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Port Perry Star, 1 Jan 1920, p. 7

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€l his Katchewan ying all doubt. the ©DOrmous benefits to be farin irrigation, Hor mn "the i District, 66,200 tons 'of fodder crops: 8,175,000 bushels of grain . have grown to the total value . vested included more. thar bushels of 'oats, nearly 400,000 of 0 x, and n vegetables no 'grown and a so from this ares. 'As another example of what he nomenal yields may be taken' fro land, the case of a Serer = nay be cited who on hig farm "a $9,000 harvest of alfalfa The yield was 14 bushels to the acre, which sold in_ the neighborhood at 80c. per 1b. and netted him & return of $7140 per acre. In the large irrigation 'block of the Canadian Pacific Railway east of Cal- gary there are approximately 6238,5( acres 'of * irrigable land, and 'the amount in the Lethbriage district ap proximates 110,000 sores, aking 4 total of 788, 600 acres. . Of this less 'than 20 per cent, was in pt. this year. On the basis of this year's average production on irrigated land this total "area is capable of producing crops to the value of between thirty ¢ and | ive million dollars yearly =~ with 'an «With such 'examples as these of the fruits of irrigation it is little. - that the farmers of. the dry ©. Alberta and Saskatchewan . ioring for extensions to thi systems (of ation' or th tion of new projects .or that the ~"yorities should -be- devoting more "ime and attention to the furthe "of the schemes of irrigation. ow project is already. under x as soyth area of Alberta whi The in the land in' She Reymond, Magrath districts, an pissioner of Irrigation, with hi , has recéntly aisance trip o- country, where he to 'wonder SR of the Jo preceding was hb} hair, han he Albanians says with more lity, "Long. hair, little brains." or a eae ie g vernable Sgaper inclination to enc," fa the | | will marry. rich? =.» Ni bad grace with the folk- pe is the enviable curly | character ation hair Jropliets have set down, Kinky 'hair is a sign of a 'hasty disposition, they i] Smit smooth, plain hair denotes! tthe. owner is peace-loving and A long and peacety] life is promised the owner of hair that grows low on the forehead and retreats up the head above the temples. Coarse hair indicates humble birth and a coarse nature. Black, short and curly hair indicates uncertain | temper, a tendency to alcohol, and an amorous nature, The darker the hair the more pow- erful the physical organization. Chest-| nut or dark brown hair denotes fair- ness in dealings, generosity, absence of deceit, but unhappiness in domestic life. Thick, straight and glossy brown: hair indicates a robust constitution, | oy energy. and eagerness in the pursuit; of life; thick, coarse and wiry brown hair, great determination of characte but natural ingenuity and ability; whilst dark brown long and smooth hair. indicates faithfulness in love,' 'many children, good heslth, and much new, rich, fadeless color to any : pric; Whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or | blouses, stockings, skirts, coats, feathers, draperies, : everything... ~The D any | 'goods, -- dresses, Reser or , or Ae rr pe cent. in 194 Sapital_ a during the tiv ont! res with tes. 20:1 pc per: ot jn yoe and} per cent. receding Soe e apial x Di the Jear, 8 Dar value oe be ok ¢ year, while a second ad- et issue was sold to the London County, Wi id Parr's Bank, '| Limited, with hi ch'the Royal formed a close. working erent in April last at a rite of 0 per share. ' These incréases brought the outstand- ing capital 'of the Canadign institution up to $17,000,000, the premiums on | thesnew 17.000 amounting to $3,000,000 {were added to reserve latter up to a parity with the capital. P, & L. Balance Over Million. After all deductions, which includ- shareholders the Tatin word librae, ; fie Edo 52 e300] .| amount row Boni esis op 8 and aise account of ST ove. or over twide the mount carried into, the 1919 accounts irom: the ? the past three years are oe ini the following 18 ble: 1917 Profits 3,438,264 2.800, ie 2.82 LOCH HR HE Ra HEH Total .+$8,969,021 $8,374,110 Dividends $1,866,196 $1,614,702 Bonus .., 34 9,000 Pension I. Premises . sis. 325 $1,649,404 100, 250, 8 156, 408 133,661 128,367 40.000 50,000 £00,000 Tot. ded.. i 382.603 $2,838, 308 Balance -.. $535, i Patriotic . Halifax PF. Reserve . years compare as follows: AS Coin and notes. 