aE aan _----_-- _ wm HN u ATT RARER ae Salen ie Ag Ri PRR, I IT TT pt 'By DANA BURNET. 2 gE tl 2 IL 2 and bis charm and good humor were exactly half an hour after leav-| incontestable. ain own dock, the dugout, driven| "Boy," said the judge, "liquor!" energy of the blacks,| The negro in the white apron ap-; o town wharf. The colonel | proached with a tray from which each, rope an d, and tossing a handful of | gentleman took a glass of Wl s ; his crew bade them wait! and remarking, "Your 'health, sir," 5; return. e negroes dis-| downed it without the erate aid one of their number with the| of water. After which, the four ori- y to" buy food and sweetmeats; al Risyers sat down once more at Drompily curled up and|the table and waited for the colonel. ep. e colonel mi; re-| to complete the preliminaries contin-| ' hi ht return' gent upon his participation in the a --he would wait-| game. : "if "ing just where he had left them These were simple, 'but invoilable. Colonel Philip walked slowly up the First, he removed his hat and gave wharf and through the main street of it to the negro; then he removed his the town, pausing to answer the: salu-| coat and placed it 'over the back of; ions .of such citizens as greeted his chair. Next, he took from his . or sweeping off his hat in re- pocket "8 small clay pipe which he Tad 's: smile of recogni-! filled and lighted," nally; he sat | Bowever, he entered down in his chair, picked up the hand. , where they were compelled toi man the Hghter. This vessel, there-| upon, amid lamentations, put forth and was soon lost to view. - She had no more than disappeared, however, when the tolonel, Gh ing up, saw_Sophia standing in door- way, evidently much perturbed. "0h, Philip,' she" exclaimed, "what does it mean? They have taken BPErE on hs Zachaxing, the husband of my ma af "You ira veally hago idle a» Sle Harri y Co gir: lave made appl Then she perceived Ramon, and her 58uce, she admitted, "for the vertical agitation changed to a very pretty] sections are quite good, but the others confusion. : ..|=Took! Didn't you ever see the apple} "I am sorry! I did not know--" blossom inside?" and she sliced a thin : she murmured. ; horizontal portion and held it to the the door of the Planters' Hotel, bowed that had been dealt him and sald,! Madame, gaid the Solopek coldly, ! light, laughing at their incredulous %o the several gentlemen sitting in | "Gentlemen, if the pot is open, I will! et ne present, ¢ Joi Oldm amon faces as they saw the rose-like outline the dobby : (each gentleman had a lcome in; jf it is not open, I will Ivete, 2 ir SB ir. Alvarey 8nd the star of seed pockets. Z brass cuspidor beside him) x bowed on Pe it!" . that Haoment. PF t on ro nes ne I spoken "Now these you will know," she just. the proper ee e white- e game, from that moment, pro-, ger : 2 rofl a scraping in his path, ceeded without interruption until six' AlVeres bowed - gracefully, then promised as she sat down with a paper and st gat the ir bowed to 'thirty o'clock p.m. when an adjourh- the cle: straightening up, looked at the colon- in her hand. "These are the names of "on duty. The latter, in re-| ment was taken for refreshments. ply, leaned forward and said ., "Goold =hy » pr el's wife, "I regret, Senora," he said,| nuts and apples. I'll toss a peanut gravely: After these had.been consumed, the "that 1 have been unintentionally the| to 'the first one calling out the right : etitig, Colonel Gardiner!" gentlemen "renewed their. poker. At cause of your unhappiness. I shallianswer." Then she gave these ques- ""% fine evenin', sir!" {midnight a light supper was served, : the more than glad to return to you tions: ; "The "colonel drew himself ~ up as following which the gentlemen yenew-' the, slave Zacharias, \ 3 What apples are these? a though acknowledging a perional ed their. poker. The colonel Joan in Smaak Jo otk kaBT of yon | 1 What! we' dé when' we réach '4 i "Sir. a fine in', + } le. | ' : ; -no-furt mpliment "Siew Tae evan & excolens fate, He bad emt 3 "lv ovned "00N he none. Esl, (Sere tries) so--yes, sir!" x had drunk .a quast of good whisky te "With your permission; senor?" 