a total ind turned back and handed them over i at allow you to rt us and to send : ae, lissome in all her movements; and ter with the butter and eggs she had distance of 1,841,320 miles, . Several |") "co Cot authorities, in. fet, 88. ~ me to coll may suddenly dis- b Re et Th' mpeding your Jife and |the more that Jerry watched her, the rought to trade. A half-dozen other. ial pilots have Mos covered : et, that some other en Ag looks on nore did she amuve and please and women were similarly waiting. Child Welfare in the West. more than 30,000 miles of unprotect- Re able, every manhes pat v "How do you do, Mrs. Walton. I Child 'Welfare is occupying a large ed waters. Bip Boast most bv ps Sone hu Betty and Peter and me as blocking a) On an evening in March Jerry} .oiqom see you any mare; where have British Colum- e of\their body was captured by | sircymstances, and with very little her happiness, Of course, as soon as . came home to hear the announcement oy share of attention in Higgins 1 Shavld Mt ace: tm Dome to ea He a some. time| YoU been keeping yourself" said one| Lig ports Early in December|a German destroyer snd has been 8 | gympathy or understanding." own feet, and 1 should be less fit to inevitable. Kate had a position. Shek of Bho wainen. there was held at Vancouver. the first| prisoner for two years; one.lgst his ------------ I Than 1 am now--or shall, WAS going to. work = the . following) "Oh, the roads have been so bad we| so convention of the Child Wel.| life by enemy action, and one died ry be scorn besides having lost the time | Monday in the office of a stockbroker | haven't anywhere 'and I dread | fare Association. of British Columbia. | from sickness contragted "on foreign | -NeFly 16,000 acres in Canada' arg when 1 might have been getting a| Who had applied to the school for | coming to town. The children get lB eussions on| service. Thirty.two have been mined | devoted to Wheat growing. start. Now. suppose this shouldn't stenopriphes, Although she was ¥et¥ | so cold and tired and it "takes 'so-long The pioaram ul ** fuventle delin-| OF torpedoed, four of them oh two, 00, |m--t happen. Don't you - know that ~IjSneeriu ut it, Peter and Betly| Bert has business to attend to. quency, hil mortality and' diseases| casions and. two on three .occasfons.| . At' the recent convention of the at) of children. Vocational training was| Few have mot had. many close "cop- Unibed "Farmers sof Alberts, Hon, tacts with the Gernian, One pilot, to | George P. Smith; Minister of Educas« 1d al t that t be.|Were subdued, and Jéry sus ected Someti thik ther at afoul - Ey irs jeiing it a $y bas " home. oe a 1g eggs worth| o ood in order that children might phe Te AH a OR stormy night, with wind and rain; to-day?" become helpful factors in the com-|his own knowledge, has seven times | tion, . declared . that - : you're capable of any sacrifice." beating against the windows; but the| "I heard some one tell Mrs. Tomp-| munity. The sdlosls of Vancouver had the enemy close alongside. Once | schools were: the onlpmedium to ex a oc we sl wrong, Kate, Little rooms were cosy and snug, and kins they were thirty-eight cents, ooo mentioned on. ac.| he passed over a submarine off New-| tend secondary advantages to rural aluve Bot He Al Ei to| Li Ite fumily, sitting together, en | valunteeted 8. woman who fotd ti cout of ithe _the| haven. Every, pilot; too, has seen | districts. Rogie rp eH Load a drole. at ayy] mentally backward children the! Lion. robe cgi rans Association put_itaelf on AS} their death-blow from mine or tor |' we are, to fall in Jove. You see, I'm | was soon to be broken. As if by tacit ol: tion Pt . urging you to do what I ask because] consent they all avoided a discussion paying shety " iy in the' city ght favoring institutions for 'the feeble- pedo. It is useful here to quote from the report: it would be for my satisfaction andj of the subject that was uppermost ; comfort--not because it would be a|in their minds--where and how. Kate, better save up a lot and carry them| quo Chief Dingnostician of the Juv- fine thing for you." . and Peter and Betty would now live. | to the city. Id like to walk' through enile Court of Seattle, Washington, Saved Many Vessels. | "I'm not going to let a keen law- Haven't... you some dictation, | one of the big stores right