* Personal Notes Mr. Mac Beare and James Boe are in New York attending the motor show. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Mindy, of Oshawa, celebrated the 60th anniversary of their wedding on January 4th, 1920. Mr. and Mrs, Mundy were residents of Port Perry for many years, and "we pleased to know they are enjoying good health. Mr. C. Hodgson, of Raglan, has sold his farmito a Mr. Claughton of flverta The sale was effected by W.'J 2 Cook. Mr. Samuel Ewers, of Park-, dale, spent New Years at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vickery. . W. J. Trounce, formerly of ort Perry and now residing 'at Columbia Court, 431 Riverside Drive, New York, sent kindly tings to Mr. C L. Vickery family, Ir, Wm, Asling, of Montana, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. John Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dunlop, of Coldwater, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davey. A men's choir will lead in the musical service next Sunday morning -and evening in the Methodist Church, Don't forget the meeting of the Daughters of the Empire in € Armouries this Thursday afternoon at 3.30. * Mrs. E. B. Walker w:ll raceive on Thursday rext, Jaruary, the ~ fifteenth, from four to six o'clock Miss Estelle Bull has returned from holidaying 'at Bloomfield, nd has resumed her music lasses. Picture Show Mr. W. J , Hamshaw i is putting 'on "The Turn in the Road" at. the Town Hall on Saturday even- ing, January 10, and a good show on Monday evening. Usual prices. Broke One Ribs Miss Butt had the misfortune * to fall and break one ribs this week. . 'A Pleasing Play ; The Girls' Club is going toput oa a 3 8 play entitled "Back to the on Friday evening, Jan- ; ary ary 161 in the Seagrave Metho- | Church. The play will be ots, and musical num- Silver Wedding At the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson, 0g, on the evening of January t, a very ; ior social evening was spent by a few of their neigh- bours and friends, the occasion being the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Jackson. After an hour or two spent "in an games and music, the gues. gathered § in the parlor an sented a handsome silver casse- role tothe host and hostess, ac- companied by the following 'ad: 5: To Mr and Mrs. Win Jackson: Dear Friends -- It us real pleasure to assem Be with you and your family in your pleasant-home, on this the first night of the New Year and especlally because the occasion affords us an "opportunity to J. |congratulate youupon the 25th anniversary of your wedding. The beginning of a New Year is always full of interest. Like an unwritten book of 3656 pages the New Year comes to us to- day. If God spares us to See the enc of the year we shall 'have made in it 365 entries and those records are fully known to none but God. Eternity alone shall reveal them. On this day we like to glance back over the past and then with fresh cour- age and hope for better things to turn away from the Old Year and begin anew. It was per« haps for some such reasons as these that you chose that-New Year's day twenty-five years ago to take your: marriage vows and begin life 'together: Happy New Year in which : lay the foundations of your new home. The intervening years have passed very swiftly. It seems but a short time since we greet- ed you gaily with congratulat- 1ons and good wishes as a young | bride and groom of twenty-five years ago. Time has left only a few traces of his passing and you may truly say in the words of the old song "Always young and fair to me."" We congrat- ulate you also in respect to your family, that you have been able to bring up be your side three lovely gaughters ters and a Jilwart son. as been good to you and there are no vacant "chairs in your family-cirele. To found a home and bring up a happy family of children who shall in their turn be God-fearing 'and law-abiding citizens is the great- est work a man and woman can 0, You have proven yourselves worthy of our sincerest esteem and have won our affection by your unfailing kindness and all those other qualities which go to make good neighbours. It is our prayer: that God's blessing may continue to rest upon you and your family. "May many more years be added to your sum, And, late af last, in tenderest ove the 'beckoning angels Please "scsept this 'token | of love and esteem from your urs on Seugog. e tation was followed | 1 i oblia. {For Councillors-- Na of Candidate For Réeye-- SRE es 'James Lucas. . James Stonehouse Allan Goode . . John Nasmith . . James Waddell. Charles Rundle . "James Swan . George Davey. . For School Trustees-- Wm. Graham W. H. Letcher. S. J. Mellow . z H. Purdy C.Jeffrey . . . . 