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Port Perry Star, 2 Oct 1919, p. 8

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SATE for the fall roads. 0 For over fifty years Th Canadian + Reliners made out 'of: an * Bank of Commerce hasbeen serving old tire can be used jnan- | {| the people of Canada in ificreasing- Other tire to increaseyour | I} - ly'large measure, until at the pre- tire milage. 4 1 Il genttime we have over 470 branches. "Get 'that sniall Blow re-' | || : Lakh Cin paired before the sand | catering to the needsof the Country. d i N fearing ||| THE CANADIANBANK Teioas MW kinds oF oe made, OF COMMERCE ogi for his vegetables and fr J. NASMITH : = me y Eels them 10 y Tummonds Buildi : Ere = be cs Cn es LR RAR | Port Perry Branch H. J. White Manssr | | "5 ve tk i pgs sho and" pd EE ---- other stock to market, as well as haul = +. TAILORING =-- ICT | | Os potateesandapples fromthefield. ~~ as it should be. R. A. FITCH ET I E | gyihe Ford Truck brings the city tothe = Now is the time to lay : Butcher and Drover 2 armer's door. Jia Bon : 0p we einige Lai RE : plans for your new Wholesale and Retail Lads =k solves the problem of the shortage FALL SUIT . Fresh, Smoked and Cook Meats, Lard, Fish in Season 5.9 1a OP; ages Be a ome ih fore the other We sell at Lowest Possible Prices. ; +A saving in horses; a Saving men.» 2Z fellow and you will get Highest price paid for all kinds of Live Stock. Ford One-Ton Truck (Chassis only) = 3 better Selection of If you want to buy or sell in this line go to 2 : eh oh fob Porc) Ontapic pedis u oh > ; : : uy only Genuine Ford Parts a FITCHETTE'S. =: Port Perry 700 Canadian dealers and over 2,000 tong, for your ) -- i He Service Garages supply them. 122 . i 5 . We have : large assort- : hE es; / cloth to choose trem, ac | HUMPHRIES' LINIMENT very moderate prices, * is Gaining in Popularity W. H. DOUBT Those who use It are pieased with the result. If you have aches or pains; Rheumatism or Lumbago PORT PERRY CREAMERY try it and you will be enthusiastic as to its merits. WANTS YOUR CREAM Testimonials We will call for it and i Hemhbes ba ; Park Ave. Worcester, Mase, March 25th, 1912 / 3 A : to extend my nks to you for your hiniment, the pay - highest market eof which has been oh great Demers to msclt Lov sara Soros the In DE . Phone, and ° on Teck stiff joints an Tnflantato 2Juvels for pain a wing alleviated 'the have our rig call pain and | believe it to be a good article. - Respectfully yours, * A. S. Vamey. Allan Goode, Proprietor| = These testimonials sire mostly from the United States as dh AAA RANA TAIRA rp § have resided there for a number of years. AUCTION SALE WM. HUMPHRIES, Box 289, Port Perry On Friday, October 17th, Mr =, Al Smith, will sell his farm : ink stock and implements at his| == -- = e 0! anchester, : ae] i ot \ i Hae Mr Smith is giving up farming The FORD Garage 2 : = Foul Fan ile old. uti Is the place to get ir work d Ww Rn py Cay en 08. , Auctioneer 8 the place to get your repair work done. e ! i ; nia : "p : : id his farm, Mr. Ed- guarantee all work done by us and you can rely B C t CArS f ; { 2 stock and implements by. public a at are being ave proved a failure. 5 ~~ : ei Al ts lige esas 5 rsh Sa Sh suction at his premises, lots 23 fore gurshasin a new car Took the new Ford ss Insurance Records Prove Moderate i Sy and 24, concession 13, Reach, #| over, We will be pleased to show .you how | Drinking Increases Death. -rate te 350) ae rT my we a wh Hh a Ey Tle from Sea ate Sistion, on nice it works. Ford cars are the best value on i the market. Just figure the difference in hia ogee yn Say Geo. Jackson, Auctioneer an in the : IFE Insurance figures prove that the, excess of deaths among moderate teginporeici os rt drinkers over abstainers,runs from 119% to 74%. It is the business FOR SALE McKEE & HOOD Fok Phone 2 r 2 § of Life Insurance Companies to know the risks a man takes when he = One bedroom suite, ash,spring \ : $ ; uses liquor. * These Insurance men have -no theories to prove and ne mattress, 4 ft. bed, alsosink and doctrine to preach. Their figures are as cold as ice, and they make you 12 feet waste pipe. Bargain. nL ' s1. ! pay for the risks you run. To them it is simpl busi --a 'matter of =' -.C burign, Ghemne suet The Voters' List in Port Perry| fl Sh snd yom, Jo them itis simply business--a matter REALL has increased from about 350 %o over 700 since the las|: BE ; Gs : Eo Agr : SAE ne FOR S electrion, the majority of the new voters have neve| | . : . ST en Ts 40 Heavy spring wagon, capacity | voted before. ~~ : S +E Actuarial Comparison of Death Records - 1% to 2 tons, pair sleighs, heavy The Referendum presents four qnestions relating tol § : otal Abstainers Moderate Drinkers ; Bigog Denis Amos ah Tag BS ly bo he aR pn usk, 3 number of Bgl, the drink business, which have to be answered by the ballot | [ 2-2 4617 1% Perry, Ont The Referendum Committee, working in conjunétion |: f 40-50 i el ee Sonora with the omens Christian Temperaice Union, have . &l = ? Bin rr 0.7 » obtained literature explaining the questi VE : ; ; Ey LO ye Mrs John Mark and sister Mrs the protedure at the Polling A, mon, a : Sn Conor Frepered Yo RH. Moore: Actuary of the United Kingdom Temperance | - Wallace are spending 3 months is a : IF YOU WANT TO KNOW: Heh pt in Vancouver. . = a a ows fo ash your ial, oo) any of the following | #f = Are You Willing to Die Before : ths with h n in Al- > Im; It as you would, . |} y ne" a ao St oon aa return it to them and they will tell you if J Corr, Your Time for Sake of Bo re? a A very pleasant evening was ly marked so as to count as you wish. n iia ER ER Se TR ER Sa 4 3% Roselayin, the home. of .C. Noamith Mu. James Ward mes Stonehouse E: number of deaths among moderate drinkers averages 35% higher and Mrs Walter Mark, when| + W-D. Hagtison © Rev. John Ford ev. C, F. Stent MH : Ong abtaily ik BE T= a reception was given to Pte Geo. A, Rose | Ma iF arma : Mies John Swan : 2 ; : Fred Eldridge, who has zessiily ro AH. : No Bb. Murray Joe Hosuith, : 4 four in the army. The evening fx Ea i vas spent in games on lawn, rt music after which Mr John SRE THERES A SMILE REN I in every morsel in a box of our | Chocolates. A smile of enjoy- ] anticipation, : J the box, the contents are just ; lain, unalloyed delight. Try Boy 8 2 5 EE Ei.

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