mow! | addressed the Association on juvenile] «gOften the 'shock transmitted going to l€ Jerry 1" Kate asked. "I need all the hate the mirrors, though--those er draw me into an argument." Kate % NE | delinquency and its dependence on the| through the water was so strongly felt 4 e g practice I can get before mext Mon-| ones that let you see how your gave his arm a final pat and dropped day." ? sags and how shabby . status of home training. A low ebb on hoard other ships that people it. "I don't doubt, Jerry, that we'll Jerry produced papers from hisj tar oir a rg of parental responsibility results in| ushed on deck imagining their own leave you and your mother with tears|green bag, Peter an Betty with-| "0 pn juvenile delinquency. It was recom-| vessel had been 'struck. Pwo particu- in our eyes, but it's got to be dome, drew to another room where their 8 "Well I. don't want mended that mothers' pensions should| jar cases will live in our memory: One and you and she must make your gadis should not be distirbed, Mus. thifng os t- Jo. see be: 'established because etherhaod in which sevén vessels in twenty- plans for April without reference to| crow drowsier and drowsier while| Mrs. Lane. "My should be recognized as ig eight 'hours. were sunk, béached, or us. By April I expect to have a job." | Jerry, pacing to and fro, delivered drop off. I don't ee Alberta he a study of Child Wel- bg Log . ay "1 had no idea, Kate, you'd be so his slow monologue, and at last she| ha ew. more chairs store] gore concerned with the -prepa: serious Amag Sites to manage Jerzy Danse cat . fom oy ingly io t it dic when "there is no other tion pd of nL ae 20 within a 47 dsmaged a eat hal 1, f ing. | cati 'or her at least it was : : . was half reproachfu admiring. ing st It Wasi 4, wait for the mon folks. I've had] a1 school The Depart-| knows, as we do, the different escapes 1 be ite when I have|bedtime. So Kate and Jerry made g Oh, I can be granite Moen ile | the folding bed ready and went out uy Arading dane So an hop fou of Education for the pro we have nearly all had, generally to be," she answered with a smile. 4 2 to the kitchen to finish their work. : jssued a booklet containing. 8{ through being too close alongside the vi Mos Donte I They were still at it when Betty and one can lell when he'll be through." | number. of recipes and practical sug- DE that we have had so 3 ho: . the fi "and dictati Peter called good night to them. "That's just it! Why haven't: we gestions whereby the cold ach wil very few accidents with nearly 2,000. | erry pacing the floor and dictating)" «1 guess that's enough for this somewhere else to wait? Over inlje 'wholly or partially abolished. (It| 000 miles covered in the Dottest of Doig ow rie? to Bate: Pose and evening," Jerry said at last. "Tired,! Stevenville.they:have a regular is that re than three-| the danger zone, surely it may be ny ad y Fa s : Kate? HL" She sighed." "1 fifths of the school children attending taken as proven that our being there pd ope EM Dono u, Daly & it, 8 Sig ref couches and ttle beds rural schools in Alberta are depend-| has materially assisted to keep down 5 ; Bik Hi His f LY g got it all fixed up," said Mrs. Dono- wish my new emplo were a law- hue, and her tone indicated that in-| yer; my training Rein, yon would be magazines te dps to ite ent on cold lunches and that these] the number of casuaities to vessels. deed she. had no doubts about the'}" eh more. Yalushie ithe were. | embarrassment and er oat] are eaten at frregulnr inbervels ad "It is quite impossible" the repart matter. , » ingly--"your office needs another; from "hiding with - = swing of ithe] (3.5 of the Department of Education tinues, id single ot ay men for No, it's not to be fixed up," Jerry iong er, does it, Jerry?" hands that suggested all the special mention, possible veplied. "And the worst of it is, she's] " af grapher, d I TT a fice: But [that were' Incking. big is that trustees and teachers shall| io get Lmesdipion he conineod me she's pm, » Boi I need you, Rawr, Jerry Slipped, his "Yes, but. Stevenville isn't z ory Seer ary gti ye at Lead unio en ne or Sratan iy ps lo anything ) -| arm ro! r and gave her a ki ty said Bra. Lane with the infec: A q 4 ' . hive CORO: # ay n ading her," oi SEA "Oh, Jerry!" $ a anced cold lunches are also