56 The Council for 1920 will now be-- Reeve--James Lucas $293 Bessa 88 IEC 66 61 70 81... 73 71 66 rumen sesags Councillors+=Messrs. Allan Goode,' John Nasmithi, Fakes : Waddell, and Charles Rundle. For School Trustees the following erg: elscted-- Tra Mesgrs. Wm. Graham, W. H. Letcher, 8 oJ OSHAWA ae John Stacey was re-elected M E. L. Vickery defeated W a E. H. Purdy. F L Mason was successful b Watkinson, Hetlow, ad 3 ayor over T. B. Mitchell onlin for the Reeveship.. ority over F. a large m labor"candidate for Es Re roam J. McCready was elected First Deputy Reeve by acelama- ¥ tion, 'The 1920° Coudeillors are; Rice, H Cawker, W Li Law, W H Ross, - G Morris, J V Hill, T Hawkes, and R A LINDSAY a) Mayor--B. L. McLean, acclamation. ~Reeve--E. E. W, McGaffey. Councillors--Thos Wilkinson; W J Graham, Felix Gassien, CA Lander, AW Brown, c Cc W M Allin, A R Goyne Wadge, . ~ ok W J Ferguson, Coombe, Adams, Carew. Other Places Uxbridge Tp.--David Watson, Reeve, Owen Davies, Dep. Reeve. Be | Sure to vote for 0 the Hydro By-Law... onF riday this week Diy} Mixed Soft d for Sale I have a quantity of dry 16 in. tamarac and spruce for sale. Apply to Richard Woon, R. R. No. 2, Seagrave. Bell phone No. 115 r 4, Card of Thanks 1 deeply appreciate the kindly" & sympathy which prompted the generous and practical assistance, - of my friends, Their help and thoughtfulness have been of great value in our time of %rial through illness. Scott Tp.--Alex. Noble, e. DON'T JUMP MP To Oo CONCLUSIONS. What 1s i difference between rem- ind cure? Any disease which is le to recur tannot be dehntely ieured.? You may Shape o the gorms from the system--but tha 3a muply remedying it, +A man suffers for years with Rheu- 'matic; After trying numerous treat aes is without success, pleton' Pheumatic Ca pules, and is re- stored to perfect h A year or so ater, Rhersatie Symp- toms appear again, What does he im- mediately conclude? That itis his old trouble rotayneds that the medicine he took had only a tempo orary effeety ho will never again be well. pression is the ou, we wish to e 0 _entirel 8 Phonovor Templeton's pa Sona caro given 'a fair 'trial emody Rheumatism, uritis, Paid 5S: T ' sired ise euralgit, TRC.' won' ys he takes Tem- that - Cartwright News Mr. Richard Suggitt, of Nes- 'tleton Station, was ma cently to Mrs. McArthur The play entitled "theDeacon" given 'by: the licans was characters did well, Tom Smith as "'Dedcon" Howard: Bailey as negro servant. The 'Rivals by Request. 2 put stock was greatly enjoyed, and is to be repeated at Janetville on: | Friday evening, The first meeting was held in Station last Sunday. There i is Some tatk of Union of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches at Blackstock. This is "la move in the right direetion: Albert Golloge, Belleville, at longs to the Methodist Church, but has had hundreds of young men and women of all churches among its students.. The city of Belleville has given a magnifi- cent site Jor a new "Albert Col- lege, The Methodist National ile will help. this project. has had 150 additions to. its membership recently. Fred, Todd, married re-| ul, and the various} . and} on by the Methodists at Black- the basement of the new Pres-|I byterian church at : Nestleton| The Cannington District of i] the Bay of Quinte Conference] y mother {4 'land' Ei Miss Cora, ve re-| : famed o afters and Fatmer organization officials and leading 3 {financial men. : e one we was taken Away, We miss shee 'and ae take Her i And dwell i in memory of days t have _ been. de A se an with i And or hey ei Were introd ed