Dome « e up in Smart read -Ho-w 31 more dressy styles a a, SKIRTS and WAISTS 'Skirts are shown in medium lengths i in plain tailored styles. The materials are Serges, Tweeds, Wool Jersey and "Silks, PY " Many Anesof. dressponds are bone shown. in new. weaves and has es. Wool Jersey Cloth, Hair Line Stripe Serge, Plain pGeoraatte. . SZ a . LADIES' WAISTS erge, Tricotine, Velour and Tweed Coatings, Polo. Cloth, etc; § -- There will be an extensive display of Ladies' Waists in Sor new shades in Satins, Pailette Crepe de Chene' and § Crepe de Chene, Georgette.and Habitau silk in White, Black, Grey, Pink, Champagne and Peach. 700060001 . 00906 60 ro -- o 900690568007 : SF, WwW. Mcl N TY R E -- Butterick Fashion % The Performinnce Figures of the ~ CHEVROLET Es G VALUE - - PLUS 25 miles and' 'more to the gallon of es 3 These figures speak for themselves. They are the dollars and cents side-of Chevrolet 0 owners' 'motoring satisfaction; But the outstanding merit of Chevrolet pr ance lies beyond mere economy. It isa fact e _proven by riding in it at any time. Comfort that rough roads do not i Control that is easily acquired a Safety that is nota matter of all Furniture for Sale Cooking range (new), single bed, mattress, and springs, four chairs, wasnboard, 100 ft. wire clothesline, tea kettle, pans and pots, two sets scrim curtains, Apply to Mrs. A. Stevens, Port Perry. UTICA | Mr. John Anderson of Cleve- "land has been visiting with Mr. M. Christie Mr. and Mrs. Wm Rusnell were visiting at Mr. J ames Mitchell's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hortop 'gpent the week end at Mr. Geo. Lyle's of Sonya last week. "A number of people from this district have gone to Toronto to 'gee the Exhibition lately. My. and Mrs. Cecil Grant, of Keswick, and Mr. and Mrs. John {Grant and daughter Helen, of | Queenaville, spent Sunday with Mr: Waldron. "Myr, Walter Howsam spent Sunday at Greenbank. Mr. and Miss Cox, Mr. Boyd and Miss McKinnon, were the gueais of Miss McKay on Sun- ay Called to Stirling 'Whithy Presbytery, which | pamt. in special session in the 'Oshawa. Presbyterian Church to] Ideal with the call from the {Kingston Presbytery to the Rev | Mr. Simpson, who is now minis- tering to the congregations at Solumbus apd Brooklin, to go fo ) r. Simpson ha : ded to accept the call and The, i Dithy Presbytery granted the gransh er.' : * [Reformer dy a a | Miss Irwin goes to HE Serbia , September 4th, twin and family, sister, Miss Irwin, le t ¢ ork for Serbia where Rey on rn work. She 2 auspices of the ! building. of the Toronto Eastern. , You may be alriglit, A New Organization Port Perry Fair Pickering News September 16 & 17 A new organization has come into being in the City of Toron- : to, professedly to engage in a|Frank Mason, of Oshawa, is very laudable work, that is to|known as a bitter opponent of = enlighten the people of Ontario |Publicownership.ArthurHawkes and prevent them from becom- of Toronto, is credited with be- ing the dupes of that sinister |ing one of the writers of the organization known as the Hydro articles that appeared some time Electric Power Commission, con-, ago in the Farmers' Sun, oppos- trolled by that foe of all public | ing the building of the Toronto interests, Sir Adam Beck. It is|Eastern. Mr. Oliver, who is known as the Ontario Hydro In- connected with the - Canadian formation Association, and is |Northern, appeared on the plat- composed of a number of public {form early last year in Whitby, spirited (?) men, who claim that and told his audience what a they are determined to give the|good thing the Toronto Eastsrn public the "true facts" of the would be to this community, but hydro- radial questign. They that was before there was any complain that all that all the agitation in favor of the Hydro Toronto dalies are pro- radial and | Commission taking over the lines that they give only one side of Dr. Doolittle, another member; the question, and they feel that |says that he is strongly opposed they are duty bound to give the to the building of the electric the other side, which is, of line between Toronto and Bow course, the anti- hydro aspect, or manville. This is the class of in other words anti-Beck. The|men that compose the associc- members of the association claim tion, so we can clearly under- to be pro-radial, and in favor of [stand the nature of the work public ownership, If they are, they are about to undertake. their conversion must be of very There is no doubt that the Cana- Yecent date. A survey of the dian Pacific Railway Company personel of the Association re- strongly endorses the work of veals the fact that it is composed [the Association, and of their of men who are bitter opponents immense wealth they would not of public ownership, and it is hesitate to spend millions 'to de- apparent to all that the associa- feat the aims of the supporters tion has been formed for the ex- | of public ownership. press purpose of preventing the ; Hsdig- Electric Power Commis-| [Editor's Note--It is evide tb sion from building a system of that the fight is on befwean radial lines throughout the Pro- private and public ownership, vince. Who are the men who and it is the business of the pub- compose this gssociation? In our {lic to know the men who'upholz immediate vicinity, J E Willis, leach side. The people must of Whitby, is one. He has al- {rouse themselves if they are t» ways been an opponent" of pub- | obtain prover transportatio:.} lic ownership. In behalf of the Bell Telephone Co: he fought the independent lines in this township. When. there. was a probability of the . Canadian Northern building the Toronto Eastern, it would be .a graa¢ thing for the community, but} just as soon. as the pesple de- manded-that the work be done by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission, he preached blue ylrdn, GQ. 5. Conant pepans, o is 'another - member, has x ji ritten letters to -the Toronto A 3 ARE pes ; lobe, strongly opposing the n a Round Heie }