jurigus drugs. Con Mra Joseph Dion, Ste. peara along. v |< I'perceived that he was buttoned up | my-hat politely and said: "Str, do you bso bso- | Know 'what time it 1s?" top. to' bottom; unbuttoned his under | d wp | Holdlug u intzed it an DT {little ruse, and acted § socdraingly. at uta eortad me Hew, women are. ry to many of the my over coat in ord ATER id then I saw a man of | Just as. I was. Nevertheless, such is the selfishness of human nature, when [he arrived opposite to me I touched The. 'stranger right glove, unbu ised, removed his oned his coat from: out his watch, it against him. | neplede he sorut:| and said: "Yes!" Then he passed on without another. rd oo He had videutly seen, futon 4 my p the cemasons Jn Spain Ordinary: edges on eal terms. with Sot Tots as he the" Areatest checks to infant mortal Cour] babys it wil make. tha baby seen ilk | from many. inf proper | of food in Cr pn Ht went "in a good ; country. town, | fed d me startling news that. it] nr Bnever-sour: it does not have to be pre- Mei only | brn se. with over and mouth coupled : with. the desire to make' Teg] timate profits from butter, which now fotches @ 'high price on the market. s is one of the most important | factors tobe dealt with in the present Pre-{ campaign to build up a more robust babyhood in this province. Some of the reasons why a baby should be breast fed are as follows: -- Breast milk is always ready and is pared or measured; it is nature's method and was intended for the and healthy; i is absolutely free from| hit it. protects the baby or lf Bgl 1 el er for the b babies die to breast; it sins right 3 the growing ¢hild;" breast-fed seldom have bowel trouble, 20 2 so fatal in bottle fed babies especially ¢ e will "have Niving fol. oral: baby should hint the) | following points in its development:-- A steady gain in weight; bowel move- Soles dl rs Eoed Spastice V "quiet | the other they have brought back to Big al? {most highly 'esteemod men: in Lunen- {I am always fit. 1 never take cold, Once he delivered himself of the fol- of Inflammation. bread:winners, their wives and fam- illes the 'splendid' "treasure of xd health and strength, ; * ro only. to ask your they can tell you of some rheumatic of mnerve.shatt 'man, some suffering woman, ailing anaemic girl who owes present health and strength to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, For more than a quarter of & century: these pills have boen: known not only in Canada, but throughout all the world, as a reliable tonfe, blood: 'making: medicine. : The wonderful success of Dr. Wil | Mams' Pik Pills is due to the fact that they go right to the root of the "disease in the blood, and. by Making the vital fluld ch and red stre every organ. and every nerve,' hhus oki out disease and pain, and 'weak, despondent - pi active and s'rong. Mr. of the best kno T. burg county; N.§., says:--*] am 'a | Provincial Land Surveyor, and am ex- posed for the greater part of the year to very hard work travelling through the forests by day and camping out 'by night, and I find the only thing that will "Keep: 'me up to the mark #5 Pr Williams' Pink Pills. When 1 leave 'home for a trip inthe woods I am ag interested In having my supply of pills as provisions, and on such occasions, 1 take them regularly. The result is and can digest all kinds of food such as we have to pht up with hastily cook- ed in the woods. Having proved the value of Dr. Willlams* Pink Pills, as a tonic and health builder, I am never without them, and I lose no opportun- ity in Tecommending them to weak people whom I meet." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be kept In every home, and their occa. sional use will keep the blood pure and ward off illness. You can get these pills through any medicine deal- er, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Joy for the Wife, $16. was--well, very, very careful, Bach week he would go over nls wite's: 'cash: account, growling and grumbling, "Look tere, Sarah, mustard plas. ters 50c, two teeth" extracted $2. There's $2. 