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Port Perry Star, 7 Oct 1920, p. 4

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3 AR . ranking his motor car, i : While handling some goods 8 at the ators. teed he wrt Wm. is wris % - and broke one of the bones. " When would you like the boys ® celebrate Hollowe'en-- Satur- or Monday? ~ Mr. R. Wise of. Chicago is vis- iting Mrs. John Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Fernie Porter, and Mr. R. G. Johnstn, have st returned from a pleasant to Portland, Maine, and Old Orchard Beach, t Edgar Ingram is suffering from a strained knee, as the re- sulf of an accident while riding his bicycle. Miss Florence McKee is at the « Wellesley Hospital, where she is in training as a nurse, Miss Nora McLean is teaching in the .Collegiate Institute at Dunville: Mrs. McLean is also making her home in Dunville. Mrs. J. S. Rodman, of Buffalo i® visiting with Mrs. W. Davey. His Excellency, the Governor General, has issued a - Procla- mation, setting ee HIFIZY. Oct- ober 9th, as Fire Preuention Day and requests every citizen of Canada to observe the same by clearing away of fire hazards from their premiSes. The public will be interested to learn that the Methodist con- gregation are looking forward to the re-opening of their church on Sunday Oct. 24th. Further announcement later. Rev.Mr. Turkington of Whit- by will conduct the service next Sabbath at St. John's Presb. Church in the evening. His subject will be "The Spiritual Objective of the Forward Move- ment."" In the morning Mrs. Turkington will speak on the work of the Womens' Missionary Society: Religious Educational Convestion at Port Perry, October 20th There is to be a gathering of those interested in religions, ed- ucation 'at Port Perry on the afternoon and evening of Wed- nesday, October 20th. Round table conference, instructive ad- «dresses, and inspiring music will be features of the Convention, hose interested in young ! People 8 work are cordially invi- ted to be phSesent. Mr. G. H: Griffen, Belleville, is to be the 'principal speaker. Don't forget the . motorcycle races at the Fair Grounds on Soturday afternoon next. Prince Albert Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell 'and family, of Toronto, visited {with the Misses Tewkesberry, recently. . Mrs. Campbell w formerly Miss Gertrude Bongard | 'of Prince Albert, Mrs. F. Jeffrey and daughter, 'Helen, of Toronto, have been |? 'visiting Mrs. Jeffrey's grand- mother, Mrs. Worden and Mr. 's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. John effrey. » Mrs. Parm and daughter, of Hyland Creek, are visiting with' Mrs. 'Parm's sisters as ~ Warren, Ai A large number from our village attended the school fair] . at Manchester. This is a very! popular fair, 'many 'claiming it| to be quite Iie 88, ¢ e they able as the ors cn te es fl . course een in the in their work nef play. 1 Smith has t the ge In shortly, He , and intends |ca F¢|Accuracy in examinations | | and Fes ws eo ; growing business. 1. R. BENTLEY, Opt. Port Perry, Ont. eh Sunday next, October will be no servicein the * of the Ascension, owing unavoidable: absence 0; There will be no service or choir practice on Thursday" of this week. The Y. P. S. of the Church of fie Ascension, will hold their nnual Bazaar and Hollowe" en ed this year, on riday, October-29, in the Parish Hall Watch for further announcement Baptist Church The Baptist Churches at Port Perry and Greenbank will com- mence services on the new sched- ule, on Sunday, October 10-- Greenbank at 3 p.m., Port Perry at 7 p.m. AAA AAA ALANA Auction Sale On Saturday, October 9, Mr. John Hayden, will sell his farm stock. and implements at his premises, lot 19, con 11, Reach, at one p.m. George and Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. WANTED Me. J. C, Browne requires the services of 3 good housekeeper. This affords a desirable position to competent party. Apply to J. C. Browne, Port Perry; Ont. Auctjon Sale. Mrs. W. Tummonds will hold an auction of furniture at the Market Building, Port Perry, on Saturday, October 19th at 2 p.m. See bills for list. Geo. and Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. Chicken Pie Supper at Manchester' - There will be a chicken pie supper at Manchester on the evening of Thanksgiving day, Oct. 18th after wehich an ex- cellent entertainment will be given; for which there is the follpwing talent: Miss Emma Thompson, Toronto, elocutionist, Miss, Marks soloist, and the Whitby Orchestra. 