great" bloat up at. times and almost ¢ and 'often when at work "them I gained thirteen pounds in weight. I may add that I began the use, of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a esult of what they did for a niece, a 1 gel we t a critical operation, : 0 not regain her strength | ane started using tlie pills. In they fully restored her health, i hor Se encouraged me to begin their : use 'with, as I-have already sald, al restoration of health in my | case. A # The Britian Tommy {a cheery, Sats dependable, - He Dimselt successfully, in ool cullar fashion, to.strange coun. ries, comrades and responsibilities. in "Georgla--not that which Sherman marched , but Transcaueasian (Georgia; neighbor to unhappy Armenia ae, Melville Chater, a recent 'Amert- "can visitor, found him very much on he job. He was, indeed, the one en- ~ Aivening 'element amid tragedy. and confusfon. The American first learn: sed of his activities - from a British (colonel, his travelling companion on a in train, © There had been nha, "me," ¥ It is perhaps not Tor his loglo that the Great Britain Thomas is respected Fin Georgia; but respected he is, - i ees tn + The Real Good. "What is the real good?" * 'I'asked in musing mood. Order, sald the law court, Knowledge, said the school, Truth, said the wise man, Pleasure, said the fool, Love, said the maiden, Beauty, said the page, - Freedom, sald the dreamer, Home, said the.sage, Fame, sald the soldier, Bauity, the ' seer. : Spake my heart full sadly, "The answer is not here," : = «adn which I find y 'Wisdom, and cheer, and love, "offices | -------- A Strike in the Congo. +A novel method of breaking a strike is described 'by Mr. BE. Torday, who tells about some of the curious cus. toms of the Central African tribes in|. the Congo. 1 erossed the river in a canoe, he says, and then my luggage was carted to a place above the falls 'where another boat was waiting for me. . "The boat was only a dugout, but it was so large that it required a crew of forty paddlers, which was changed at every village so that the men should not be taken far from their homes: In one place the men refused to t-|not the nature of little 'to be weit an . | work, and for a time I was unable to | proceed; 'Leaving the women in the « deorian Village, they withdrew to-a distance -and mocked me. ;| the better for everyone: "deal - and no amount of totes reap deal cheers 'him--something. is: the 1 r. It is ild is a dose of | "will soon eB vn Give: Baby's Own Tablets and be well again. "The Ta the bowels and stomach; banish cons- tipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers 'and relieve the other minor ills of little anes. Con- cerning them Mrs. Oscar Bedard, Ste. Sophie, Que., writes: --"Baby's own Tablets are-an excellent 'remedy for "eonstipation, They relieved my little one when nothing else would and I can strongly recommend them to all mothers." The Tablets are sold by 'medicine = dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont.' ee, Beloved Books. For many friends I've found in books I thankful am; Among them Dorothea Brooks, And Plekwick's Sam, From many, a page they smiling look In prose or song, And. in my heart they fill a nook, . That friendsome. throng. They offer. fair and happy haven, "given, " Ana comrades' hc th "SYRUP OF OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove pol« 'sons_from little stomach, "liver and bowels Accept "California" "Syrup of Figs ghly-loak for the name California on port is having the best and most 'those of our friends and 'assoctates The most successful selfishness Is Waselfain ¥ 'are a mild | | but thorough laxative which regulate free. , then you are sure your | ~ cles harmless laxative or physic for the | "That psychic expert says there are trees and animals in the spirit world." 