Durham Region Newspapers banner

Port Perry Star, 6 Jan 1921, p. 3

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ting educational hings J at qiot. work, for 'the boy. not hainte to 1 s* Bfak Pills to do things. Scounteraft includes in- 'struction in first aid, life saving, track- peratt, seamanship, woodcraft, Teampe chivalry, 'patriotism and' many other This is accomplished in games and team play, and is pleasure, All that 1s boys and a competent leader. "Something. to do, something to think about, and" soniething to enjoy, With a view always to character build- The Boy Scout Movemerit is develop- © '| ed in practically every country of the 'fworld, as well as in all the overseas 'tain and the United States; Accord: {ing to a pamphlet just issued by the Provincial Headquarters of the Boy & Scouts Association, Bloor and Sher- b e io ® a person to is al] 8| noisy surroudings . or under abnormal on least 52 nights a year, and 24 halt nditions; and"at the same time leave the mouth free for breathing: pur- BS rne Streets, Toronto, there are in nada alone some 22,692 registered : Seon 4,288 Wolf Cubs (junior mem- bers), and 1,648 unpaid Scoutmasters 1d Assistant Scoutmasters who give or days to the personal leader- their boys. . Quite a citizen: mitter is about the size of NT t watch. at gathers up the vi- direct from the vocal chords is placed in contact with the , and the sounds are plainly A special apparatus has been de- s! signed for fire brigades, enabling a meat' may be jgueriniendant to.be In constant touch : hi a a converse fu m I 2 A en working gl on ih he and roof. tops 'can keep in s and ric telephonic. touch with those working poisoning. "in -other parts of a burning building. ; - The invention ¢an also be used be "Pape's Diapepsin" 'is the quickest, relief for Indigestion, Gases, Flatulence, Heartburn, .Sourness, Fer- mentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity, A few tablets give almost immediate stomach rele afid shortly the 'stomach is corrected so you can eat favorite foods without fear. Large casé costs enly 60 cents at drug store. Absolutely, hafmiess and pleasant. Miltions helped - annually. Largest - | selling stomach corrector tn world.-- - | AQW. or botulism is now | on the surface, or make signals to the but is| operator by simply dropping his jaw The sausage, especi~{ to the full extent, this movement idge type, is working a switch. . ' From all over America they testify to -the merits of MINARD'S LINI- MENT, the best 0 of: Household Reme- dies. MINARD' LINIMENT CO. LTD. to Loa a poisoning by the| cilli, which produce intesti- iarrhoea, ab- rn a The bagpipes are by no means mere: ly a picturesque survival of a bar- barous age: One hundred and fifty pipers performed individual feats of heroism during the world war, and a Scottish Borderers won oss by standing on a uring a 'gas attack at Loos, g his battalion together with | ts 'Over the Border. There! g that 'quickens the blood nion Express Money' stolen you get your Canada has the second largest tele- zope. In the world, Boar ictoria, BE B.C. itis second i in of gio and promote the ability |. "Why, what's up now?' queried his master, ~~ "Are the wages not high enough?" . "Pm not findin' any tault with the pay." replied the boy, "but the fact is, I'm doing a horse out of a job here." : What Was the Harm? Schoolmeaster Robinson. was stern, wore long hair, and believed in dis- cipline. One morning Wille Jinks misbe- haved himself to the extent that it was necessary -to administer punish- ment. Soon his parents heard the nature | of his offénce, and they also remon- strated with him. Nevertheless, he | cared not, "Look 'ere, mother," manftully. he spoke up, "Nothing much to scold | about. 1 only went up to the desk and | said, 'Please, Mr, Robinson, ar¢ you any relation to Crusoe? " trie The British Museum contains more than 16,000 copies of the Bible. | It is estimated that there are 550 American branch factories in Canada, 200 of which have been established gince the war. "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. Sl 2 A few cents buys "Danderine." Af- ter a few applications you cannot find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair - shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance, Book on DOG DISEASES Fron to ay Ate b: the' re EEE you gi 1 and' a ear 7 Will shorten the way by many a mil For. spme poor fellow who's moving slow, : Stop a minute--and say "Hello." : 3 For a kindly won repeal m-- eis Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemped reer sree rm Ak Rambow Myths. In many countries the rainbow spoken of as a great bent pump '¢ siphon tube, drawing water from th earth by mechanical means: IA" of Russia, in the Don country; oad also in Moscow and vicinity, ps is 'I ' known by a name which: fa eiuiydlent to "the bent water-pipe." NA rare aa When a man feels like a king he can look kingly. Majesty, more than ever sat on a throne, will I k out of his face when he has learned: how to claim and to express the wi. vinity of his birthright. : ODEN ye ER TRYETHEM os TABLETS "OLD STANDBY, | ACHES AND PAINS man of woman or woman who Keeps loan's handy will tell you that same thing SPECIALLY those fi pequently E attacked by rheumatic "tring: A Counter. rant, + Sloag'e L ment scatters the congestion an trates without ubbing to the afflicted part, soon selieving ¢ e ache and pain. Kept kandy and used e ere for cing and finally Simisatiogibe painsand aches of lum! Paina strain, joint sti A eon bruises, and the sesults of exposure. You just know from its stim lay ealthy odor that it will do you healthy Linisment Pe sold by all drugs gists--35¢, 70c, $1 Sioa ® Liniment + --------- ASPIRIN ' 'Bayer' ' is only Genuine Warning! It's criminal to take, a chance on any substitute for genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," prescribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting As pirin. at all. In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, ° Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain, Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cogt few cents. Di sts also. sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin | | is the trade mark (registered in Cana- MOTHER! ¥California Syrup of Figs" ~ Child's Best Laxative #7; ny oll) da), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoas ceticacidester of Salicylicacid.

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