1.0. D. E. Mrs. W. H. Harris: Regent of the Scugog Chapter of the I. O. LE. was hostess to the mem- bers of the apter at a most enjoyable *At Home," heid in the pleasaht club rooms in' the Penhall Block on Monday after-| noon, October fourth. The rooms were prettil dee- as |orated with the season's flowers 'appearance. Preceding the tea, a very en- thusiastic business meeting. w held, Drs. Harris presiding. A ter the reading and adoption of the. previous meeting, plans. or the work of the coming Fall and Winter months were fully dis- cussed. The meeting was large- ly attended, and every member interested in the plans or the coming season. SH M. E. Morrison The Entertainment at 1 ' 'Bethel Bethel peyer Yar lacks for a crowd adv tise $ 8 hs en ie, Jad es tainment. Mo Church of the Ssdonsion : the}. fo or| Office at house, east of Switzer's : and presénted a most: attractive | bl acksmith sh Port Perry, "Ontario Florence M. Cook A.T.C.M.and A.O.C.M. Teacher of Piano Bell Phone /r2. -- Sept. 4 For sale by one or more stores in your town. Price 75¢. INSURANCE EXCELSIOR LIFE: FIRE Sick and Accident AUTOMOBILE (Theft, Fire and Liability) GEO.'R. DAVEY PORT PERRY AGENT Wl Cook. Real Estate _ A large list of farms for sale in Ontario County. Some city property for exchange or sale, also Western land. ; My list includes some tare bargains. Wiite or phone me before | B buying. Communicate with W J Cook, R.R. No 2, Port Perry, or Bell Phone 107 r 2 2, or Independent Phone 406 PORT PERRY Surgical and Maternity | | HOSPITAL : (over Star Office) For Terms apply. to Mrs. Cormack, Port Perry 'Rheumatism Neuritis, Sciatica, Neral Templeton' Rhbamatio. > & > Capsules Have brought geod ; health to half-a-million . sufferers, A healthful, mone; pinros sehtiedy, ' Sell kh known for filteen years, pres doctors, sold by drug- | Sets, be a box. Ask our agents or write for, alse trial * Local Agent j P. C. 'MORRISON _ 2 ~ W. A. BROWN Port Perry, Ontario Brick laying, 'Plastering g kage. + Toronto | - 112, Mrs. Cronk, of Pi 1to 'be the speaker, ¥ and will kee shop in _PORT PERRY MISS EL COCKBURN TEACHER OF VIOLIN Class started July 1st, 1920. - Applications foriterms, 'ete. may be obtained at the Star Office. Farm for Sale I~ 140 acres (134 acres tillable) 6 acres hardwood bush, dot 31 in the 7th and" 8th ' concessions of Darlington. = Two frame houses, and two barns; orchard, smail fruits, For further particulars apply to J. H. Campbell on the premises, or at Enniskillen'P,0. er Better Than ales For Liver ES £5 The 'reason x a v= By pi RTT aes 7: RL : P. G. Morrison, Druggist UTICA Ww. INSTITUTE 'At the next meeting of the Utica Women's Institute, to be held in the Presbyterian Church n Tuesday afterpoon: October ckering, 'is All ladies invited. For Private Sale W. C, Ferguson; lot 7, con: b, Cartwright, (one> mile 'west. of Blackstock) has for sale the fol lowing stock. 4 steers rising 3 years, 4 Heifers, rising 3 years 2 Steers, 8 years old 2 Heifers, 3 yearsold . -- Cow, 7 years, duei in-Nov Spot Cow, b years, due in Oct | Reg Shorthorn Cow, 4 years, due Oct. Reg & Shorthorn bull, roan, one . year old : ee A va Reg. ya ee 2 years Bay Driving Horse, 5 years L Brown Driving Horse, 3 years £5 Oxford Down Ewes, 2 years | : eligible for. Fegisiration : 8 Oxford Down Ram Lambs, eligible for registration 2:1 Oxford Down Ram, 3 years, tered horns of. choice uali d in condition. iy 3 e Cows at his blac parts. : i 40 ford Down Ewes; 1 year, | tle are all grade short: ps every way and good. milk : = I a Trade suit flows East: nt ! ~ West and Overseas | Shut off this Dominion seas and in fifty years : will cease to be a nation. _ gh Fn The Navy League of Canada' ~~ W. J. COOK : 300 acres, 8 room. frame'. cottage, bath, furnace, hard and soft water, stone cellar, house in best of repair and nearly new: roof barn 100 x 60, stone stable under Np root be floors; barn-no 2 hip roof 70 x swabiing for 100 cattle, 21 horses, 2 silos 1 4 pen, hen house, implement house and garage, spring creek, wells at bans, about 12 acres timbgr, This is a first-class farm for grain or stock, buildings and land extra 0% | Anyone 'wanting atgood farm at a reasonable price should look this over. -200 acres, Cartwright, 8 room frame house in goad repair. - "Barn 130 x 36 {| stone stable under all, cement floors, stab. ™ ling for42 cattle and 14 horses, hay barp 56 x 36, drive house 36 x 20, also garage. 