2. A-sovereign, (King) Ce : ; ili i i "« 3, Used after butchering. (Smoke- The row. of gentlémen seated in the and had won thousand dollars. * | Colonel Philip, said. stiffly. Your | " 1obby nodded their heady eid hi 7 But' his "luck was aT ont, for, generosity, does Jou boners oe Bo? house.) Shir and' spat'as 'one into their several | when the game ended -by agreement Susk § = in sut pg a youy. +4; An old-fashioned receptacles. . The colonel passed onjat dawn. he had lost thirty thousand ta 8 Tyo a Bree Fh p.ace:o e gne flower.) i> the broad, red-carpeted flight of | dollars to Ramon Alvarez, the young You intend So return. . |b. Part of en animal. (Sheepnose,)' stairs. no : I Spaniard, - 7; The Spaniard rmiled, showing his! 65 a'iur, '(Astrakhan) Arriving at the second floor, he; "Sir," id; the colonel, rising and' White teeth... "As you willl" he said, .'One of Coopers novels. (Spy.) avails Se the serie ni ht neg i sll fore in (he Jone, 4° REEF Sohne oka Manca Jocomotses. (Hal his "pustied- open and 'stepped directly! Your Tuck 'was™ 'phenomenal, sir. her with hi bold brown eyes, ial into a spacious, high-ceiled =~ room| Phenomenal!" it oug ni were some rips 'whic hazy with tobacco smoke," In thei "It would need to be, senor," re- het mprint upon 1 8 I Sootis centre of the chamber four gentle. turned Alvarez, laughing, "to defeat en 5 was BDTOUnESs ; an ® a men; sat playing cards about a round such playing as yours." Le hat an 0 gown of ge oF mahogany 'table, At' a sideboard' The colonel bowed once more, and a ab. Isp, Byes fo be va, age er: 1. A month. (May apple.) | against the wall, a negro in a white then, with rare delicacy, approached Pa ef. arms an ho y 8 ls lind 13. The most beloved apple. (Apple apron was pouring liquor out of a cut-! the matter of payment. He said that! her firm smooth neck rising: Irom. i}, ove) . glass decanter. [he -had not, un ortunately, so much the Renils slope of her Bogert, Al} 14. The apple that is never swal- "As the oolofiel entered) the gentle- cash in hand, but. that if Alvarez YAeZ COU d not repress a start of ad- Cr. Sy \ men at the table rose and bowed. would come to his plantation he might miration. All through the meal,' one ™ gan s apple) The colonel bowed in return, and ad-| select thirty slaves worth $1000 which the colonel signalized by deliv-| le) e sweetest apple. vancing, shook hands with the first' apiece. Ramon readily agreed fo this ering an extensive homily upon the ple.) three. { plan, and the colonel invited him to art of cooking rice, Ramon kept watch 16. A color. (Green apple.) "Good evenin', Mr. Preble. Good come to his overseer the following | of the radiant beauty of his hostess.| 17, A sharp apple. (Thorn apple.) evenin', Mr, Hobbs, Good evenin',' afternoon. Then, bidding a formal, After tea, they repaired to thel 18 An impudent apple. (Apple Judge Oldmaster," farewell to his Friends Preble, Hobbs Seawing Jos through 4M hose ad sauce.) "Good evenin', sir." an master, Colone ilip left the Ny ro 3 012000, A gf f sibn. iden' The last individual, a big, blooming- hotel gs Je ha entered i, valu, un- Separtiig day. Jong Singer ; ot ent! blush.) sign o confusif n. (Maidens man with steel-rimmed spectacles set ruffled, dignified, with only a s ight- i 4 Lai Tow upon a large crimson nose, with ly flushed cheek to betray the extent old mahogany and made wan the| 20. It gathers in the crops. (Har- a wave of the band indicated the of his gentlemanly dissipation. Walk- flower. ; (Gill Minard's Tiniment Cures Diphtheria iy 7 # - The Thanksgiving Secret. - Once counted I my little store; Why was to others given more? Why were their lips. with honey fed, = While I had labor's hard-earned bread? A weary, hopeless task seemed living; 1 could not bring to God thanksgiving. win.) 9. A kind of shoe. (Russet.) 10. Where we do all. hope to go. (Paradise.) 4 ri 5 11. Found in rivers. (Crabapple.) {Love ap- There came a poor 'man to my: door, 4 I shared with him my gcanty store, When lo! my sense of want had oy ' And rarest riches were my own! [if 1 sepmed with heaven's own mé fed, * : ; What blessed joy there is in living! ~ 1 brought to God my glad thanksgiv- ing: i aah flames of the candles burning in their, vest apple.) g fourth member of the party. {ing down to the wharf, he roused his scones. Sophia seated herself. at the| 21, It falls from the sky. "Coloriel Gardiner, air, 1 have the negroes, got into his dugout and was MASHVE rosewood piano, and. played apple!) i honor to present Mr. Ramon Alvarez, rowed home through the early morning | tinkling waltzes lazily, while the twi-| Nuts, fo'm'lly of St. Augustine, but now,|at a pace that would have done credit' light deepdned and che candles grew| i Part of a house. (Walnut.) sir, 'of this community. Mr. Alvarez to a contemporary steamboat. as bright as so many little Swords. 