1+ "Mebbe there are," sald Farmer Corntossel., . _choppin' wood an' drivin' hosses are among the things of this life that I 'was hopin' to get away from." Marion Bridge, C.B., May 30, '02. I have handled MINARD'S LINI- MENT during the past year, It is al- ways the first Liniment agked for here, and unquestionably the best seller of all the different kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. ~ Norwegians Live 'Long, The: average length of lite of the Norwegian is greater than that of any other nationality of which there is any record. America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Dog DiSEhsks How to Feed Mallen Free iy Ad- dress. by the Author, 3. Olay Glover Oo, Ino. 118 Went 31st Btreet + Now York, U.B.A ughs and Colds Mean 'Restless Nights which GRAY'S LL RED SAY Montreal D-WATSON & CO. New York ATTACKS NERVES Sloan's Liniment scatters: the congestion and' relieves pain ttle, applied without rubbing, wit x ee immediately and 'rest - '1 and soothe the nerves. fr a's Liniment is very effective laying external pains, strains, Brus joes, stiff joints, sore mus- bago, neuritis, sciatica, rheus 2 bottle always on hand for a use. Made in Canada. Druggists everywhere, 8c, 70c,, $1.10; = 5 oan' BAST ITE 3 "Only I must say that | Let "Danderine" save yous hair and double its beauty, Oh, girls, I iy abundance of thick, heavy, invigorated hair; a per- fect mass of wavy, silky hair, glorious- ly fluffy, bright and so easy to manage. Just moisten a cloth with a little "Danderine" ' and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this magically re- moves all dirt, excess oil and grease, but your hair is' not left brittle, dry, stringy or faded, but charmingly soft, with glossy, golden gleams and tender lights. The youthful glints, tints and color are again in your hair. "Danderine" is a tonic beautifier. Besides doubling the beauty of the hair at once, it checks dandruff and stops falling hair. Get delightful Dan- derine for a few cents at any drug or toilet counter and use it as a dressing and Invigorator as told on bottle. Po Vor VW NYT YT. TOVTHVIDTHTITO Cause of : Early Old Age | The celebrated Dr. Michenhoff, an eutho,ity on old age, says thatitis "caused in the BB BBD nip YOUR EMPTY BAGS- EMPTY ces our, bran sacks: to B gt) cea. Geo. Stevens, 304 Mark KNITTING YARNS 'NITTING = YARNS, soft lambs' wool four- ng yarns in sixteen colors. thing for sweaters, ulloyers. 3 children's wear, ade 1 s from pure Lambs: Wool nothing somewhat the high ns, much cheaper, as Your an direct buy to the spinners. Price wenty cents skein or three dollars Pi pound, Bi sample skein, twenty cents, pos Also heavier yarns in homespun style, aH wool to wash at home, in Grey, Black, and White at one y per pound. Large thirty cents, postage free. Postage extta on all orders under ten Sollara, Searge- town Woollen Mills; etow! ne tario, Note--Carders and 5 Sp nners Want- ed, used to country life, - WOOD ASHES. IF YOU HAVE A CAR FOR SALR write me. Geo. Stevens, 364 Mark Street, Peterboro. JF, YOU HAVE A FIRQ AND HAVE a car or more of scrap iron I au come and aos ra you where it lays, Stevens, 864 Mark Street, Peterboro. UTIFUL = an Lge WANTED 70 DO PLAIN ght sewing at. home whole of. Kood pay, Ay id sent any dis- a chars paid. Send stam sor a tional Manatees me pany, Montreal. 3 ore STOCK WANTED. IF YOU are able to supply, advise us, as wa will pay the highest prices, dry or. gr. from the saw. Keenan Bros, tod Owen Sound, Ont. C aterm TUMORS, LUMPS, internal and external, cured jain b by our , home treaiment too la Bellman Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. ANTED = RELIABLE, tie. men, farmers' sons; fi ers or others who can devote some of their spare time to [ohienent ay a Balesmen for Nursery Stock, ly up-to-date ganvassin aititad frie of ® and offer remuneration. Appl Hy " Maple Grove Nora ries, Winona, Ont. CALOMEL! It's Mercury! Quick- silver! Shocks the Liver--Danger! ER You're biltous, but take JraperSta"s You have a throbbing sensation in your head, a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, your skin is yellow, with dark rings under your eyes; your lips are parched, your bowels are constipated. © No wonder yod feel foggy, mean and illtempered. You need Cascarets to-night. Don't cone tinue being a bilious nuisance to yours Self and those who love you, and don't resort to harsh physics that irritate and injure. Remember that most dis- orders of the stomach, liver and bowels are ended by morning with gentle, harmless Cascarets--they work while you sleep, never gripe, shock, sicken or inconvenience you. They're grand! "ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"