60 in one week spent for your private pleasure. Do you think I am madé of money ?" Minard's Linfment Co,, Limited. Gentlemen, --hast winter I received great benefit from the suse of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack of LaGrippe, and '1 have frequently proved it to be very effective in cases Yours, WA HUTCHINSON: the bill or lives in the waves; Sternness it mellows 3 And sorrow it laves. - Love is divine, - It comes from above, And glistens in sunshine-- Beautiful love. It's up in the mountains And valleys below; It gushes in fountains, * And sparkleég in snow. It abides in the cities, Or lives in a town; - And lifts man when he's down, The needy ft pities, . It stalks along hedges With arrows and quiver, Or slumbers on ledges By Love's beautiful river. It swoops along highways And over 'broad plains, And steals along byways * And along lovers' lanes. The birds In the woodland And in the green lea, All warble of love To you and to me. '--~Hyulmes. -- tl When Bill Nye Sold His Cow. Bill Nye the humorist once had a " x your life?" he asked In fine scorn. Sorry He Spoke. "The pompous Judge glared sternly his cles at the tattered who had been dragged heforo < the bar of justice on a charge of vag- - "¥es, Your Honor," was the re. sponce; "I voted for you at the last reloction® : "MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative cow. ho. wanted to. sell, and--he-un-| 4 blushingly advertised all her faults while naming the few virtues she seems to have possessed. His adver: tisement ran: "Owing to my ill health, I will sell at my residence in township 19, range 18, ac to the Government's sur. vey, one plush' raspberry cow, age eight years. She 1s 'of undoubted gourage and gives milk frequently. To the man who does not fear death in any form, she would be a great Loon, She is very mich attached to her present home' with a stay chain, but she 'willbe sold to anyones who will agree to treat her right. She is one. fourth Shorthorn and three-quarters hyena. I will also throw in a double- barrel shotgun, which goes with her. In May she usually goes away for a week or two and returns with a fall red calf with wobbly legs. Her mame is Rose. I would rather sell her to a non-resident, the farther away the better." < MONEY ORDERS. Bend a Dominion Hxpress Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents, ~ Seaweed Twine, Rl? Japanese have found a way to mix the fibre of a species of seaweed of which there is an unlimited supply with cotton to form strong and water- resisting twine and cordage. Minard's Liniment Relieves Dist "41 am proud to say that my grand- father made his mark in the world," observed the conceited youth. "Well, I. suppose he wasn't the only man in those days who couldn't write his name, Dame, rep replied his bored companion. ~ "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. buys ¢ "Danderine." Atter 3 lon of "Danderine" you can | fallen hair or any dandruff every 'hair shows new life, Fightness, mote color andy Accept "California™ Syrup of Figs only--look for the name California on the package, then you "are sure your ¢hild is baving the best and most barmless physio for the 'little stom. ach, liver and bowels. Children love fis fruity taste. I'ull directions on each bottle. You must say "Calh fornia." cold? America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOCG DISEASES uelled Foo to to Ru s by the At or 5 by J Fr A Gift Book for All--=Young or. + Old, Protestant or Catholic "The Crossbearers of the 5 enay,"' By Dean Harris, Is a Canadian book that should be In every home---and read. Hlustrated, $2.00 Money refunded If not satisfled. At "All Booksellers or da M. DENT & SONS, Ltd, Pubs. "London, Mug, £8 Qlurol Iraronto. inconvenience, "ets, too. urch : St., PEE ORT ALITY CERTAIN hotea great work 5 eyo $58 Hades Th 3 postualé: There are 30,785 blind | the United 'Kingdom, ; Winard's Lintment For Bande The run rotates on ita axis in about. twenty-five days even "hours. HAT Sloan's doss, it deg thot bing op I tres wilkont ruby fr 3 promptly. relieves most kinds of ¢ 2 Tt i. You bed jpn and non-skin-staining. handy for sciatica, lumbago, ne over-exerted muscles, stil Jones aio aches pains, bruises, st sprains, bad weather after-effects i For 39 years Sloan's Linimens has helped thousands the world over. You arent Ty to bean Sxceptiony It cece produce results a doe dng Toe, $140. Do you feel all tangled up--bilious, constipated, héadachy, nervous, full of Take Cascarets to-night for your liver and bowels to straighten you out by morning. Wake up with head clear, stomach right, breath sweet and feeling flue. No griping, no Children love Cascar- 10, 25, 50 cents. Cuticura For All Skin Irritations Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water to free the pores of impurities and follow with a gentle application of Cuticura Oint-¥ ment to soothe and heal. They are ideal for the toilet, as is also Cuticura Talcum for perfuming. Ee A " mug. ---- ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN 'Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"