2. 'Abbreviations. of - two boys' has purchased some land down the! An hour later, having" bathed, | Finally, she struck into a certain air.| oo" (Rilhert),. . "river and purports to raise indigo.| shaved and donned fresh linen, he! Ahl exclaimed Alvarez, springing! "5a JF Gels B Mr, Alvarez--OColonel Gardiner." | breakfasted with his beautiful wife, uP; I know the wards to that!" And) toot 0 dairy. (Buf- «1 'am happy to meet you, senor," who received him as usual, present-| BOING to the piano, he sang in aj ternut, cream nut.) Ci ent Alvaren smiling. | ing_her cheek to be kissed and smil-| pleasing tenor voice the song that she: 4. Found near the sea. (Beech nut.) "Sir, T am your servant," replied ing across the snowy table whenever had begun. For the next hour he fe-{ 5. A letter of the alphabet. (Pea~ the colonel, grasping the hand of the she met his glance. | mained. at Sophia's side, rendering, nut.) sl other and measuring him with a keen| "There will be a gentleman to visit innumerable Spanish ballads, to which| .g, Part of the body. (Chestnut.) glance, He saw a young man, small | this evenin'," said the colonel, as he she improvised graceful' accompani-i* 7 A girl's name. (Hazel nut.) and elegant, with the dark complexion | heaped his plate with steaming spoon- mens. The, Selenet sat in TY 8. Good to drink." (Cocoanut.) of a Spaniard and the delicate fea-|fuls of hominy; "he will have tea with chair and pulled his mustaehe, listen: 9. A tough wood. (Hickory nut.) 10. A quick look and a girl's name. (Pecan,) : . EE WES L White enamelled 'woodwork may bs cleaned with whiting on a moist cloth, SHE THOUGHT DRESS WOULD LOOK DYED But "Diamond Dyes" Turned (Snow Her Faded, Old, Shabh Apparel Into Nev . Don't worry about perfect results, Use "Diamond Dyes," guarantead to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, dresses, ised | Sharp saylgs. iis for the same soap does not agree with ere ure always gant] sitite all skins. Use a make that has beerl| uo cruel, sting gra shally und satisfactory in your case, andi co on nb oaiate laugh at. A avoid this trouble. Dm un Ie Te _ No matter how hard you use YOUT| ouiuram more than ha hands you need never be ashamed of| cig verifies nothing. them if you faithfully carry out these |. quite so. clever, in fa few instructions, I am speaking from | i the nest 'quality there is in personal experience for 1 have proved | ojiar Those who are beloved are;not the truth of my advice here given.' | ioaking to shine in a starry resplend- ment ~* hence by the eclipse of other light. ! Stay-at-Home Girl. '| They encourage the others to bring There is a gjrl in our town who is out the Bast that iu them 38. They sre kept at home pretty closely by: the guiltless of 'snubs', fo. a Ide ae care of an invalid mother. Money was Dirgtion, ang tend or Drom ae t y y riot plentiful inher family and she al- bile - hp 57 They at or rad most never had any spendihg" money 10 bs ae } ings i wg y ¥ she could really call her own. So she brid Sure. he Ee ; Fk his oh ox began casting about for some means of | Sa: a: "and pie Bis. humiliat on" tuising her few spare moments into) 'is more contemptible tham he en. s who pours on a work in progress his She coNid mekersiever ile bn asperities, and, when it has survived cook, but it took her a fong\ time to them all, withhone hig prajse. connect ithese two accomplishments, | ' ; One day it occurred to her to make lit- tle booklets of her favorite recipes and illustrate. them with sketches showing the different operations and the fin- ished dishes; > She got heavy brown wrapping paper and cut it into sheets five inches wide and seven inches long, which were folded and tied together with bright-colored wrapping cord, making attractive little booklets. These were decorated with a cover