suggested | getting thelr "damaged" vessels fn, "But' I can't understand!" wailed| = "Yes, I do." He kissed her aghin tion of * Tatas. we hve ato mothers. others ~ with Very big mileage, and Mrs. Donohue, and she gazed from and inughed, hur Hers 50 Ride voom to ues op Satuiiay? EY ctr many close shaxes, have: escaped al: | . fhe. to, the other _in_amessment:| guel a Rirele 'of wonder. and yes, of | Beverly could do more than it doss if ; Fv gy Mong nh see. Don't you know we want you, | i fer any min sould ha and 1 Mrs. Priec's stare has dosed 1 iit : : a Tockout.: 7 Andias Kate?" can't. have you living anyw else see why we Soulde't fx that op. | DARING IN WAR giont looks : ag Suit oy bring a codiple uf 3 and «ag obrious thing at danger paints, Jt be- Reluctantly and without pretend- than ust with ae, % 2 . en he fe p er arms round ing to comprehend the reasons pre- rug. him, felt her lips softly -brush bis; gs. from Mrs. Saylor. pa; sented to her, Mrs. Donohue bowed to y { : E i | i 1 : : ; i heek, and heard h : % he giperior intelligence . of = the : hee hy and head Jer Jay ln ren, \ "Who'd y the vent?" This was 2,000,000 MILES COVERED IN THE S Ch Aiud "What must be must be," she said And I do adore you so!" : a Joists She enthusiastic ones Init SUBMARINE ZONE. big distances and never been touched, - fs most to be congratulated. Our work with resignation. "But it certainly] CHAPTER XLIL : H j : H has been very. varied beyond general will take all the pleasure out of mov- 3 : " . Tah. In. Title ancugik-to fool From the Donohue's new suite of|an interest in that and ¥8| work in English Channel Called for | piiotage, and has comprised all sorts that we're losin ah nd | Fooms it was-enly a short. walk to|said the ofher day it just stand of duties, many of them of a volun. Wess lasing you 49 er and: the boulevard fronting the park. On this winter. I know. we osuld Great Resourcefuiness . and tary mature. It hag baen the 4 Betty iY Soar: hi Teel Sundays: Jerry and 'Kate usually took! have the use of it. There's a stove Scorn of Danger. event for any. ship to be detained at |; partly Tenets 35 ; had little! i oy err tind. in jt 'already" \ i : a Gravesend for lack of a pilot, and in . time for House ad ay the ion est the pry By made in the . Ty is in Jus Sstuiey In | tie times of pressure. men have gone ae what they should do in April dragged | of the new house on ha. boulevard | 2 . and. build the Ste, from ship to ship till nearly collaps- | sees dn Fo A oe pg at the corner of their street. Tt was | if the rest of you will take turns." |SMPPIE ing from sxbaustion Thev kant going: Tor mag 18 ri wed on, the less dis.| & large and handsome house in the Mrs. Earlham's quiet voice put con-|lish Channel, have been Sitio there whe to settle 1. (Ceotminn Ale tl ot dark-red | fidence in the group. «:[ by. score, to Harwich "Perhaps Kate won't get a job brick: ish ult Bw e that are Wi Some; Sool" chorused. sevens] a ie a ers. . Hight oft, Jerry gaia 10 his mother. | going to five there amt a8 happy as| "Well, let's tear off a little of this| Who, on voyage after voyage, . a an ay as tennants at wa ure it if Ho Kate as they wrapping paper and write down fully faced the geril of death at sea, gh arn BE Bl El i mre i a 7 "| glancing round and making sure that Temkin took =e the. secretapial| FELL a" was tn full activity, And if 3 Cop» in she the sailors, who, after all, enjoyed im- JocL should say. nok" declared Jerry RR ie eppedred | muy trom ifack when thelr ships | "And however grand they are, I|plans had been made. : reached the furthey seas, bave much {don't believe they have an "We ought to ave a cople of | remember, what must be the | nicer than our new parlor fi "| tables," suggested - Mrs. Brownell, | memories of the Trinity House pilots, pecially when Jou Shik of the "Each of us could bring a few maga- Whose duties Kept them continually fn Kate with a twinkle of mischief in| 71953 2 Place on + eating fables and Anfesiod WAISIBY ic of the Baier of Yes? she admitted. "I must say|Up for a writing table, Half the time who was, I'm 'iting resigned to having ot don't have as many to my- al the 1 'as I spend in tor it does look awfully well. A 'edurse, I never can Tike Mrs. Maguire --but it was a handsome present just the same." wy? Tod "(To be continued.) i | i isi B 8