455.981, 5417 ! Cent. Gold Res... 24,600,000 i Notes oth. banks 3, 481. 250 Cheques, 28,757,240 a0. Due by Can. A Do, Ay aris "Govt. 3 ther securities. iCall loans, Can, 16, joel loans, out.. 83812751 Tot. a assets. $273,908,862 Curr. loans, Can. 143,259,518 Curr Joang Sut: 150350 0,271 366,080 7 36,699,976 44,705,300 10,067,481 7,018,444 + 16,467,978 760,000 173, 178.648 x 218, 910 v SH 047 DIRT Lon 982 1818 8, dem. pice, 329 irae: 278 ,465, HL 1978484 3 080, 000 0, 6,095.721 16,068 10,162,629 $897,647,102 14,000,000 Bills Letters Tredit , 16,467, 318 Fublic, nab. A $48 897, 243 i 000; 000 3,422 1,096,418 3,047,084 3%, 512,982 . German submanines take on an av- ten wee to reduce to "scrap," ue of about £2,500. ha Se b+ #2. . issued : "in the = . bringing' "the see. 061 | $664,264 | The buistios S18 5 of he last two v 24,374,191; commen | $224,082,088 pe tis better oy tar lend some. weaker one of Se : Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. TAKE NOTICE. * .We publish simple, straight testi- €ar| monials, n Trees agents' Interviews, trom well CR Realizing: hab the a the airplane so Nandls "Fron all or 'America they testify | capped because forced to take off and '| to the merits of MINARD'S LINIL |land at dangerous speeds, the French | MENT, the best of Household Reme- Aero Club offer 500,000 francs (8100 dies. | 000) to the inventor of an apparatu MINARD'S LINIMENT CO., LTD. | that will rise and descend vertical : yet attain a horizontal speed of 200 kilometres (124) miles an hour), Minard"s Tintment Cures Garget in Cows, * Why Viz. and Oz.? "De + sou kriow what thesa everyday | A microphone, suspended from a "signs mean, and thelr origin?" ¥ boat, with a telephone receiver at, the * Viz, is from the first two letters of | boatman's ear, is a method now suc- videlicet, a. Latin word meaning cessfully used by Norwegian market "namely." The z is a'corrapiion of shermen for detecting and locating an ancient sign, something like a 3 schools of fish. that was pladed at the end of a ~ Abbreviated word. In course of vime ! SYRUP Ur HGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE 'this 8 has become 7. The same thing applies to oz. the abbreviation for ounce. The letters 1b,, standing fcr pounds in weight, are the first and third of Cwt. (hundredweight) and dwt. | DEOmyweight) are also abbreviations of Latin words. C is the Latin num- 'eral for a hundred, d the first letter of denarius (penny), and wt. js short for sd sie the e first letters of libras; ah aiesda denamnii, all Latin words, meaning pounds, shillings, and pence. Sic, meaning "literally," idem, meaning "as before stated," and ibid., - | meaning "in the same place," are also i from the Latin. ---- The purest bréeds of Arab horges have pedigrees going back 500 years. Tittle Tver and bowels For Coughs, Colds, | and the relief of in Accept "California" Syrup of Figs flammatory conditions | only--Jook for the name California on of the throat arising the package, then you are sure your from Bronchial, Asth- | (hig 1s having the best and most matic Sffections, ad harmless laxative or physic for the Rn Organs. | }ittle stomach, liver and bowels. Prepared from Spruce i Children love its delicious fruity Gum and other medi-: | taste. - Full directions for child's dose cinal agents, Success» ' on each bottle. Give it without fear. fully used for 60 years. Mother! You must say California." ciqfiaisrsve buy the Large Size Book on DOG DISEASES and Mow to Xoed- Mailed Free to any Ads dress by the Author, XX. Clay Glover Oo., Ino, 118 West 81st Street New York, U.B.A ACE ------------_---- \ "Youdon'tneed metcury,potash or any other strong mineral to J jp cure pimples caused by poor P blood. Take Extract of Roots--- ¢ ¥ regulate bowels. ( ; chums 3c 40 1 00Beten. applications 52 Wantabut iene But when he gets it, then also He wants a little 'more. Chicken io is exceilent made biscuit crust. "Danderine" will check that . ugly dandruff and stop air JSOping out any drug or toilet gountei for a tow cents, pour a litié in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several the hair usually stops comiug oul and Fomssoan't Dd sMy S. dandruff.' Sdoh every hair om your scalp' shows new life, vigor, ness, thickness and more color, ©

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