design in ink with a few dabs of watercolors, and on each page was a recipe with the accompanying" illustrations in the corners of the same page. The recipes were plainly printed in ink. In one book were cakes, in another salads, in another candies, ete. ] 3. When a supply of these were ready she mailed them to.a women's ex- change in a nearby city and soon had orders for more. Now she supplies | several exchanges in different cities: Shé told me recently that she is plan- ning to have a new set of recipes each month; so her patrons may have a new booklet frequently giving those recipes which are in season. r - a os i Cinderella--Minus Cinders! sAbout 700 years B.C., there lived a maiden, who, though not called "Cin- derella,' was undoubtedly the person represented in the popula* fairy tale. tures of an aristocrat. He had ajus and stay the night." ing with a rather grim expression black moustache, white teeth that! "Al" exclaimed Sophia, and un- of countenance to the music Whose fled and a pair meaning he understood but little, His gleamed 'when he sm i of bold, flashing brown eyes. His fnanner was one of careless gayety, consciously uttered a sigh. "Are you displeased, madam?" in- quired the colonel rather sharply. 3 fo. oA manner as he bade Alvarez -good- night, however, was one of unquali- fied courtesy and good-will. Amazing Skil in Restoring Paintings Some years ago Sargent's portrait of Henry James, displayed at the emy, was badly hacked by ded by a suffragist. - The yestoration, which was en- "to Roller, was not overdiffi- vas, after the painted sur- ) with - tissue painting is firmly attached to its new. be done with hot water, and the sur- | a8 it was when the artist painted it, | brush. (To be continued.) err em Apr His Pocket Was Bare: Teacher was giving a lesson on good behavior, and wanted to drive it home to the children's minds. First she sought to point out the wickedness of stealing. . "Johnny," she said to one small scraping until nothing remains of the original but the fragile shell of pig- ment adhering to the paper. Then the new canvas is covered with the strongest fish glue obtainable and pressed firmly down upon the paper bearing the picture. As soon as the and took ou be?" But, instead of replying "A thief," Johnny looked at her solemnly, and remarked: x : "A conjurer!" ; a penny, what would T foundation nothing remains 'but to take off the manilla paper. This can face of the painting has only to be cleaned to look as bright and olear In days gone by many masters of painted thelr works on wood or | '|order and Nan's table was duly ad-| mired, The cdndles sat in hig hol-' ne day, whilst bathing in a river near lowed out apples on small doilies, and her home, an eagle is said to have had plain red shades. A low basket of swooped down, and playing the part flaming Virginia creeper that trailed of the fairy godmother, snapped up ' over the polished table was the center- one of her sandals which was on the boy, "if I put my hand in your, pocket, {' A box of chocolate-covered nuts 'was By this time refreshments were in" then known world. piece and narrow red ribbons ran from bank. . the basket to each place. ngerie clasps for the girls and gee cuff links for the boys "It's thought and good terials that make a said Nan to herself, : soon 'attracted royal attention. use of ma-| "truck by its sise appy party," ess, too, the and she smiled would find out the ¢ © {or Mesfuengers were de: It was during the rulings of one of h ale the twelve Egyptian Kings that this first prize and a papier-mache peanut peautiful Eastern girl, Rhodope by filled: with small candies the booby.!| name, came under 'the notice of the Rhodope had remarkably small feet. gets. | Carrying the little shoe off in his' "The last nut to crack," Nan @s-! beak, the bird is reported to have ed them. These held inexpensive dropped it immediately in front of the king, and, naturally, the little sandal %0 small, and the | 'king vowed he despatched, and was See for the foot blouses, stockings, skirts, children's Coats, feathers, draperies, coverings, --everything. ~~ a The Direction Book with each pack- age tells how to diamond dye over any 'color. on To match any show you "Diamond Dye" material have dealer - Color 'Card. -