180 acres cultivated, balance timber some suitable for milling. 70 acres, 6 room frame house, stone cellar, barn 60'x 40.0n 9 ft cement wall, cement floor all through, drive house 36 x 18-0n 9 ft cement wall, separate root house about 6 acres orcha.d, 12 acres timber. Fall possession. : » 23 acres timber, maple: birch, basswood white ash and por. op all milling timber, Purchaser to have five years to remove tim . 34, | repai acres, 7 room Bains cottage, in good 3 hard 'and soft water, jo out being close to beth. Public and-High hools and only a short distance to tow, 6 acrés in Port Perry, 5 room ffame house, stone cellar, barn 30x 40 on ce- ment wall, also 'sta Ble, Good 'orchard and small fruit. $i house 18x40, barn on 7 foot cement e d. , soil sandy loam ete dha, bide gy bid fence. 'room frame se. stone oor, cistern, freme barn 26 x 36 . stone wall, henhouse 50 x 20. comfortable home ata reasonable price. '$0 acres, lof 16, con. 3; "Cartwright pp? si clay loam, frame house 7 rooms, barn 50 x 3 stone stybling; drive house 50 x 30; about acres hardwood: standing timber, Fal possession, 99 acres, (40 on and cement wal ors in stable, 'stab! LL ave hous 28 36 tires wre Seu at house, | dere; otchard, mall for 3 gs. and is a_most desirable home, - pasture, -. 3 scram 7 ivan brick wheat House, hot of wall, 3 acre orchard, fall and winter fruit po acres in Cotpatetion of Port Pony, 6 lar, cement sto: on 8 foot: This is a stalls, 2 box med solid - brick- 'house stone Geller So all, hip xg of barn 77 x 13.4 feet hi h suds ne 12 aces, shout 50 acres timber, 'in 'th® ownship ol nvers, comprised of cedar birch, beech, tha thaple, rock elm, and second growth pine. River running rough property. - Any person wanting timber should investigate. house in exchange. 1 acre, double house at Myrtle, bik cottage, 6 rooms on each side, 2 fu cement walks, 57 acres on couty road, small frame house in-good repair; barn 56 'x 36 on 9 foot ot stone wall; cement floors, silo, 'wind- en house, pi orchard and i! fruit, some 5] pe mile to village, spring or fall possession, plowing done and ready for seeding. 160 Actes, Lot 5, Con, 3, Picke mile from Kinsale, on County Roa wn as the Sadler farm, large os Xm stories, barn 70 x 34, stone stable, cement floors, hay barn 50x 30, hen house and pig pen 50 x 26, drive house, 90 acres cul- tivated, level land, some bush: Sold sub. ject to present lease having about three yeats to run. Might arrange for fall pos. session. Also a five roomed house and a stable on property. Terms and interest easy. 100. acres about 30 rods from the Sorp- oration of Port Perry, buildings in' gate of repair, soil ys alla Heavy is p 130 acyes | Ie putside fo ¢ col ort Perry, root ba 7 roomed brick ing under all, cement floors; drive "h: small orchard, land level and" Heavy ons loam, 25 acres bush, about 35 acres of ration of ouse, 150 acres: Passurs Land te: soles north Port Pérry---about 12 acres of of ther = Iafharae, cedar, 'spruce, white birch. and 150 acres, 4% miles from Port Perry, il cay loam, 9 3 joom frame house n ex- cel repair, mace, 88 X06. and horse bam 50x36 on 9 foot I, cement Hoors, frame barn 82 x oh 6, drive hause 40 x 20 of steel, 7 Tore stalls, room for 24 cattle, 'also foam for 10 cattle 4 horses on west: farm. Possession fst | March, 1921, gl 100 acres, lot 10; con' I1, Reach, 11 roomed brick house, stone foundation, in good repair, barn 100 x 45; 'stone wall, Sement floors, % waier in stables, separate rine house, hen house, Eas stabling se for 9 horses an gretiand 0d mostly al Might consider well at door, frame stable and drive vey . . Nonquon ci h iti Bolt co A ioe propetty. Pticed x 33, on stone wall, kh :

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